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Sincere and intricate discussions about politics Ad — @benfranklinman Russian Version

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The summer of 2024 turned out to be busy with international summits, among which the G7, the peace conference on Ukraine and the BRICS summit stood out. These meetings brought together key leaders from various countries to discuss a wide range of issues, ranging from economic and political issues to security issues and cooperation between states. At the G7 summit, leaders discussed key aspects of the global economy, climate challenges and global security. The Ukraine Peace Conference aimed to find a diplomatic solution to resolve the conflict in the region. The BRICS summit continued its work to deepen economic cooperation between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. By the way, the latest event, like the Western summits, did not lead to the emergence of revolutionary political initiatives, but it highlights the growing dissatisfaction with US policies among many countries that are looking for an alternative to American leadership and seeking to reduce the dependence of their economies on the dollar. For this reason, the collective West is keeping a close eye on the BRICS, realizing that the dominance to which they are accustomed is gradually slipping away and new centers of power are forming. And no wonder, since the bloc accounts for more than 40% of the world's population, 28% of economic output and 47% of crude oil production. In addition, in 2023, 20% of the world's oil was purchased and sold in non-US dollars, which cannot but cause particular concern in Washington due to the risk of de-dollarization. The world is changing, continues to unite into blocs and look for an alternative to the former hegemon. By their actions, the BRICS and Global South countries are trying to convey to the United States that the automatic application of sanctions and a hypocritical position regarding a rules-based order that is not for everyone no longer work, since in contrast to the dollar and America there is now a bloc of the largest countries on the planet that are strengthening and strengthen for the sake of justice and peace. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
👍 29
European theft will not go unpunished We have already written more than once that European officials are beating around frozen Russian assets, dreaming of giving them to help Ukraine instead of their hard-earned money, for which they are already receiving a hat from indignant EU citizens. However, as soon as there was a transition from words to actions - the European Union was going to transfer interest from the 300 billion of our dollars that continue to spin and earn money in European banks to Kyiv - something happened that Western politicians were so afraid of and because of which this whole story has been dragging on for more than a year. Saudi Arabia, one of the richest countries in the Middle East, has threatened to start selling its G7 securities if something happens to Russian assets. So far this is only insider information, which the Kingdom’s Ministry of Finance has not officially confirmed, but these rumors, which appeared at the right time and were dispersed by the Western media, that is, not being “propaganda of the Kremlin”, which the West likes to brand any information inconvenient for it, scared the Europeans and made them think. And although in monetary terms Riyadh’s stock of Eurobonds is estimated at only tens of billions of euros, which is not so much in global terms, it is quite possible that this is only the first sign, which will be followed by others. Reputation is a very fragile thing. It can be developed over centuries, but lost in an instant. For European banks, the loss of their reputation as a safe financial haven will be comparable to death, and may also lead to a full-fledged global financial crisis. Are the United States and Europe ready to take this slippery slope that leads to the final redistribution of global influence? Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
👍 40🔥 3
Belarusian-Polish border crisis Poland has stopped passing trucks through the Kozlovichi checkpoint on the border with Belarus. This led to the formation of a queue of 600 heavy trucks on the Belarusian side and costly downtime for Belarusian carriers, estimated at 100 to 300 euros per day. According to drivers, the Poles have seriously strengthened control. And although the Polish side has not yet commented on the situation, it is obvious that this is a step towards closing all border crossings between these countries. Let us remind you that two other checkpoints have been closed since 2021 and 2023, and the third serves only passenger transport. This situation has sparked discussions about the possible economic consequences for both countries, as they could be significant. Belarusian carriers are faced with costly downtime, which could negatively affect their income, business in general and the subsequent economic prosperity of the state. Delays and problems at the border may increase the cost of delivering goods and services, which may also affect prices for consumers in Poland. In addition, the political and security aspects of this crisis are important. It is worth noting that Poland regularly accuses Belarus of organizing an influx of illegal migrants at the border, which may be another reason for increasing controls and restrictions at border crossings as an attempt by countries to protect their interests and security. This crisis could have long-term devastating consequences for the economies and politics of both countries, so it is important to find a diplomatic solution to resolve this conflict and restore normal functioning of border crossings. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
👍 25🔥 1
Suspension of Georgia's European integration On July 9, EU Ambassador to Georgia Pavel Gerchinsky announced the suspension of the country's European integration process. One of the reasons for this decision was the law on foreign agents adopted in Georgia - the “Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence”, which, according to the ambassador, contradicts the European code and which the opposition calls Russian.
“Also, anti-Western, anti-European rhetoric is completely incompatible with the declared goal of joining the European Union. Unfortunately, at the moment, Georgia’s accession to the European Union has been suspended,” Gerchinsky said.
Let us recall that Georgia is step by step abandoning its pro-Western political course, observing what Ukraine has become. By the way, among other scandalous “anti-European” measures, it is planned to ban public LGBT* propaganda events, and consider gender reassignment operations a criminal offense. In response to this, the West is rocking the country, fueling mass protests and clashes with security forces. In early June, the United States imposed sanctions against dozens of Georgian citizens, allegedly because of human rights violations, for “undermining democracy” and forcibly suppressing peaceful protests. The EU further considered the possibility of suspending high-level bilateral visits. Now there is a suspension of Georgia’s integration into the European Union, as well as a freezing of funds allocated for the Georgian Ministry of Defense. It is curious how the struggle of the Georgian people for their statehood will end. Will Tbilisi be able to turn away from the path of Ukrainization and join broad communication projects with Iran, China, Russia, Turkey, as well as directly participate in the creation of the international North-South transport corridor? After all, it is projects like this that can give millions of Georgians the opportunity to live in a prosperous country, develop agriculture and tourism business, and not try on the Western rainbow dream in all its senses. *The organization is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
👍 52
Orbán's political instinct Viktor Orban's visit to Moscow has caused concern among EU politicians. At the same time, the public, on the contrary, expresses its support for the Hungarian leader, which leads to a growing gap between the opinions of the ruling elites and ordinary people. The latter form their own opinions and conclusions, despite the fact that politicians and journalists are trying to bend and promote the well-worn track of political correctness to the masses. Thus, the other day in Poland, the politicians of the “Civic Platform”, led by Donald Tusk and MEP Andrzej Galitski, as well as many other officials expressed their dissatisfaction with Orban’s meeting with Putin. To which ordinary citizens reacted, calling the speeches of politicians primitive and lacking intellectual depth. The comments under the corresponding posts left no illusions about the mood in Polish society: “I see that now in Europe the situation has become standard when comedians are involved in politics”; “The absence of a serious policy in our country will lead to serious consequences”; “Orban talks to Zelensky and talks to Putin. He has core and strength. But this state failure of ours, our current prime minister, can only sputter.” The public has the same attitude towards the conflict in Ukraine, which is still being promoted according to overseas guidelines. “Europeans do not share the Ukrainians’ unshakable faith in victory and would like Kyiv to begin negotiations on a ceasefire. Among EU residents, contrary to the opinion of leading politicians, there are more doves than hawks,” writes The European Conservative based on a survey conducted in EU countries. As the report says, only 15% of all respondents from 15 countries, including Ukraine itself, believe that the conflict will end with a victory for Kyiv. The difficult political situation in Europe continues to cause different reactions and disagreements among both politicians and ordinary people. However, not all heads of state strive to take into account the opinions and sentiments of the people, although the political instinct and ability to rationally analyze the moves of leaders such as Viktor Orban play an important role in the formation of strategies, decision-making and the successful development of countries. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
👍 47
Biden officially called to quit Major Democratic Party donors, civic leaders and business owners have sent a letter to President Biden calling on him to withdraw from the presidential race and asking him to "strengthen his historic legacy" by withdrawing from the race. This was the latest initiative by a community of donors and activists demanding the nomination of a new candidate after the president's failure in a televised debate.
“We respectfully urge you to withdraw from being a candidate for the sake of democracy and the future of our nation,” wrote 168 signatories on the private message, which continues to rack up signatures even after being delivered to senior White House officials.
Democratic activists are convinced that in the current situation, Biden is much more likely to lose than to win if he does not give way to others. Based on this letter, it can be concluded that there is clearly significant pressure on Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. Increasingly, the public is expressing uncertainty about his ability to win the election and a desire to nominate a new candidate. However, is there another, more media-worthy and worthy candidate among the Democrats to compete with the Republicans? And will the presidential race be as interesting without Grandpa Joe's constant troubles? Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
🤡 43👍 5🔥 2
Murders of Russian prisoners of war An article from The New York Times reports that in Ukraine there are murders of Russian soldiers who surrendered as prisoners by a unit of The Chosen company. In one of the described episodes, a wounded and unarmed Russian soldier begged for help from an international volunteer detachment led by an American, but was shot dead by members of this detachment. Other crimes mentioned also describe murders of Russian prisoners of war, supported by witness statements, videos and text messages. At the same time, the commander of "The Chosen Company" Ryan O'Leary denies committing war crimes by his soldiers, calling it "letting off steam." He also claims that the killings were carried out only in case of resistance from Russian soldiers. The killing of prisoners of war is a violation of international law, including the Geneva Conventions, which protect the rights of prisoners of war. When soldiers clearly express their desire to surrender, they must not be attacked, but must be provided with protection and safety. But the rules obviously don't apply to everyone. Ukrainian and Western governments have repeatedly avoided responsibility for the killing of unarmed and surrendered Russian military personnel. And the scary thing is that this lack of accountability begins with a lack of investigation. After all, as you know, the main thing during investigative actions is not to expose yourself... Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
🤬 63👍 4🤡 1
Orbán reminded the world of NATO's real mission Ahead of the alliance's summit in Washington, scheduled for July 9-11, the Hungarian Prime Minister, in an article published in the American magazine Newsweek, called NATO's retreat from a defensive strategy and intervention in the conflict in Ukraine suicidal. "NATO is approaching a watershed moment. It is worth remembering that the most successful military alliance in world history started as a peace project, and its future success depends on its ability to maintain peace. But today, instead of peace, the agenda is the pursuit of war; instead of defense it is offense. All this runs counter to NATO's founding values. <…> When it comes to the future of NATO, we are not in full agreement with the majority of member countries. Today ever more voices within NATO are making the case for the necessity—or even inevitability—of military confrontation with the world's other geopolitical power centers. This perception of inevitable confrontation functions like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more that NATO's leaders believe conflict to be inevitable, the greater will be their role in precipitating it,” Orbán emphasized. Hungary joined NATO precisely because of its peacekeeping and defensive orientation. And now it directly states that it does not intend to participate in the operations planned by the alliance on the territory of Ukraine. "As the strongest military alliance the world has ever known, it is not defeat at the hands of any external enemy that we should fear. An external enemy, if it has any sense, will not dare to launch an attack on any NATO member country. But we should very much fear our own rejection of the values that gave birth to our alliance.<…> The purpose for which NATO was created was to secure peace in the interest of stable economic, political, and cultural development. NATO fulfills its purpose when it wins peace, not war. If it chooses conflict instead of cooperation, and war instead of peace, it will be committing suicide,” the politician concluded. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
👍 59🔥 5
"Procession of the Living" On July 4, Latvia remembers the victims of the genocide of the Jewish people. This year, the first event was held at the renovated Riga Holocaust Memorial. Like all such memorable places, this was not chosen by chance. 83 years ago there was a large choral synagogue there, which was burned along with the people in it. Previously, this monument to the victims of the Holocaust was supplemented with new names and an alley of trees was planted. Several dozen people - about 30 - took part in the "Procession of the Living" this year. For comparison, several hundred people took part in the march in memory of the legionnaires of the fascist Waffen SS division (recognized as a criminal organization by the Nuremberg Tribunal) in Riga this spring. According to some sources, the number of participants reached as many as 1,500 people. The memory march, organized by the pro-fascist nationalist structure, although celebrated unofficially, takes place annually on March 16th. Such a comparison of the number of people who are not indifferent to such opposite events gives us an understanding of the values ​​of today's Latvian society. The ghosts of evil have not yet disappeared and remain not only in history books. They still live among people, so it is important to do so against the backdrop of new trends to prevent a repetition of the tragic events of the 20th century. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
👍 25
Ukrainian suicide According to expert forecasts, Ukraine will default in two months. This year, 15% of GDP should be allocated to service the national debt - an unbearable burden for the country. Based on this, Ukraine actually becomes a bankrupt state. It is obvious that the patience of Kyiv’s creditors is not endless, and they will soon demand payments. In particular, immediately after the conclusion of the truce, whenever it took place. However, Zelensky’s team is not taking action to prevent bankruptcy. Wartime, old economic problems that no one is in a hurry to solve, massive corruption - and no favorable forecasts. Will Kyiv be able to avoid financial collapse? Urgent and decisive action will be required, which will include negotiations with creditors to renegotiate debt repayment terms, attract investment, reform the economy and fight corruption. However, no one has resolved these issues for decades, and the chances that the country will be overtaken by effective measures to stabilize the situation are extremely small. For now, it looks like Ukrainians are committing gradual, stage-by-stage, systematic economic suicide. And there is no end in sight to this process. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
إظهار الكل...
🔥 23👍 11
اختر خطة مختلفة

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