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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

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👹 ⏮ 🇨🇳 ⭐️: 👹🍵👨‍💼💲🛐 👯 POLITICS WITH CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS: POLITICS WITHOUT LOBBYIST PURCHASED POLITICAL PROSTITUTES ✍️Written by Richard Roskell✍️ Geopolitical insight and wisdom is no more correctly shown than when someone says more westerners should visit China in order to understand the country and its people. Just to illustrate the degree of western ignorance, most believe the government of China is a dictatorship. That couldn't be more wrong. China's national elections are held more often than in the west - every three years. Every adult has the right to vote, and they do. The PRC is a democracy with Chinese characteristics. Citizens directly elect their representatives at the local level, and then those officials elect the representatives at the regional level, and then those officials elect the representatives at the national level. And then those officials elect the country's president - who they may remove from office by a simple majority vote on 24 hours notice. It's a system of democratic filtration, where successful candidates must pass through layers of electoral scrutiny rather than a winner take all approach as in the west. Nor is China a Communist country, despite that word being in its government's name. China is a socialist country, and it's how they describe themselves: "socialism with Chinese characteristics." Most importantly, does the Chinese governance and economic system work? Yes it does, spectacularly. They have gone from being among the poorest nations of the world to the richest in terms of PPP GDP (purchasing power parity gross domestic product) in just a few decades. It's unprecedented in history. Westerners who cling to their ignorance about China are only hurting themselves. 👉Join Global Depth to boost your TG Feed with my Daily Release Telegram GLOBAL DEPTH from HK This channel aims to unite interested individuals from around the world in an attempt to connect the dots. Subscriber participation is always welcome.
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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

💯 11👍 2 1👏 1
🇪🇺 🗳, 🧱🧱🌏,⚔️, 🆕🤞➕🗝 ⚠️ EUROPEAN ELECTIONS, BRICS, WAR, NEW HOPE AND AN OLD WARNING ✍️Written by Oscar Nanni, of Oscar_news, a primarily Italian language Telegram news channel✍️ ✍️Lightly edited by Hikaru Kitabayashi✍️ The European elections have just ended and, rather than earthquakes, we are witnessing a general readjustment. France and Belgium have dissolved their parliaments as the policies of their respective prime ministers have been rejected across the board by voters. Germany will follow shortly, as Scholz also failed. In addition to the abstentionism that affected 50% of those entitled to vote, what seems clear is the difference that can be seen between the policies of aggression advocated by the countries mentioned above and the will of their respective peoples. People don't want war. They don't want it for themselves or their children and they don't want it to save the United States of America as proxies in a conflict with Russia. Speaking of Russia, it is worth noting the success of the summit in Sankt Petrograd. In fact, at least 59 other countries have asked to join BRICS. The possibility that a more just and equitable world is possible advances. This time, if mankind curbs its greed, perhaps we will be faced with a new hope for humanity. However, a distinction must be made if we talk about Italy, the only country in which the prime minister in office has obtained a minimum amount of support. Usually, when a ship sinks, the mice escape, even if not immediately, but they escape. But, that doesn't apply to Italy. We remain stupidly and stubbornly clinging to those who have already done us so much harm in the past and continue to do us harm now and are leading the world towards a world war with the sole aim of maintaining their sick hegemony over the planet. So, for just one example which I think is more than enough, a quote from Judge Ferdinando Imposimato: "In all the attacks perpetrated on Italian soil in the post-war period, the explosives used were all supplied by NATO" That, surely, sums it up more than enough. 👉Join Global Depth to boost your TG Feed with my Daily Release, with today's article being a collaboration with Oscar_news, a primarily Italian language Telegram news channel.
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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

👍 22 2💩 2💯 2🔥 1👀 1
🏆🐥🏩🔘👨👒🍫🏙➕⚫️❓📚🏛🚫🤝🇵🇸 THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN MANHATTAN AND WHY GOVERNMENTS DON'T HELP PALESTINIANS ✍️Written by Hikaru Kitabayashi✍️ Recently, Israeli experts are commenting on intelligence gathering by Hezbollah, comparing it to that of Mossad and Shin Beit. But, with no satellite system access, how does it work? Until yesterday. the best popularly available reconstruction was that illustrated by the life of Jeffrey Esptein. Epstein, though "suicided" some years ago, ran the best little whorehouse in Manhattan, which, under Mossad sponsorship, produced high quality videos of the powerful and famous being serviced by underaged beauties trained in the art of satisfying any perversion requested. He later expanded his operations to the American Virgin Islands, before his lack of discretion resulted in being put in prison and presumably assassinated before he was to go on a trial that expert opinion claims would have implicated Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Trump, Bill Gates, a former Israeli Prime Minister, Prince Andrew, and, more dangerously, certain well-connected lawyers. Instead, his probable Mossad manager, Ghislaine Maxwell, was put on trial and seems to be serving out her prison sentence in relative comfort and security. Until yesterday, other than spy satellites and assassination conspiracy theories, this was the closest we had to an understanding of Mossad's and, by extension, the CIA's methodology for gathering state secrets, being video recorded sex and blackmail. However, thanks to a report issued yesterday by Yemen's Security and Intelligence Service, we now have a fuller picture. So, first a summary, since the activities of this network replicate those of every other spy network in West Asia and many countries elsewhere. 1) It functioned for decades. 2) It was directly linked to the CIA. 3) It used special equipment. 4) While there was an embassy, the spy network was coordinated through the embassy. 5) With the departure of the embassy, it worked under the cover of international organizations. 6) The spy network had real influence on decision-makers. 7) Many network members were recruited on visits arranged for them to the United States. 8) The focus was on recruiting economists and company owners and managers and linking them to American and Israeli intelligence service handlers. 9) The network encouraged increases in agricultural pests and attacked food production. 10) The network contributed, wherever possible, to the spread of diseases and epidemics. 11) They had access to state secrets, feeding the CIA and Mossad with extremely important military information. 12) They targeted attention on military manufacturing capabilities, monitored military movements and strategy, and provided the CIA and Mossad with target information. Together with sex, blackmail, satellites, and bribery, this gives not only a picture of spying in Yemen, but also paints a picture of what goes on in every other country, Muslim or Christian, where there is either an American or Israeli embassy or an active international NGO presence. We can safely assume that governments throughout the world are heavily infiltrated by CIA/Mossad operatives and that, among these operatives, are certain heads of state. Would it not be unreasonable to expect that certain Arab heads of state who had military training in America or the UK were treated, if not to the services of the best little whorehouse in Manhattan, then to an equivalent more suited to the tastes of a young man? Could it be that bribery completed the process of corruption? Why is it hard to be surprised by these suppositions? Perhaps it's a cynicism derived from a long life. Young men are ruled by hormones, middle-aged men by money, and old men by something more satisfying than sex or money, which is power. 👉Join Global Depth to boost your TG Feed with my Daily Release Telegram GLOBAL DEPTH from HK This channel aims to unite interested individuals from around the world in an attempt to connect the dots. Subscriber participation is always welcome.
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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

💯 25👍 8 2🔥 2👏 2👀 2🍌 1
Why am I not surprised? I hope they got everyone, though I doubt they did. The known large scale existence of CIA/Mossad spy networks in all Arabic speaking countries (and many other foreign entities) must also explain a large part of the reluctance of government figures to withdraw support from Israel.
إظهار الكل...
👍 14👏 4
Yemen's al Masirah channel has posted the highlights of the announcement by the Security and Intelligence Service: - The American-Israeli spy network has played espionage and sabotage roles in official and unofficial institutions for decades on behalf of the enemy - The spy network is directly linked to the CIA - The spy network is equipped with special techniques, devices and equipment that enable them to carry out their activities secretly - Members of the spy network, alongside American officers, exploited their job positions at the American embassy to carry out their sabotage activities. - After the departure of the American embassy from Sanaa, elements of the spy network continued to implement their subversive agendas under the cover of international and international organizations. - The effects of the subversive actions of the spy network have accumulated over decades - The spy network provided enemy intelligence services with important information about various aspects in the official sector and elsewhere - The spy network has been able for decades to influence decision-makers, penetrate state authorities, and pass decisions and laws - The American-Israeli spy network attracted many figures and coordinated visits to the United States to influence and recruit them - The network recruited economists and owners of oil and commercial companies and helped them link with the American and Israeli intelligence services - The network focused on thwarting agricultural research bodies and seed multiplication centers and recruited a number of spies in the Ministry of Agriculture. - The espionage network worked to implement American plans by producing and multiplying agricultural pests and seeking to attack local production - The network worked to implement projects and programs targeting the health field and contributing to the spread of diseases and epidemics in various Yemeni governorates - The espionage network carried out direct technical espionage operations on behalf of enemy intelligence to obtain sovereign secret information - The spy network has provided the CIA and the Israeli Mossad with extremely important, confidential and dangerous military and security information for decades. - After the victory of the September 21 Revolution and the departure of the American embassy in Sanaa, the network continued to carry out sabotage roles - The network collected information about the state’s general budget for the American and Israeli intelligence services - The network ran intelligence activities targeting the military and manufacturing capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces - The network worked to monitor military movements and strategic capabilities, and raise coordinates to the enemy 🔶 @SNNEnglish
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🤬 13💯 5👍 3 1
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FROM THE ASHES OF 23, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE A triolet written by Fingers Kelly, Geraldine's uncle, and Hikaru Kitabayashi Sung by Hikaru Kitabayashi Creation date as a song: 10 June 2024 LYRICS: From the ashes of 23. Palestine will be free, from the Jordan to th' open sea. From the ashes of 23 Purified from dross, they shall be. Phoenix-like, flying free, from the ashes of 23. Palestine will be free!
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👏 26👍 3 2
🇦🇫, 🇮🇷, 🇰🇵, &🇵🇸4️⃣🎱🔥🚼🐦 FOUR PHOENIXES RISING FROM THEIR OWN ASHES—AFGHANISTAN, IRAN, NORTH KOREA, AND PALESTINE ✍️Written by Hikaru Kitabayashi✍️ In Greek mythology the phoenix was not a city in Arizona, but a magically endowed bird of divine beauty that would live for several hundred years in the deserts of the Arabia. When its beauty and power were on the brink of waning due to old age, it would mount on a funeral pyre which its magic would cause to burst into flame. From the fire, old age and declining power would be reduced to ashes from which the phoenix would rise again with new youth and vigor to live out yet another cycle, attracting and bewitching new generations for yet more centuries to come. After the start of the Korean War, there were two notable phoenix economies—Germany and Japan. Other economies could be added, but these were the two major ones. Depending on misplaced trust in the United States, they both reached their peak and are now in rapid decline. Most recently, we have three Eurasian phoenixes emerging from international community sanction constructed funeral pyres meant to reduce them to ashes. They are Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea. In Afghanistan's case, America set afire a funeral pyre of asset freezing and financial sanctions designed to create mass starvation and destabilization. The funeral pyre blazed brightly, but the new government confounded world opinion by showing expert economic and political management skills. Moreover, it benefitted greatly from the wars the Collective West is waging in Ukraine and Palestine. In only three years, it has managed to normalize relations with all surrounding countries, including Russia and China, build the first part of a railway system designed to turn it into a Central Asian transportation hub, increase agricultural production, largely eliminate opium production, begin exporting crude oil, and create the most stable currency in Central and South Asia. Iran, too, though for many decades undergoing sanctions hell, turned this to its own advantage through the forced development of its own technology, both military and civilian. With the stimulus provided by the start of Western supported wars in Ukraine and West Asia, Iranian developed technology made it the greatest power in West Asia, both in military and in economic terms. It is stable. It is feared by both Israel and the United States. And, due to the rapid de-dollarization of the world economy and to Russian and Chinese trade, its economy is booming. Then, there is North Korea. It is still vilified in the United States, Japan, and South Korea. And, if the reports issuing from these sources are to be believed, its economy should now be at Old Stone Age levels, simply because its government is communist. And, to make this come true, the United States, Japan and South Korea have used every technique possible to create sanctions hell for North Korea and cut it off from the world. Additionally, they make it almost impossible for their own citizens to travel to that country and see what things are like for themselves. We have to assume that they would only do that if they had something to hide people from—like clean cities, well-dressed and well-fed people, free education, free health care, free public housing, no unemployment, the highest birth rate in East Asia, and, thanks to Western adventurism in Ukraine and West Asia, a now booming export-oriented economy! In military terms, they produce hypersonic missiles, nuclear weapons (including nuclear submarines), and have an ever more ambitious space program. There is a lesson here. Rebirth requires death and destruction. If there is a just God, this would suggest that once it emerges from its present Israeli funeral pyre, and after it defeats Israel, Palestine will emerge from its own ashes to become the world's newest phoenix. Telegram GLOBAL DEPTH from HK This channel aims to unite interested individuals from around the world in an attempt to connect the dots. Subscriber participation is always welcome.
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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

🔥 30💯 9👍 7👏 5 3🤡 1👀 1
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🇮🇱🇵🇸Activist Marla Barr explains why there has been no tangible rise in the #Palestinian death toll in Rafah during the last few days. @MostMoralArmy
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15😱 8🤬 5😢 4👍 2💯 1💔 1🤗 1
This is an important point about the number of deaths in Gaza that more people need to be aware of. Forwarding the following to GLOBAL DEPTH should increase the total number of views five to six times what it is now and that is a beginning in spreading the word.
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👍 14💯 7
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💔🇵🇸Some of the lyrics of the song by Hassan and his father which they sang in the middle of the destroyed Nusseirat Camp, in central #Gaza
“We’ve tasted death by planes, by air and sea raids... They closed all the crossings, so people die of hunger.” This version is adapted from the 1982 revolutionary song, “Bear Witness, O World, to Us and to Beirut,” which was written at the time of #Israel’s invasion of #Lebanon Young Hassan and his father tweaked a few words to reflect #Gaza’s current situation. Hopefully, Hassan’s voice might finally get through to the world.
@The Children of Gaza
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😢 14👍 10👏 4🫡 2🙏 1