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Hop Off
What does hop off mean? ◻️Go away Hop off means "Go away" or "Leave me alone." It is used both online and offline to tell a person that he should stop whatever he's doing and leave you alone. The phrase comes from when a person is riding you too hard, almost like a car driving too close to your tail on the highway and you tell him to "hop off your tail." It gained popularity in the early-2000s as an alternative to the "Back off" phrase. It may be used in a variety of situations, like when your partner is being too critical of you or your parent is telling you how to live your life. It is a good alternative to lashing out and regretting saying something really hurtful. ❓Example I really don't think you should be dating Katrina. She's not right for you Hop off! You don't even know her. 🔘
What does ditto mean? ◻️Same Ditto is a popular term used to say "same here" or "agreed" in response to a question, statement, or opinion. It may be spoken out loud or used while texting or chatting online. Ditto is a convenient way to say that you completely agree with someone, which is convenient when time is short or do you want to text a long explanation. The term is similar to the samesies term and the SH acronym. Ditto is also the name of a Pokémon that looks like a purple blob and can copy other Pokémon's attacks. ❓Example I really want to go see the new shahrukh movie Ditto 🔘
What does bullish mean? ◻️Positive outlook Bullish is a term that refers to a positive or optimstic outlook. It is often used in relation to the forecast of finances or a fantasy player's or team's potential. In finance, the term is used by investors to describe stock prices they think will rise. Therefore, they have a optimistic outlook and are bullish on the stocks. If they are pessimistic, they would be bearish on the stocks. In fantasy sports, like football, baseball, and basketball, the term is used by team owners to describe players or teams they value a lot. Therefore, they have a optimistic outlook and are bullish on the player or team. If they are pessimistic, they would be bearish on the player or team. ❓Example He is rather bullish on Amy and is gonna draft him pretty high, maybe in the 3rd round.
إظهار الكل...
😁STORY OF THE DAY BY AMY SIR 27/06/2024 👨🏻🧔🏻🧔🏼‍♂🐫 The Three Wisemen and The Camel: Once there lived a man in a small village in Arabia. He had a camel. Whenever he went on a journey, he went along with his camel. At one such journey, he lost his camel unexpectedly. He was in search of his camel. He asked everyone, “Have you seen my camel." But everywhere his effort was in vain. One day when he came through a city he met three wise men on his way. As usual he asked the wise men "Have any one of you seen my camel?" The three wise men thought for a while and began to speak. The man asked them curiously, “Have you seen my camel on your way?" The first wise man asked him, “Is your camel’s one eye blind?" The man replied quickly, “Yes, yes my camel's one eye is blind." "Have you seen my camel on your way" the man asked the second wise man. The second wise man asked him, “Is your camel lame?" The man became curious and said, “Yes, yes he is lame!" “Have you seen my camel" again he asked the third wise man. The third wise man asked, "Was your camel carrying honey on one side and grain on the other side?" On hearing these words, the owner of the camel became happy and asked them’ “Have you all seen my camel? Please tell me." Now the three wise men replied, “We had never seen your camel?" “You three are fooling me now" Don’t make fun of me", the man said in anger. The three wise men said calmly." We are not fooling you man. We didn’t see your camel anywhere". The man got angry and took them to the King for enquiry. He said to the King, “The three men had stolen my camel my Lord". He also described what they had said. The king asked the three what had happened. The three men denied that they had never seen it. The King asked them then how they could tell the identity of the camel lost. The first man told the king that he had seen the grass eaten on only one side. “So I assumed that the camel must be blind in one eye", He said. The second man said that he had seen the grains scattered on one side and the honey on the other side. “So I assumed that the camel was carrying the grains on one side and honey on the other side", He said. The third man described that the hoof marks of the camel were lighter on one side than the other. “So we came to a conclusion that the camel must be lame", He said. The courtier including the king wondered about the cleverness of the three. So the king declared that they were not thieves and he asked the owner of the camel to search on the way the three wise men had come. The camel man went out of the court bending his head in search of his camel. The king appointed the three, as his ministers and ruled according to their advice.‌‌
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✅ Daily Important Vocabulary by Amy sir✅ 27/06/2024 1. SUBDUED (ADJECTIVE): (विषादपूर्ण): sombre Synonyms: low-spirited, downcast Antonyms: lively Example Sentence:I felt strangely subdued as I drove home. 2. COMPETITIVE (ADJECTIVE): (वाजिब): reasonable Synonyms: moderate, economical Antonyms: exorbitant Example Sentence:We offer prompt service at competitive rates. 3. CONCILIATION (NOUN): (शांति): appeasement Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding Antonyms: provocation Example Sentence:He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation. 4. ALARMING (ADJECTIVE): (डरावना): worrying Synonyms: disturbing, frightening Antonyms: reassuring Example Sentence:Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate. 5. DEFIANCE (NOUN): (प्रतिरोध): resistance Synonyms: opposition, confrontation Antonyms: submission Example Sentence:There was challenge and defiance in her gaze. 6. MISLAY (VERB): (गंवाना): lose Synonyms: misplace, lose track of Antonyms: find Example Sentence:I seem to have mislaid my car keys. 7. WHIP (VERB): (भागना): dash Synonyms: rush, race Antonyms: dawdle Example Sentence:He whipped round to face them. 8. STALL (VERB): (बाधा डालना): obstruct Synonyms: impede, hinder Antonyms: facilitate Example Sentence:His career had stalled, hers taken off. 9. SHUN (VERB): (बचना): avoid Synonyms: evade, eschew Antonyms: accept Example Sentence:He shunned fashionable society. 10. (DEFER (VERB): (झुक जाना): yield Synonyms: submit, give way Antonyms: stand up to, disobey Example Sentence:He deferred to Tim's superior knowledge. ●▬▬▬▬⚜۩۞۩⚜▬▬▬
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26 JUNE YT 7 AM HISTORY.pdf2.83 MB
25 june 7 am yt history.pdf2.30 MB
24 JUNE 7 AM YT HISTORY.pdf2.57 MB
22 JUNE 7 AM YT POLITY.pdf1.59 MB
21 JUNE 7 AM YT POLITY.pdf3.43 MB
20 JUNE 7 AM YT HISTORY.pdf3.51 MB
19 JUNE 7 AM YT HISTORY.pdf2.24 MB
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#Rule of the day by Amy sir 26/06/2024 💠 Speak 💠 To talk or make use of words in a normal voice 💠 Talk 💠 To speak to give information 💠 Whisper 💠 To speak softly, without vibrating the vocal cords 💠 Hiss 💠 To say something in a loud whisper 💠 Shout 💠 To speak in a loud voice, in anger or to get attention 💠 Stutter / Stammer 💠 To speak with pauses and repeating the same sound or syllable 💠 Mumble 💠 To speak unclearly so that others can't hear 💠 Mutter 💠 To speak in a low voice, so that others can't hear
إظهار الكل...
😁 STORY OF THE DAY BY AMY SIR 26/06/2024 🦁🦊 A Thief Can't Question a Robber Once a wolf was roaming about in a field of grass where a flock of sheep came grazing everyday. He was hiding behind a bush. Getting a chance, he carried away a lamb to eat it at a safe place. Unfortunately, a lion came there, snatched the lamb and went to his den to eat it at leisure. When the lion had walked just a few steps away, the wolf said, "It is down daylight robbery- so unjust for a lion to snatch my morsel from me. It is below his dignity." Hearing the wolf's grumble, the lion laughed and replied, "A thief is questioning a robber- how strange! Did you get this lamb as a gift from a friend? You stole it out of a flock. Was that fair?" A sin is a sin- whether big or small.
إظهار الكل...
⛳️ Daily Important Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams 26-06-2024 1. ABEYANCE:(NOUN): (निलम्बन): suspension Synonyms: suspense, remission Antonyms: in hand Example Sentence: Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries. 2.BENIGN: (ADJECTIVE): (शीतोष्ण): temperate Synonyms: mild, gentle Antonyms: harsh Example Sentence: The climate becomes more benign as we move nearer to the Black Sea. 3. DISPARATE:(ADJECTIVE): (भिन्न): contrasting Synonyms: different, differing Antonyms: homogeneous Example Sentence: They inhabit disparate worlds of thought. 4.LUMINOUS: (ADJECTIVE): (चमकदार): shining Synonyms: bright, brilliant Antonyms: dark Example Sentence: The dial on his watch was luminous. 5. RESUMPTION:(NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart Synonyms: restarting, reopening Antonyms: suspension, abandonment Example Sentence: We are hoping for an early resumption of peace talks. 6.SOUR :(ADJECTIVE): (चिड़चिड़ा): nasty Synonyms: resentful, embittered Antonyms: pleasant Example Sentence: He gave her a sour look. 7.EXODUS: (NOUN): (प्रस्थान): leaving Synonyms: withdrawal, evacuation Antonyms: arrival Example Sentence: The condemnation gave rise to an exodus to Rome. 8. STRAINED :(ADJECTIVE): (अस्वाभाविक): forced Synonyms: constrained, laboured Antonyms: natural Example Sentence: She gave a strained laugh. 9.MERITORIOUS :(ADJECTIVE): (सराहनीय): praiseworthy Synonyms: laudable commendable Antonyms: worthless Example Sentence: I got a medal for my meritorious conduct. 10.CRAMP:(VERB): (बाधा डालना): hinder Synonyms: impede, inhibit Antonyms: facilitate Example Sentence: Tighter rules cramp economic growth.
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💢 Prevent 💢 Hinder 💢 Obstruct 💢 Inhibit
They are all verbs that describe actions that impede or restrict something.
means to stop something from happening or to keep it from occurring. It implies taking action in advance to keep an event or situation from taking place. ♨️ Prevent focuses on actively averting or stopping something from occurring. 🔰 Example: Regular running and a healthy diet can help prevent dangerous diseases.
er means to create difficulties or obstacles that slow down or interfere with the progress, development, or achievement of something. ♨️ Hinder suggests impeding or delaying the forward movement, growth, or success of an action or process. 🔰 Example: The heavy snow hindered our progress on the project.
uct means to physically or metaphorically block or get in the way of something, causing an obstruction or barrier. ♨️Obstruct implies directly impeding or blocking the path, progress, or view of something or someone. 🔰 Example: The fallen rock obstructed the road, preventing vehicles from passing Inhibit means to restrain, suppress, or limit the action, growth, or expression of something. ♨️Inhibit suggests a more internal or psychological hindrance that restrains or discourages something from happening or progressing. 🔰 Example: Nervousness can inhibit public speaking abilities.
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.