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Katehon think tank is an independent organization consisting of an international network of people - from a wide variety of fields and disciplines - who specialize in the geopolitical, geostrategic and political analysis of world events.

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This panel discussion brings together esteemed experts and thought leaders to discuss the intersection of culture, economics, and international relations within the BRICS framework. 🌐 The Cultural Basis Of Brics. Can Brics Become A Common Cultural Market? - SPIEF 2024
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The Cultural Basis Of Brics. Can Brics Become A Common Cultural

This panel discussion brings together esteemed experts and thought leaders to discuss the intersection of culture, economics, and international relations within the BRICS framework.

May 29 is the EAEU Day, because it was on this date in 2014 in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, that the signing of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union by the presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan took place. On January 1, 2015, the three states were already officially in the new union, with Armenia joining the next day and Kyrgyzstan in August. Until now, all five powers are in the EAEU. In the year of the decade since the establishment of the organization, the Republic of Armenia, which is now experiencing social and political upheaval, is the chair. ✍️ Leonid Savin 🌐 Ten Years of the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union
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The philosophy of multipolarity represents a fundamentally new approach to international politics, where there is no hegemon and no single system of universal values. Instead, it emphasizes the need to consider the philosophical foundations and traditional values of all civilizations involved in the process. The roundtable will include representatives of Western civilization who condemn and reject globalism, hegemony, and the unilateral dictatorship of the West. These so-called Western civilizational dissidents sharply criticize the direction taken by contemporary Western globalist elites. What contributions do the Chinese, Indian, Russian, Islamic, African, and Latin American civilizations make to the development of a multipolar philosophy? Is an alternative West possible? What prospects does the inter-civilizational dialogue among BRICS countries open for the development of international relations? What are the prospects for the de-dollarization of the world economy? What role do infrastructure projects, such as the International North–South Transport Corridor, play in strengthening economic ties between Eurasian countries? How might Russophiles influence the formation of a multipolar world order? 🌐 Philosophy and Geopolitics of a Multipolar World - SPIEF 2024
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In the fading remains of the United States, there really are dark forces at work against the American people. A new study from Illinois uncovered mixed benefits and drawbacks associated with men becoming fathers. However, the popular US media spin was: “Having kids may shorten a man’s life, groundbreaking study reveals.” In other words, “Kids are messy, you can’t afford them, and they’ll just kill you anyway”. That might as well be America’s family planning mantra. Societies do not survive this way. Populations like America’s, that do not exceed two children per family, do not last. ✍️ Perrin Lovett 🌐 FAMILIES, CHILDREN, AND LEGITIMATE HIGHER EDUCATION
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It is well known that in the West, many decades ago, they succeeded in advertising, especially in political advertising. If necessary, the PR people there can turn any case so that it looks completely different from what it is. The topic of environmental protection is no exception, which has been significantly politicized, but is actively used at its discretion on a variety of international platforms and in its own interests. Here are some examples. At the end of May, the Iraqi news agency Rudaw reported that Hussein Jaloud sued the British oil company BP after his son Ali died of leukemia, which, according to him, developed due to gas flaring at Iraq’s largest Rumaila oil field.“After we visited the doctors and examined him, they confirmed that he [Ali] developed leukemia due to oil and burning of gas,” Jaloud told reporters, talking about how Ali was first diagnosed with cancer in 2017. He stressed that he is suing “not only for Ali, but also for dozens, maybe hundreds of patients and those who died of cancer” caused by burning of excess gas. ✍️ Leonid Savin 🌐 PSEUDO-ECOLOGISTS OF THE WESTERN WORLD
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Pseudo-Ecologists Of The Western World

It is well known that in the West, many decades ago, they succeeded in advertising, especially in political advertising. If necessary, the PR people there can turn any case so that it looks

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🌐 Türkiye now looking to join BRICS – foreign minister Ankara, whose European Union bid has been stalled for decades, will discuss joining the Moscow-founded bloc in upcoming talks in Russia, minister Hakan Fidan said. The move could make Türkiye the first member of NATO to become part of BRICS as well.
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RT News UNCENSORED (real-time mirror)

❗️Türkiye now looking to join BRICS – foreign minister Ankara, whose European Union bid has been stalled for decades, will discuss joining the Moscow-founded bloc in upcoming talks in Russia, minister Hakan Fidan said. The move could make Türkiye the first member of NATO to become part of BRICS as well. 🟩 @RTnews_unc3

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China confirmed on Friday that it won’t participate in the upcoming Swiss “peace talks” in Ukraine because they don’t meet “the three important elements of recognition from both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans.” It also referenced late May’s joint declaration with Brazil on the principles for politically ending this conflict. These moves show that China rejects the anti-Russian focus of the Western-led peace process for Ukraine. China is therefore signaling that it wants to mediate a political solution to this conflict instead, but the US is loath to allow this to happen because it doesn’t want to give its systemic rival such a grand diplomatic victory. Nevertheless, there can be no political solution whatsoever without genuine peace talks in which Russia and its peace proposals are properly represented exactly as China believes, unlike the upcoming Swiss talks. Since the latter won’t amount to anything of significance, there’s a chance for an alternative. 🌐 NON-WESTERN PEACE PROCESSES FOR UKRAINE
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The U.S. government has faced a sharp rise in debt costs in the past year—but that was only the beginning. The numbers presented here should scare Congress into debt panic. In the last two months, the market for U.S. debt has been relatively quiet, at least on the surface. That is about to change in the coming months—and change for the worse. There are two reasons for this: the unending rise in the debt, and the rollover effect on existing debt. Over the next year, these two effects in combination could increase the cost of the federal government’s debt to the point where the interest on the debt rivals the total cost of Social Security. ✍️ Sven R. Larson 🌐 EUROS & DOLLARS: JOE BIDEN’S DEBT BOMB
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Chan Mo Ku, a former military officer at the Strategic Planning Directorate of the Republic of Korea – United States Combined Forces Command and Jinwan Park, an incoming Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University, China, and an East-Asia-focused researcher from Washington, published a joint article in the American military publication Breaking Defense at the end of May 2024 on the need to create a new quadrilateral agreement. This time, according to them, the new alliance should include the United States, Canada, Japan and South Korea, extend to the Arctic and Pacific regions and have a strategic goal of containing Russia and China combined. ✍️ Leonid Savin 🌐 Is The US Able To Create Another Alliance Against Russia And China?
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