
ู†ุญู† ู†ุณุชุฎุฏู… ู…ู„ูุงุช ุชุนุฑูŠู ุงู„ุงุฑุชุจุงุท ู„ุชุญุณูŠู† ุชุฌุฑุจุฉ ุงู„ุชุตูุญ ุงู„ุฎุงุตุฉ ุจูƒ. ุจุงู„ู†ู‚ุฑ ุนู„ู‰ "ู‚ุจูˆู„ ุงู„ูƒู„"ุŒ ุฃู†ุช ุชูˆุงูู‚ ุนู„ู‰ ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู… ู…ู„ูุงุช ุชุนุฑูŠู ุงู„ุงุฑุชุจุงุท.


๐•พ๐–†๐–“๐–Œ๐–—๐–†๐–†๐–‘ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–Ž๐–“

โš”๏ธ Channel for Sangraal โš”๏ธ -๐•ฟ๐–๐–Š ๐•ฝ๐–Š๐–†๐–‘๐–’ ๐•บ๐–‹ ๐•พ๐–†๐–“๐–Œ๐–—๐–†๐–†๐–‘ ๐Ÿฐ - @SangraalCoin

ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ู…ุฒูŠุฏ
ู„ู… ูŠุชู… ุชุญุฏูŠุฏ ุงู„ุจู„ุฏู„ู… ูŠุชู… ุชุญุฏูŠุฏ ุงู„ู„ุบุฉุงู„ูุฆุฉ ุบูŠุฑ ู…ุญุฏุฏุฉ
ู…ุดุงุฑูƒุงุช ุงู„ุฅุนู„ุงู†ุงุช
ู„ุง ุชูˆุฌุฏ ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช24 ุณุงุนุงุช
ู„ุง ุชูˆุฌุฏ ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช7 ุฃูŠุงู…
ู„ุง ุชูˆุฌุฏ ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช30 ุฃูŠุงู…

ุฌุงุฑูŠ ุชุญู…ูŠู„ ุงู„ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช...

ู…ุนุฏู„ ู†ู…ูˆ ุงู„ู…ุดุชุฑูƒ

ุฌุงุฑูŠ ุชุญู…ูŠู„ ุงู„ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช...

Happy Sunday everyone its a beautiful day today. I have an announcement to make, Graal website will be finish this week. As I mentioned I had to take on some jobs for some extra $$ for buybacks, bills etc,, during my time working I met the creator of one of my jobs websites and they have agreed to help and get things wrapped up this week! (The remaining portion of the website is very short and minimal so immediately they knew the issue, thank God) Graal Team will resume buybacks within the next few days (random timing from here on out) to prepare for the final buyback, equaling the price back to at least 1000/1 TT with zero team LP and then team will replace LP to give users maximum profit.
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
There were some issues with changing the website around but it's being handled as we speak! For right now will be blank but not for long ๐Ÿš€
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
Yes guys, we are still listing to TThub even with the weekly dips and rumors, we aren't backing out of thundercore. The website will start changing tomorrow to add the staking/games and other fun functions we can add for the time being! BSC NETWORK For those interested in BSC network when that comes, you will have the option to migrate to bsc version (same contract address) at 0 cost to you. The total supply will stay the same and team will handle any fees associated with the cross bridge transactions for the first week or the network addition. Thank you for supporting Graal and please keep checking the website for updates and airdrop events!
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
Things Happening With Graal ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ #GetReadyForThouBoom #GetReadtForGleamEvent ----what is gleam? Gleam is a website that has hundreds of thousands of users and will automatically direct them to our event so they can earn! Thundercore uses Gleam for some of their events! It will help bring users to us from the outside! Telegram Bot will be synced directly to the website and will reward users based on some very fun options such as the amount of clicks on website, amount of time spent playing games and the amount of balance spent for monthly rewards! Website ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿคบโš”๏ธ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธโšก๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ โคด๏ธโคด๏ธโคด๏ธ Boo-Yaheth #ThouBoomethIsComing #CheckEventsOnSite #StakingComing #GamesMaybe #JustKiddingGamesComing #HashtagGraalArmy ๐Ÿ˜Š
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
Everybody Enter to enjoy our placeholder website. Staking and games will be added throughout the timer countdown!
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
I am here guys, apologies I have had a funeral. Please check here for updates regarding Sangraal also The domain has been secured, I got scammed again (for the third time) trying to hire a developer to help with the project but it seems better to just do it ourselves instead of relying on *proffesional* help. Website coming soon โคต๏ธโคต๏ธ Yeah, it's a .com lol ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
C.P.E.M. Community

A Conversation Portal For Everyday Miners C.P.E.M. Channel: @CMPE_Channel C.P.E.M. [SHARE CRYPTO LINKS]: @ShillingGroop

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Tomorrow Sangraal Website will definitely launch, let's rejoice ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ I hope everyone loves it ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ it's taken a long time so it's PERFECT SO DONT COMPLAIN. I am going to sleep now but tomorrow will start the website. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜ no new baby no new beard but YES APE DANCING
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
Graal will add USDT pool to Laserswap for those interested in joining beforehand!
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
ุงุฎุชุฑ ุฎุทุฉ ู…ุฎุชู„ูุฉ

ุชุณู…ุญ ุฎุทุชูƒ ุงู„ุญุงู„ูŠุฉ ุจุชุญู„ูŠู„ุงุช ู„ู…ุง ู„ุง ูŠุฒูŠุฏ ุนู† 5 ู‚ู†ูˆุงุช. ู„ู„ุญุตูˆู„ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ู…ุฒูŠุฏุŒ ูŠูุฑุฌู‰ ุงุฎุชูŠุงุฑ ุฎุทุฉ ู…ุฎุชู„ูุฉ.