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OSCP/OSCE/OSWP Review | Offensive Security

It’s no secret that Offensive Security offers some of the best technical training in the information security field. Their brand has become synonymous with penetration testing in the eyes of most tech recruiters on LinkedIn...

OSCP/OSCE/OSWP Review It's no secret that Offensive Security offers some of the best technical training in the information security field. Their brand has become synonymous with penetration testing in the eyes of most tech recruiters on LinkedIn. Some of the most common questions I get on LinkedIn are related to the OSCP/OSCE/OSWP certifications. Some people even go as far as asking for solutions to their exam machines. Sorry, you won't be finding anything like that here (TRY HARDER). I will however offer an honest review and offer some tips to help you decide if you are ready to take the plunge into any of these 3 awesome courses! This article originally appeared on Jul 20, 2019, posted by Joey Lane and has been republished unedited and in its entirety with permission from the author. Original post:
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OSCP/OSCE/OSWP Review | Offensive Security

It’s no secret that Offensive Security offers some of the best technical training in the information security field. Their brand has become synonymous with penetration testing in the eyes of most tech recruiters on LinkedIn...

Some of the Google Courses with Certs Google Android Development Training:- Google has created this course for learning android Development for Beginners as well as Experienced Developers Google Web Developers Training:- This site is not for web dev beginners, where Google provides the latest insights from the web development sphere in the form of guides, news, videos, and summits. Google AI:- Google AI is a platform allowing everyone to know about the latest advancements in the AI world. Udacity-Google Partnership Courses:- Udacity partnered with google to provide courses in multiple niches. @infoseczone | The Geeks
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OSCP Preparation Day-4 ( Lame -HTB) I am just being Lame and trying to get some time to keep solving boxes. This is a very very beginner level box. Machine Link - ( Retired Box) This is just to boost confidence of beginners like me who are not able to solve boxes. run Nmap and get the ports, run nmap to get services and versions ┌──(abhinav㉿ETHICALHACKX)-[~/htb] └─$ nmap lame.htb -Pn Nmap scan report for lame.htb ( Host is up (0.18s latency). Not shown: 996 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 22/tcp open ssh 139/tcp open netbios-ssn 445/tcp open microsoft-ds ┌──(abhinav㉿ETHICALHACKX)-[~/htb] └─$ sudo nmap -sC -sV -A -O -oA lame -p21,22,139,445 lame.htb PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 2.3.4 |_ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230) | ftp-syst: | STAT: | FTP server status: | Connected to | Logged in as ftp | TYPE: ASCII | No session bandwidth limit | Session timeout in seconds is 300 | Control connection is plain text | Data connections will be plain text | vsFTPd 2.3.4 - secure, fast, stable 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1 (protocol 2.0) 139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP) 445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.0.20-Debian (workgroup: WORKGROUP) Next you can search for exploits for ftp or other services. searchsploit/search in msf gives decent results. As soon you exploit smbd 3.0.20, you are root. Things to Learn find services and versions via nmap searching exploit in metasploit or searchsploit or google setting payload options in msf #OSCP #day-4 Learn More at @EthicalHackxCom
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