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Bek arts

Here we share interesting art ideas from all over the world and be part of that Contemporary Realistic Graffiti And so many... Bek Arts

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Portrait study
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Did You Enjoy Today's TTL Talk Emerging Artists Let Us Know By Liking And Sharing @TalkToLife And Send Us Your Writing/Work At @Arifness
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Talk To Life - Emerging Artists 🌟⭐️🌟☀️🌟⭐️🌟 ‘Recognizing a Star’ ☀️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️☀️ TTL. Can you tell us about yourself briefly? B: My name is Bereket Wondimu. I’m 3rdyr civil Engineering student at Hawassa university. I was born and raised in Hawassa and I’m 22. I started painting 3yrs ago. 🎤 TTL. Can you tell us about what you are currently working on? B: Currently I’m working on canvas painting 3d character development and interior decoration. Also I’m trying to develop my arts In to another level as we all knows painting is kind of art speaking through line and color for that matter I spend most of my time by experimenting to find out the latest piece of art . 🎤 TTL. How was life as a child? Had it any functional relation with your profession? B: It was normal i experienced so many precious time and what I can remember is I love to try and experiment . Functional relation…hmmm more likely yes i was the boy who mastered drawing enkutatash abeba 🎤 TTL. Is there any situation that you used your professional prospects to mobilize society? Or to impact towards any set goal? B: As an artist I made some move like to part events which aims to help elders in our society but most of my ideas are my future intention and goals 🎤 TTL. Can you describe the time when you first realized that creating was something you absolutely had to do? B: I was grade 5 when first I realized being creative is one of the gift I had. Dear Mr. jemal my art instructor in Hawassa tabor THANK YOU! For helping me realize that I had something inside to be nurtured. 🎤 TTL. What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever created? B: My resent work for group exhibition are my favorite ones 🎤 TTL. What software do you use? What you don’t use but wish you could? B: Actually I’m not quiet good software user but I’m just trying to teach my self the software like blender cinema 4d Revit for 3d character development and interior designing 🎤 TTL. Do you have any specific mood or time to do your works? B: No I don’t I do what I do with my intention but when I got a media of inspiration there may be dramatic move and fight without agitation 🎤 TTL. What are you trying to communicate with your Art/Designs? B: I’m trying to do my art more available and closer to society that’s why mean while I’m trying to invest my time on interior decoration and design. In addition to that experiment on realistic painting is one of my daily practice. at all what I can say is that I’m striving that my art works to be more advanced and to have impact on society 🎤 TTL. Where do you finding ideas for your work? B: Most of the time social medias are awesome place for my creative ideas and streets of Hawassa are also the place which provide me orchestra of ideas 🎤 TTL. What’s the best advice you ever had about how to be more creative? B: My best advice I can give you is make your five of your sense organ work together and kept them active And the rest will fall on its way 🎤 TTL. What do you read? What do you listen? B: Most of the time I read spiritual books and digital magazines I prefer listening Ethiopian instrumental music by the legendary artist saxophonist Getachew mekuria and pianist Girma yifrashewa 🎤 TTL. Which social medias you use to share your works and network with the people? How can people have access to your works? B: I chose telegram to share my works and to promote my idea. those of you which of interested on such dekdek move of art you can join me on @meraff1 🎤 TTL. Anything Else You Would Like to Add? B: Thank you for having me this opportunity and for young men like me I would like to say try something else all we had is TIME and fresh mind! 🎤 TTL. Thank you for doing the interview with us.
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last month ttl interview
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............: ወናሁ ድንግል ትፀንስ ወትወልድ ወልደ ወትሰምዮ ስሞ አማኑኤል ዘበትርጓሜሁ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌነ፣ እነሆ ድንግል ትፀንሳለች፤ ወንድ ልጅንም ትወልዳለች፤ ስሙንም አማኑኤል ትለዋለች፤ ትርጓሜውም እግዚአብሔር ከእኛ ጋራ ማለት ነው” (ኢሳ. ፯፥፲፬፣ ማቴ. ፩፡፳፫፡) እንኳን ለብርሃነ ልደቱ በሰላም አደረሰን አደረሳችሁ!! መልካም የልደት በዓል!
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mine experience on an artistic approach to social responsibility ! held on hawassa central hotel aimed to help elders.
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.