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中共中央 全国人大常委会 国务院 全国政协讣告 中国共产党中央委员会、中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会、中华人民共和国国务院、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会沉痛宣告:中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士,杰出的无产阶级革命家、政治家,党和国家的卓越领导人,中国共产党第十七届、十八届、十九届中央政治局常委,国务院原总理李克强同志,因突发心脏病,经全力抢救无效,于2023年10月27日0时10分在上海逝世,享年68岁。
إظهار الكل...
被告人奚正兵、周仲贺对外国公职人员行贿、奚正兵受贿案一审宣判 2023 年 10 月 24 日,广东省广州市中级人民法院公开宣判中铁隧道局集团有限公司国际事业部原副总经理奚正兵、国际事业部项目管理部原副部长周仲贺对外国公职人员行贿、奚正兵受贿一案,以对外国公职人员行贿罪,判处被告人奚正兵有期徒刑二年,并处罚金人民币十万元 2017 年至 2019 年,时任中铁隧道局集团有限公司新加坡分公司总经理的被告人奚正兵伙同该公司副总经理被告人周仲贺,为谋取不正当商业利益,三次向新加坡公职人员行贿 22 万新加坡元 Bernie Ecclestone pleads guilty to fraud The 92-year-old did not declare more than £400m held in a trust in Singapore when asked by tax authorities in 2015. Ecclestone has agreed in a civil settlement to repay almost £653m to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), a court heard. He was sentenced to 17 months in prison, suspended for two years. Singapore worked with UK authorities on fraud case involving ex-F1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone Singapore worked closely with authorities in the United Kingdom on their investigation and prosecution of former F1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said on Wednesday (Aug 2).
إظهار الكل...
被告人奚正兵、周仲贺对外国公职人员行贿、奚正兵受贿案一审宣判 Bernie Ecclestone pleads guilty to fraud
إظهار الكل...
我国将增发1万亿元国债支持灾后恢复重建和提升防灾减灾救灾能力 中央财政将在今年四季度增发2023年国债10000亿元,增发的国债全部通过转移支付方式安排给地方,集中力量支持灾后恢复重建和弥补防灾减灾救灾短板,整体提升我国抵御自然灾害的能力。 此次增发的国债全部通过转移支付方式安排给地方,今年拟安排使用5000亿元,结转明年使用5000亿元。据财政部介绍,资金将重点用于八大方面:灾后恢复重建、重点防洪治理工程、自然灾害应急能力提升工程、其他重点防洪工程、灌区建设改造和重点水土流失治理工程、城市排水防涝能力提升行动、重点自然灾害综合防治体系建设工程、东北地区和京津冀受灾地区等高标准农田建设
إظهار الكل...
Repost from 竹新社
全国人大常委会10月24日决定: 免去李尚福的中央军委委员、国务委员、国防部长职务; 免去秦刚的国务委员职务(他已在7月25日被免去了外长职务); 任命殷和俊接替王志刚为科技部长;蓝佛安接替刘昆为财政部长。 (视频:新闻联播) 勘误:根据宪法80条,对中央军委委员的任免无需国家主席令公布。编辑根据先行口播的主席令消息,一度错判李尚福未被免去军委职务,特致歉。
إظهار الكل...
Gen Z will carry the deepest psychological scars from inflation The recent surge in inflation may have left Generation Z (Gen Z) permanently scarred and afraid prices will rise, new research shows, in findings that could complicate the job of central bankers for years to come. Experience effect 经历了高通胀后会要求高工资,导致通胀更高 以及其他影响,包括储蓄和下一代的通胀预期(首先要有下一代)
إظهار الكل...
Flash Coffee shuts all 11 Singapore outlets, denies reports that employees are 'on strike' The Singapore-based coffee chain had 11 outlets in Singapore, including one at Jurong Point where a sign on Thursday said employees were "on strike" over late salary payouts. "Contrary to reports, our staff in Singapore are not on 'strike’," the company said. "We ceased operations at our 11 stores and consequently, our baristas are not required to report to work." 没有罢工,只是不需要上班 利好瑞幸 Speaking with Mothership, a person who claimed he was a part-time barista with Flash Coffee, and who preferred to remain anonymous, claimed that the notices and indefinite closure of the outlet by its staff were indeed a "group effort" and "unanimous decision" by employees. unanimous action可还行 工运是不是错版本了
إظهار الكل...
SST从6%增至8% 不包括食物饮料与通讯 同时,政府也将扩大征税领域,包括运输、经纪、包销与卡拉OK服务 卡拉ok服务
إظهار الكل...
Israel calls for civilians to leave Gaza City as 'significant operation' looms The IDF calls on all residents of Gaza City to evacuate their homes, move south for their protection and settle in the area south of the Gaza River, as described on the map. The terrorist organization Hamas started a war against the State of Israel, Gaza City is an area where military activity takes place. This evacuation is for your personal safety. Residents of Gaza moved south for your personal safety and the safety of your families, distance yourself from the Hamas terrorists who are using you as a human shield. The IDF will continue to operate significantly in Gaza City in the coming days, and wishes to avoid harming civilians. 内塔尼亚胡 —— 从宪政危机到开疆拓土
إظهار الكل...