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The Chad Pastoralist: History

Substack: Instagram: More: Historian • Educational history memes, scholarly-level history academia and Germanic Pagan spirituality.

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Last night I had a very peculiar dream. I was on a rowboat in the middle of a raging sea, it was nighttime, and raining heavily. I was heading in the direction of a large peaked mountain, the silhouette I could faintly see in the distance as lightning cracked, lighting up the sky. Another mysterious hooded figure was on the rowboat with me (I couldn't quite make out who it was but could see their silhouette). I told them that we were heading "inside" of the mountain because it was a place where "Woden worshippers" went. I arrived at the mountain and entered the cave entrance, but when inside, a rocky path went upwards and required one to crawl on their belly as a trickling stream of water ran downwards, making the path slippery and hard to climb. I found an easier pathway to the top on the left side of the rocky path which had stairs all of a sudden. Various runes and ancient symbols were etched into the wall which I could read coherently in the dream as I took the path up. Then, I continued walking but woke up just before the dream finished.
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Anglo-Saxon hours.
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An alternative theory on the origin of Y-haplogroup I1 and its patrilineal descendants who would form the East Scandinavian genetic cluster has been proposed in this lecture by one of the scientists from the Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages paper. The lecture begins at 2:49:32. Around 3:19:30, one of the researchers from the aforementioned paper suggests that the East Scandinavian cluster possibly comes from Finland. According to Kerkko, pottery from the Kiukainen culture is found in the stone cist graves. The Kiukainen culture is a textbook fusion of both hunter-gatherer and Corded Ware culture. They practised seal hunting and pastoralism. If Kerkko's theory is correct, it would mean that the East Scandinavian cluster was from the Kiukainen culture in Southwest Finland and invaded Scandinavia by landing in East Sweden and then spreading from there. This would also fit with the strontium isotope analyses by Allentoft (2024), indicating a migration from East Sweden.
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04 A thought I have been pondering recently is the idea that some Germanic myths originated with the indigenous hunter-gatherers of Scandinavia. Namely, the creation of man from trees, as explored in the Vǫluspá. We do know that pre-literate cultural groups such as the Anglo-Saxons were certainly capable of reciting 12 generations of ancestors (namely, King Penda), which is about 350 years if we assume that the average generational gap back then was 20-30 years. Thus, we can infer that their ancestors (who originated in Scandinavia and northern Germany) were capable of this, too. In the case of the East Scandinavian cluster, we know that they had emerged somewhere in East Sweden around 2600 BC and went on to replace the West and South Scandinavian genetic clusters in Denmark and Norway by 2000 BC. It is this population, the East Scandinavians, that formed the "predominant ancestry source for later Iron and Viking Age Scandinavians", and most Germanic peoples, as explored here. Given that the majority of ancient Europeans were primarily patrilineal (which we can infer based on archaeological and genetic evidence), it seems likely that the East Scandinavians were as well. Given that the predominant Y-haplogroup amongst them was I1, it seems possible that they understood themselves to have been directly descended from hunter-gatherers indigenous to Sweden about 400 years prior to their emergence (in the form of patrilineal stories of their ancestors, etc.). By 2000 BC, the East Scandinavian cluster was already admixed with steppe ancestry for about 400-600 years, but again, their male lineages were not of steppe origin and their burial customs were stone cists, not kurgans (until they incorporated them into their own tradition and became the elite of the Nordic Bronze Age). Their steppe ancestry technically came from their mothers while their main side came from their hunter-gatherer fathers. So I think it is hypothetically possible that they may have brought some form of myth of man's creation from trees with them into Denmark, which ultimately would have come from their patrilineal hunter-gatherer ancestors.
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The Declaration of Tradition now has over 210 signatures. As one of the primary authors of the DOT, it is pleasing to see Germanic Pagans using this as an established pillar to take collective action as a whole. SIGN HERE:
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Environmental changes in Mesolithic to Late Neolithic Scandinavia An interesting observation in the Population Genomics in Stone Age Eurasia paper by Allentoft et al (2022) is the significant environmental changes that occurred based on the lifestyle of different cultural groups that existed in Scandinavia across time. In the Mesolithic, when Western and Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer peoples lived, vegetation was dominated by primary forest trees (Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus, Fraxinus, Alnus, etc.). No significant deforestation took place, suggesting that the hunter-gatherer peoples of Scandinavia lived in a symbiotic relationship with nature. By the Neolithic, during the Funnelbeaker culture phase (c. 4300-2800 BC) and the onset of agriculture in Scandinavia, forests were repeatedly cleared by fire to give room for pastureland, followed by regrowth. This suggests that the Early European Farmer inhabitants of Scandinavia created temporary open spaces of pasture before allowing them to regrow. With the onset of the Single Grave culture (2800-2200 BC) and migration of semi-pastoral steppe herders into Scandinavia, permanent deforestation took place. Some forests did regrow, dominated by two primary forest trees, Tilia and Ulmus. This suggests that some forests were permanently cut down by these people to create open pastures for cattle. In light of new evidence, it is curious to note the subsistence strategy of the East Scandinavian cluster, the population of Late Neolithic Scandinavians who primarily carried Y-haplogroup I1 and replaced both the aforementioned Funnelbeaker culture and Single Grave culture (who were technically in their Flint Dagger culture phase). The East Scandinavian cluster relied on a hunter-fisher-pastoral subsistence strategy, which is interesting because it is a reflection of what we can infer their origin story is based on the most recent evidence: Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer men primarily carrying Y-haplogroup I1 with Battle Axe culture wives, forming a unique culture whereby the men were patrilineal and followed the stone cist burial tradition of their fathers, who were ultimately hunter-gatherers (and, based on strontium isotope analysis, possibly from East Sweden. Perhaps Mälaren Valley).
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An epithet of Woden-Óðinn is Yggr ("Terrifying"). In what sense is Óðinn terrifying? Some may call Óðinn a god of war, and there is some truth to that. However, Óðinn's terrifying intensity cannot be described in the sense of vengeful or malicious rage. Óðinn, when completely engulfed in spiritual awareness, what we call "divine madness", appears terrifying to us. Read the full article: Odin's Self-Sacrifice: The True Meaning of Enlightenment
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An epithet of Woden-Óðinn is Yggr ("Terrifying"). In what sense is Óðinn terrifying? Some may call Óðinn a god of war, and there is some truth to that. However, Óðinn's terrifying intensity cannot be described in the sense of vengeful or malicious rage. Óðinn, when completely engulfed in spiritual awareness, what we call "divine madness", appears terrifying to us. Read the full article: Odin's Self-Sacrifice: The True Meaning of Enlightenment
Germanic morality triumphs over Abrahamic delusion. Song: ULTRA SUNN - Keep Your Eyes Peeled.
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The talented artist Didrik Magnus-Andresen kindly sent me an early access preview of his new comic book, The Yawning Void. Set in a sci-fi future, The Yawning Void follows rebel descendants of Earth, where communication satellites have been cut off, yielding full autonomy to the colonies. New confederations rise, where lineage and honour are held in high regard. The space vikings are coming in The Yawning Void, and it looks awesome. The comic features an abundance of Pagan themes coupled with a unique setting in space, on ships, and on different planets. The Yawning Void is now available. You can purchase a copy here: Follow Didrik here:
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Special thank you to Survive the Jive for sending me free access to his course, Starting Heathenry, for review. To preface, I was limited in what I managed to get through in the course due to religious commitments to my hearth, so what follows will solely be in reference to modules 1-3 only. The course primarily focuses on what we know about rituals in Germanic Paganism using the historical sources as a reference, which is a foundation I agree with. It is also commendable that STJ makes it clear whether a statement made is his own personal opinion or interpretation, allowing you to make up your own mind on whether you agree or disagree. If you are already adept in Germanic Paganism, the course may not be for you. However, complete newcomers to Germanic Paganism may find it helpful for the following reasons: -Easy-to-follow format: The structure of the course is set out similarly to how you'd organise study notes. In addition, there is a transcript under each video, which is a nice option for those who prefer to read, rather than watch videos. -Micro-learning structure: The course is designed using the micro-learning strategy, allowing those with limited time to get through it at a steady pace. -Resource compendium: At the end of each module there is a list of historical sources relevant to the information shared in the module itself. I like this because I believe that the sources must be the framework Germanic Pagans build upon today, so it is nice to see that this method is also being used here. Overall, I would say that this course is definitely designed for newcomers to Germanic Paganism as it is very "back-to-basics" by design. Learned Pagans may also find it helpful in compiling a compendium of sources as well. A note I'd make light of is that in module 3, statements in regards to ritual seem to draw heavily from Mircea Eliade's work from the 20th century. Namely, The Sacred and Profane. Whilst Eliade has produced some interesting and thought-provoking work that modern Pagans may wish to draw upon today, I believe that an edit to the position put forth in module 3 specifically, should be clarified to be an that of an opinion influenced by Eliade. (This is independent of whether I myself agree or disagree with Eliade, but rather a clarification I believe should be made given that it draws upon modern philosophical interpretations that our ancestors may or may not have believed). While it is true that you can find all of the information readily available online and in YouTube videos for free, it can become very time-consuming for those with a busy schedule. Additionally, some sources may also be hard to find in English. Starting Heathenry is an option for those who may want a streamlined course that you can pick up and get through in bite-sized modules.
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From the Vendel XIV helmet Dated between 520 and 625 AD
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From the Vendel XIV helmet Dated between between 520 and 625 AD
Recreation of a Vendel Period sword found in Vendel Mound 1 from Uppland, Sweden, by Woedans on Instagram.
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The Gods were loving, ástgir, when Askr and Embla were created.
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Woden by Karol Michalec
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According to Aristotle, a quarter of the state's land should be dedicated to religious use: "The expense of religious worship should likewise be a public charge. The land must therefore be divided into two parts, one public and the other private, and each part should be subdivided, part of the public land being appropriated to the service of the Gods ..." Aristotle, Politics 1330a
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In the medieval Faroese ballad, Loka Táttur (Tale of Loki), we learn of a farmer who loses a bet with a giant (referred to as Skrymir in some verses, a name for Útgarða-Loki from the Gylfaginning and a generic term for jǫtnarr in the Norse literature) who demands his son. The ballad proceeds with the farmer asking for the assistance of Odin, Hoenir, and Loki. Beginning with Odin, it reads: The giant said: "A bet is a bet and I have won, and now pay up, I want your son. I want that son of yours, so do not hide him from me." The farmer says to his wife: "Ask Odin to come here for me. Please summon Odin the King of the Æsir, for he can hide my son until the giant leaves. I wish Odin was here and would tell me that he would hide my son." And before he could say another word, Odin was there, standing at their table. "Odin" said the farmer, "I hope you heard me, please I beg you, please hide my son!" Odin took the boy with him, and the farmer and his wife were worried about what would happen to their son. Odin took the boy into a field of corn and cast a spell on him, so he would look as though he were just another ear of corn in that field, and then Odin commanded the field of corn to grow, grow fast, in just one night to help hide the boy. And the boy became an ear of corn in the middle of the field, and he blended in with the many ears that all around that field. And Odin said: "Stay still, and there will not be a problem, and when I call, you must come to me! Remember, stay still, there is nothing to worry about, but when I call though, you must come to me!" In Loka Táttur, we see worship structures referencing three Gods, in addition to specific qualities pertaining to Odin, Hoenir, and Loki. Odin's assistance given to the farmer is noteworthy, along with His ability to create rapid crop growth overnight. This ultimately provides us with an insight into the multifaceted nature of the Gods and Their essence as unique personalities with Their own agency.
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In the Vǫluspá, we learn that the Gods were loving—ástgir—when They created us. The component ást means "love" or "affection", thus rendering ástgir as "loving" or "affectionate". In Old English, the word would be ēstig. This provides Germanic Pagans with a valuable insight into the nature of our Gods, specifically Óðinn, Hœnir, and Lóðurr—the three Gods responsible for our creation. Image: Odin, Hoenir and Lodur create Ask and Embla - Lorenz Frölich (1895).
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New in archaeology! Links for May/June 2024 The Treasure of Villena - A stash of Bronze Age artefacts from Iberia has been successfully dated to 1400-1200 BC. Two artefacts contain meteoritic iron, making them the first two pieces attributable to meteoritic iron in the Iberian Peninsula. New Bronze Age haul - A sword believed to have been ritualistically broken into three parts has been found in Dorset. The hilt, though cast in bronze, was shaped to mimic a wooden handle. Ramses II sarcophagus - The sarcophagus of one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs has finally been found, three millennia after his death. Pre-Viking Ship Burial - On the Norwegian island of Leka, archaeologists have unearthed the earliest known ship burial in Scandinavia, dated to 700 AD. Neolithic Ireland - Elongated earthworks, wooden posts, and a batch of new Neolithic monuments have been discovered in Ireland. Temple of the Emperors - The Greek Ministry of Culture declared that fresh discoveries had been made during archaeological excavations at the ancient Nikopolis Agora in the northern Greek region of Epirus. Recent excavations in the ancient city of Nikopolis have uncovered the building of the Sebasteion (“temple of the emperors”) in the agora, the square that constituted the town’s urban center. Roman Centurion letter - On the western outskirts of Berenike, an ancient port located on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, archaeologists have discovered papyrus fragments correspondence between Roman military commanders.
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The Ågersta Stone is an intricate runestone which served as both a memorial, and a property marker. The inscription is carved on two entwined beasts, an enduring motif in Germanic art. ᚢᛁᚦᚢᚴᛋᛁ ᛚᛁᛏ ᚱᛅᛁᛋᛅᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ ᚦᛁᛅᛋᚾᛁᚠᛏᛁᛦ ᛋᛁᚱᛁᚠ ᚠᛅᚦᚢᚱ ᛋᛁᚾ ᚴᚬᚦᛅᚾ ᚼᛅᚾ ᛒᛁᚴᛁ ᛅᚴᚢᚱᛋᛏᛅᛘ ᚼᛁᛁᚱᛘᚾ ᛋᛏᛅᚾᛏᛅ ᛋᛏᛅᚾ ᛘᛁᚦᛚᛁ ᛒᚢᛅ ᚱᛅᚦᛁ ᛏᛁᚴᚱ ᚦᛅᛦ ᚱᛁᚾ ᛋᛁ ᚱᚢᚾᚢᛘ ᚦᛁᛘ ᛋᚢᛘ ᛒᛅᛚᛁ ᚱᛁᛋᛏᛁ “Víðhugsi had this stone raised in memory of Særeifr his good father. He lived in Ôgurstaðir. Here will the stone stand between the estates. May the adept man who is rune-skilled interpret those runes which Balli carved.”
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On the 22nd of June 2024, which will be the 17th of Ærra Liða, my hearth, Woden's Grove, will be celebrating our Midsummer blót to Thunor. You may be eligible to attend depending on your location. If this interests you, you can get in touch via [email protected].
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Media files
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Odin and poetry Poetry was a prized skill to our Germanic ancestors. Having the ability to compose poetry today is equally as useful for Germanic Pagans who want to create hymns to the Gods and ancestors that can be used in worship. In the Norse literature, poetry is referred to as something intrinsically connected to Óðinn (Woden). The following list contains some kennings for poetry which feature Óðinn: líð Hôars "Drink of Hôars" Hôars = Óðinn hverlǫgr farms galga "Cauldron-liquid of the burden of the gallows" Burden of the gallows = Óðinn líð Yggs "Terrifier's drink" Terrifier = Óðinn Gjalfr Gauts "Hollering sea of Gautr" Gautr = Óðinn hrannir saltunnu Hárs "Waves of Hárr's hall-barrell" Hárr = Óðinn vágr Rǫgnis "Wave of Rǫgnir" Rǫgnir = Óðinn And a personal favourite of mine: Mjǫðr burar Bors "Mead of Bor's son" Bor's son = Óðinn Poetry is tied to Óðinn because the traditional understanding of our ancestors is that He stole the mead of poetry from Suttungr's hall after transforming into an eagle and spitting the mead into the drinking vessels of the Gods. This knowledge is preserved in the poem Skáldskaparmál in the Prose Edda, along with the origin of Kvasir and his transformation into the mead of poetry after his death.
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The Danelaw
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Humans as trees A kenning used for the word "warrior" in the skaldic poetry provides Germanic Pagans with an insightful look at how our ancestors conceived of humans, linking back to our creation in the Vǫluspá. The term kringinn bör hjörþings means "the smart tree of the sword-assembly." Another term used for warrior is Ógnrakkr álmr dynskúrar málma, meaning "Battle-brave elm of the din-shower of weapons." In an anonymous lausavísur in the Saga of Magnus Barefoot, a warrior by the name of Þórir is referred to as Lundr hjǫrs: Ullstrengr spurði orði, hvé Þórir mætti; skip renndusk at hvatla; sverð snarpra fyrða bitu slætt. Lundr hjǫrs kvazk heill at hǫndum en hrumr at fótum; frôgum þat gǫrva; glamm grjóts gerðisk á borði. "Ullstrengr ("Wool-band") asked how Þórir was faring; the ships closed quickly; the swords of keen warriors bit bluntly. The tree of the sword (warrior, Þórir) said he was hale of hand but halt of foot; we heard that clearly; there was a crash of rocks against the planking." In these three instances, humans are referred to as trees. This is because our ancestors understood humans to have been created from driftwood by Odin, Hoenir and Lothurr, which is preserved in the poem Vǫluspá, stanzas 17-18 in the Poetic Edda.
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King Arthur as a Sub-Roman Brittonic Dux Bellorum (Leader of Battles) by Jfoliveras.
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Hail Woden, the kin-wise raven-tester, thou who art known by many names.
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We live on Midgard? Splendid.
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Last night I had a very peculiar dream. I was on a rowboat in the middle of a raging sea, it was nighttime, and raining heavily. I was heading in the direction of a large peaked mountain, the silhouette I could faintly see in the distance as lightning cracked, lighting up the sky. Another mysterious hooded figure was on the rowboat with me (I couldn't quite make out who it was but could see their silhouette). I told them that we were heading "inside" of the mountain because it was a place where "Woden worshippers" went. I arrived at the mountain and entered the cave entrance, but when inside, a rocky path went upwards and required one to crawl on their belly as a trickling stream of water ran downwards, making the path slippery and hard to climb. I found an easier pathway to the top on the left side of the rocky path which had stairs all of a sudden. Various runes and ancient symbols were etched into the wall which I could read coherently in the dream as I took the path up. Then, I continued walking but woke up just before the dream finished.
إظهار الكل...
39🔥 7🤯 6🙏 5👏 4👍 1🥰 1😱 1
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Anglo-Saxon hours.
إظهار الكل...
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60👍 7🤯 3
An alternative theory on the origin of Y-haplogroup I1 and its patrilineal descendants who would form the East Scandinavian genetic cluster has been proposed in this lecture by one of the scientists from the Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages paper. The lecture begins at 2:49:32. Around 3:19:30, one of the researchers from the aforementioned paper suggests that the East Scandinavian cluster possibly comes from Finland. According to Kerkko, pottery from the Kiukainen culture is found in the stone cist graves. The Kiukainen culture is a textbook fusion of both hunter-gatherer and Corded Ware culture. They practised seal hunting and pastoralism. If Kerkko's theory is correct, it would mean that the East Scandinavian cluster was from the Kiukainen culture in Southwest Finland and invaded Scandinavia by landing in East Sweden and then spreading from there. This would also fit with the strontium isotope analyses by Allentoft (2024), indicating a migration from East Sweden.
إظهار الكل...
The Transformation of Europein the Third Millennium BC - Day 3

16 6🤔 4👍 3 A thought I have been pondering recently is the idea that some Germanic myths originated with the indigenous hunter-gatherers of Scandinavia. Namely, the creation of man from trees, as explored in the Vǫluspá. We do know that pre-literate cultural groups such as the Anglo-Saxons were certainly capable of reciting 12 generations of ancestors (namely, King Penda), which is about 350 years if we assume that the average generational gap back then was 20-30 years. Thus, we can infer that their ancestors (who originated in Scandinavia and northern Germany) were capable of this, too. In the case of the East Scandinavian cluster, we know that they had emerged somewhere in East Sweden around 2600 BC and went on to replace the West and South Scandinavian genetic clusters in Denmark and Norway by 2000 BC. It is this population, the East Scandinavians, that formed the "predominant ancestry source for later Iron and Viking Age Scandinavians", and most Germanic peoples, as explored here. Given that the majority of ancient Europeans were primarily patrilineal (which we can infer based on archaeological and genetic evidence), it seems likely that the East Scandinavians were as well. Given that the predominant Y-haplogroup amongst them was I1, it seems possible that they understood themselves to have been directly descended from hunter-gatherers indigenous to Sweden about 400 years prior to their emergence (in the form of patrilineal stories of their ancestors, etc.). By 2000 BC, the East Scandinavian cluster was already admixed with steppe ancestry for about 400-600 years, but again, their male lineages were not of steppe origin and their burial customs were stone cists, not kurgans (until they incorporated them into their own tradition and became the elite of the Nordic Bronze Age). Their steppe ancestry technically came from their mothers while their main side came from their hunter-gatherer fathers. So I think it is hypothetically possible that they may have brought some form of myth of man's creation from trees with them into Denmark, which ultimately would have come from their patrilineal hunter-gatherer ancestors.
إظهار الكل...
The Chad Pastoralist: History

Environmental changes in Mesolithic to Late Neolithic Scandinavia An interesting observation in the Population Genomics in Stone Age Eurasia paper by Allentoft et al (2022) is the significant environmental changes that occurred based on the lifestyle of different cultural groups that existed in Scandinavia across time. In the Mesolithic, when Western and Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer peoples lived, vegetation was dominated by primary forest trees (Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus, Fraxinus, Alnus, etc.). No significant deforestation took place, suggesting that the hunter-gatherer peoples of Scandinavia lived in a symbiotic relationship with nature. By the Neolithic, during the Funnelbeaker culture phase (c. 4300-2800 BC) and the onset of agriculture in Scandinavia, forests were repeatedly cleared by fire to give room for pastureland, followed by regrowth. This suggests that the Early European Farmer inhabitants of Scandinavia created temporary open spaces of pasture before allowing them to regrow. With the onset of the…

27👍 8🌚 4 3🤔 3
The Declaration of Tradition now has over 210 signatures. As one of the primary authors of the DOT, it is pleasing to see Germanic Pagans using this as an established pillar to take collective action as a whole. SIGN HERE:
إظهار الكل...
28 12🎉 4
Environmental changes in Mesolithic to Late Neolithic Scandinavia An interesting observation in the Population Genomics in Stone Age Eurasia paper by Allentoft et al (2022) is the significant environmental changes that occurred based on the lifestyle of different cultural groups that existed in Scandinavia across time. In the Mesolithic, when Western and Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer peoples lived, vegetation was dominated by primary forest trees (Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus, Fraxinus, Alnus, etc.). No significant deforestation took place, suggesting that the hunter-gatherer peoples of Scandinavia lived in a symbiotic relationship with nature. By the Neolithic, during the Funnelbeaker culture phase (c. 4300-2800 BC) and the onset of agriculture in Scandinavia, forests were repeatedly cleared by fire to give room for pastureland, followed by regrowth. This suggests that the Early European Farmer inhabitants of Scandinavia created temporary open spaces of pasture before allowing them to regrow. With the onset of the Single Grave culture (2800-2200 BC) and migration of semi-pastoral steppe herders into Scandinavia, permanent deforestation took place. Some forests did regrow, dominated by two primary forest trees, Tilia and Ulmus. This suggests that some forests were permanently cut down by these people to create open pastures for cattle. In light of new evidence, it is curious to note the subsistence strategy of the East Scandinavian cluster, the population of Late Neolithic Scandinavians who primarily carried Y-haplogroup I1 and replaced both the aforementioned Funnelbeaker culture and Single Grave culture (who were technically in their Flint Dagger culture phase). The East Scandinavian cluster relied on a hunter-fisher-pastoral subsistence strategy, which is interesting because it is a reflection of what we can infer their origin story is based on the most recent evidence: Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer men primarily carrying Y-haplogroup I1 with Battle Axe culture wives, forming a unique culture whereby the men were patrilineal and followed the stone cist burial tradition of their fathers, who were ultimately hunter-gatherers (and, based on strontium isotope analysis, possibly from East Sweden. Perhaps Mälaren Valley).
إظهار الكل...

👍 28 7 3🤯 3
An epithet of Woden-Óðinn is Yggr ("Terrifying"). In what sense is Óðinn terrifying? Some may call Óðinn a god of war, and there is some truth to that. However, Óðinn's terrifying intensity cannot be described in the sense of vengeful or malicious rage. Óðinn, when completely engulfed in spiritual awareness, what we call "divine madness", appears terrifying to us. Read the full article: Odin's Self-Sacrifice: The True Meaning of Enlightenment
إظهار الكل...
41🔥 8🤔 2
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An epithet of Woden-Óðinn is Yggr ("Terrifying"). In what sense is Óðinn terrifying? Some may call Óðinn a god of war, and there is some truth to that. However, Óðinn's terrifying intensity cannot be described in the sense of vengeful or malicious rage. Óðinn, when completely engulfed in spiritual awareness, what we call "divine madness", appears terrifying to us. Read the full article: Odin's Self-Sacrifice: The True Meaning of Enlightenment
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Germanic morality triumphs over Abrahamic delusion. Song: ULTRA SUNN - Keep Your Eyes Peeled.
إظهار الكل...
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🔥 116 14🤔 7👏 5🥰 1🌚 1
The talented artist Didrik Magnus-Andresen kindly sent me an early access preview of his new comic book, The Yawning Void. Set in a sci-fi future, The Yawning Void follows rebel descendants of Earth, where communication satellites have been cut off, yielding full autonomy to the colonies. New confederations rise, where lineage and honour are held in high regard. The space vikings are coming in The Yawning Void, and it looks awesome. The comic features an abundance of Pagan themes coupled with a unique setting in space, on ships, and on different planets. The Yawning Void is now available. You can purchase a copy here: Follow Didrik here:
إظهار الكل...
31👍 7