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Kristen Nagle

A Nurse and Holistic Nutritionist helping you connect back to yourself, community and the Earth. To empower sovereignty, informed consent, medical transparency and true health and well-being.

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Dr. Khan who is looking for a unvaxxed nurse for his Cancer & Wellness Clinic in Toronto. “We are looking for an unvaxxed nurse to work at our cancer and wellness clinic in Toronto (Yonge St/401): Must have excellent IV skills. Part time initially, may increase to full time as the office is getting busier. If you know someone, please give them my email: [email protected]
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Part 2 of 2: - A pure isolate of the bacterium was not obtained or used, so it is not possible to distinguish whether the clinical symptoms (skin inflammation) were caused by the bite wounds of the ticks or by the bacterium. Willy Burgdorfer: Lyme disease (1996) ”Laboratory diagnosis of Lyme disease remains problematic. Although Borrelia burgdorferi organisms have been identified in biopsy specimens of erythema migrans lesions (IS), such biopsy is not practical for emergency physicians and many other clinicians. Serologic testing is of very limited value in acute cases, inasmuch as IgM levels do not begin to rise for 2-4 weeks following the onset of infection (17). Immunological tests such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELBA) and immunofluorescence assay suffer from poor reproducibility of positive and negative results (IO). Western immunoblotting, however, may be useful in identifying false-positive ELISA results (19). Consequently, currently there is no standard laboratory test diagnostic for Lyme disease (12), and the diagnosis is best made on clinical and epidemiologic grounds.” [...] ”Chronic Lyme disease may be overdiagnosed, often on the basis of false-positive serology …” Recent Progress in Lyme Disease and Remaining Challenges “The diagnosis of LD [lyme disease] can be a complex task for the provider because, outside of the erythema migrans (EM) lesion of early LD, diagnosis relies on non-specific clinical signs and symptoms that may or may not be supported by laboratory evidence.” [...] “LD is known as the “great imitator” because symptoms are varied and often overlap with common health complaints, sometimes making early diagnosis more difficult. ... There are likely hundreds of health conditions with significant overlap with these non-specific signs and symptoms.” Hollstrom E: Penicillin treatment of erythema chronicum migrans Afzelius Thank you to a colleague for amassing the research. #lyme
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Recent Progress in Lyme Disease and Remaining Challenges

Lyme disease (also known as Lyme borreliosis) is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States with an estimated 476,000 cases per year. While historically, the long-term impact of Lyme disease on patients has been controversial, mounting ...

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1: #Lyme disease is not caused by a bacteria or a spirochete. The system has been poisoned. Usually by vaccines, chronic antibiotic use, other heavy metals, microplastics, traumas or nutritional deficiencies, as we see with literally all disease states. Giving more antibiotics may prove temporary relief as the microorganisms are active in trying to remove the waste from the body and the symptoms are produced in an attempt to release the wastes. Improper treatment occurs due to false diagnosis as nutritional stores are not replenished and microbial support is not given. An individual who is on the edge of a purge only needs one event to trigger them into an attempted release. That could be a shock, a bite from any organism, another poisoning from a pharmaceutical, even improper eating. We see this with states of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, as well. These individuals are ticking time bombs and it only takes one trigger to set them off where the body now needs to go into a cleansing cycle which produces symptoms that people judge as negative. There is your Lyme disease, there is your covid, there is your long covid, there is your <insert any disease you want that is blamed on microorganisms and viruses.> Borrelia studies Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from blood of adult patients with borrelial lymphocytoma, Lyme neuroborreliosis, Lyme arthritis and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans Results: “Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato was isolated from the blood of 1/53 (1.9%) patients with borrelial lymphocytoma, 6/176 (3.4%) patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis, 1/13 (7.7%) patients with Lyme arthritis, and 3/ 200 (1.5%) patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans.” [...] “At the time of the blood culture, erythema migrans was present in 4/11 (36.4%) borrelia blood culture-positive patients …” Isolation of Borrelia Spirochetes from Patients in Texas Results: “During this study, blood specimens from 100 patients were cultured for B. burgdorferi. We cultivated spirochetes from two (2%) specimens: one chilled whole blood and one frozen clot. A total of 31 skin specimens were placed in culture, resulting in 8 (26%) isolates, and spirochetes were observed in 1 of 7 (14%) cultured CSF specimens. Tissues from two autopsies (kidney, liver, spleen, lung, and lymph node) were submitted, and spirochetes were detected in the liver and spleen of one patient. Spirochetes were isolated from one of three (33%) joint fluids (knee) and from the one bone specimen that was submitted (wrist).” Here's a summary of the paper on the alleged causative agent of lyme disease: - Here is the first paper from 1982 describing experiments with the 'isolated' bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi: - Only epidemiological evidence is referred to as causality, there is no direct evidence that or how the bacterium triggers the symptoms. - The clinical symptoms are described as diffuse: an inflammatory disease that is initially noticeable through skin leasions. It was first recognized as a form of inflammatory arthritis in Lyme, Connecticut, although the clinical disease was also observed in other states. - In order to prove the causality, experiments were then carried out with 8 rabbits. 30-40 ticks were taped to the shaved abdomen of each rabbit. That would be comparable to a person weighing 185lb (83 kg) having over 1,000 ticks stuck to their stomach. (after weight comparison). - The bacterium was NEVER detected directly in the rabbits, only by means of antibody levels, which are not specific, as the authors themselves show, since the antibody tests always react, just in different dilutions. - The antibody test used also reacts positively in people who do not suffer from the disease, only in lower concentrations. - It is also important that these experiments were carried out without scientific controls. (e.g. rabbit ticks without bacteria, same procedure)
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Isolation of Borrelia spirochetes from patients in Texas.

The Texas Department of Health Laboratory began culturing the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi in 1985. This organism was subsequently isolated from blood, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluid, skin, bone, and autopsy tissues from humans. Fluorescent-antibody ...

ON LYME Notes: Lyme is NOT caused by any micro-organism. This has not ever been proven. I used to think so, but that cannot be so, as we have many other ways in which to have Lyme. The issue is in biotoxin exposure and how that individual DEALS with the biotoxin. Lyme is akin to IBS, a catch-all of a list of various symptoms to describe something doctors can't understand: How Do You Know If You’ve Been Exposed To Biotoxins? When you’ve been exposed to a biotoxin, your symptoms could be acute or chronic depending on the biotoxin, potency, length of exposure, your genetic status, and more. One thing is certain though – you want to address it earlier rather than later. The longer you go untreated (especially if you’re still being exposed to the toxin), the more complex your symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment will become. Symptoms of biotoxin illness include: • Shortness of breath • Cough • Sinus problems • Memory difficulties • Headaches • Numbness • Muscle cramping • Metallic taste • Fatigue • Weakness • Nerve pain • Light sensitivity • Weight gain • Night sweats • Excessive thirst • Gastrointestinal related issues • The inability to distinguish between subtle differences in color Find a functional medicine doctor who has experience in biotoxin illnesses. Biotoxin Related Medical Conditions Biotoxins themselves can cause medical conditions and their inflammatory hijacking of the detoxification pathway system can cause serious illnesses. Biotoxin related medical conditions include: • Chronic inflammatory response syndrome • Lyme disease • Autoimmune disease • Hormone imbalance • Alzheimer’s disease It’s quite possible we are only beginning to fully realize how harmful biotoxins are. Only recently a subset of Alzheimer’s disease was identified as being caused by mycotoxins. Lyme is supposed to cause migrating joint pain and have that bullseye rash. Now it’s a catch all for any “mysterious” illness with a laundry list of signs and symptoms. I do think ticks and other biting insects can cause an issue but not due to a spirochete or bacterium but due to the salivary toxins excreted at the bite from the insect. Similar to say a spider. There is some research on this and they call it Tick Paralysis in which they recognize certain neurotoxins that get excreted at the site of bite. There are cases of people becoming paralyzed from it if tick is attached for several days but the paralysis resolves after tick is removed. My hypothesis is that many cardiac and neuro symptoms can be instigated by a tick or other insect who attaches for less time but the symptoms wouldn’t be so severe. And you get complicating factors when a person is already impaired and already has a difficult time with detoxing waste out. For those who never got bitten by anything (lets say if we could be sure about that) then their syndrome is from all the other variables we know cause dis-ease. Not to mention if they were treated with antibiotics because they were Dx with Lyme. As you can imagine, just with everything, they never have proven the spirochete is the causative agent and of course Borrelia and the other “co-infections” are found in people with no symptoms, too.
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Inhalational Alzheimer's disease: an unrecognized—and treatable—epidemic

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most significant healthcare problems today, with a dire need for effective treatment. Identifying subtypes of Alzheimer's disease may aid in the development of therapeutics, and recently three different subtypes have ...

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Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
The Dearborn Lyme Scam: People seem to have zero memories of the track record for these vaccine manufacturers. It's alarming. The Lyme vaccine: a cautionary tale
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The Meaning of Antibodies (satire) by Tom Cowan, M.D. 1. Antibodies are very important for our immune system in getting over viral and bacterial diseases. We make non-specific IgM Antibodies (Ab) initially then specific IgG Ab later. Once we make IgG we are immune for life against that pathogen. 2. An example of this is with mumps, mumps is caused by a virus, we get the disease once, make IgG antibodies and are immune for life. 3. Another example is measles, we test for IgG and prove we are immune for life, well except that in a Supreme Court case in Germany it was shown that the measles virus doesn’t exist, never mind. 4. Another example is chickenpox, we get chicken pox once and never again due to IgG antibodies, except if we get shingles which is also chickenpox, but well that's different. 5. If we have AIDS we test for the presence of Ab, if we have them we know for sure that we have a deadly virus which will soon kill us. That’s because the HIV virus is “smart” and knows how to evade the Ab unlike the mumps virus which is stupid and doesn’t. The measles virus doesn’t exist and the chickenpox virus is smart-ish. 6. Another example is Hep C, again if your liver is falling apart you can be tested for Ab and if they are positive it means you have a deadly virus which is eating your liver. This is clearly another example of a smart virus. 7. With rhino virus, the cause of the common cold, we, naturally develop antibodies to the virus, but this virus is very smart (seeing as how it jumped to humans as a result of the unfortunate tendency of Africans to eat rhinos ) and many of us get colds year after year in spite of the presence of antibodies. 8. Similarly the influenza virus is very, very smart and unlike the measles virus which not only doesn’t exist but has remained constant in its non-existence for centuries, the flu virus changes its form yearly. This is undoubtedly because the flu virus is so smart it has included flu vaccine companies in its stock market portfolio. I wish I were as smart as the flu virus. 7. If you have symptoms of Lyme’s disease and you test for the presence of Ab and show them to your infectious disease doctor and tell him you tested positive for antibodies which means you have Lyme disease, he will throw you out of the office and call you a fucking lunatic. That’s because the presence of Ab don’t mean anything in Lyme’s disease 8. If you have Covid and you test positive for Ab it means you either had the virus or you didn’t have the virus. Also, it is clear evidence that you were either sick or not sick. That’s because the corona virus is so smart that it can trick you into either making Ab or not to throw off the immunologists. Hope this makes it perfectly clear.
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There is no HIV virus. They knew in 1980 AIDS aka MadCow aka Lyme was the exact same disease and you cannot kill spirochetal prion seed. Protein diseases are caused from GMOs, Vaccine ingredients, pesticides, herbicides, etc. It is not caused from a virus! And here they are injecting people with an mRNA shot that is designed to MAKE proteins! C'mon people! #lyme #novirus #study #aids #madcow #prion #parasites #spirochete
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RepA-WH1, the agent of an amyloid proteinopathy in bacteria, builds oligomeric pores through lipid vesicles - PubMed

RepA-WH1 is a disease-unrelated protein that recapitulates in bacteria key aspects of human amyloid proteinopathies: i) It undergoes ligand-promoted amyloidogenesis in vitro; ii) its aggregates are able to seed/template amyloidosis on soluble protein molecules; iii) its conformation is modulated by …

"OMG Chris why are you leaving canada?" The first two pics of us dollars. One saying "silver certificate" and the other saying "federal reserve note" are exhibits showing when the ILLUMINATI took over the banking system in 1965 to use DEBT/INFLATION to rob you blind until you became slaves. The third photo shows how much debt they INTENTIONALLY ACCUMULATED from 1965 (virtually none) to over 20 TRILLION by 2020. Finally the last pic shows the current us debt from just 2020 to 2024 they used the PLANDEMIC to put the final nail in your coffins as in just the last 4 years debt is now almost 36 TRILLION. And it took 55 years to accumulate the first 20 trillion and now on pace for another 20 trillion in 6 years. You dont need to be a "financial guru" or even understand the basics of the monetary system to understand this is unprecendented and there is no coming back from this. The most impressive fact is how oblivious 99 out of 100 people are
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Awesome video on ArriveCAN corruption and the Auditor General’s findings. 🙏😊
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Uncovering ArriveCAN: Corruption in Government Contracts

ArriveCAN, at times called ArriveSCAM, has been plagued by news of corruption, lies and mismanagement in both the Canadian government and among private contractors who worked on the project. Let’s lay out the key players and events in this debacle. 0:00 Overview 0:54 History of ArriveCAN 2:08 GC Strategies lies and CBSA mismanagement 5:25 GC Strategies in the House of Commons 7:48 Who awarded the contracts? 8:07 CBSA: Minh Doan 9:14 Testimony against Minh Doan 10:36 Cameron MacDonald & Antonio Utano of CBSA, GC Strategies and Botler 11:43 ArriveCAN Costs 12:01 Dalian and David Yeo 12:38 Contractors didn’t do any work 13:07 CBSA Disregard for policies, controls, and transparency 13:46 Where we stand today SOURCES: Procurement Practice Review of ArriveCAN by Alexander Jeglic - January 2024

2024 Reports of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of Canada

Public Accounts: AG Karen Hogan Discusses Report on ArriveCAN App – February 12, 2024

AG Report Highlights Management and Contracting Issues with ArriveCAN App February 12, 2024

Cameron MacDonald and Anthony Utano (formerly of the CBSA) In Committee with the House of Commons Government Operations and Estimates - 7th of November 2023

Kristian Firth (G.C. Strategies) In committee from the House of Commons - 13th of March 2023

Kristian Firth (G.C. Strategies) In committee from the House of Commons - November 2nd 2023

Kristian Firth (G.C. Strategies) Appears at the Bar of the House of Commons - April 17th 2024

Darren Anthony (G.C. Strategies) in committee with the House of Commons - March 14, 2024

Dalian received DNF contract on first day of David Yeo’s employment

David Yeo (Dalian) In Committee from the House of Commons Government Operations and Estimates - October 31, 2023

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Greg Arcade | SubStack | Substack

Newsletter from Greg Arcade talking about Entrepreneurship, My Time in Entertainment, the growing Parallel Society, and how it all relates to the current events relative to my experiences. Click to read Greg Arcade | SubStack, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.

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