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𝐿𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑎 𝑑𝑜𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒~🚪💜 Do you like ffs? Oneshots? Fanfic books? then this is the perfect place for you🥂 Cross promo & requests: @purplebtsff_bot

إظهار المزيد
لم يتم تحديد البلدالإنكليزية144 078الكتب
مشاركات الإعلانات
لا توجد بيانات24 ساعات
-47 أيام
-1830 أيام

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معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

Y'all the story will soon end soon . I was originally planning to post it loner like around 40 chapters but due to lack of response and my study schedule I am deciding on ending it soon maybe 35 On 10 Feburary I will drop and a very long chapter covering almost everything like their relationship , fight with Xavier and y/n's dad innocence proven . So till then I hope you all not forget me or story and wait patiently 💗🌼
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➳ Caption ࿐ྂ #𝖏𝖍𝖔𝖕𝖊 #𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖔𝓴 #𝖇𝖙𝖘 ↳ ❝ @purplebangtanff
إظهار الكل...
You all saying it's good and all but never comment until I beg for comments it's really depressing as a writer
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Y'all did you guys hate it?
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Update y'all please pls please comment
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He looked up to check and was met with eye to eye with jungkook before he can speak anything jungkook shoved his gun Inside his mouth and shooting it Before coming down on the goons body , and telling others two it's clear . Jungkook sneaked inside the office but was empty , meanwhile jimin and taehyung sneakily killed the guard near by Jungkook looked around to find something when he heard the door click , he quickly hide behind the table "As I was saying we can sell her to Russia and they will give a big price , they definitely like a women with some ass and boobs " jungkook heard a man talking probably on his phone as his footsteps near And jungkook decided to stay hidden, he was looking down hiding when he felt a tip if gun on his head , he looked over to see Xavier with gun load towards jungkook "Come out fast!!" Xavier threatened jungkook as jungkook walked out holding his hand behind his head "Who are you? And who sent you?" Xavier asked as jungkook stand infront of him "Answer me!!" Xavier shouted stepping forward jungkook, and jungkook smirked finding his point Jungkook quickly kicked the gun out of Xavier hand , as soon the gun fall Xavier tried to reach it but before he could jungkook kicked him making him fall Jungkook stepped on his hands stopping any moment, jungkook then picked up Xavier gun pointing it to him "Where is she?" Jungkook spoke in threatening manner building more pressure on Xavier's hand "Who? Arghhh!" Xavier exclaimed in pain Jungkook thought for a moment and decided to not reveal y/n's identity, he was thinking when he was suddenly taken aback by a puch and then following by a punch at his jaw "You picked the wrong day I am already pissed for missing a deal" Xavier spoke throwing another puch at jungkook and then another not giving jungkook a chance to retrieve back Jungkook's face is soaked in blood as reddish liquid drops from his face , he tried to throw a hand but was stoped in midway by Xavier and got punched in abdomen making him vomit a little blood "Now tell me who the fuck are you? What you did to my gang?" Xavier asked kicking again in jungkook's abdomen On getting no reply he kicked him again but this time was stopped by jungkook who threw him to the side and taking chair from beside him and throwing it to Xavier He repeatedly beared until he was almost out of breath and on verge to die "Jungkook!!" Jungkook quickly looked towards the women of his life standing there , dishalfed with bruises, he quickly dropped the chair and run to her Flashback Y/n was in her cell when the food arrived , the gate opened for her to get food She quickly grabbed the man's hand pulling him Inside and locked his head then twisted it Now the door was open she made her way out but was stopped by some girls voice , she looked in the cell near her there were so many women Inside bruised and abused She can't leave them here , she quickly tried to break the lock but was unable to , soon she heard footsteps she hide quickly The man was holding a gun , she decided to use this gun to free these women . As soon the man walked near her she quickly throw her leg on the man's hand resulting in falling of gun and then she easily twisted the man's head With the gun she finally freed the women's and made her way towards the Xavier office fighting in between End of flashback Cupping her face and checking to make sure she is okay, he kissed on top of her head , relived to see she is fine "I was so worried about you ..are you okay?" Jungkook inquired looking at her checking on her "I am okay " y/n spoke little too out of breath "Let's go I have got Xavier" jungkook said but was quickly pushed by y/n to the side and two gun shot was heard Jungkook looked at the bloody body of y/n lying in his hand , then the body of Xavier fallen grabbing his hand that is uncontrollably bleeding "Y/n " As if everything stops and nothing can be heard to jungkook except for the girl who was lying in his arm bleeding
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As it take only a minute to anesthesia to work on somebody , they released my mouth and shut my eyes and my heartbeat bit faint then usually, atleast training is working somewhere They let me on the ground-issh since I can practically myself against a concrete , I heard a van pull up and my body was dragged with black something covering my face I was thrown Inside the van and it started moving, i am trying to imitate the roots  in my mind but it's hard they are taking alot of round turns . They are trying to confuse my mind incase I have been awake I can't feel my earpiece in my ears , i guess it fell somewhere in the struggle "Hey isn't she is so hot , boss wouldn't mind if we touch her a little... what you say ?" I heard one of the man spoke as I felt fingers trailing on my leg . No no this can't be happening, brace yourself you can't make this mission fail "Get your hands off  , she already has been auctioned and boss will kill you if he knows" i felt the fingers detached from my body and I sighed of relief When did he auctioned micha ? I tried to make sure by replying all the scenes in my head. When? When? When? Wait is it the massage on her back? I tried to replay his hand was code how can we not notice. The tapping on her back was fucking Morse code indicating she is out target ..i am 98 percent sure Soon my body was dragged again and was thrown somewhere else , i felt footsteps coming towards me , i kept my body still when I felt the mask this lift up "That's not the girl dumbheads !!" I heard a man shouts maybe it's the delear or xavier "Sorry sir she was looking the same and it was night" one of the kidnappers tried to explain themselves " I DON'T FUCKING CARE ! YOU SHOULD HAVE USED YOUR FUCKING BRAIN!!! UGH!!! GO GET THE GIRL, RIGHT GIRL THIS TIME !!!" he shouted and I heard footsteps leaving, i felt him tie my hands behind me and my legs and then put an injection Wtf is that? Jin already gave me anti poisoning shots so I am safe but I need to know what is this so I can act like it "She will wake up in a minute boss , i gave the medicine to replenish the effect of anesthesia " I heard a female voice but soon enough I also heard heels clacking away I tried slowly opening my eyes then closing them , making it look like I am trying to adjust to the new atmosphere "Wake up princess~~" I felt him near me and I quickly acted frightened running away from him "You can't go anywhere princess" he walked closer grabbing my jaw , and started faking a cry and moving in his grip "Please please let me go please" i pretended to desperately cry to get free "Why were you at the parking lot?" He asked putting pressure in my jaw almost clenching it "I-- I was waiting for my-my boyfriend" i spoke with a bit of struggle " Aww did you know he sold you?" He lied clearly "No it's not possible he loves me , h-he he can't do-do this are lying " I spoke as tears were still falling " Why would I do that? Aww tch tch tch poor you " he said while harshly wiping away the tears "Please let me go I won't tell anyone anything, please please let me go please" i begged more devastatingly so. It be more believable "Stop fucking crying!" He spoke once again clenching my jaw almost turning the skin white , it's painful I shut up but still pretended to muffles the cries "You are not going anywhere and no one is saving you , you know you made a big deal get away from me . What should I do with you ? Hmm?" He spoke while sliding the revolver from my face towards my chest "Help me anyone please HELP ME PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE!!!!" I shouted on the top of my lungs and cried, hope he is believing me act " SHUT UP SHUT UP!! NO ONE IS HERE THAT CAN SAVE YOU UNDERSTOOD?"  He shoved the revolver in my mouth to stop me from shouting , a quite down as I don't wanna risk triggering as a tear escaped my eyes . Now I need to stop this pretended of cry or it will be too much
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His whole life was falling apart, he kept on calling her but she wasn't able to open her eyes anymore but she was glad that she saved him . She reached her trembling hand to jungkook's cheeks , he also quickly hold her hand  "Yes yes yes what do you say y/n ?" " I- i--" "Shh don't waste your energy" he quickly picked up y/n in bridal style giving one look to jimin who was standing behind him Jimin was the one who shot Xavier , and nodding jungkook quickly started moving towards the van lucky for them no enemy was in territory He emergency called members and they started moving van towards them soon they reached Jimin threw Xavier Inside the trunk and jungkook put y/n in the seat While jin quickly run to check the wound , he asked jungkook to remove his hands at first jungkook was hesitant but he finally did, trusting his hyung " You won't die , not today " he whispered to her before kissing her on her forehead
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🔥 2
"Why don't you use your mouth of yours to pleasure me ..huh? " He said as he grab a lock of my hair and pulled it back making me hiss in the pain "Let's see what else this mouth of yours can do except shouting for help" he started unbuckling his pants and putting his dick infront of my face I tried backing away but his hand behind my head was forcing my head forward, i swear if he brought that nasty sickly meat on stick near my face I swear to god he won't have a dick I was about to end his whole generation when a man comes and announced that micha buyer is here . He quickly put his dick back inside throw me to side He quickly stands up as the buyer comes forward "Welcome blacksheep" Xavier spoke to buyer , his face is not familiar and they are also using made up names "Hello Lucifer" he also greeted Xavier also know as Lucifer , they talked business until the buyer Snapped and started shouting in portuguese Xavier tried explain to him in English not understanding portuguese , I heard the buyers shouting he is pissed over his false promise. He then spoke to Xavier to give him me in return but Xavier too quickly turn down the offer saying be can take anyone else but except this one Then the buyer spoke in portuguese but was clearly not understand by Xavier "He is saying he will blow your cover to police if you don't give him what he wants" i spoke timidly, testing the water "What!!" Xavier asked being confused "I-i- know portuguese little " i intentionally spoke breaking my voice  in between He walked up to me and made me stand by grabbing my hair forcefully "Tell him , if he dare to do that . He is inviting his death" he spoke pulling my hair more " Ele está dizendo que se você se atrever a reclamar com a polícia, você estará convidando a sua morte " I spoke to the buyer  while Xavier was still pulling my hair "deixe-o fazer o que diabos, ele fará.  vou acabar com ele" the buyer spoke "What he is saying!!" He spoke shaking my hair and pulling it with all his strength "He is saying that you can do whatever you want , he will finish you" I spoke in pain "filho da put-" before the buyer cold finish his sentence he was shot in his head by Xavier Then he dragged me with him to a room which was all white and threw me inside "Don't think just cause you helped you getting any mercy , you are going to work for me from now on . My personal translator " he spoke grabbing me my jaw and clenching it making tear escape my eyes He left me locking the door, as soon he left I quickly wiped my tears now let's get to business I quickly scanned the room for any kind of cctv but there wasn't any , i looked around scanning the room I need to escape soon , i tapped the necklace two times sending signals to guys that i am safe and it's time to attack They be here soon MEANWHILE "Guys we got the signal, she is safe " everyone cheered knowing that y/n is safe "I be back guys" jimin spoke before going to find jungkook "Jungkook!! She is safe she sent us the signal" jimin spoke to jungkook who was crying with his head buried in his hand Flashback All the boys quickly move to the place y/n was taken as soon the kidnappers left They initially thought to follow them from a distance but were shocked to discover y/n's earpiece has fallen which means we can't hear her neither she can hear them They quickly run to van for her status But multiple turns in way was disturbing their single and after a while they finally lost all the signals Everyone panicked, jungkook decide to go back their as long as they know cause it's too dangerous for her to be their But was stopped by everyone as it will result in more problem and failure of the plan , which angered jungkook more seeing them care for this stupid plan then her He was frustrated so he left to cool of but was worried by the worst outcome that were forming his head He prayed to just y/n ne safe , he cried in the fear of loosing her He was scared for loosing her or worse something traumatizing might happen to her End of flashback
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" Really hyung??" He asked as the hope of her being safe flash in his eyes. Jimin nodded seeing the smile back on younger one's face "Thank you so much hyung" jungkook said before running back to the monitor for seeing with his own eyes "Good you here , it's our sign let's get going we can easily track down their location and you three already know the plan right? " All of them nodded as they quickly went to their fixing their Guns and putting on the safety gears They reached the place, they stopped their vans bit away from the target place Jungkook, taehyung and jimin slowly moved towards the target hiding, while jin quickly went ahead and quickly got the system of their cctvs and started manipulating it Jungkook and taehyung stand on either side of entrance as jimin tried opening it , it got unlocked but jimin couldn't go inside as a man with gun loaded towards him . He took his steps back while being hand's up The mam was distracted by jimin and this moment was used by taehyung and jungkook . Taehyung grabbed his mouth and jimin kicked the gun out while jungkook quickly twisted his neck They took his aminos and guns and card to move on forward As soon they entered they saw bunch of thugs sleeping with alcohol bottle spread all over Jimin looked at the Youngers and asked them to move towards the group slowly and tie them up in sign as the can't afford being loud right now and they did Jimin fixed the silencer and shoot all of the guys there Ahead of them was a door and they weren't sure what lies ahead, they made a plan to be in one of the guards dress and one of them will go ahead and check, then signals others to move forward Taehyung took over the guards role and started moving forward, as soon he opened the door be was met with alot of goon spread all over the place He scanned the room quickly for any possible way but there were none "What are doing here?" One of the goons  asked taehyung who replied calmly that he is just checking before moving back He informed others about the situation "We have to kill them , it's the only way " they discussed but where stopped by a clicking of gun "Who the fuck are you guys and who sent you? " It was the same man that asked taehyung what he was going inside He saw the body of other goons lying there and put his gun to the suspicious guys standing there "Guys!! We have intruders " jungkook clicked his tongue in annoyance now he have to fight extra unnecessary They all started firing to each other but were stopped cause all three of them hide somewhere in the Chaos, the guns looked around to find them but couldn't Until they say one guys die , they turn around to fire to whoever it was but were met with empty space then soon more three died "Ahhhh fuckers where are you all!!" The goon leader shouted as one by one his teammates were dying Now only three of them were left , he started shooting aimlessly just so he could hit the guys but to his luck the amino ends Soon the other three guys where shot dead too "Aishhhhhh bastards show your fucking self cowards, whare are you guys " he kicked here and there in frustration and cursed. He soon brought out the hand gun in his socks "Behind you" he heard someone spoke just behind him , causing goosebumps to rise before he could turn around and shoot his head was twisted to the side resulting in breaking it "That was just show off" taehyung comment as him and Jimin jump down from the celling Jungkook just shrugged before they walked inside , now due to all these commotion near by goons were altered. They decided to hide their way in through celing as they can't afford injuries Due to alot of almost near death experience, all of them reached at the boss cabin, they were hiding inside the Celling vent in the building Jungkook signed them to handle the guards outside while he handles the inside and they both agreed Jungkook slowly opened the vent but it's voice alerted one of the guards that walked with gun looking around but couldn't find anyone there
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.