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Here since the beginning of Q. White Rose Peace Mission Ambassador

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For the preservation of our republic and the perpetuation of our political institutions, we need to understand how far back the assault on American ideals and principles occurred. This assault goes all the way to our founding days. To not fall to the evils of our time, we must stand on the shoulders of our founders. Our forefathers placed great faith in us and gave us great responsibilities for all of posterity. If we don’t consider this, we’re no better than other empires throughout history that succumbed to sinister forces (external & internal). It was Abraham Lincoln, at the ripe age of 28 stated; How should we expect the approach of danger to our republic? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide (Lincoln Lyceum speech, 1838). If America is to overcome this desire to kill ourselves, and usurp the lands upon which we have been granted only by the grace of God Himself, our main task then must consider the difficult road ahead. The posterity of our children, our families, our institutions, our very country, is at risk. Therefore, we must return to our faith, we must show gratitude to our fathers and those who offered up their lives for ours, and finally we must demonstrate love for all of humanity with far greater focus here at home. Then and only then, can we faithfully and dutifully succeed at carrying out the most important task at hand, to save our republic from causing its own demise. As Matthew describes, if we [America] are to be that light on a hill, a beacon of good on a mountain top for all to see, the strength of our faith, and our conviction and commitment to each other, cannot be hidden. We must then stand for all to see and we must uphold that light of liberty for now and all future generations. God help us in the days, weeks and months ahead.
🌏 WORLD WIDE RALLY FOR FREEDOM 17.0 🌎 💫 The World is rising up! 💫 📅 Saturday 31st of August, 2024 🌏 United around the world #wewillALLbethere 🕊 We are standing side by side for Freedom, Peace and Human Rights 🌟 Together, We Are Free 📣🌏 👥🌏 🟦🌏 👥🌏 💾 SAVE IMAGE. ⬆️ REUPLOAD. 🔄 SHARE WITH EVERYONE
In October 2020, there was one person who dared to premiere the second film in the Plandemic series, "Indoctornation." That person was my friend Brian Rose, who was fighting for the survival of his business as every major tech platform was canceling him for his interview with David Icke.😱 Instead of bowing to the tech overlords, Brian built his own platform, the Digital Freedom Platform, and changed the corrupt tech censorship landscape forever. With that, he made our movie available via a livestream audience of nearly two million! 👏👏 I’ve just watched Brian’s new movie, "We Will Not Be Silenced," which documents the moment he took that bold stand against the technocracy. It is a beautifully directed portrait of a man against an entire system. The pace is perfect. Everyone must see this movie to understand what we’re all up against in this fight for free speech and creative liberty! 💪 Watch it NOW on X, then share it far and wide! This is how we win. 💯💯 Watch it for FREE here: 👉
Beginning July 1st, in order to be monetized on X, users will have to give Israeli intelligence company AU10TIX access to their government-issued ID and biometric data. 👀 Anyone still expecting XRP/X/Musk to be the World Trust QFS is out of their minds. The largest benefactor of military ops cannot qualify, ever. We Sovereign People, are with the Redeemer, and all ways Will BE! 🕊
On Mondays, if your a straight guy, you get a beer for free! lol Not surprising, since this town also hosts an annual 'Nut Feed' more elegantly called 'Rocky Mountain Oyster Festival' (fried sheep testicles). 🥴 Historically, the region was settled by Basque, who were shepherds. When sheep are neutered, they cut out the balls 👀 why waste them, when you can feed them to the village and have a party (evidently they taste like oysters)! It stuck... so the town had a lot of balls, before this old saloon joined in!!! 🤣
Kilauea volcano erupts after months of quiet
Indonesia’s Mount Ibu erupts again, spewing thick black ash into the air
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They didn't expect so many warrior spirits. They didn’t expect us to stand together. They didn’t expect us to walk from our careers, to leave our shoes behind. They didn’t expect us to boycott our old ways of living. They didn’t think we would give up our social activities. They didn’t expect us to do without restaurants, sports or concerts. They didn’t expect us to find new and better things to do. They didn’t expect the free thinkers to be so resilient. They didn’t expect our souls to be so filled with passion and strength. They didn’t expect our intuition to be so tuned in. They didn’t expect the fire within us to put all of hell to shame. It has become very clear that those who have made their choice will not waiver in their decision. There is nothing that can be said, done or taken away that will coherse us into submission. We do not fear death and therefore choose life! We choose to live life in this sacred temple with honor, dignity and truth. Because life is precious and also temporary, it will be over our dead body that we will comply with orders from their mind control. We free thinkers will always seem crazy to those who can't see beyond conventions. We're being ridiculed for evolving past people's comfort zones. Self educated people who escape the shackles of deception will never be fooled by institutionalized propoganda. I say we because I am not alone. There are me's in every country, city and town. There are me's isolated in the mountain's and me's strategically placed in positions of power. Our resolve is being tested like never before which may seem hard right now but we always knew this was never going to be easy. The opportunity to create our own reality is upon us as it is times such as these that force us to do what is necessary. Not just necessary for our survival but what is necessary for a life worth living. Nothing is what it seems so keep an open mind. We're waking up collectively as a species at a speed never seen before. So buckle up, keep your eyes on the ball and enjoy the ride, because things are going to get a lot more weird and crazy before they get better. So to all those that have been called, conspiracy theorists, misfits, crazy nut jobs and space cadets. Never give up, keep doing what you're doing and stay focused, we got this. See you on the other side. John Parry
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China lands on far side of the moon. 🌑
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🇨🇭ROAD TO GENEVA 3 Days Until The #RoadToGeneva Convoy Departs!, Are You Ready? On June 1st, we call upon all freedom advocates around the world to gather against the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. Join Us in Making History and Standing Up for Freedom! New Speakers Include: 🇨🇭 Philipp Kruse 🇬🇧 Dan Astin-Gregory 🇦🇹 Maria Hubmer-Mogg 🇺🇸 Andrea Nazarenko 🇺🇸 Susie Olson Corgan 🇬🇧 Aseem Malhotra 🇺🇸 Robert Malone 🇺🇸 Jill Malone 🇺🇸 Ryan Cole 🇧🇷 John Kage 🇨🇦 Jessica Rose 🇺🇸 Del Bigtree 🇮🇹 Renate Holzeisen 🇺🇸 Steve Kirsch 🇺🇸 Bret Weinstein 🇲🇽 Alejandro Diaz 🇺🇸 Kat Lindley 🇺🇸 Kristen Meghan Kelly 🇺🇸 Tammy Clark 🇨🇭 Josef Ender 🇨🇭 Michelle Cailler 🇨🇭 Nicolas A. Rimoldi 🇨🇦 Jennifer Hibberd 🇨🇦 Brett Hawes 🇳🇿 Geoff Sewell 🇫🇷 Jean-Frédéric Poisson 🇫🇷 Florian Philippot 🇩🇰 Vibeke Manniche 🇨🇭 Astrid Stuckelberger 🇺🇸 Brad Skistimas 🇨🇦 Jason Christoff 🇺🇸 James Lindsay 🇺🇸 Marivic Villa 🇬🇧 Rebecca Blech 🇬🇧 Alan D Miller 🇨🇭 Noor Bin Ladin 🇺🇸 Ernest Ramirez 🇮🇹 Dr. Giuseppe Tritto 🇮🇹 Maria Pia Sormani 🇮🇪 Dolores Cahill 🇩🇪 Beate Bahner 🇩🇪 Margareta Griesz-Brisson 🇩🇪 Stef Manzini 🇩🇪 Beate Sibylle Pfeil 🇩🇪 Katharina Koenig 🇺🇸 Amy Bohn 🇬🇧 Robert Verkerk 🇬🇧 Meleni Aldridge 🇳🇿 Helen Tindall 🇨🇭 Delphine Heritier De Barros 🇨🇭 Urs Hans 🇨🇦 Michelle Leduc Catlin 🇨🇦 Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson 🇨🇦 Mark Hopkins Are You Ready? 🗓 30th May - Convoy to Geneva 🗓 31st May - Freedom Celebration 🗓 1st June - Rally for Freedom Say NO to the WHO! Say YES to freedom! Join us: #RoadToGeneva #WeAreTheChange #ExitTheWHO Share this call with all your friends, family, and colleagues. Together, let's make this event a landmark in the history of the fight for freedom.
“You’re DOUBLING your risk of having a developmental delay in your child by vaccinating.” Dr. Brian Hooker says that difference becomes “more stark” when comparing unvaccinated children to fully vaccinated ones. A study by Mawson and colleagues found that unvaccinated kids have lower rates of chronic disease than even partially vaccinated ones. “You see that ADHD and autism are 4.2 times higher [in the partially vaccinated]. Learning disabilities, 5.2 times higher. Neurodevelopmental disabilities, 3.7 times higher. And these were partially vaccinated children on the yellow bars.” Full Video: Related Stories: This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data What Are the Risks & Benefits of Each Vaccine? A Comprehensive Analysis Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
Iranian navy Rear Adm. Shahram Irani declared that Iran has "property rights" in Antarctica, particularly the South Pole. “We have property rights in the South Pole. We have a plan to raise our flag there and carry out military and scientific work,” said Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani. “Our scientists are getting ready for a joint operation, encompassing the efforts of all our people, in keeping with the guidelines of our Leader.” He suggested that they have plans to have a permanent base on the continent.
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Do NOT fall for the fake Q accounts popping up on Telegram... if evil thinks they can ID people who want to know the truth by making fake Q accounts, then they are not as intelligent as the originals. (And for the innocent who have subscribed to those channels, I recommend you unsubscribe. Q drops are over, and the fake SorosQ misleading the innocent... God will not be kind in restoring their inheritance to them and anyone operating the fake BS, and are only harming themselves.) Who is buying the ad spots on popular MAGA channels? If critical intel needs to be shared, it would be shared on the channel directly... NOT through a fake BS ad. Lulz #NCSWIC
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Rocky Mountains.mp46.76 MB
For the preservation of our republic and the perpetuation of our political institutions, we need to understand how far back the assault on American ideals and principles occurred. This assault goes all the way to our founding days. To not fall to the evils of our time, we must stand on the shoulders of our founders. Our forefathers placed great faith in us and gave us great responsibilities for all of posterity. If we don’t consider this, we’re no better than other empires throughout history that succumbed to sinister forces (external & internal). It was Abraham Lincoln, at the ripe age of 28 stated; How should we expect the approach of danger to our republic? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide (Lincoln Lyceum speech, 1838). If America is to overcome this desire to kill ourselves, and usurp the lands upon which we have been granted only by the grace of God Himself, our main task then must consider the difficult road ahead. The posterity of our children, our families, our institutions, our very country, is at risk. Therefore, we must return to our faith, we must show gratitude to our fathers and those who offered up their lives for ours, and finally we must demonstrate love for all of humanity with far greater focus here at home. Then and only then, can we faithfully and dutifully succeed at carrying out the most important task at hand, to save our republic from causing its own demise. As Matthew describes, if we [America] are to be that light on a hill, a beacon of good on a mountain top for all to see, the strength of our faith, and our conviction and commitment to each other, cannot be hidden. We must then stand for all to see and we must uphold that light of liberty for now and all future generations. God help us in the days, weeks and months ahead.
إظهار الكل...
General Mike Flynn (@GenFlynn) on X

For the preservation of our republic and the perpetuation of our political institutions, we need to understand how far back the assault on American ideals and principles occurred. This assault goes all the way to our founding days. To not fall to the evils of our time, we must

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🌏 WORLD WIDE RALLY FOR FREEDOM 17.0 🌎 💫 The World is rising up! 💫 📅 Saturday 31st of August, 2024 🌏 United around the world #wewillALLbethere 🕊 We are standing side by side for Freedom, Peace and Human Rights 🌟 Together, We Are Free 📣🌏 👥🌏 🟦🌏 👥🌏 💾 SAVE IMAGE. ⬆️ REUPLOAD. 🔄 SHARE WITH EVERYONE
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Repost from Official Plandemic
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In October 2020, there was one person who dared to premiere the second film in the Plandemic series, "Indoctornation." That person was my friend Brian Rose, who was fighting for the survival of his business as every major tech platform was canceling him for his interview with David Icke.😱 Instead of bowing to the tech overlords, Brian built his own platform, the Digital Freedom Platform, and changed the corrupt tech censorship landscape forever. With that, he made our movie available via a livestream audience of nearly two million! 👏👏 I’ve just watched Brian’s new movie, "We Will Not Be Silenced," which documents the moment he took that bold stand against the technocracy. It is a beautifully directed portrait of a man against an entire system. The pace is perfect. Everyone must see this movie to understand what we’re all up against in this fight for free speech and creative liberty! 💪 Watch it NOW on X, then share it far and wide! This is how we win. 💯💯 Watch it for FREE here: 👉
إظهار الكل...
Beginning July 1st, in order to be monetized on X, users will have to give Israeli intelligence company AU10TIX access to their government-issued ID and biometric data. 👀 Anyone still expecting XRP/X/Musk to be the World Trust QFS is out of their minds. The largest benefactor of military ops cannot qualify, ever. We Sovereign People, are with the Redeemer, and all ways Will BE! 🕊
إظهار الكل...
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On Mondays, if your a straight guy, you get a beer for free! lol Not surprising, since this town also hosts an annual 'Nut Feed' more elegantly called 'Rocky Mountain Oyster Festival' (fried sheep testicles). 🥴 Historically, the region was settled by Basque, who were shepherds. When sheep are neutered, they cut out the balls 👀 why waste them, when you can feed them to the village and have a party (evidently they taste like oysters)! It stuck... so the town had a lot of balls, before this old saloon joined in!!! 🤣
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Heterosexual Awareness Month.mp47.54 MB
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Kilauea volcano erupts after months of quiet
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IMG_8089.MP42.50 MB
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Indonesia’s Mount Ibu erupts again, spewing thick black ash into the air
إظهار الكل...
IMG_8088.MP42.69 MB
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Repost from SnowWhite7IAM
They didn't expect so many warrior spirits. They didn’t expect us to stand together. They didn’t expect us to walk from our careers, to leave our shoes behind. They didn’t expect us to boycott our old ways of living. They didn’t think we would give up our social activities. They didn’t expect us to do without restaurants, sports or concerts. They didn’t expect us to find new and better things to do. They didn’t expect the free thinkers to be so resilient. They didn’t expect our souls to be so filled with passion and strength. They didn’t expect our intuition to be so tuned in. They didn’t expect the fire within us to put all of hell to shame. It has become very clear that those who have made their choice will not waiver in their decision. There is nothing that can be said, done or taken away that will coherse us into submission. We do not fear death and therefore choose life! We choose to live life in this sacred temple with honor, dignity and truth. Because life is precious and also temporary, it will be over our dead body that we will comply with orders from their mind control. We free thinkers will always seem crazy to those who can't see beyond conventions. We're being ridiculed for evolving past people's comfort zones. Self educated people who escape the shackles of deception will never be fooled by institutionalized propoganda. I say we because I am not alone. There are me's in every country, city and town. There are me's isolated in the mountain's and me's strategically placed in positions of power. Our resolve is being tested like never before which may seem hard right now but we always knew this was never going to be easy. The opportunity to create our own reality is upon us as it is times such as these that force us to do what is necessary. Not just necessary for our survival but what is necessary for a life worth living. Nothing is what it seems so keep an open mind. We're waking up collectively as a species at a speed never seen before. So buckle up, keep your eyes on the ball and enjoy the ride, because things are going to get a lot more weird and crazy before they get better. So to all those that have been called, conspiracy theorists, misfits, crazy nut jobs and space cadets. Never give up, keep doing what you're doing and stay focused, we got this. See you on the other side. John Parry
إظهار الكل...