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Art With Aim

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Tokenized, Inc: BlackRock's Plan To Own The Fractionalized World

In the aftermath of the recent Bitcoin ETF approvals, BlackRock's Larry Fink revealed that soon everything will be "ETF'd" and tokenized, threatening to fractionalize not just existing assets and commodities, but the natural world, reducing most living things into Wall Street financial products to be traded on a single, universal ledger.

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Andrew Bridgen MP: "I'm Afraid It's Going To Be Bigger Than The Holocaust"

Andrew Bridgen, Independent British Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire speaks to a Resistance GB journalist after his monumental speech in the House of Commons (18/04/24). This video contains an except from the House of Commons by a Member of Parliament, as well as an interview with said member of Parliament. They are covered in the public interest as journalistic content. This video contains a free (unpaid) advert at the end for Raw Milk Conspiracy & other acts performing at Underground Sounds, Finsbury Park, London, Thursday 25th of April 7PM & the last Thursday of each month. Court updates and full footage to come soon. Andrew Bridgen's Website:

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Blood Up To Their Armpits Andrew Bridgen MP: I'm Afriad It's Going To Be Bigger Than The Holocaust

Not an accident. They did the same thing before creating the USSR. Many incidences if this in history.
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This is a covert yet intentional genocide. #WakeUp
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‘If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead,’ says Naomi Wolf, author of Facing the Beast

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Let op! Activeer de Nederlandse ondertiteling door op de ondertiteling-knop te drukken of ga via het instellingen-tandwiel naar 'ondertiteling'. (English below) ‘Oog in oog met het beest’, is de titel van het nieuwe boek van de Amerikaanse schrijfster en journalist Naomi Wolf. Een boek over ‘vertrouwen, moed en weerstand in een nieuwe donkere tijd’. Programmamaker Flavio Pasquino nodigde haar in Edam uit om te praten over onder meer de totstandkoming van haar nieuwe werk. Koop 'Oog in oog met het beest' hier:

Wolf was politiek adviseur van de presidentiële campagnes van Bill Clinton en Al Gore en schreef meerdere boeken waaronder de bestseller uit 2007: ‘The end of America’. Hierin beschrijft ze tien stappen in het transitieproces van open samenlevingen naar fascistische systemen in de huidige tijd. De Amerikaanse stond lang bekend als een zeer gerespecteerd schrijfster, maar dit beeld veranderde de afgelopen tien jaar. Ze kreeg het imago van complotdenker en werd zwaar bekritiseerd omwille van haar kijk op onderwerpen als ISIS en de ebolapandemie. In 2021 werd ze beschuldigd van het verspreiden van misinformatie rondom COVID-19, lockdowns en MRNA-vaccins. Haar accounts op YouTube, X en Facebook werden opgeschort. Ondanks de veelbewogen jaren laat de journalist en auteur het er niet bij zitten. In dit diepgravende interview leer je haar kennen om wie ze is en waar ze voor staat. Wolf is optimistisch over de toekomst. Leun achterover voor dit boeiende gesprek en deel het met je omgeving. Het interview is voorzien van Nederlandse ondertiteling! Blckbx verloot drie exemplaren van ‘Oog in oog met het beest’. Wil jij jouw eigen exemplaar? De vraag waarvan je het antwoord goed dient te beantwoorden luidt: hoe heet de hond van Naomi Wolf in het boek? Mail het antwoord naar [email protected] ENGLISH: 'Facing the Beast' is the title of the new book by American writer and journalist Naomi Wolf, a book about 'trust, courage, and resistance in a new dark time'. Program maker Flavio Pasquino invited her to Edam to talk about, among other things, the creation of her new work. Wolf was a political advisor to the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore and wrote several books, including the 2007 bestseller: 'The End of America'. In it, she describes ten steps in the transition process from open societies to fascist systems in the current era. The American was long known as a highly respected writer, but this image changed over the past ten years. She acquired the image of a conspiracy theorist and was heavily criticized for her views on topics such as ISIS and the Ebola pandemic. In 2021, she was accused of spreading misinformation about COVID-19, lockdowns, and mRNA vaccines. Her accounts on YouTube, X, and Facebook were suspended. Despite the tumultuous years, the journalist and author does not give up. In this in-depth interview, you get to know her for who she is and what she stands for. Wolf is optimistic about the future. Sit back for this fascinating conversation and share it with those around you. Blckbx is giving away three copies of 'Facing the Beast'. Do you want your own copy? The question you need to answer correctly is: what is the name of Naomi Wolf's dog in the book? Email your answer to [email protected] Waardeer je deze video('s)? Like deze video, abonneer je op ons kanaal en steun de onafhankelijke journalistiek van blckbx met een donatie ➡

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BREAKING: Newly leaked audio of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reveals that the government is allowing drugs to be trafficked through the southern border. SHARE THIS!!! On x here Proof that the government is in on the drug trade… New Mexico Governor Grisham caught on audio admitting to it all! Cocaine in America. C-A. LOCK THEM UP! Join the fight Https://FreedomForce.LIVE
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