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To conduct strategic research on #OverseasHongkongers & their #OverseasHomeland. 為 #海外香港民族 / #海外港裔 及 港裔 #海外故鄉 作戰略研究。

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早前仲見到有網民喺公海到講 @LivegramBot 冇比人hack LOL
إظهار الكل...
إظهار الكل...
Alison Killing

This Chinese guy went to Xinjiang and using our map of camps and detention facilities, went to visit locations to see what was there – THREAD HT @WilliamYang120 and @muyixiao… When CCP called you a "so-called external forces with collision of external elements spreading rumours, misled, distorted, double standards inference in internal affairs", you know you has successfully exposed their lies and brutality.
إظهار الكل...
【逆統戰手遊前導活動 中共暴行曆開賣】 🔥購買點此: 售出前400盒附贈 #限量逆統戰明信片 中共暴行曆內容物有: - 逆統戰手遊禮包兌換序號(隨募資金額加碼 - 逆統戰日本角色滑鼠墊 - 燙金硬殼黑色收納盒 - 中共暴行曆本體 (內文是網路上或書上都很難找到的中共暴行總整理 包含許多被中文世界刻意掩蓋的重大事件) 逆統戰手遊將於明年秋天上架 買桌曆附贈的手遊禮包兌換序號 #禮包的價值會隨著募資總額增加 禮包內容還會包含一些 #商城課金也買不到的日曆買家專屬虛寶 ——— [手遊搶先介紹] 逆統戰手遊是2D團隊養成冒險遊戲 玩家可以利用瑣碎時間輕鬆剿匪 除了與各陣營故事的劇情關卡外 還有東亞大陸的公會據點爭奪戰 由於本作缺乏中資與中國市場 雖然沒辦法做出華麗的3D大作 但會在預算有限的情況下盡可能做到最好 原本桌遊裡的四大牌種 (宣傳、資助、武裝、間諜) 變成手遊的四大職業(可抽角色) 為了適應RPG式的戰鬥 以下是幫助大家想像: 游擊隊→戰士、槍手(輸出) 間諜→遊俠、刺客(但有防禦加成) 宣傳家→法師、僧侶(輔助) 資助者→商人(各種特殊技能) 遊戲裡的九大國 (臺灣、香港、蒙古、藏/圖博 哈薩克、維吾爾、滿洲、紅軍、華夏反賊) 都會有對應四種職業的基本角色 不過紅軍的角色就比較奇妙,例如: 紅軍的戰士是武警 紅軍的間諜是公安 紅軍的宣傳家是政委 玩家可以蒐集所屬陣營以外的角色 此外還有不屬於任何勢力的角色 以及可能陸續開放的一些SSR角色 (香港娘Viya、滿洲娘阿蘭岱青之類的 公會據點爭奪戰,目前已知的部分是 各國都有一個不會被搶走的主城 而各公會都會有一個所屬國 #九大國都會有專屬的主題曲喔 #剿匪一時爽 #一直剿匪一直爽 #逆統戰 購買點此:
إظهار الكل...
Wake up, you fools. Hongkongers should never depend on the Hong Kong Chinese, especially the "elite".
إظهار الكل...
How Hong Kong’s Elite Turned on Democracy

Beijing’s bludgeoning of the prodemocracy movement in Hong Kong would not have been possible without the enthusiastic help of willing collaborators.

How a failed CCP spy from Australia became a Hong Kong politician.
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Alex Joske

Nearly three years after his expulsion from Australia, Huang Xiangmo turns up as a member of the committee responsible for electing "patriotic" Hong Kong legislators. Huang is officially a "grassroots community organisation" representative.…

【獄中義士來鴻】大脫鈎(文:老湯) - 本土新聞 由立法會到區議會,學生會到敎協,港共正在逐一將之從體制內剝離。這正正是身份政治時代的政治邏輯:非我族類,其心必異。重點不在於你有沒有反心,而在於這些位置本來就不應該被「政治上不可靠」的人佔着。「族類」不是指血統或種族,而就是政治上的站隊,這才是「族類」或「民族」的真正內涵。劃清邊界對大家都有好處,而且事實上對我們更有利一點。 如果我們還記得舊泛民在幾年前的表現的話,就很難不認同「體制內的身份」很多時候反而是一種負累。這個身份以及附帶的利源會將當事人導向最多選票,同時也是最機會主義的方向,對於這位政治人物的核心支持者而言不見得是好事。多少人曾經親手將以為會堅定地代表自己的政治人物送入議會,然後一次又一次地失望?徹底斷了這方面的念想,對於一個族群內部的團結,以及在地秩序的建構事實上最有益的。 一方面,政治人物不再需要「對全港市民負責」,而只需要向自己的「族群」負責就夠了,這其實是減輕了負擔。作為公職人員,你是很難「揀客」的。代議士想必都很熟悉一句話:「我有投你票架議員。」是與不是,只有他自己知。卸下了公職身份,就沒有所謂「公共關係」了,只有或大或小的「私人網絡」,熟人社會之內要推動任何「政策」,成本必然比公眾政策低得多。另一方面,作為支持者的門檻,也不再限於那張價值港幣十數元的選票了,而是要以實際的行動或物質,對小共同體有所付出才算數,否則必然會淪為純粹的吹水大會,而這樣的一種「課金及行動協作羣」,才真正是自治能力的鍛鍊。 ▋全文見:
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Another long essay for the political nerds subscribed Restituo. 🤟 Wang Huning is the Mastermind of all major strategies of Xi and CCP Politburo. Knowing more about this old thug is knowing more about the atrocious future of China & Hong Kong/Xiānggăng. Stop sighing on the rotten corpse of Hong Kong/Xiānggăng. Get rid of those defeatist "hand-foots" and read more about the politics of your archenemy.
إظهار الكل...
The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning

One man’s thought has become pivotal in China’s new political and cultural crackdowns. That man is not Xi Jinping.

Just like the 'Boiling Frog Experiment' where the wick would slowly turn up, those ignorant masses completely unaware of the danger would be the billions of herds to the CCP's slaughterhouse. It would be way, way too late for them to even realize and utter those two dreaded words, "What happened?" If Mr. Friedman and Mr. Kraar are still alive today, they and the experts who repeatedly warn of the mortal threat from Beijing, would simply refrained themselves if and when the abyss finally arrives. It would be completely pointless to conclude with the phrase, "I told you so." There is not much time left but you can still decide. Are you with us fighting against this evil regime hell bent to destroy this planet? Or are you siding with them because they promised material gifts, money and limitless power? Perhaps you are just sitting in the middle and more than willing to be their slaves, mainly due to your ignorance or inactions of fear. The choice is up to you. Now, what are you going to do? THE DEATH OF HONG KONG - June 26, 1995 Source:
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How is history being written with the stories and the events for the better or the worse? If the past predictions have any predicaments on what is in store for the present and even the future lies, then most of the time, they were fairly accurate indeed. Particularly if you noted the preparation, details and the amount of foreseeing insights these authors and experts imparted to linking all the related dots to complete the big picture. From the Bible, The Handmaid Tales, Animal Farm, 1984 and other works, the dystopia of the future serves as a present warning to us. By opening our minds, engaging creative thinking and seriously reconsidering the consequences to the overall impact of this fragile planet. This could go a long way to reshape our ways of life, social, economic and political policies large or small. Then again, I often mentioned that solving minute or huge structural issues are all the same. One must first "Acknowledge" the problem, being "Aware" with the causes plus all the factual details, then pursuing constructive "Actions" to resolve those difficulties once and for all. Regardless if they are personal or must be dealt with by the global community at large, these steps are vital to engage the public, in order to reshape us and let our future generations inherit this planet much better than we do. Of course, individuals must have this spirit of engagement themselves. It is completely useless to heed such dire warnings and most just went on their ways like mindless zombies, or strived to seek luxurious domesticated farm cattle out to slaughter at the very end. With the current uncertainty of the global pandemic, the economic upheaval and the ever present warning of avalanche to our Democracy, Freedom, and Civil Liberty, especially with the awakening of the PRC and the ambition of CCP Chairman Xi Jinping to dominate the planet with mass conversion to Chinese brand of Marxism. It is interesting to note the first salvo in this early stage of World War III during 2021: Hong Kong. The result of Beijing's wrecking ball to the foundation of the 156 years of British Colonialism in this former miracle of the Far East Asian metropolis and wonder. All in only 24 years after the 1997 Handover, were predicted long ago by many local and foreign politicians, academics, expert analysts and informed citizens alike. Occasionally, Governor Chris Patten's last Policy Address in October 1996 was brought up, along with this excellent Fortune Article way back in June 26th, 1995 by journalist Louis Kraar and his associate Joe McGowan. Refreshingly, much of both gentlemen described about the future of Hong Kong post 1997, was extremely accurate. Albeit that it took a while longer for the CCP wrecking machine to completely demolish this Pearl of Orient and become unrecognizable to the World. Those being noted by this article, such as renowned economist Milton Friedman and Mr. Kraar himself are no longer with us. Mr. McGowan is currently at New York University. Looking back, I wondered if these gentlemen, along with those making the decisions, were siding with the CCP by coming back to Hong Kong. Some even willing to relinquish their foreign citizenships to collaborate with Beijing, had made the right decisions themselves by looking at the dystopia state of total Dictatorship imposed by Chairman Xi himself. Please read this archived article carefully with the mindset of those hedging those bets, plus some not willing to take the risk. Then think for a moment when "The Death of Hong Kong" reaches everywhere around the World. The CCP's process of global domination is exceedingly simple. With non-lethal warfare via 20 or more methods through infiltration, interference and influence, the results are extremely deadly in the end. However, they will gradually doing that slowly and silently hidden below the surface so no one would bother to notice.
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