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Hi guys ! As you may have noticed on the channel again found unstable🫣 I'm currently in training and working on my final project 🤓 Soon everything will be back to normal 🌺
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Passive income Who these days does not dream about passive income? Every other personal growth training echoes this: create a personal brand, outsource your work, take the interest and live on it while sipping juice on a beach somewhere in Sri Lanka. Not everyone understands that you have to have an aptitude for organizing. That and the ability to be a manager, time management skills, constant quality control of work, soft-skills. The bigger the team, the more responsibility, and only you are responsible for failures. It's easier for someone to rack up orders, make them, and never be online again (until the next deadline). Responsibility is a burden not everyone can handle. It's always easier to organize yourself.
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Copywriters don't make enough money? In fact, everything is in your hands. The formula is simple: the ability to work and the price of the work. The higher the pay for the text, the higher the earnings. You need to adequately assess your capabilities, to understand how many texts to take in the work. Along with experience and an increase in price increases and financial goals. And this is motivating. There is no earnings ceiling in copywriting. It all depends on you. Plus, you can combine it with content, design, consulting, and author training.
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Sources Reliable sources will help you avoid going off the deep end and lying to your readers. It takes a few minutes to respond, but instead of water, you'll have a solid body of text: the truth. You can look for it in statistics, scientific studies and facts. You can check the websites of VTsIOM, Rosstat, the Public Opinion Foundation, or even check research on Headhunter. The news can be found on the websites of the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the press releases of various agencies. You can refer to the media, bloggers, and books. When you have a personal conversation with your interlocutor, feel free to refer to him, if he does not mind. Sources allow you not to lie to readers, do not forget to specify them.
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The importance of email newsletters-1 You're probably wondering, "Who needs newsletters in 2022 anyway?" It's a fair question. Imagine you're an important uncle with a big chair and in high places. At 8 a.m. you have a meeting with your boss, at 10 a.m. you have breakfast with the representatives of Promgaz. You're running around like a squirrel in a wheel. And at the same time, to stay afloat, you have to be aware of what is going on in your expertise. That's where the newsletters come in. Such uncles read them once a week, catch all the most important things in their industry, and go on with their business. You could consider them the modern equivalent of the avvisi of the Middle Ages in Italy - only the most important, short and to the point, from a source with a high level of credibility. Accordingly, such newsletters are very, very expensive. That is, the mailing lists collect the important things from the entire infofield and concentrate them in themselves.
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About Peaks of Efficiency You can forget about doing your work equally well throughout the day - it's not a plant for you. Properly distribute texts - the most important ones to write at the peak of productivity. Generally speaking, the average 9-18 worker has two productivity peaks. One starts at about 11 and lasts an hour and a half or two hours. The second is after lunch, at about 15. But when you work remotely, you stretch tasks throughout the day. So the schedule from 9 to 22 becomes quite usual. You can just take the dog for a walk or go to the mall at any time. And then there is also a third peak - at 19. It lasts only half an hour, but even in this time you can do something. In short, the most important thing is to write at the peak. You know the time.
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Texts for pennies There is an opinion that copywriting does not earn much. There are reasons for this. One of them is the low entry threshold into the profession. You don't have to be good at code or draw in graphic editors. Did you learn Russian in school? Can you type? Put letters into words and words into sentences? Go for it. Copywriters are a lot of moms on maternity leave, students and students for a part-time job, people who want to add an extra job to their main job without having to work too hard. All this brings down the prices on the market, which is overcrowded with job seekers. The customers look at the average price, and put it, not interested in the experience of the executor. That's how the average copywriter has to write texts for pennies. And the rates of experts are quite different, of course.
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Creo length, what's the best? Conversion is a finicky thing, which is why I never comment on other people's creos, because it's work and a chance to jabber on the person. So I tell him, "Fucking great." And he'll buy an ad for 80,000 and get 100 subscribers. Or on the contrary, I'll fuck up a good creo, and again there will be a loss of profit. Anyway, like I've told my clients a billion times, you gotta test it. But in general, short posts of up to 700 characters work better than long ones. And the reason is that in a short text there is less opportunity to screw up. Long promotional text implies that you have to hold attention for a little longer than a nanosecond. For example, 30 or 60 seconds. Not many people can do that. If you can do it, you're welcome to throw in the fucking towels. As long as it converts.
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Who you can't show your first texts to and who you can show them to My friends and family don't understand what I write about. They say, "I don't understand what you're writing about. No problem, bro. Here's the TV channels about cars and guns, enjoy. Trouble: the first people the author runs to when he jumps out of the stove are the people closest to him. But the close ≠ competent. The least they can do is help you with comma-splitting. So do not get upset if your inner circle does not understand you. Feedback should be collected in the relevant community - among colleagues, on specialized forums, chat rooms. After all, the main thing is to write meaningful, topical and for the target audience, not for moms, dads, drinking buddies.
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Write with humor. A sense of humor opens doors in any field. It evokes affection and empathy for the author. And being able to deal with one's own failures with a laugh is the pinnacle of an author's skill. People get more involved in funny stories; don't be afraid to be funny or awkward. Let readers become your friends, not the silly, unsophisticated ones who need to be boringly told simple truths. The main thing is not to joke on sensitive topics, all need measure. Otherwise people will not understand. And they will get hooked.
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