
ู†ุญู† ู†ุณุชุฎุฏู… ู…ู„ูุงุช ุชุนุฑูŠู ุงู„ุงุฑุชุจุงุท ู„ุชุญุณูŠู† ุชุฌุฑุจุฉ ุงู„ุชุตูุญ ุงู„ุฎุงุตุฉ ุจูƒ. ุจุงู„ู†ู‚ุฑ ุนู„ู‰ "ู‚ุจูˆู„ ุงู„ูƒู„"ุŒ ุฃู†ุช ุชูˆุงูู‚ ุนู„ู‰ ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู… ู…ู„ูุงุช ุชุนุฑูŠู ุงู„ุงุฑุชุจุงุท.


โžป ๐š๐šŠ๐š—๐š’'๐šœ ๐š”รฆ๐š›๐š›๐šŽ

owner: @danistaryx / @shibainuzaki @shibavouches @shibareportsss @shibarulies @daninfoss leave = ban

ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ู…ุฒูŠุฏ
ู„ู… ูŠุชู… ุชุญุฏูŠุฏ ุงู„ุจู„ุฏู„ู… ูŠุชู… ุชุญุฏูŠุฏ ุงู„ู„ุบุฉุงู„ูุฆุฉ ุบูŠุฑ ู…ุญุฏุฏุฉ
ู…ุดุงุฑูƒุงุช ุงู„ุฅุนู„ุงู†ุงุช
ู„ุง ุชูˆุฌุฏ ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช24 ุณุงุนุงุช
-27 ุฃูŠุงู…
-1430 ุฃูŠุงู…

ุฌุงุฑูŠ ุชุญู…ูŠู„ ุงู„ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช...

ู…ุนุฏู„ ู†ู…ูˆ ุงู„ู…ุดุชุฑูƒ

ุฌุงุฑูŠ ุชุญู…ูŠู„ ุงู„ุจูŠุงู†ุงุช...

hi admins, kindly read these : - maximum of 4 lines only para hindi naman matabunan mga messages ko - will delete after 10 mins / mas mababang price kesa sakin - please delete your own message na lang if ever inactive or offline ako - wag mag plug once closed na - pm me if naka closed admin rights mo, maybe naka closed din sakin thank you and happy selling?!!
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
lfb & resellers w/ incentives canva, grammarly, nba league pass, picsart, windscribe, wps etc. @altaraecartel
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
lfb & resellers w/ incentives canva, grammarly, nba league pass, picsart, windscribe, wps etc. @altaraecartel
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
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for transparency nakapag refund na po ako sa spoti and other prems pa send na lang din po ng refund computation and gcash sa ibang hindi pa na rerefund
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
Hello irerefund ko po yung spotify reports, here po yung refund computation price รท total no. of days of sub x remaining days x .80 (service fee) = refund Kindly pm me your gcash and total refund, thank you
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
lfb & resellers w/ incentives canva, grammarly, nba league pass, picsart, windscribe, wps etc. @altaraecartel
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
lfb & resellers w/ incentives canva, grammarly, nba league pass, picsart, windscribe, wps etc. @altaraecartel
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
Hello sorry for being inactive these past few weeks sobrang busy po talaga sa acads i decided na mag quit selling na lang, all pending reports esp sa spoti and other prems na ako maker will be refunded po today
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
lfb & resellers w/ incentives always b1t1 canva, grammarly, deezer, tidal hifi, windscribe & wps @altaraecartel
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
lfb & resellers w/ incentives always b1t1 canva, grammarly, deezer, tidal hifi, windscribe & wps @altaraecartel
ุฅุธู‡ุงุฑ ุงู„ูƒู„...
ุงุฎุชุฑ ุฎุทุฉ ู…ุฎุชู„ูุฉ

ุชุณู…ุญ ุฎุทุชูƒ ุงู„ุญุงู„ูŠุฉ ุจุชุญู„ูŠู„ุงุช ู„ู…ุง ู„ุง ูŠุฒูŠุฏ ุนู† 5 ู‚ู†ูˆุงุช. ู„ู„ุญุตูˆู„ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ู…ุฒูŠุฏุŒ ูŠูุฑุฌู‰ ุงุฎุชูŠุงุฑ ุฎุทุฉ ู…ุฎุชู„ูุฉ.