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English Quiz For SSC/BANKING

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8 472
-424 ساعات
-257 أيام
-9030 أيام

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𝗤.आपका कौनसा विषय कमजोर है.? 𝗤.Which subject is your weak.?
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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 01.12.2023 1. INCURSION (NOUN): (आक्रमण): attack on  Synonyms: assault on, raid on  Antonyms: retreat  Example Sentence: Government forces were able to halt the rebel incursion.  2. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (निराशात्मक): unpromising  Synonyms: unfavourable, unpropitious  Antonyms: promising  Example Sentence: He paints a bleak picture of a company that has lost its way.  3. SLACKEN (VERB): (मंद करना): slow  Synonyms: slow down, decelerate  Antonyms: speed up  Example Sentence: The pace of trade never slackens.  4. BENEVOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (दयालू): kind  Synonyms: kindly, kind-hearted  Antonyms: unkind  Example Sentence: He was something of a benevolent despot.  5. TACIT (ADJECTIVE): (अंतर्निहित): implicit  Synonyms: understood, implied  Antonyms: explicit  Example Sentence: Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.  6. ERECT (VERB): (निर्माण करना): build  Synonyms: construct, put up  Antonyms: demolish  Example Sentence: The guest house was erected in the eighteenth century.  7. PERIL (NOUN): (विपत्ति): danger  Synonyms: jeopardy, risk  Antonyms: safety  Example Sentence: The hour of peril for the Latin kingdom had now at last struck.  8. AMASS (VERB): (एकत्र करना): gather  Synonyms: collect, assemble  Antonyms: dissipate  Example Sentence: He amassed a fortune estimated at close to a million pounds.  9. BRINK (NOUN): (कगार): edge  Synonyms: verge, margin  Antonyms: middle  Example Sentence: This woman could bring me to the brink of insanity.  10. SPUR (NOUN): (प्रेरणा): stimulus  Synonyms: incentive, encouragement  Antonyms: disincentive  Example Sentence: Wars act as a spur to practical invention. 
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👍 3 3
Synonym of "Malady"Anonymous voting
  • Illness
  • Mischief
  • Disturbance
  • Wickedness
0 votes
Synonym of "Excoriate"Anonymous voting
  • Admire
  • Glorify
  • Criticize
  • Cognizant
0 votes
Synonym of "Fuse"Anonymous voting
  • Correct
  • Break
  • Combine
  • Unused
0 votes
Synonym of "Surreptitious"Anonymous voting
  • Adventurous
  • Secretive
  • Spacious
  • Aggressive
0 votes
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 19.11.2023 1. TRAUMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (दर्दनाक) : disturbing Synonyms: shocking, distressing Antonyms: soothing Example Sentence:She was going through a traumatic divorce. 2. CONVICTION (NOUN): (दोषसिद्धि): sentence Synonyms: judgement Antonyms: acquittal Example Sentence:She had a previous conviction for a similar offence. 3. BOLSTER (VERB): (मजबूत बनाना): strengthen Synonyms: support, reinforce Antonyms: avoid Example Sentence:The fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence. 4. DISORIENTED (ADJECTIVE): (गुमराह): confused Synonyms: bewildered, perplexed Antonyms: oriented Example Sentence:She was so disoriented that Joe had to walk her to her room. 5. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase Synonyms: add to, supplement Antonyms: decrease Example Sentence:He augmented his summer income by painting. 6. FLAWED (ADJECTIVE): (त्रुटिपूर्ण): unsound Synonyms: defective, faulty Antonyms: sound Example Sentence:It was absolutely a fatally flawed strategy. 7. DEFY (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): disobey Synonyms: go against, flout Antonyms: obey Example Sentence:She is a woman who defies convention. 8. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यंत गंभीर): terrible Synonyms: dreadful, appalling Antonyms: excited Example Sentence:Misuse of drugs have dire consequences. 9. MORATORIUM (NOUN): (रोक): embargo Synonyms: ban, prohibition Antonyms: permission Example Sentence:A moratorium has been put on the use of drift nets. 10. INDISPENSABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): essential Synonyms: crucial necessary Antonyms: dispensable Example Sentence:He made himself indispensable to the parish priest.
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👏 3👍 2
Synonym of "Proffer"Anonymous voting
  • Tender
  • Disapprove
  • Bribe
  • Reject
0 votes
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