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Vaccine Choice Canada

Formed in response to growing parental concern regarding the safety of current vaccination programs in Canada. Vaccine Choice Canada (formerly VRAN) serves as a public information and resource group, and is committed to protecting children.

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WATCH: A large memorial was captured today in the streets of Austria of those injured or killed by the COVID-19 vaccines.
🚨 Experts Are Trying to ‘Unravel the Mystery’ Behind the Rise in Hearts Attacks Among Young Healthy People “Doctors are mystified by how this young man in great shape came so close to death…We’re seeing younger people come in like we never used to see before…The cause of inflammation in seemingly healthy people…is not yet clear.” Join 👉
#CDC Pushes Pfizer's Pentavalent Meningococcal Vaccine by Marco Cáceres On Oct. 20, 2023, Pfizer, Inc. announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its new pentavalent meningococcal vaccine, Penbraya, which targets five meningococcal serogroups (A, B, C, W and Y) that most commonly cause meningococcal disease in adolescents and young adults 10-25 years old. #Pfizer #Penbraya #TheVaccineReaction #NVIC
Bill Gates Invests Millions in ‘Climate Vaccines’ to Reduce Methane Emissions From Cows “An additional concern is that cattle everywhere will develop serious GI illnesses as their immune systems attack these naturally occurring methane-producing non-pathogenic organisms. Entire ‘vaccinated’ herds will become commercially unviable + the meat industry will be destroyed. It is entirely reasonable to suspect this is the ultimate goal of this insane endeavor.” — James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.
Von der Leyen Vows To ‘Vaccinate’ EU Population Against ‘Wrongthink’ People in society who hold views that contradict the globalist narrative must have their minds “inoculated” against “wrongthink” according to European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen Speaking at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit earlier this month, von der Leyen explained that “research has shown that pre-bunking is more successful than de-bunking. Pre-bunking is the opposite of de-bunking. In short, prevention is preferable to cure. “Think of information manipulation as a virus. Instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold, that’s the de-bunking, it is better to vaccinate, so that our body is inoculated. Pre-bunking is the same approach.”… EDWARD DOWD
New York Times Deceives about Risks from DNA Contamination in mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
WATCH: Liberal Minister of Health Mark Holland claims that travelling for family vacations in a vehicle is causing climate change, saying, “Don’t worry, kids, about climate change. Don’t worry about taking action on the planet. Enjoy your ten hours in the car and let the planet burn.”
⚠️ ⚠️⚠️ Very disturbing post from Dr. Peter McCullough suggesting a new RNA vaccine as a treatment for vaccine injury “It may seem unfathomable for doctors to inject more RNA to deactivate Pfizer and Moderna synthetic mRNA that has accumulated in the body after multiple injections. However, siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) appears to be safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions.”
Avian Flu Vaccine — ‘We Can Just Plug + Play Here’ Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of CBER at FDA gives a disturbingly casual response when asked about creating targeted, new avian flu vaccines + the potential to deploy Emergency Use Authorization ‘if we had to.’ Watch the ENTIRE hearing — ‘Check Up: Examining FDA Regulation of Drugs, Biologics, and Devices’ — on #CHDTV 👇
Elizabeth Hart has filed inquiries with Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, asking: “Could you advise to what extent the PREP ACT provides immunity from criminal liability for administration of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?” And to Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, President of the American Medical Association, she asked: “Vaccination mandates violate a medical practitioner’s legal and ethical obligation to obtain informed consent for the medical intervention of vaccination, and yet vaccination mandates have been widespread during the international Covid-19 response. Mandated vaccination is a coercive medical intervention which violates the American Medical Associations Code of Medical Ethics. Has the American Medical Association taken any action to challenge Covid-19 vaccination mandates?” To date neither has responded.
June is Pride Month, which often means LGBT-related events and discussions at schools across Canada. Ahead of the month’s kickoff, a parental rights group hosted a virtual summit during which some speakers looked at how gender and sexuality issues are presented to children in Canadian schools, and how some parents are expressing concerns about the topics. The National Parents Rights Spring Virtual Summit took place on May 25, uniting parents who want more say on what their children are being taught in school. Some have started to form parental right groups around the country, including the Parents Rights Coalition of Canada, which was formed in July 2023. Some of the groups are regional, including a Waterloo group of hundreds of parents, calling themselves Educating Minds: Parents of Waterloo Region. These groups offer advice to other parents about finding out what is being taught in schools, others plan delegations for school board meetings and arrange protests.
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Brighteon has filed a law suit against an array of Big Tech platforms, overseas NGOs and Big Government departments, all of which we assert have been deliberately weaponized to silence the free speech of Americans.
In India, parents are filing legal cases against both AstraZeneca and Serum Institute of India (SII) where the vaccine was manufactured. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear their application. Doctors are now saying that they did indeed know that the experimental jab could result in death BUT they chose not to reveal that information to the public because they believed the risks outweighed the cons. One parent stated, “We blindly trusted our government, believing the vaccines to be safe for our children.” Everyone blindly trusted the government except the far-right conspiracy theorists spreading disinformation, who were banished from society for a few years. Now, hardly anyone trusts the government as COVID marked a massive downturn in government confidence overall.
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Osteopath and pioneer in the vaccine safety movement, Sherri Tenpenny, DO, has won her two-year battle with the Ohio State Medical Board. The medical board suspended her medical license after Tenpenny was speaking on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines at a state health committee meeting.
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The Military Grievances External Review Committee for Canada’s Armed Forces ruled recently on the constitutionality of the Canadian Armed Force’s vaccine mandate. They decided that the policy was “not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.” They concluded: “The policy, in some aspects, is arbitrary, overly broad and disproportionate.” “Therefore, I conclude that the grievors’ rights protected under section 7 were infringed.” Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the life, liberty, and personal security of Canadians. Both Chief of Defense Staff, Gen. Eyre and Vice Chief Lt.-Gen. Allen, along with other military and federal defence officials, are named as defendants in two separate lawsuits filed by hundreds of current and former CAF members alleging abuse of power with regard to COVID-19 policies.
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A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False Claims Act by failing to complete mandatory reporting of injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Deborah Conrad worked at United Memorial Medical Center until October 2021, when she said she was fired for reporting vaccine-related adverse events. Conrad is seeking job reinstatement and back pay for herself and civil penalties on behalf of the U.S. government. Conrad said the evidence she is submitting to the court is substantial — she meticulously saved every email, patient file and recorded conversations with supervisors and other hospital staff. The hospital not only failed to report cases, it blocked Conrad from submitting approximately 170 reports of serious adverse events to VAERS between May 27 and Oct. 6, 2021. The hospital system also failed to report over 12,000 adverse events, the complaint alleges. On behalf of the U.S., Conrad is seeking damages for: The hospital was paid an administrative fee — approximately $40 — for each injection. The suit seeks a refund of that money to the government for the thousands of shots administered. Next, for every failure to report, there is a mandatory penalty of at least $20,000. For 12,000 cases, that would total more than $240,000,000. Finally, the cost of the treatment that people had to pay for their vaccine injuries. By failing to meet their obligations as a vaccine provider, he said the hospital failed to provide people with the proper necessary treatment they ought to be entitled to and those costs should be reimbursed. If Conrad prevails in court, the hospital will go bankrupt.
John Leake, in a Courageous Discourse essay writes: “Chris Cuomos’s willingness to stand corrected is a good thing and should be graciously accepted. He adds: “I believe that we should welcome Chris Cuomo’s willingness to stand corrected about ivermectin and the reality of COVID-19 vaccine injuries. The important thing is not his past pronouncements, but what is saying now. Now he is demonstrating a willingness to change his views, admit that he made erroneous statements in the past, and to criticize some of the mainstream media propaganda that he previously endorsed. No one likes admitting that they have made erroneous statements. This is why most people would rather stick with their erroneous opinions instead of enduring the discomfort of admitting that they have spoken in error. I believe that any willingness to change one’s views for the better is admirable and redemptive. We therefore welcome Chris Cuomo’s evolving views and believe they should be graciously accepted, even by people who dislike him because of his previous conduct and statements.”
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill preventing the government from issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency, which could enable surveillance similar to that employed by the Chinese Communist Party. The “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act” prohibits the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank from “offering products or services directly to an individual, maintaining an account on their behalf of an individual, or issuing a central bank digital currency directly or indirectly to an individual.” In addition, “the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is prohibited from using a central bank digital currency to implement monetary policy or from issuing a central bank digital currency. Rep. Emmer pointed out that a CBDC is a digital version of sovereign currency that is designed, issued, and controlled by a government. Since it is subject to central control and is programmable by the entity controlling it, a CBDC does not have the privacy protections that cash affords. As such, if a CBDC were to be imposed in the United States, the federal government would have the power to surveil the transactions of American citizens Furthermore, it can also suppress political activity that a ruling party deems problematic through financial restrictions and manipulations.
Attorney Tom Renz is advocating for Ohio House Bill 73, the “Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act,” which allows healthcare providers to prescribe off-label medications, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and protects their right to express independent medical opinions. It also ensures patients are not denied basic care if they refuse specific treatments, such as remdesivir and ventilators. Renz stated that people died because Fauci lied.
South Carolina Republican Gov. Henry McMaster signed into law Tuesday a ban on surgically or chemically mutilating confused minors for the sake of “transitioning” them away from their true gender. The Help Not Harm bill, prohibits medical professionals from subjecting anyone under 18 years old to puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, or “genital or non-genital gender reassignment surgery.” Violators risk losing their licenses, including for “inflicting great bodily injury upon a child.” Victims have a three-year window in which they can sue violators for damages. The law also requires any minor put on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones prior to the bill taking effect be weaned off of them by January 31, 2025, as well as bans taxpayer dollars from “directly or indirectly” supporting “transitions” and Medicaid reimbursements for the practice.   The bill additionally covers parental rights in public education, requiring schools to immediately notify parents in writing if their child claims to identify as something other than his or her sex or asks to be addressed by transgender pronouns, and prohibits school employees from withholding information about children’s gender confusion from their parents or encouraging or coercing children to do so.
Grus testified that a "doubling, tripling of baby deaths" brought to the OPS's attention after release of "COVID-19 vaccines" was an impetus for her inquiry. She added that the deaths' circumstances — conscious infants dying in their mothers' arms — were something she had never seen before. "To this day, they're still promoting everything as 'safe and effective'," Grus added. "I believe there should be a criminal investigation into criminal negligence,” she stated, adding, “I'm not making conclusions, but there are questions that have not been asked.”
‘Unambiguous’: Excess Deaths in Cyprus Tied to COVID Vaccine Rollout “There’s clearly a temporal association here between vaccines and excess all-cause mortality. This association is robust, it’s unambiguous, it’s clear, it’s in the data itself.” — Denis Rancourt, Ph.D.
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Five more Ontario school boards and two private schools are suing social media giants Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. They join some of Ontario’s largest school boards who filed suits in March alleging the platforms are negligently designed for compulsive use and have rewired the way children think, behave and learn, leaving teachers and schools to handle the consequences. Filing their own lawsuits are the Catholic boards in Ottawa, Dufferin-Peel and York, along with Trillium Lakeland District School Board and District School Board of Niagara. A private Catholic school in Mississauga, Ont., and a private Jewish school round out the list of the new plaintiffs. In March, Toronto’s public and Catholic school boards, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and the Peel District School Board filed four separate but similar cases with Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice.
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New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs has taken action after “inappropriate” content was shared with students at New Brunswick high schools. “To say I am furious would be a gross understatement,” he said. “This presentation was not part of the New Brunswick curriculum and the content was not flagged for parents in advance.” .“My office has been told by Department of Education officials that this was supposed to be a presentation on HPV.” The premier said the material went “well beyond the scope” of an HPV presentation. “This group will not be allowed to present again at New Brunswick schools, effective immediately,” he said. “Our government will have further discussions about whether additional rules about third-party presentations need to be updated.” Higgs said that he will stand with parents, and that they need to be informed about what is happening at schools.
A new list released by the U.S.-based Malone Institute highlights dozens of Canadian politicians and current cabinet ministers of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government who have links to the globalist World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program. The Malone Institute, founded by Dr. Robert Malone, in partnership with the Swedish Pharos Foundation, has started a World Economic Forum Project to investigate “the globalist members of the World Economic Forum and the operatives that they have trained.” The recently published list shows over a dozen current and former Trudeau Liberal cabinet ministers who were graduates of the WEF’s young leaders programs, including Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (2000), and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (2005). NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is listed (2018). Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre was placed in the “uncertain” tab of the Malone / Pharos list. He has denied he was involved with the young leaders program; however, internet archive pages imply otherwise.
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Mark your calendars for June 18, 2024 at 5PM PT/ 8PM ET. Join our live discussion with Dr. Suzanne Humphries, co-author of the ground-breaking book, Dissolving Illusions. Register in advance @!
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The Military Grievances External Review Committee for Canada’s Armed Forces ruled recently on the constitutionality of the Canadian Armed Force’s vaccine mandate. They decided that the policy was “not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.” They concluded: “The policy, in some aspects, is arbitrary, overly broad and disproportionate.” “Therefore, I conclude that the grievors’ rights protected under section 7 were infringed.” Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the life, liberty, and personal security of Canadians. Both Chief of Defense Staff, Gen. Eyre and Vice Chief Lt.-Gen. Allen, along with other military and federal defence officials, are named as defendants in two separate lawsuits filed by hundreds of current and former CAF members alleging abuse of power with regard to COVID-19 policies.
These are the things we remember…
HPV Vaccination May Trigger Rare and Often Misdiagnosed Autoimmune Brain Disease Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is an acute autoimmune disorder where the body creates antibodies against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the brain.
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#NVIC Barbara Loe Fisher’s Statements at Senator Ron Johnson's Round Table Discussion | Video Excerpts of statements made by Barbara Loe Fisher regarding the discrimination and demonization of unvaccinated people, and how our failing health system is bankrupting the country. These statements were made during Senator Ron Johnson's Round Table Discussion titled "What Are Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel Hiding?
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Doctors Deconstruction — It Only Takes ONE Vaccine #CHDTV Bob Sears, M.D. believed that selectively vaccinating was the key to protecting children from vaccine-induced injuries. However, conversations with parents who followed his modified vaccine schedule opened his eyes further to the disturbing truth: even one vaccine can inflict lifelong injuries. Over time, more + more families in his practice chose not to vaccinate at all, and he found that the frequency of common health issues in his patients simultaneously declined. Having followed a similar path, Paul Thomas, M.D. witnessed the same phenomenon unfold in his practice. 
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Case of 14-Year-Old Vaccinated for COVID Against His Will Headed to North Carolina Supreme Court Attorney Ray Flores argued that while the PREP Act is a “turbo-charged product liability immunity statute,” it should not shield “willful misconduct, fraud, breach of contract, undisclosed ingredients, false advertising — and certainly must not continue to abolish parental rights.”
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Rutgers Abruptly Ends COVID Vaccine Mandate, CHD Still Planning Supreme Court Appeal ‘They’re still convinced they did the right thing’
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🎥 BASED ON REAL-LIFE EVENTS: ‘Protocol 7’ exposes the shocking way Merck prioritized profits over people + fostered an amoral “just following orders” mindset. HOST A SCREENING ⬇️
The panic that grips health officials when measles breaks out isn’t surprising since they know there’s an unquantifiable segment of the fully vaccinated population who are no longer immune and are susceptible to the disease. Five decades of mass vaccination has dismantled the long lasting immunity previously enjoyed by the majority of people. Decades of outbreaks of measles in highly vaccinated populations proved long ago that vaccine-derived immunity is fragile and unreliable. Read the full article “Measles Hysteria - What’s Really Going On?” by Edda West, co-founder of Vaccine Choice Canada.
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WATCH: A large memorial was captured today in the streets of Austria of those injured or killed by the COVID-19 vaccines.
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😢 7👏 2
Repost from Dr Roger Hodkinson
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🚨 Experts Are Trying to ‘Unravel the Mystery’ Behind the Rise in Hearts Attacks Among Young Healthy People “Doctors are mystified by how this young man in great shape came so close to death…We’re seeing younger people come in like we never used to see before…The cause of inflammation in seemingly healthy people…is not yet clear.” Join 👉
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🥴 1
Repost from
#CDC Pushes Pfizer's Pentavalent Meningococcal Vaccine by Marco Cáceres On Oct. 20, 2023, Pfizer, Inc. announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its new pentavalent meningococcal vaccine, Penbraya, which targets five meningococcal serogroups (A, B, C, W and Y) that most commonly cause meningococcal disease in adolescents and young adults 10-25 years old. #Pfizer #Penbraya #TheVaccineReaction #NVIC
إظهار الكل...
CDC Pushes Pfizer’s Pentavalent Meningococcal Vaccine

The vaccine (like all vaccines) has the potential to cause numerous "side effects." The most common of these are injection site reactions (pain, redness and swelling), fatigue, headache, muscle...

😱 1
Bill Gates Invests Millions in ‘Climate Vaccines’ to Reduce Methane Emissions From Cows “An additional concern is that cattle everywhere will develop serious GI illnesses as their immune systems attack these naturally occurring methane-producing non-pathogenic organisms. Entire ‘vaccinated’ herds will become commercially unviable + the meat industry will be destroyed. It is entirely reasonable to suspect this is the ultimate goal of this insane endeavor.” — James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.
إظهار الكل...
Bill Gates Invests Millions in ‘Climate Vaccines’ to Reduce Methane Emissions From Cows

A Boston-based ag-biotech startup recently raised $26.5 million to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions” via the development of a “methane vaccine.” Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Gates, led the financing round.

👎 5🤪 2 1
Repost from Edward Dowd
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Von der Leyen Vows To ‘Vaccinate’ EU Population Against ‘Wrongthink’ People in society who hold views that contradict the globalist narrative must have their minds “inoculated” against “wrongthink” according to European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen Speaking at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit earlier this month, von der Leyen explained that “research has shown that pre-bunking is more successful than de-bunking. Pre-bunking is the opposite of de-bunking. In short, prevention is preferable to cure. “Think of information manipulation as a virus. Instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold, that’s the de-bunking, it is better to vaccinate, so that our body is inoculated. Pre-bunking is the same approach.” DOWD
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🤬 12🤮 5👎 3 3👍 1
Repost from
New York Times Deceives about Risks from DNA Contamination in mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
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NY Times Deceives about DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines

The NY Times obfuscates the finding of DNA contamination in mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and misinforms that there is no reason for concern.

🤮 2
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WATCH: Liberal Minister of Health Mark Holland claims that travelling for family vacations in a vehicle is causing climate change, saying, “Don’t worry, kids, about climate change. Don’t worry about taking action on the planet. Enjoy your ten hours in the car and let the planet burn.”
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🤮 23🥴 8🤬 4
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⚠️ ⚠️⚠️ Very disturbing post from Dr. Peter McCullough suggesting a new RNA vaccine as a treatment for vaccine injury “It may seem unfathomable for doctors to inject more RNA to deactivate Pfizer and Moderna synthetic mRNA that has accumulated in the body after multiple injections. However, siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) appears to be safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions.”
إظهار الكل...
🤔 7🤮 6 1
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
Avian Flu Vaccine — ‘We Can Just Plug + Play Here’ Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of CBER at FDA gives a disturbingly casual response when asked about creating targeted, new avian flu vaccines + the potential to deploy Emergency Use Authorization ‘if we had to.’ Watch the ENTIRE hearing — ‘Check Up: Examining FDA Regulation of Drugs, Biologics, and Devices’ — on #CHDTV 👇
إظهار الكل...
🤮 8🤬 1
Elizabeth Hart has filed inquiries with Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, asking: “Could you advise to what extent the PREP ACT provides immunity from criminal liability for administration of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?” And to Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, President of the American Medical Association, she asked: “Vaccination mandates violate a medical practitioner’s legal and ethical obligation to obtain informed consent for the medical intervention of vaccination, and yet vaccination mandates have been widespread during the international Covid-19 response. Mandated vaccination is a coercive medical intervention which violates the American Medical Associations Code of Medical Ethics. Has the American Medical Association taken any action to challenge Covid-19 vaccination mandates?” To date neither has responded.
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The U.S. Prep Act and “willful misconduct”

Is there immunity from liability for the destruction of voluntary informed consent?

🤬 9