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TWELFTH NIGHT WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Twelfth Night, or What You Will is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601–1602 as a Twelfth Night entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as Cesario) falls in love with the Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man. The play expanded on the musical interludes and riotous disorder expected of the occasion, with plot elements drawn from the short story "Of Apollonius and Silla" by Barnabe Rich, based on a story by Matteo Bandello. The first documented public performance was on 2 February 1602, at Candlemas, the formal end of Christmastide in the year's calendar. The play was not published until its inclusion in the 1623 First Folio. Main plot: In Twelfth Night, Duke Orsino of Illyria falls in love with Olivia. Orsino and Olivio are important Twelfth Night characters among others. Moreover, Olivia rejects the advances of Duke Orsino. A shipwrecked Viola arrives on the shores of Illyria with the help of a Captain. She then disguises herself as a boy and takes the name Cesario. This disguise of Viola plays a very important role in this summary of Twelfth Night. After taking this disguise, she enters into the service of Orsino. Orsino asks Cesario to try to woo Olivia for him. However, Viola begins to fall in love with Cesario rather than Orsino. When Cesario arrives to woo Olivia, she develops feelings of love for him. She rejects the approach of Orsino and asks Cesario to return. Orsino once again sends Cesario to Olivia after discussing the nature of love. On this occasion, Olivia makes her confession of love for Cesario. Meanwhile, Sebastian arrives in Illyria. Furthermore, Sebastian is the twin brother of Viola and he was expected to be dead due to the shipwreck. Sebastian then decides to look around the town. Olivia’s uncle is Sir Toby who is staying with her. Sir Toby encourages his drinking companion Sir Andrew to woo Olivia. One late night, they enter into a quarrel with Malvolio and decided to trick him with the help of Olivia’s maid Maria. Maria writes a letter with forged Olivia handwriting to Malvolio. Due to this, Malvolio believes that Olivia loves him. The letter asks Malvolio to appear eccentric. When Malvolio approaches Olivia with an eccentric appearance, she believes him to be mad. Malvolio then writes a letter of complaint to Olivia. Meanwhile, Andrew decides to leave the house after witnessing Cesario being more successful with Olivia. However, Sir Toby persuades him to stay and instead challenge Cesario to a duel. Antonio arrives during the duel with the intention to defend Cesario. This is because Antonio mistakes the identities of Cesario and Sebastian. Antonio is arrested because he is recognized as Orsino’s enemy. Cesario professes to have no knowledge of Antonio’s purse. Later, Andrew strikes Sebastian mistaking him for Cesario. Andrew gets beaten for his pains. Afterwards, Olivia marries Sebastian due to confusing him with Cesario. Orsino thinks Antonio is mad when he says that he has been with Cesario. Olivia once again rejects the advances of Orsino. As Cesario was preparing to leave, Olivia requests Cesario to stay and believes him to be her husband. She brings a priest as confirmation when Cesario denies his marriage with Olivia. Finally, there is a revelation of the true identity of Viola when Sebastian arrives. Consequently, she decides to marry Orsino. Twelfth Night deals with the lives, loves, Thecomplications, and confusions among the nobles of Illyria.
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JOHN KEATS AS A ROMANTIC POET: John Keats is one of the quintessential Romantic poets, and his work embodies many of the key characteristics of the Romantic movement. Here are some aspects that highlight Keats as a Romantic poet: 1. Emphasis on Emotion and Imagination: - Keats's poetry is known for its intense emotional expression and rich imaginative landscapes. Poems like "Ode to a Nightingale" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" showcase his ability to evoke deep feelings and create vivid imagery. 2. Love of Nature: - Nature plays a central role in Keats's work. He often depicts the natural world as a source of beauty, inspiration, and solace. His descriptions are sensuous and detailed, capturing the beauty and transient nature of life, as seen in "To Autumn." 3. Focus on Beauty and Aesthetics: - Keats had a profound belief in the importance of beauty. His famous line "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" from "Ode on a Grecian Urn" encapsulates his aesthetic philosophy. He sought to capture and celebrate beauty in all its forms, whether in nature, art, or human experience. 4. Transience and Mortality: - Keats was acutely aware of the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of death. This awareness permeates his poetry, creating a sense of poignancy and longing. His early death from tuberculosis added a personal dimension to his reflections on mortality, as seen in "When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be." 5. Medievalism and Mythology; - Like many Romantic poets, Keats was fascinated by medieval themes and classical mythology. His poems often draw on these sources for inspiration, creating a sense of timelessness and universality. Examples include "La Belle Dame sans Merci" and "Hyperion." 6. Individualism and Subjectivity: - Keats's poetry often delves into personal experience and introspection. His exploration of his own feelings, desires, and fears reflects the Romantic emphasis on individualism and subjective experience. 7. Celebration of the Imagination: - Keats valued the power of the imagination to transcend the limitations of the physical world and connect with deeper truths. This is evident in his richly imaginative works that transport readers to other realms and states of being. In summary, John Keats's work embodies the essence of Romanticism through its emphasis on emotion, nature, beauty, mortality, mythology, individualism, and the imagination. His poetry continues to be celebrated for its depth, sensitivity, and lyrical beauty.
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