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Pax Tube

Catholic social critic and video creator. Youtube: Odysee:

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I looked over National Rally's platform and there was nothing very exciting. Their policies aren't much different from Macron's. Compared to parties like AFD or Konfederacja, they're milquetoast. Not surprised by these results.
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JUST IN - Far-left "New Popular Front" coalition projected to become the biggest force in France's parliament: exit poll

New video is now live! Join me for learning Why America Should NOT Have Fought in World War 1.
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Why America Should NOT Have Joined World War 1

To learn more than ever from important non-fiction books, join me on Shortform:

You’ll get a 5-day free trial and a discounted annual subscription. One of my favorite books on Shortform is On War. The United States entered World War 1 in 1917, changing world history forever. Unfortunately, these changes were not for the better. In this video on Pax Tube, I describe how the American government's actions in WW1 caused much more death and suffering than needed to happen. American intervention on the side of the Entente and against Germany and the Central Powers did not make the world, or America, a better place. Here's why. Support the channel here:

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Intro 3:00 A False Neutrality 10:16 Was Germany Solely Responsible For The War? 14:04 An Unjust Peace 20:08 Tyranny At Home 24:49 Unintended Consequences ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citations: 'The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories' by John V. Denson The U-Boat: Germany’s Great Gamble Of WW1

United States Participation in World War One

'Everything You Know About How World War I Ended Is Wrong'

'The Economic Consequences of the Peace' by John Maynard Keynes The Sedition and Espionage Acts Were Designed To Quash Dissent During WW1

Why did Britain join the war against Germany?

The Treaty of Versailles: Did the End of WW1 Cause the Start of WWII?

Germany’s World War I Debt Was So Crushing It Took 92 Years to Pay Off

I am happy to announce that a NEW Pax Tube video will premiere tomorrow, Thursday July 4th, at 12 noon EST. 🚨 See you there!
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The terms "left" and "right" have become like the term "woke". Used constantly but noone using them can even define what they mean anymore.
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Pope says no to drug liberalization

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 26 - Pope Francis said that legalizing drugs is not the way to combat addition during his weekly general audience in the Vatican on Wednesday, which this week fell on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. "Having known so many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is a moral duty to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances," the Argentine...

Cringe aside, one thing I don't like about these type of cartoons is how they blame young people for everything. Young people are just following what they're taught at school and what the culture around them encourages. Look at institutions, not their followers.
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No, I will not be voting for Zion Don and in fact I advocate others not to vote for him either. I am done with Zionists of any kind, and I don't care what false promises they make to try to win votes. I knew Israel was bad but I never quite realized just how bad they are until this year. If they are allowed to continue doing whatever they want, no Gentile on Earth is safe. Support for Zionism is now a non-negotiable issue for me. I will never actively submit to Jewish domination, even to "get acceptance" by the mainstream parties in the Zionist system.
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John Mearsheimer at 10:50 says that the US-Israel relationship goes against his own theory of Diplomatic Realism, that posits Great Powers in geopolitics will always try to act in their own best interests. Due to the power of the Jewish lobby, Israel has turned this theory upside down and is forcing the US to go against its own interests.
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Prof. Mearsheimer WARNS: the Lobby May Cause a US CONFLICT with Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia

Please remember to like, subscribe, and click the notification bell to stay up to date on all of our new videos. In this video, Prof. John Mearsheimer, the prominent international relations scholar, discusses the Ukraine conflict and Putin's ceasefire proposal, the situation in Gaza and the West Bank, the Russian-North Korean alliance, the US and Israeli political landscape, the influence of Israeli lobby on US policies, and the potential for broader conflict with Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia. Dans cette vidéo, le professeur John Mearsheimer, éminent spécialiste des relations internationales, discute du conflit en Ukraine et de la proposition de cessez-le-feu de Poutine, de la situation à Gaza et en Cisjordanie, de l'alliance russo-nord-coréenne, du paysage politique américain et israélien, de l'influence du lobby israélien sur les politiques américaines et du potentiel de conflit plus large avec le Hezbollah, l'Iran et la Russie. در این ویدیو، پروفسور جان میرشایمر درباره درگیری اوکراین و پیشنهاد آتش‌بس پوتین، وضعیت غزه و کرانه باختری، اتحاد روسیه و کره شمالی، چشم‌انداز سیاسی آمریکا و اسرائیل، تأثیر لابی اسرائیل بر سیاست‌های آمریکا، و احتمال درگیری گسترده‌تر با حزب‌الله، ایران و روسیه صحبت می‌کند. في هذا الفيديو، يناقش البروفيسور جون ميرشايمر الصراع في أوكرانيا واقتراح بوتين لوقف إطلاق النار، الوضع في غزة والضفة الغربية، التحالف الروسي الكوري الشمالي، المشهد السياسي الأمريكي والإسرائيلي، تأثير اللوبي الإسرائيلي على السياسات الأمريكية، وإمكانية نشوب صراع أوسع مع حزب الله وإيران وروسيا. En este video, el profesor John Mearsheimer discute el conflicto en Ucrania y la propuesta de alto el fuego de Putin, la situación en Gaza y Cisjordania, la alianza ruso-coreana del Norte, la influencia del lobby israelí en las políticas estadounidenses y el potencial de un conflicto más amplio con Hezbolá, Irán y Rusia. Neste vídeo, o professor John Mearsheimer discute o conflito na Ucrânia e a proposta de cessar-fogo de Putin, a situação em Gaza e na Cisjordânia, a aliança russo-norte-coreana, a influência do lobby israelense nas políticas dos EUA e o potencial para um conflito mais amplo com o Hezbollah, Irã e Rússia. اس ویڈیو میں، پروفیسر جان میرشایمر یوکرین کے تنازعہ اور پوتن کی جنگ بندی کی تجویز، غزہ اور مغربی کنارے کی صورتحال، روسی-شمالی کوریائی اتحاد، امریکی اور اسرائیلی سیاسی منظرنامہ، امریکی پالیسیوں پر اسرائیلی لابی کا اثر، اور حزب اللہ، ایران، اور روس کے ساتھ وسیع تر تنازعہ کے امکانات پر بات کرتے ہیں۔ В этом видео профессор Джон Миршаймер, выдающийся ученый в области международных отношений, обсуждает конфликт в Украине и предложение Путина о прекращении огня, ситуацию в Газе и на Западном берегу, российско-северокорейский альянс, политическую обстановку в США и Израиле, влияние израильского лобби на политику США и возможность более широкого конфликта с Хезболлой, Ираном и Россией. Dalam video ini, Prof. John Mearsheimer membahas konflik di Ukraina dan proposal gencatan senjata Putin, situasi di Gaza dan Tepi Barat, aliansi Rusia-Korea Utara, pengaruh lobi Israel pada kebijakan AS, dan potensi konflik yang lebih luas dengan Hezbollah, Iran, dan Rusia. 在这段视频中,著名国际关系学者约翰·米尔斯海默教授讨论了乌克兰冲突和普京的停火提议、加沙和西岸的局势、俄罗斯-朝鲜联盟、美国和以色列的政治格局、以色列游说团对美国政策的影响以及与真主党、伊朗和俄罗斯发生更大冲突的可能性。 In questo video, il professor John Mearsheimer discute del conflitto in Ucraina e della proposta di cessate il fuoco di Putin, della situazione a Gaza e in Cisgiordania, dell'alleanza russo-nordcoreana, dell'influenza della lobby israeliana sulle politiche statunitensi e del potenziale per un conflitto più ampio con Hezbollah, Iran e Russia. इस वीडियो में प्रोफेसर जॉन मीरशाइमर, प्रमुख अंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंध विद्वान, यूक्रेन संघर्ष और पुतिन के संघर्षविराम प्रस्ताव, गाजा और वेस्ट बैंक की स्थिति, रूसी-उत्तर कोरियाई गठबंधन, अमेरिकी और इजरायली राजनीतिक परिदृश्य, अमेरिकी नीतियों पर इजरायली लॉबी के प्रभाव, और हिज़बुल्लाह, ईरान और रूस के साथ व्यापक संघर्ष की संभावना पर चर्चा करते हैं। In diesem Video spricht Professor John Mearsheimer über den Ukraine-Konflikt und Putins Waffenstillstandsvorschlag, die Situation im Gazastreifen und im Westjordanland, das Bündnis zwischen…

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The flag of Germany and the flags of the American Empire.
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.