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DealShaker Indonesia

Hot deals and merchants from DealShaker Indonesia

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Keripik Tahu Bali "Umami" Cemilan Sehat, Renyah & Enak Klik, Like & Share Dulu pesan harus seminggu sebelumnya. Sekarang bisa pesan 3 hari sebelumnya. Maklum antrian sangat panjang, pesanan dari berbagai kota, penggemar dari manca negara. Rp 50.000/box isi 10 plastik Belum termasuk ongkos kirim untuk luar kota Denpasar. Promo Tahun Baru: free ongkir untuk Denpasar minimum 2 box. Pesan sekarang: Ketik "Umami, berapa box, nama, alamat" WA ke
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REMINDER Mari Rayakan Kemerdekaan dan Persatuan Indonesia di Hari Terakhir Bulan Merdeka Ini ULANG TAHUN PERTAMA BALIDEX Senin, 31 Agustus 2020 Pkl 15:00 WIB Pkl 16:00 WITA Pkl 17:00 WIT Klik link Zoom SEKARANG Meeting ID: 829 5517 1608 (Tanpa password langsung login) Menangkan hadiah-hadiah menarik *puluhan juta rupiah!* Sekilas BaliDeX Klik link Zoom SEKARANG
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Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.

Transcript of Madam Veska and some points from IT Team From The Legend of the ONE My One Life Family, We, at Corporate, sincerely thank every IMA who has believed and trusted in us while also deciding to grow with us. We want to thank every person who has ever joined the organization, at one point in time or another. As an organisation, we would not be what we are today without you. We are even grateful for the greater learning and knowledge gained through the mistakes we have made. We therefore aim to become a more dynamic entity. We strive overall to be greater, bigger and better, now more than ever before in the history of our existence. We apologise for any misunderstandings and for the lies which may have been spread by former IMA's or staff members who were blinded by greed and so sought their own ulterior motives. Read more, Like & Share
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Transcript of Madam Veska and some points from IT Team From The Legend of the ONE My One Life Family, We, at Corporate, sincerely thank every IMA who has believed and trusted in us while also deciding to grow with us. We want to thank every person who has ever joined the organization, at one point in time or another. As an organisation, we would not be what we are today without you. We are even grateful for the greater learning and knowledge gained through the mistakes we have made. We therefore aim to become a more dynamic entity. We strive overall to be greater, bigger and better, now more than ever before in the history of our existence. We apologise for any misunderstandings and for the lies which may have been spread by former IMA's or staff members who were blinded by greed and so sought their own ulterior motives. Read more, Like & Share
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BERITA ACARA DEALSHAKER INDONESIA No. 200822.01/dsi/VIII/2020 Pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 22 Agustus 2020 telah diadakan Rapat Kerja Istimewa DealShaker Indonesia Management dengan hasil rapat sebagai berikut: 1. Struktur Nasional, Master Plan, Roadmap dan Program Kerja DealShaker Indonesia adalah kunci sukses pengembangan jaringan merchant dan usabilitas ONE di Indonesia. 2. Badan hukum resmi DealShaker Indonesia adalah Koperasi Serba Usaha Inti Prana Semesta. 3. Co Country Manager DealShaker Indonesia terpilih adalah Bapak Sumerta Dana. 4. Struktur Organisasi DealShaker Indonesia meliputi Country Manager, Dewan Penasehat, National Admin, Regional Manager, Branch Manager, Marketing Manager, dan DealShaker Consultant tetap sama. 5. Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran dan jasa promosi para merchant DealShaker serta pembelian giftcode paket OneAcademy di Indonesia setelah server selesai maintenance dikirimkan ke rekening resmi berikut ini: Bank: BNI46 Nomor Rekening: 8280819633 Atas nama: Koperasi Serba Usaha Inti Prana Semesta 6. Alamat resmi DealShaker Indonesia Training Center: Jalan Tukad Badung XXII No. 07 Renon, Denpasar Bali 7. Ulang tahun BaliDeX akan diperingati 29 Agustus 2020. 8. Segenap jajaran DealShaker Indonesia menjunjung tinggi profesionalisme dan integritas untuk membangun usabilitas ONE di Indonesia yang makin berkembang dari hari ke hari. 9. Keluarga Besar OneLife di Indonesia menolak politik adu domba dari oknum-oknum dalam dan luar negeri yang beresiko memecah belah Komunitas OneLife hanya untuk keuntungan segelintir oknum yang tidak pernah berkontribusi memperjuangkan usabilitas ONE di Indonesia. 10. Segala tindakan terlibat gerakan kontraproduktif di luar program kerja dan Struktur Nasional DealShaker Indonesia yang resmi beresiko mengorbankan masa depan ONE di Indonesia dan dunia, beresiko merugikan komunitas Indonesia dalam segi kerugian materil dan non materil, dan berpotensi menghadapi tuntutan hukum pidana dan perdata. 11. Informasi resmi dan terpercaya hubungi Branch Manager dan Regional Manager di Struktur Nasional DealShaker Indonesia yang resmi. Demikian Berita Acara ini dibuat dan diumumkan untuk diketahui para anggota OneLife Network dan para merchant DealShaker di Indonesia. Ditetapkan pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2020 Peserta Rapat Kerja Istimewa DealShaker Indonesia (DSI) 1. DR. Putra, Country Manager DSI 2. I Dewa Gede Ngurah, Advisor & RM Sulawesi 3. Budi Yuwono, Advisor & RM Kalimantan 4. Sumerta Dana, Co Country Manager & National Admin 5. Agus Nugraha, RM Sumatera 6. Jusup Tjahjana Handojo, RM Jawa-2 7. Liang, RM Jawa-3 8. Nyoman Artaya, RM Bali & NTB 9. Deka Dharmayana, RM NTT, Maluku, Papua 10. Ida Bagus Surya Bharata, Host & BM Singaraja Buleleng
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Dear Loyal OneCoiners The great OneCoin Rumania (Bucharest) event is live on Facebook now. Please tune in to see the progress of the Co. Continue to pray that all goes well, safely. Like Subscribe
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Important Announcement Dear OneLife Community, As you are now aware, the system has been temporarily down since late last week, due to the migration process to the new system. We apologise for all inconveniences caused as you continue to move towards developing your MLM career which you have trusted us to be building with you. We can confirm that the new system will be up and running before the end of August, and from then onwards we will not have to revisit these issues which had been occurring. This is based on the work which the third-party IT company has been employed to do. We thank you for your patience and ask that you do not waver in your belief and most importantly that you continue Trusting the Process. This is a massive moment in the history of our Company, and we want you to know that beyond a shadow of a doubt or concern, we are going to become greater than ever before! The Legend of the ONE will continue! Here’s the exciting part!! We promise our community that we will start the Super Wonder Wheel for one entire Month where all the new activations will receive a minimum of 50% and a maximum of 200% extra promotional tokens once the system is back up and running again. Rest assured that every new activation will be given a chance to receive the Super Split which is another exciting news for our community. Coin transfer limits will be opened as well for our existing members for 14 days when the New System is stable. YOU WILL NOTE THAT WE HAVE INTRODUCED A MIGRATION PAGE WHICH EXPIRES ON THE 21ST AUGUST 2020. It is safe to fill out your details on that landing page so visit the following sites to register your details NOW. If you have more than one account with the same phone number in all profiles, then you don’t have to submit all usernames separately. In this case you can submit one main username and all your accounts should be merged automatically. If you have more than one account and you have different numbers in each account then you must submit all usernames separately ensuring that you enter the same phone number which was registered in the OneLife profile otherwise system would not be able to recognise the details. If you have forgotten your phone number then enter a new number as you do not have any choice, however, this will not guarantee your account migration and you may need to contact the support after 22/08/2020. If the deadline date passes then you must contact support to complete your migration, so to avoid any delay or inconvenience in the future, submit all your usernames within the deadline which expires on the 21/08/2020 Don’t forget to Buy Lucky Training Draw tickets from the following site Thank you OneLife family for your understanding in this regard! The Company & Captain
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KETENTUAN BIAYA PROMOSI DEALSHAKER INDONESIA 1. Pendaftaran Merchant bebas biaya selama masa Promo Merdeka Agustus 2020. 2. Produk-produk harga satuan di bawah Rp 15.000.000 per unit bebas biaya selama masa Promo Merdeka Agustus 2020. 3. Produk-produk harga satuan Rp 15.000.000 hingga Rp 99.999.000 per unit wajib bayar jasa promosi 1%. 4. Produk-produk harga satuan Rp 100.000.000 hingga Rp 499.999.000 per unit wajib bayar jasa promosi 2%. 5. Produk-produk harga satuan Rp 500.000.000 ke atas per unit wajib bayar jasa promosi 2,5%. 6. Jasa promosi dibayarkan setelah transaksi terjadi ke pihak Country Manager DealShaker Indonesia. 7. Diskon 30% untuk pembayaran jasa promosi di muka (sebelum approval) dihitung untuk total kupon per deal. 8. Merchant wajib buat surat pernyataan dengan isi surat sbb: - Nama lengkap - Nomor KTP - Username Utama OneLife - Username Merchant DealShaker - Nama Merchant - Produk - Harga per Unit - Porsi OneCoin per Unit - Porsi Rupiah per Unit - Total Kupon - Nilai Total Deal (Harga per Unit x Total Unit Kupon) - Menyatakan bersedia membayar jasa dengan bayar di muka atau bayar setelah transaksi. 1 Agustus 2020 DealShaker Indonesia Management
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