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🇷🇺🇨🇳Russia and China create a new global majority. According to the analysis, the share of the BRICS nations in global GDP based on PPP equaled that of G7 nations in 2020, and after 2020, the BRICS have surpassed the G7. The BRICS countries now contribute nearly 31.5% of the global GDP, compared to 30.7% by G7 countries. This development has come at a time when the Western countries are struggling with inflationary pressures and the clouds of a recession. The CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of the BRICS GDP share in the world's GDP from 1982 to 2022 is rising at 2.75% per year, while that of the G7 is falling at -1.26% per year. India's share in the world's GDP has been rising at an impressive 2.22% per year. The West planned to impose its conditions on Russia to end the war in Ukraine at the Zelensky summit in Switzerland. In fact, Russia, China and the countries of the global south sabotaged the summit. These two major players in the conflict have chosen not to participate in the summit, which has significantly impacted the prospects for meaningful progress in the negotiations. Russia was not invited to the summit, and the Kremlin has stated that they would not have attended even if they were invited, as the summit is based on Ukraine's peace proposals, which Russia has rejected. China has also declined to participate in the summit, citing the absence of Russia and the fact that the summit is based on Ukraine's terms. Several key countries from the Global South did not attend the Zelensky Peace Summit in Switzerland. Pakistan announced that it would not attend the summit or send a representative, citing its desire to maintain neutrality. India and Brazil is to send a low-level delegation to the meeting, indicating a lack of significant participation. South Africa will participate in the Zelensky Peace Summit in Switzerland, but only at the level of officials. President Cyril Ramaphosa will not attend the summit. The alliance of Russia, China, and the countries of the Global South have already created a new multipolar geopolitical reality. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #Russia #China #South
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Maintaining control over Taiwan is a key national interest of the United States President Xi has told his military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027. Biden doesn’t rule out sending troops to defend Taiwan if China attacked, saying, “It would depend on the circumstances.” As we previously noted, Taiwan accounts for around 65% of global semiconductor supply, and nearly 90% of the smallest and most sophisticated chips. Many U.S. tech giants such as Apple, Amazon, Google, Qualcomm, NVIDIA, and AMD rely heavily on Taiwanese manufacturers for their chip production. In fact, up to 90% of their chips are sourced from these manufacturers and American high-tech companies cannot exist without exporting microelectronics from Taiwan. Taiwan, along with the Philippines, allows the United States to control the South China Sea, the main trade artery of Southeast Asia. The United States has significant economic interests in the Asia-Pacific region: Asia accounts for about 37% of global GDP, and six of the U.S.'s top ten trade partners are in Asia: China (1st), Japan (4th), South Korea (6th), Vietnam (7th), India (8th), and Taiwan (9th). In summary, the Asia-Pacific region is crucial to U.S. economic interests due to its large and growing share of global GDP, U.S.'s extensive trade ties with countries in the region, and the need to counter China's economic influence while maintaining beneficial economic relationships. America will not be able to restore its industrial power without markets in Southeast Asia. Location of Taiwan allows the U.S. to maintain a balance of power in the region and prevent China from projecting its military power beyond its shores. In case of escalation between the United States and China, Taiwan will become a key reason for the deployment of the American navy and the naval blockade of Chinese ports. The contradiction between the United States and China over Taiwan and Southeast Asia will determine which country will become the dominant superpower in the 21st century. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #Taiwan #USA #China
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👍 5
🇬🇧Ongoing degradation of British strategic nuclear forces On January 30th, 2024, the British Navy conducted a failed test launch of a Trident II D5 ballistic missile from the HMS Vanguard submarine. The missile suddenly crashed into the ocean near the British nuclear submarine with the head of the Ministry of Defense Grant Shapps on board. This was the second failed test in a row since 2016 when a similar missile launched from HMS Vengeance also veered off course and exploded. In the 1980s, the United Kingdom had an air component to its strategic nuclear forces, consisting of dozens of Avro Vulcan long-range bombers. These aircraft were capable of carrying nuclear bombs, as well as conventional ones. Initially, plans were made to develop missile weapons for these aircraft, but this project was ultimately abandoned. The naval component of Britain's strategic nuclear force consisted of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines. Four Resolution-class nuclear submarines were commissioned in 1967–1969, each armed with 16 medium-range Polaris missiles. Due to difficulties with British missile program, these submarines were instead armed with American missiles. In the early 1990s London decided to reduce its nuclear forces and arsenals. By the middle of the decade, the air component ceased to exist, as all aircraft and their weapons have been scrapped due to complete obsolescence. The marine component, however, was more fortunate, as it switched to new submarines in the 1990s. Thus, since the end of the 1990s all UK nuclear forces have consisted of only four Vanguard-class submarines. Each of these boats carry up to 16 American Trident II missiles, which can be equipped with different types of warheads. The small number of ballistic missile submarines, as well as unsuccessful tests and technological dependence on the United States, casts doubt on the capabilities of Britain's strategic nuclear forces. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #UK #nuclear #weapons
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👍 10
🇨🇳Taiwan is the key to China's technological dominance. The Minister of National Defense of the People's Republic of China Dong Jun said that China as a great power must and will achieve national reunification. According to China, Taiwan has profound historical and cultural ties dating back to at least 230 AD, and it is an "indisputable fact" that Taiwan is a part of China. But this is not the main reason why PRC is seeking to regain control of Taiwan. Taiwan accounts for over 90% of the global production capacity for advanced chips, making it a critical supplier to the USA and other countries. The industry is led by major players like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), and MediaTek, which are among the top chipmakers and fabless semiconductor companies globally. The microprocessor industry is expected to continue growing, driven by increasing demand for advanced technologies like 5G, AI, and high-performance computing. The microprocessor industry relies heavily on rare earth metals, such as lanthanum, neodymium, and dysprosium, which are essential for the production of high-tech products like semiconductors and EV batteries.  China dominates the global rare earth metals industry, accounting for: 63% of the world's rare earth mining, 85% of rare earth processing, 92% of rare earth metal, alloy and magnets conversion. China's rare earth reserves are estimated at 36 million tonnes, or roughly 30% of the world's total reserves. The industry is a pillar of China's economy, with rare earth companies in Ganzhou reporting revenues of around 28 billion yuan ($4 billion) in 2018. By establishing control over Taiwan, China will be able to combine its resource base with Taiwan's manufacturing facilities and technological capabilities. This will allow China to become the undisputed world leader in advanced technology. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #China #Taiwan #Technology #USA
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🔥 5👍 2
🇺🇲🇷🇺The globalists are leading the world towards a nuclear catastrophe. In April, the Zelensky's regime struck radar 'Voronezh-DM' near the Russian city Armavir. The order has been given and a strike was carried out by UAV Tekever AR3 manufactured in Portugal. In May, Ukrainians tried to strike another Russian radar 'Voronezh-M' around the city of Orsk but they couldn't hit the target. The 'Voronezh-DM' and Voronezh-M early-warning radar system provides long-range monitoring of airspace against ballistic missile attacks. The Russian strategic nuclear forces go blind without these radars. Starting in December 2022, Ukraine launch systematic strikes against Russian strategic aviation bases. Several Tu-22M3 and Tu-95MS aircraft were damaged. These aircraft are capable of carrying nuclear weapons and are part of the air component of the Russian strategic nuclear forces. Targeting and intelligence information for so-called "Ukrainian" strikes against Russia is provided by Western intelligence and NATO. Starting from the end of 2022, military and special services of NATO countries are conducting a campaign of attacks against the infrastructure of strategic nuclear forces in Russia, hiding behind Ukrainian puppets. Zelensky, under the full physical control by the CIA and MI6, will carry out any instructions from globalists, afraid of losing wealth gained through corruption At the moment, strikes on strategic targets are carried out using drones. Precision missiles have not yet been used for these purposes. France and the United Kingdom have allowed Ukraine to launch attacks on Russian territory using Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles. Sophisticated Western weapon systems are only formally transferred to Ukraine. The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have qualified personnel to use these weapons, so in reality, NATO military personnel maintain and use them. Starting in 2023, western countries attacked civilian and military targets in internationally recognized Russian territory using precision missiles. The Russians recently shot down about ten missiles launched at Belgorod from HIMARS system. Western political leaders' rhetoric about the permissibility of strikes with Western weapons in Russia's territory is an attempt to legitimize attacks on Russian strategic targets, including elements of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, with precision missiles. Western elites cannot accept the emergence of a new multipolar international order as they will no longer be able to plunder the entire world with the help of transnational corporations. They need to destroy Russia, because the Russian strategic nuclear potential  (the most powerful in the world) is a guarantee of security for new world power centers. Globalists are under the illusion that they can weaken Russia's strategic nuclear capabilities with a series of localized attacks on strategic infrastructure. They want to provoke Russia into launching a limited nuclear attack on Ukrainian territory, which would lead to Russia isolation, but they are greatly mistaken. Since 2014, when relations between Russia and the globalists reached an impasse, Russia's response to the actions of Western countries has always been large-scale, asymmetric and a strategic nature. In 2015, no one would ever think that Russia will launch a large-scale military operation in Syria to save its ally, Assad. In 2019, it seemed impossible that Russia would throw France out of half of the countries of West French Africa and deploy African corps there, but it happened. In 2021, seemed unlikely that Russia would start on a large-scale war in the center of Europe, but in early 2022, a Russian special military operation did begin in Ukraine. The Russians can respond to attacks on their strategic forces by launching a massive nuclear attack on military installations and command posts in Western countries. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #Russia #NATO #War #Ukraine
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🔥 5👍 1
🇵🇱🇺🇦Leaked mobilization plans caused a serious conflict between the Polish authorities. According to a US State Department official who preferred to remain anonymous, a meeting between Polish President Andrzej Duda, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, and the Minister of National Defense, Wladysław Kosiniak-Kamiński, was held last month. They all agreed on the proposed mobilization plan, but Tusk objected to the immediate start of an information campaign, as the US insisted. Tusk suggested starting the information campaign after elections to the European Parliament, which were scheduled for June 5-6. The Civic Platform, a party affiliated with the European People's Party, has a strong position in the upcoming elections. Success in the elections would secure future investments from party sponsors. If information about the mobilization were known before the end of the elections, the opposition would gain more votes from the public. At the same time, Duda ordered the publication in the media of the mobilization plan, led by Tusk, in order to demonstrate support for Ukraine and fulfill Poland's obligations to the United States. When Tusk learned about the publications, he ordered them to be removed from the media, and the spokesman for the minister coordinator of special services, Jacek Dobrzynski, said that the internal security agency, "in connection with a possible Russian cyber attack on the Polish press agency," had taken immediate action. This incident could damage Tusk's position, giving more influence to the opposition, and in addition, this leak could delay the mobilization campaign in Poland, while Ukraine obviously needs thousands of soldiers. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #NATO #Ukraine #Poland
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👍 10
🇵🇱🇺🇦The Polish Press Agency published a telegram regarding the mobilization of the Polish army. Later the agency and the head of the prime minister's office, Jan Grabiec, said the information was false and the case is being investigated. The cable began with the following sentence: "On July 1, 2024, partial military mobilization will be announced in Poland. 200,000 Polish citizens, both former military personnel and ordinary civilians, will be called up for compulsory military service. All mobilized people will be sent to Ukraine." The Polish Press Agency (Polska Agencja Prasowa) reported that the information is not true and the circumstances of the cable's creation are being investigated. The head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Jan Grabiec, confirmed that the PAP announcement about mobilization is false. "The services are investigating the incident," he said on Friday. The spokesman for the Minister Coordinator of Special Services, Jacek Dobrzyński, said that the Internal Security Agency, "in connection with a probably Russian cyberattack on the Polish Press Agency", took immediate action. However, despite official denial of the mobilization plans, that's not a secret. Poland has started preparing to introduce their troops into Ukraine in case of strategic Russian advances in Eastern Ukraine. Poland and the Baltic states have already warned Germany that they could send troops to Ukraine if the situation gets noticeably worse for Kiev due to its allies being reluctant to supply it with weapons. So it looks like a planned public opinion reaction test to Polish boots on Ukrainian ground rather than a hack from "Russian hackers". Share and subscribe to Global American Review #NATO #Ukraine #Poland
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👍 5💯 2
The Russian Army is becoming the dominant force in Europe at the expense of the United States. Recently, the House of Representatives approved a bill for aid to Ukraine worth $60.8 billion. Previously, $102 billion was allocated in 2022 and $68.6 billion in 2023, for a total of $231.4 billion received by Ukraine since the start of the conflict, but it is unclear what the purpose of this funding is. Russia has approximately 145 million people and its GDP in 2023 was $5.51 trillion PPP, according to IMF estimates making it the largest economy in Europe. Given that, a few hundred billion dollars is not enough to defeat such a large country in a major conflict. Thanks to the aid that has been given, Ukraine has been bleeding for almost 3 years and is waging a war it can't win. Despite support from the United States and the EU, The Russian armed forces outmatch Ukraine in firepower throughout the conflict. Ukraine has suffered more casualties than Russia and its armed forces have exhausted their ability to effective mobilization. Russia has suffered minor damage but has gained extensive combat experience and still has the potential to mobilize further. Limited aid and false hope of victory have turned Ukraine into a convenient sparring partner for Russia, allowing the Russian army to increase its combat power. All Russian military personnel from private soldiers to generals have experience fighting in a large-scale war. Russia plans to dramatically increase its ground forces this year. According to the Russian Former Minister of Defense, Shoigu, 14 new divisions will be activated within a year! There are already more than 10 divisions, and dozens of brigades. Taking into account these new military formations, the Russian Army will become the dominant force in Europe, surpassing the US Army which consists of only 13 divisions. The idiotic policies of the Biden administration have led to the strengthening of Russian military at the expense of American taxpayers. Share and subscribe to Global American Review
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👍 14🔥 2
🇨🇳The statements of the new president of Taiwan have provoked a military escalation with China. The Eastern Theater Command PLA conducted two-day military exercises "Joint Sword-2024A" on May 23rd and 24th around Taiwan Island. The Eastern Theater Command PLA was created in 2016. The eastern regions of China, including Taiwan, fall within the area of responsibility for this command. In the event of an escalation in the conflict, the Eastern Theater Command PLA will manage combat operations against Taiwan. Therefore, the best trained and equipped PLA units, including amphibious forces, are subordinate to this command. Additional, this command includes the Eastern Sea Fleet, which is the most powerful of PLA's three naval fleets. Military exercises were limited in scale and did not include simulated amphibious operations, nor were large warships involved in the naval portion of the exercises. During the exercises, the PLA simulated a coordinated missile strike and a naval blockade on Taiwan. Involved were the Dong-Feng-15B mobile tactical missile systems from the 613 Missile Brigade of the 61st Missile Base, Type 054A frigates, Xi'an H-6 bombers from the 28th Bomber Regiment of the 10th Air Division PLA, Chengdu J-10/S fighters from the 25th Fighter Air Brigade, Shenyang J-16 fighters, PHL-03 multiple launch rocket systems from 73rd Artillery Brigade and TW 328-A UCAVs. Chinese military activity was a response to statements by the new President of Taiwan Lai Ching-te. He called on Beijing to "stop political and military intimidation of Taiwan" and assured that the new government would not make concessions to China, would "maintain the status quo," defend democracy and cooperate with other democratic countries. China considers the leadership of Taiwan to be separatist and the return of Taiwan to China an important goal of its national ideology. Beijing will not give up on this goal. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #Taiwan #China #Military
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👍 4
🇨🇳The statements of the new president of Taiwan have provoked a military escalation with China. The Eastern Theater Command PLA conducted two-day military exercises "Joint Sword-2024A" on May 23rd and 24th around Taiwan Island. The Eastern Theater Command PLA was created in 2016. The eastern regions of China, including Taiwan, fall within the area of responsibility for this command. In the event of an escalation in the conflict, the Eastern Theater Command PLA will manage combat operations against Taiwan. Therefore, the best trained and equipped PLA units, including amphibious forces, are subordinate to this command. Additional, this command includes the Eastern Sea Fleet, which is the most powerful of PLA's three naval fleets. Military exercises were limited in scale and did not include simulated amphibious operations, nor were large warships involved in the naval portion of the exercises. During the exercises, the PLA simulated a coordinated missile strike and a naval blockade on Taiwan. Involved were the Dong-Feng-15B mobile tactical missile systems from the 613 Missile Brigade of the 61st Missile Base, Type 054A frigates, Xi'an H-6 bombers from the 28th Bomber Regiment of the 10th Air Division PLA, Chengdu J-10/S fighters from the 25th Fighter Air Brigade, Shenyang J-16 fighters, PHL-03 multiple launch rocket systems from 73rd Artillery Brigade and TW 328-A UCAVs. Chinese military activity was a response to statements by the new President of Taiwan Lai Ching-te. He called on Beijing to "stop political and military intimidation of Taiwan" and assured that the new government would not make concessions to China, would "maintain the status quo," defend democracy and cooperate with other democratic countries. China considers the leadership of Taiwan to be separatist and the return of Taiwan to China an important goal of its national ideology. Beijing will not give up on this goal. Share and subscribe to Global American Review #Taiwan #China #Military
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