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James Goddard News

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معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

For years people have lied about me! However the worst lies and smears have come from people that are supposedly on the same side! There’s people that hate me because they believe lies that have been spread about me by the Kosher Civ Nat movement and they’ve never met or spoke to me. Every time I talk about what’s happened to me I get abuse and my follower count goes down. Ultimately that’s a price I’m willing to pay. I know for a fact in 6 months I’ll be getting messages off people saying you were right James The same thing happened a couple of years ago. People need to remember all of this happened when we were all banned from Twitter It’s not just me that’s been targeted either the other 4 I know about are Tracy Blackwell- Targeted by Team Tommy and TR himself. Lied about, smeared and slandered. This is a woman fighting for justice for her murdered son Josh and his two friends George and Harry Tim Scott (Army Veteran) - Screwed over by Tommy Vinnie Sullivan - Danny Tommo screwed him over good and proper and pocketed Thousands of pounds in the process Active Patriot - Targeted by team Tommy Steve Laws - Targeted by Team Tommy
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Repost from JACK'D UK
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Bants and rants with me and my frens in an hour from now:
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Can Vincent Sullivan drop me a message please
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This is my daughter I’m not allowed to see her until she’s 18 because my political views are detrimental to her upbringing as she classed as Mixed Race! Losing Grace absolutely destroyed me. Thankfully God blessed me with a son The Tommytards gloated about me losing my daughter. They even rang the Police and accused me of anti Semitism. Which caused me to be investigated by the Police and ultimately they used that in court to stop me from seeing my child Not only did they stop me from seeing my daughter but they banned my family as well We’re allowed to send money and gifts! People that are having ago at me for calling out Tommy and his team need to give their heads a wobble This is personal and one day I will get my revenge
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😢 3🙏 3
Danny Tommo Is A Fraudster just like his best mate! When Danny first arrived on the scene in 2018 he told everyone he was a website designer and his own business doing website design So why would a qualified website designer need £2330.00 from the public to build a website I knew something was up with Danny when he parked his car outside Scotland Yard in a marked police bay. It’s all very strange. I raised these concerns to people in TR’s camp and they all started giving me shit instead of the grass that parks in Police Bays! I’ll be including all of this in my highly anticipated video expose of Team Tard
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Repeal The 1968 Race Relations Act Ignore the 1951 UN Refugee convention Stop Immigration Start a program of forced repatriation Sever all aid and diplomatic ties with nations that refuse to take back their citizens. You’d have to employ thousands and thousands more at the Home Office and Border Force but I’m sure there’s more than enough able bodied people that would be up for it #Solutions
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Stopping Immigration just isn’t enough These people must be made to LEAVE by FORCE if necessary! I couldn’t care less if you think I’m extreme for wanting this I’d rather be classed as extreme than watch my people get slain in the street! So are we going to be remembered as the generation that kicked them out? Or will we be remembered as the generation that allowed our country to be taken over? #MigrantBritain
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Repost from Laura Towler
Hey folks. If you've checked the Patriotic Alternative website today you will have learned that my husband, political prisoner Sam Melia, has been banned by the state and HMP Hull from having any contact with his children while he is in prison. Not only this, but he is not allowed any photographs of our children, and I'm not even allowed to mention them to him when I speak with him. After serving three months of his sentence already and having full contact (including visits) with our two-year-old and one-month-old daughters, they have now decided that Sam is a Person Posing Risk to Children (PPRC) because of Sam's "racist posters, insignia and literature" and "racist and offensive attitudes". We have been dealing with this for the past week or so behind the scenes and Sam gave them until today to fix it, informing them that if it wasn't resolved we would go public with the news. Well, it is not resolved, so we will keep to our word and let the world know how the British state treats good men like Sam. Tonight at 7pm on Patriotic Alternative's monthly update for May, I will tell you everything.
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Mohammadan STABS Protesters and Police at Anti Islam Rally in Mannheim I’m going to say it again. These people have no business being in Europe Migrants are Vile, This proves it!
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BULGARIAN SCAMMERS RECEIVE PALTRY SENTENCES FOR BRITAINS BIGGEST EVER BENEFITS SCAM The invaders ripped off the British taxpayer to the tune of £54 Million. The fact that they’ll only serve half their sentences means not one of them will serve over 5 years! If I was in power, I would be demanding the £54 million back from The Bulgarian state if they refused, I would deport all Bulgarians from The UK as well as severing diplomatic ties! I would also be billing the Bulgarian state for their criminals stay behind bars #MigrantBritain
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