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Why, after 8 years, I still like GraphQL sometimes in the right context
إظهار الكل...
Why, after 8 years, I still like GraphQL sometimes in the right context

Why I still enjoy using GraphQL after 8 years

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Как раз таки за годы эксплуатации прнял, что надо объяснять как закладывали в 1983-1985, что это DNS - распределенная система доменных имен Причем достоверной информации как раз для новичка тяжело найти, актуальная и верная как раз содержиться пока видел в русскоязычном варианте Либо старые проверенные книги DNS And Bind by O'Reilly А по зарубежным источникам начать хотя бы CTO of AFNIC zone FR
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What do I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60,000 lines of code?
إظهار الكل...
What do I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60,000 lines of code?

Lead programmer talks Lua’s flexibility, challenges, and integration with Defold game engine after 60k lines of code in Craftomation 101.

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From the java community on Reddit

Explore this post and more from the java community

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Using Browscap

:page_with_curl: The main project repository. Contribute to browscap/browscap development by creating an account on GitHub.

Chicory - a WebAssembly Interpreter Written Purely in Java With Zero Native Dependencies
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Chicory - a WebAssembly Interpreter Written Purely in Java with Zero Native Dependencies

Recently, multiple languages have begun supporting compilation to WebAssembly (Wasm), allowing developers to build real polyglot systems. Chicory is a Wasm interpreter for the JVM with zero native dependencies and can run on any JVM. As wazero in the Go ecosystem, Chicory promises developers to safely interact with libraries written in any language supported by the Wasm ecosystem.

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Основы DNS: понятие, иерархия, записи

Что такое DNS и как она работает DNS (Domain Name System) – это система, которая переводит понятные человеку доменные имена в IP-адреса, которые используют компьютеры для связи друг с другом....

Post Office Horizon replacement project labelled 'unachievable' as taxpayer bill reaches £1bn
إظهار الكل...
Post Office Horizon replacement project labelled 'unachievable' as taxpayer bill reaches £1bn

The plan to develop a replacement for Horizon and remove its supplier, Fujitsu, is running late, is lacking quality, and is over budget, according to auditors sent in on behalf of the Department fo...