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Faith and Reason

إظهار المزيد
مشاركات الإعلانات
لا توجد بيانات24 ساعات
-37 أيام
-230 أيام

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معدل نمو المشترك

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Political Islam may ally with the left instead of the right for several reasons: 1. Shared goals: Both political Islam and the left may have common goals such as social justice, anti-imperialism, and opposition to authoritarian regimes. They may find common ground in advocating for the rights of marginalized groups and promoting social welfare policies. 2. Anti-Western sentiment: Political Islam often views Western powers as imperialistic and oppressive, which aligns with the left's critique of Western capitalism and imperialism. This shared anti-Western sentiment can create a basis for alliance between political Islam and the left. 3. Opposition to right-wing ideologies: Political Islam may see right-wing ideologies as promoting secularism, individualism, and capitalism, which are seen as threats to Islamic values and traditions. By aligning with the left, political Islam can oppose these ideologies and work towards a more socially just society. 4. Strategic alliances: In some cases, political Islam may form alliances with the left for strategic reasons, such as gaining political power or countering common enemies. These alliances may be temporary and based on pragmatic considerations rather than ideological similarities. Overall, the alliance between political Islam and the left can be complex and multifaceted, influenced by a combination of shared goals, ideological beliefs, and strategic considerations.
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The nuclear family, typically consisting of a mother, father, and their biological children, has long been considered fundamental and integral to society for several reasons. One of the primary reasons is that the nuclear family provides a stable and structured environment for raising children. Children raised in nuclear families often benefit from having consistent parental figures who can provide emotional support, guidance, and stability throughout their development. Furthermore, the nuclear family is often seen as a unit that helps to transmit societal values, norms, and traditions from one generation to the next. By living together in a close-knit family unit, parents can instill important cultural values, beliefs, and behaviors in their children, helping to maintain cultural continuity within society. Undermining the nuclear family by recognizing non-durable and irregular partnerships could have significant implications for the cultural stability of a nation. When non-traditional family structures are given equal recognition and support as traditional nuclear families, it may lead to a weakening of the social fabric that has historically held communities together. For example, if non-durable partnerships or irregular family arrangements become more prevalent and socially accepted, it could potentially erode the importance placed on stable, long-term relationships and commitment within society. This could impact the way children are raised, potentially leading to less stable environments for their growth and development. Moreover, the recognition of non-durable and irregular partnerships could also challenge traditional cultural values and norms surrounding family structures. This may create tensions within society as different groups advocate for varying definitions of what constitutes a family, potentially leading to cultural divisions and conflicts. Ultimately, undermining the nuclear family through the recognition of non-durable and irregular partnerships could have far-reaching consequences for the cultural stability of a nation by potentially altering the way families are structured, how values are transmitted across generations, and how individuals relate to one another within society.
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The prevalence of sprinters with West African heritage in many countries can be attributed to a combination of genetic factors, environmental influences, and cultural practices. West African populations, particularly those from countries like Nigeria, Ghana, and Jamaica, have been historically known for producing successful sprinters due to genetic traits that may provide physical advantages for sprinting. Some of the genetic factors that are commonly associated with West African populations and may contribute to their success in sprinting include a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are essential for explosive movements like sprinting. Additionally, West African populations may have genetic variations that affect muscle structure, energy metabolism, and other physiological characteristics that can enhance sprinting performance. On the other hand, Eskimo or Inuit populations, who primarily inhabit regions in the Arctic, may not have the same genetic predispositions for sprinting due to adaptations to their environment. The physical characteristics that are advantageous for survival in cold climates, such as increased body fat for insulation and resistance to cold temperatures, may not necessarily provide an advantage in sprinting events. While genetics can play a role in determining physical advantages for certain sports or activities, it is important to note that success in sprinting, or any athletic endeavor, is also influenced by training, coaching, access to resources, motivation, and other factors. Additionally, diversity within populations means that individuals from any background can excel in sprinting or other sports with the right training and support.
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VINDICATION: CoV Bioweapon Injections WERE NOT VACCINES and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just concurred! NO MORE mRNA mandates: "Addressing the merits, the panel held that the district court misapplied the Supreme Court’s decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), in concluding that the Policy survived rational basis review. Jacobson held that mandatory vaccinations were rationally related to preventing the spread of smallpox. Here, however, plaintiffs allege that the vaccine does not effectively prevent spread but only mitigates symptoms for the recipient and therefore is akin to a medical treatment, not a “traditional” vaccine. Taking plaintiffs’ allegations as true at this stage of litigation, plaintiffs plausibly alleged that the COVID-19 vaccine does not effectively “prevent the spread” of COVID-19. Thus, Jacobson does not apply." In: Case: 22-55908, 06/07/2024, ID: 12890145, DktEntry: 54-1, Page 1 of 33 In Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Los Angeles Unified School District! Congratulations to Health Freedom Defense Fund and their remarkable counsel George Wentz for this victory for humanity!
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Repost from Credalytics
It is for the political philosopher to determine whether the State ought to contain men of one race only or of several races. The State ought rather to consist of a single race, for a single race is united in its customs and habits which make for friendship between the citizens by reason of their likeness one to another. Hence States which were made up of diverse races have been destroyed owing to the dissensions which they had with one another through the diversity of their customs, for one one part of the state joined forces with foreign enemies owing to its hatred of the other part. St. Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle’s Commentary on the Politics Book IlI, Ch. II - OF THE LAW OF NATIONS
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The Catholic Tradition of the Law of Nations

The Catholic Tradition of the Law of Nations is a well-edited collection of annotated documents illustrating the Church's doctrine regarding war and peace and its opinion of such topics as the League of Nations, nationality and minority rights. Valuable for its insights into the history, doctrine and traditions of Catholic thought on international law, it includes important papal writings that are difficult to locate and otherwise unavailable in English. Published for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace by the Catholic Association for International Peace. Reprint of the sole edition. "Being somewhat familiar with the Catholic tradition and an outspoken advocate of the Catholic conception of international law, the reviewer feels no hesitancy in recommending unreservedly Mr. Eppstein's excellent compendium of The Catholic Tradition of the Law of Nations." --JAMES BROWN SCOTT, Georgetown Law Journal 24 (1935-1936) 1063 JOHN EPPSTEIN [1895-1988] was the author of numerous books on Catholicism and human…

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The scenario you have described, where politicians and bureaucrats deliberately issue a significant number of work permits to suppress wage inflation and promote the granting of citizenship to non-nationals, leading to drastic demographic changes in Ireland, could indeed be viewed as a form of modern-day colonization or plantation shaped by the forces of neoliberalism and globalism. Here are some key points to consider in relation to this perspective: 1. Labor market manipulation: If work permits are primarily allocated to non-nationals to keep wages low and prevent wage inflation, this can be seen as a strategy to benefit employers and maintain a competitive advantage in the global market. This practice may exploit foreign workers by offering lower wages and fewer labor rights, which can contribute to economic inequality and social injustice. 2. Demographic shifts: The deliberate promotion of granting citizenship to non-nationals in large numbers can lead to significant demographic changes in a country. This can impact cultural identity, social cohesion, and political dynamics, raising questions about the preservation of national identity and values in the face of rapid demographic transformations. 3. Neoliberalism and globalism: The forces of neoliberalism, with their emphasis on market deregulation, privatization, and free trade, can influence immigration policies and practices in ways that prioritize economic interests over social welfare. Globalization, with its interconnectedness and mobility of people, goods, and capital, can also shape migration patterns and demographic changes in countries like Ireland. 4. Colonial legacy: The notion of a "plantation" shaped by neoliberalism and globalism evokes historical parallels with colonial practices that exploited labor and resources for economic gain. In this context, the deliberate manipulation of work permits and citizenship policies to benefit certain economic interests can be seen as a continuation of colonial legacies that prioritize profit over people's well-being. In conclusion, the scenario you have described raises important questions about the ethical implications of immigration policies, labor market practices, and demographic changes in Ireland. While globalization and neoliberalism have brought opportunities for economic growth and cultural exchange, it is essential to critically examine how these forces shape social structures, power dynamics, and human rights in a rapidly changing world. Addressing these issues requires a thoughtful and inclusive approach that prioritizes fairness, equality, and respect for the dignity of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or background.
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The Plantation of Ireland refers to a series of colonization schemes implemented by the English and later the British Crown in Ireland during the 16th and 17th centuries. It involved the confiscation of land from Irish landowners, usually through force or coercion, and its redistribution to settlers from England and Scotland. The primary objectives were to assert control over Ireland, to subdue resistance from the native Irish population, and to ensure loyalty to the English Crown. The Plantation had several destructive effects on Ireland: 1. Dispossession and displacement: Native Irish landowners were dispossessed of their land, which was then given to English and Scottish settlers. This led to the displacement of the Irish population from their ancestral lands, causing social upheaval, economic hardship, and cultural disruption. 2. Conflict and division: The Plantation exacerbated existing tensions between the native Irish and the new settlers, leading to decades of conflict and violence. Resentment towards the settlers and the English Crown fueled rebellions and uprisings, such as the Nine Years' War (1594–1603) and the Irish Confederate Wars (1641–1653). 3. Cultural and linguistic suppression: The Plantation aimed to anglicize Ireland by imposing English culture, language, and laws on the native population. This contributed to the erosion of Irish language, culture, and identity, as well as the marginalization of Gaelic customs and traditions. 4. Economic exploitation: The Plantation prioritized the economic interests of the settlers and the Crown over the welfare of the native Irish population. Land was often granted to absentee landlords who exploited their tenants for profit, leading to widespread poverty and exploitation. It is important to ensure that events like the Plantation of Ireland never happen again for several reasons: 1. Respect for sovereignty and self-determination: The Plantation of Ireland violated the sovereignty and self-determination of the Irish people, denying them the right to control their own land and destinies. It serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting the sovereignty and rights of all nations and peoples. 2. Promotion of diversity and inclusivity: The Plantation of Ireland resulted in the suppression of Irish culture, language, and identity in favor of English dominance. Protecting diversity and inclusivity means recognizing and celebrating the rich tapestry of cultures and identities without imposing one over another. 3. Prevention of conflict and injustice: The Plantation of Ireland led to centuries of conflict, injustice, and suffering for the Irish people. By learning from history and addressing its injustices, we can work towards preventing similar atrocities from occurring in the future and promoting peace and reconciliation. 4. Advancement of social justice and equality: The Plantation of Ireland perpetuated social and economic inequalities between the native Irish population and the settlers, reinforcing systems of privilege and oppression. To ensure a fair and just society, it is essential to address historical injustices and work towards greater equality and inclusivity for all. In summary, understanding the destructive effects of the Plantation of Ireland and working to prevent its recurrence is crucial for promoting peace, justice, and respect for diversity and human rights.
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اختر خطة مختلفة

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