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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25-05-2024 ‘Vocabulary’ Usher (noun) Meaning: a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theatre or at a wedding. (उपशिक्षक) Synonyms: attendant, escort, guide Sentence: The usher seated them in the front row. Aghast (adj.) Meaning: filled with horror or shock. (भौचक्का) Synonyms: horrified, appalled, astounded Antonyms: fearless, unafraid, brave Sentence: When the news came out they were aghast. Evoke (verb) Meaning: bring or recall to the conscious mind. (आह्वान) Synonyms: bring to mind, call to mind, put one in mind of Antonyms: disregard, forget, ignore Sentence: The old house evoked memories of his childhood. Intermittent (adj.) Meaning: occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady. (रुक-रुक कर) Synonyms: sporadic, irregular, random Antonyms: constant, continuous, incessant Sentence: After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned. Gaffe (noun) Meaning: an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder. (चूक) Synonyms: blunder, mistake, error Antonyms: accuracy, correctness, perfection Sentence: He didn’t realize what a gaffe he’d made. Decipher (verb) Meaning: convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language. (समझाना) Synonyms: decode, decrypt, solve Antonyms: cipher, code, encipher Sentence: we deciphered the hidden message to find out when we were supposed to meet Muck (noun) Meaning: dirt, rubbish, or waste matter. (कूड़ा-कर्कट) Synonyms: dirt, grime, filth Antonyms: cleanliness, cleanness Sentence: I’ll just clean the muck off the windshield. Famished (adj.) Meaning: feeling a desire or need for food (भूखों मरना) Synonyms: empty, hungry, peckish Antonyms: engorged, glutted, gorged Sentence: After a full day of skiing, I was feeling absolutely famished. Wriggle (verb) Meaning: twist and turn with quick writhing movements. (लोटना) Synonyms: squirm, writhe, wiggle Antonyms: relax, rest, unwind Sentence: The puppy wriggled in his arms. Bungling (adj.) Meaning: making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes. (गोलमाल) Synonyms: incompetent, blundering, amateurish Antonyms: adroit, deft, dexterous Sentence: If he keeps bungling, he’ll lose the job.
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