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Although I avoid using the terms “left vs right”, this meme accurately portrays the globalists’ capture of the “left” Yet “lefties” continue blindly pushing the globalists’ agenda PS: the term left vs right is used to confuse. I prefer control vs freedom. It’s accurate
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At the recent Senate Estimates, I asked Senator McCarthy about her knowledge of the extensive achievements of Indigenous peoples, to which she affirmed her awareness. However, she was unable to explain why the gap remained despite the billions of dollars being spent to achieve this. Senator McCarthy declined to commit to an audit, despite it being evident that the numerous Indigenous agencies were the cause not the solution to the issue. Senator McCarthy showed no interest in discussing the substantial funds spent by the NIAA in contracts that seemed to make some individuals wealthy yet did not assist in closing the gap efforts. Once more, I called for a proper and thorough audit and review of the massive spending that failed to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal communities. I reiterated the necessity for funds to be directly paid to communities, bypassing agencies that have essentially become part of the Aboriginal industry, draining much needed resources from Aboriginal communities.
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Every Australian deserves the chance to own their own home. Cheaper rent and cheaper houses are possible if we cut immigration.
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SAVE the date Maryborough. Join me and your One Nation candidate, small business woman and community leader, Taryn Gillard. Friday, 21 June 2024 1pm to 3 pm La Familia Restaurant 8, 373 Kent Street Maryborough Book now:
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In July 2022, I was success in having the Senate conduct an inquiry into the 'Iron Boomerang' project. This project aims to build steel mills in Abbott Point Townsville and Port Headland, connecting iron ore from the west with coal from Queensland to manufacture Australian steel of superior quality at a more competitive price compared to other steel producers. World leading steel producers are eager to construct these mills at their own expense, recognising the undeniable financial and quality advantages of the project. Yet, governments have stood in the way of approvals since the project was first raised in the 1980s. Now for the first time, all relevant governments needed to approve the project are from the same party, removing the political obstacles that have hindered progress so far. One Nation has been advocating for this project since 2016.
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Would cool days ever be shown like this?
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Senate Estimates: I asked Senator Watt what was being done to reduce net immigration. The government's planned reduction is insufficient. Cutting immigration is not enough. Temporary visa holders need to leave now. It's time to put Australians first.
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Minister Dodges Accountability as Border Force Grapples with Safety Concerns! Senate Estimates: I inquired with Border Force officials about what was needed to ensure the safety of Australians. True to form, Minister Watt attempted to shift blame onto the previous government. He mentioned measures like monitoring and curfews, but refused to accept responsibility for detainee-related crimes, and failed to offer a reasonable solution. When asked about the government's legislation regarding the re-detention of dangerous detainees, departmental representatives explained that it was a high bar to meet before requests could be put before a court seeking an Order.
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There are 500,000 more temporary visa holders (migrants) in the country than before COVID. That's an extra 200,000 homes needed just to cater for those arrivals. Whenever I ask government about their flood of immigration, they claim we're "just catching up" after the COVID lull. The reality is, temporary visa holders in the country has gone from 2.3 million to 2.8 million. That's not a catch up - that's a new record. While the Treasury Secretary claims they got immigration forecasts wrong by 24%, I cover in a separate video that they actually got it wrong by 120%. Cutting immigration isn't enough. We need to start telling temporary visa holders to leave. We won't get cheaper rent and cheaper houses until this is done. Only One Nation has the guts to do it and put Australians first.
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🎯 YOU shouldn't accept it. Vote differently next election. Vote One Nation.
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Foreign Buyers Snatching Houses Away From Australians in a Housing Crisis 🏡
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If you had any faith in the Liberal/Nationals, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Despite giving some people false hope, Dutton and his coalition have confirmed they are fully committed to economy-destroying net-zero that will send jobs to China. Liberal and Labor are the uni-party - there’s no real difference between them. Only One Nation will make decisions for Australians first.
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Many Queenslanders are contacting me about their household solar rebates being withdrawn, and even potentially being made to pay for sending solar power from their roof to the grid. Unfortunately, governments for many decades have been putting in place policies which have jeopardised our energy grid and put Australians in a scary position. After subsidising and encouraging Queenslanders to buy huge amounts of solar panels under the promise of selling that power back to the grid, there is now too much intermittent solar to handle, and governments are backflipping on their promises. This is the result of unjustified, out of control subsidies and net-zero policies. If something has to be subsidised in the first place (like installation costs and the feed in tariffs were by many governments) it obviously isn't sustainable in the long run. Government is now grappling with this reality having lead us down this path for many years and is trying to back pedal, progressively removing all solar rebates in Queensland over the next six years. Many Queenslanders will be left high and dry because these schemes were a scam from the start. The net-zero policies that are now leaving many Queenslanders high and dry should be abandoned, and we should get back to a common sense design of our energy grid with cheap, baseload power that every Queenslander can afford straight from the grid. The situation that many Queenslanders are facing with higher power bills can easily be fixed if the major parties simply drop their agendas and focus on cheap electricity. This is what I and my One Nation colleagues have always said we would do. Cheaper power, no backflips and no scamming schemes - just abandon Net-Zero.
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Media files
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Well, at least one government agency is interested. Have your say - Closing: Sunday 30 June 2024 at 11:59 pm
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Minister Deflects Questions on Contaminated Blood 💉 🩸 During questioning of the National Blood Authority at last week's Senate Estimates, I raised the issue of Canada and the UK accepting responsibility for deliberately covering up the exposure of individuals to contaminated blood products from blood transfusions from the 1970's onwards. I asked the Minister if Australia was going to follow suit and provide compensation, however the Minister appeared disinterested and took most of my questions on notice. I also raised concerns from constituents who were concerned that blood is not being screened for spike proteins and is sourced from vaccinated individuals, potentially spreading the spike protein widely within the community, including those who had opted not to be vaccinated. The Minister simply replied that there was no evidence to support this statement yet.
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The eSafety Commissioner still has the full support of Dutton's Coalition. In fact, they're proud of establishing Julie Inman Grant's position. Don't expect any respect for freedom of speech from Labor, or Liberals if they're returned to Government. You can only trust One Nation to stand against the tyrants who want to tell Australians what they can and can't see, or say. Liberal Shadow Minister for Communications, David Coleman, on Insiders last Sunday.
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The National Immunisation Strategy for 2025-2030 is currently being designed. Submissions are now open and will close 19 June 2024. This appears to have mRNA business for big pharma written all over it. The priorities listed include "universal and equitable access", "acceptance of immunisation", "immunisation of the workforce", and the real kicker - "Prepare for emerging infectious diseases and emergencies requiring rapid and/or targeted vaccination". Have your say here:
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I'll be joining Chris Smith from 4:10 pm to 4:30 pm today. Tune in here:
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Only One Nation has got the guts to say no to the Net-Zero scam.
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Labor's Destruction of Democracy! The disrespect by Labor towards the Senate Estimates process is reprehensible, especially for a government elected on promises to be 'transparent and accountable'. As a representative of the people of Queensland and Australia, it's my duty to uphold the sanctity of this Senate as the House of Review. The government's audacity in cherry-picking what information it deems fit for our consumption reeks of contempt. This blatant obstructionism frustrates the very essence of our democratic institutions. The culture of secrecy by Labor extends far beyond the Senate Chamber. Orders for document production are routinely disobeyed, undermining the integrity of our oversight mechanisms. It's time we punish these acts with the sanctions they deserve.
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UN-WEF alliance formed 2018. Transfering wealth to parasitic globalist billionaires & corporations. Wealth stolen from we, the people. Government-sanctioned slavery looming in western nations with voters asleep under red & blue Uniparty. Help wake people. (Thank you Paul)
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What do you think? Does this pass the pub test?
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Yoga Teachers Prioritised Over Tradies for Immigration Flood! With 520,000 net arrivals in one year, we're now being told that yoga teachers will be prioritised over tradies to be let in the country. Despite telling Australians immigration is necessary for skilled workers to build homes, the truth has emerged that yoga teachers (including up to 1,800 Indian yoga teachers, weirdly specific) and dog handlers appear on the priority skills list while not a single construction trade does. If you ever needed proof the immigration program is a Ponzi scheme, just look at the fact that yogis and dog walkers are getting priority over construction workers.
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Who Will Hold the Department of Defence Accountable? I asked the Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force (IGADF) about some decisions from Defence that I believe warrant investigation. I was under the impression that the IGADF would have some jurisdiction over complaints if Defence bureaucrats had a perceived conflict of interest. In this session, they seem to wash their hands of all responsibility of inspecting this potential breach of integrity. Could it be something to do with the fact that the document in question was critical of the Brereton Report, which the IGADF created? I will continue to make sure soldiers are given due process and generals are made accountable. If anyone is going to be put in jail for war crimes, the first ones locked up should be the politicians and generals that sent our men there.
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5000 casual coalminers in Queensland and NSW have each lost up to $40,000 a year in what may be Australia’s biggest wage theft scandal stretching back decades. Last week at Senate Estimates, I referred to the “collusion” by the CFMEU who have allowed coal miners to be ripped off while they take a share of the profits from a mine. Its what happens when the union becomes a part owner of the mine. You can only trust One Nation to make a stand for workers, Labor has abandoned coal miners. Read more here:
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Recently, I spoke in the Senate regarding the impact of this summer's flooding on the coral reef. Coral polyps are saltwater creatures. When floodwaters impact the reef, it introduces fresh water, cold temperatures and sediment, all of which cause bleaching. El Niño (ENSO cycles) causes a reduction in clouds, resulting in higher solar radiation, higher temperatures, and coral bleaching. I was reassured that the GBRMPA accepts that ENSO cycles play a role in coral bleaching. I look forward to more honesty and transparency on this issue from the BOM, CSIRO and the globalist controlled Australian Institute of Marine Science. #GreatBarrierReef #Weather #ClimateCult
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Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the CSIRO omit $360 billion dollars in costs to make solar & wind “cheap.” And who pays? We do. In many ways.
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Peter Dutton confirms there is no hope for the Liberal Party. He is still 100% committed to the globalist Paris Agreement and #NetZero madness.. This is the Uni-Party in full effect. One Nation is the only party you can trust to stand against the foreign predators and say NO to Net-Zero.
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Leave our kids alone!
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The woke and under-fire boss of Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) has installed 58 electric vehicle chargers at Parliament House, using $2.5 million of your money. This is despite only 2.8% of the vehicles in Canberra (the wokest city in Australia) being able to use the chargers. I find it concerning that I needed to remind DPS Secretary, Rob Stefanic, that the money he's using for these chargers belong to Australian taxpayers, not a mystical pot of money that replenishes magically. His "out of touch" attitude regarding the chargers he's installing and the origin of the funds is troubling.
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Government Can't Prove What Their Climate Change Policies Actually Do! An independent audit office found that the Government's Climate Change Department can't prove how much by, or even if, their policies are affecting the climate. In my opinion, it's all a scam designed to transfer money out of the pockets of Australians to wealthy billionaires, while doing nothing with a measurable impact on the environment. It's time to abandon the net-zero pipe dream, which has no accountability and zero ability to demonstrate its effect on anything. Thankfully we still have a handful of independent agencies like the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) who are prepared to provide an objective analysis of the government spin.
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The Port of Gladstone is key to Inland Rail's success. Inland Rail is a multi-billion dollar project aimed at extending the existing inland railway line that currently runs between Melbourne and Parkes, and up to Brisbane. This will be a combination of existing and new sections of rail. The idea is to have a north south connection between Brisbane and Melbourne that can shift hundreds of thousands of movement from road to rail freight. This line will need to be upgraded to accommodate double-stacked container trains that are 1.8 km long. One Nation supports rail transport over road transport, but for this to be effective, the rail service must reflect the needs of the industry. This means trains need to depart according to industry schedules, reliable connections need to be maintained, and fair pricing offered. Inland Rail, in its current form, will provide none of those things. Read more here:
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Record numbers of people in Australia on visas for which residents need homes Uniparty’s “Big Migration” policy is major cause of housing & rental crisis Working families forced to live in cars Started under John Howard’s LNP government 2 decades ago Send some residents home
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For everyone wondering why life is as tough for so many fine working families. Howard LNP governmen laid the foundation for huge energy price increases with UN-WEF policies. Notice how prices of living accelerated after 2007? Albanese energy policies turbocharged Howard policies.
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My latest article in the Spectator | Australia. It’s official. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has no binding legal power over nations, despite its post-pandemic power grab. There were two separate but equally concerning policy changes on the table: the Pandemic Treaty and proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (to shift compliance from voluntary to binding). Read more here:
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Gympie Residents, Join the Conversation! I have been invited to join Katy McCallum from the Kilkivan Action Group and Jim Willmott from Property Rights Australia to discuss the impacts of the destructive "renewable" projects being installed throughout your region. Join us as I speak on this topic and more, listen to your concerns, and answer any questions you may have. When: Friday, 21 June 2024 | 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Where: Gunabul Homestead 9 Power Road Southside Gympie Please RSVP at the link below, as seats are limited. Pizza and Drinks available to purchase.
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Government Guaranteed Mortgages Not Under Stress! Since 2020, the government has guaranteed mortgages with only a 5% deposit. Given 150,000 Australians were unable to afford a 20% deposit, I was concerned many of them may have been hit especially hard by the RBA's interest rate rises. Based on the figures provided here, it looks like most of these households are coping well so far. The full data put on notice should clarify this further, but if what I’ve been told here is true, it’s good news for those homeowners.
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Although I avoid using the terms “left vs right”, this meme accurately portrays the globalists’ capture of the “left” Yet “lefties” continue blindly pushing the globalists’ agenda PS: the term left vs right is used to confuse. I prefer control vs freedom. It’s accurate
إظهار الكل...
🔥 71👍 27💯 18👏 10 2
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
At the recent Senate Estimates, I asked Senator McCarthy about her knowledge of the extensive achievements of Indigenous peoples, to which she affirmed her awareness. However, she was unable to explain why the gap remained despite the billions of dollars being spent to achieve this. Senator McCarthy declined to commit to an audit, despite it being evident that the numerous Indigenous agencies were the cause not the solution to the issue. Senator McCarthy showed no interest in discussing the substantial funds spent by the NIAA in contracts that seemed to make some individuals wealthy yet did not assist in closing the gap efforts. Once more, I called for a proper and thorough audit and review of the massive spending that failed to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal communities. I reiterated the necessity for funds to be directly paid to communities, bypassing agencies that have essentially become part of the Aboriginal industry, draining much needed resources from Aboriginal communities.
إظهار الكل...
240607 FPA NIAA Part 1.mp4132.67 MB
👏 118👍 16💯 13 9🤯 1
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إظهار الكل...
💯 153😁 23👍 18 4
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Every Australian deserves the chance to own their own home. Cheaper rent and cheaper houses are possible if we cut immigration.
إظهار الكل...
👍 94💯 30👏 2🤣 1
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إظهار الكل...
😁 85🤣 72 15👍 4🤔 1
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SAVE the date Maryborough. Join me and your One Nation candidate, small business woman and community leader, Taryn Gillard. Friday, 21 June 2024 1pm to 3 pm La Familia Restaurant 8, 373 Kent Street Maryborough Book now:
إظهار الكل...
👏 54👍 12 1
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In July 2022, I was success in having the Senate conduct an inquiry into the 'Iron Boomerang' project. This project aims to build steel mills in Abbott Point Townsville and Port Headland, connecting iron ore from the west with coal from Queensland to manufacture Australian steel of superior quality at a more competitive price compared to other steel producers. World leading steel producers are eager to construct these mills at their own expense, recognising the undeniable financial and quality advantages of the project. Yet, governments have stood in the way of approvals since the project was first raised in the 1980s. Now for the first time, all relevant governments needed to approve the project are from the same party, removing the political obstacles that have hindered progress so far. One Nation has been advocating for this project since 2016.
إظهار الكل...
240605 ECON Treasury Iron Boomerang.mp442.81 MB
👏 109🔥 11👍 5 4
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Would cool days ever be shown like this?
إظهار الكل...
😁 98 20🤡 13👍 10🥴 8🤔 5
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
Senate Estimates: I asked Senator Watt what was being done to reduce net immigration. The government's planned reduction is insufficient. Cutting immigration is not enough. Temporary visa holders need to leave now. It's time to put Australians first.
إظهار الكل...
Senator Watt Grilled on Immigration.mp430.35 MB
💯 149👍 17
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
Minister Dodges Accountability as Border Force Grapples with Safety Concerns! Senate Estimates: I inquired with Border Force officials about what was needed to ensure the safety of Australians. True to form, Minister Watt attempted to shift blame onto the previous government. He mentioned measures like monitoring and curfews, but refused to accept responsibility for detainee-related crimes, and failed to offer a reasonable solution. When asked about the government's legislation regarding the re-detention of dangerous detainees, departmental representatives explained that it was a high bar to meet before requests could be put before a court seeking an Order.
إظهار الكل...
240529 LCA Border Force.mp468.45 MB
🤬 88🤯 11👍 8🤡 8🙏 5 1