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Antifa accounts actually being held to the rules of Twitter now. Go report any you know of, now's the time. @TheWesternChauvinist5
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In exactly 1 year from this month on November 8th-9th will mark the 100 year anniversary of the catalyst to our world wide National Socialist struggle, initiated through the infamous Beer Hall Putsch.
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Repost from Keith Woods
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If anyone is a globalist "insider" it is Jeffrey Sachs, an economist who oversaw post-Soviet countries transition to capitalism in the 1990s, has advised the World Bank and IMF, and served as a special advisor to the UN Secretary General overseeing sustainable development goals (ever hear of Agenda 21/2030?). So I think it's worth taking it seriously when he claims to have direct knowledge of heavy US involvement in the 2014 coup in Ukraine that started this conflict: "According to what I saw with my own eyes, we stirred a lot of the pot and paid for a lot of that overthrow"
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Sachs.mp494.72 MB
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Putin's 'spiritual guide' narrowly escapes car bomb as his daughter is blown up

VLADIMIR Putin’s “spiritual guide” Alexander Dugin narrowly escaped a fatal car bomb that blew up his sanctioned daughter. The Neo-Nazi mystic, known as “Putin’s Raspu…

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Our very first article has been published on “Multipolarity with European Characteristics.”
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Multipolarity with European Characteristics

Forging Our Path in a Multipolar World

Make sure to subscribe to this new based newsletter channel.
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Zero-Point Mag

Zero-Point Magazine is a newsletter about maneuvering through the dense forests of existence as a white man in the 21st c.

This is an interview with former "alt-right" content creator and local autist "alt-right Bones" aka "" turned full blown tranny. Feel free to leave your thoughts.
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Chatting With Claire About The Far-Right

NOTE : I've blurred this video to protect Claire's identity given the obviously sensitive subject matter. For this reason also, we have been careful to avoid...

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Query: Is one *really* a National Socialist if they fight for a Jewish president? Is one *really* a National Socialist if they fight for a Jewish President who advocates attaching an already independent Ukraine into the openly anti white Neo-Liberal EU? Is one *really* a National Socialist if they fight for a Jewish President who openly pushes a geo-political agenda that bolsters the great Jewish world conspiracy that is inherently anti European? These are questions that those who claim to be “National Socialists” should ask themselves. If the Ukrainians were really “fighting for independence and National sovereignty” they would have fought just as hard against the Jewish Zelensky regime and done everything in their power to honor the Minsk Agreements which would have granted them true independence and sovereignty from both West AND East. The excuse of “fighting the Bolsheviks” for “National sovereignty” is truly tone deaf to the age we are currently in. This isn’t the 1940’s and Russia isn’t “the Bolsheviks” anymore, and whoever pushes this lie is either retarded or subversive.
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.