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#外媒 #路透社 疫情令示威運動暫停 但相比前段時間更多人支持爭取訴求 Exclusive: Support for Hong Kong protesters' demands rises even as coronavirus halts rallies: poll Support for the demands of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong has grown even as rallies have paused due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to a survey conducted for Reuters that also showed a widespread lack of confidence in the government’s ability to manage the COVID-19 crisis.
إظهار الكل...
Exclusive: Support for Hong Kong protesters' demands rises even as coronavirus halts rallies: poll

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Support for the demands of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong has grown even as rallies have paused due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to a survey conducted for Reuters that also showed a widespread lack of confidence in the government’s ability to manage the COVID-19 crisis.

#外媒 新型肺炎與香港抗爭運動 Coronavirus and the Hong Kong protest movement 「疫情或許使示威暫時平息,但抗爭精神仍在」 Covid-19 may have put a damper on pro-democracy street demonstrations, but the spirit is very much alive.
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#外媒 Bloomberg 短片 香港如何成功控制疫情 How Hong Kong Is Containing the Coronavirus Outbreak
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How Hong Kong Is Containing the Coronavirus Outbreak

Mar.19 -- Memories of SARS in 2003 prompted public outcry early on, experts say. Hong Kong’s government quickly implemented restrictive “social distancing.”

#外媒 中東英文媒體報導香港示威者故事 Hong Kong police vs protesters – an insider’s story 一名20多歲公務員接受訪問 “I, along with many others, want justice to prevail. There are still many who still have hope this situation can be changed. We won't stop fighting because this is a battle for our basic human rights, for freedom, for democracy.”
إظهار الكل...
Hong Kong police vs protesters – an insider’s story

Securing a job in the civil service was a dream come true but police violence during the protests has made one man fear for his city

#外媒 黃任匡接受Bloomberg旗下媒體訪問講述前線醫護故事,文中提到香港確診數字偏低,但現正面對新一波海外傳入個案 Comment section總有人唔知香港係乜,見到係黃皮膚就鬧,英文好不妨入去留下言
إظهار الكل...
QuickTake by Bloomberg on Instagram: “It’s been a tough few months for Alfred Wong. He’s a cardiologist in a Hong Kong public hospital, fighting the coronavirus with a team of…”

1,305 Likes, 9 Comments - QuickTake by Bloomberg (@quicktake) on Instagram: “It’s been a tough few months for Alfred Wong. He’s a cardiologist in a Hong Kong public hospital,…”

إظهار الكل...
Hong Kong Shutdown a Lesson to the World in Halting Virus

As the world struggles with the rapid spread of Covid-19, Hong Kong appears to be having success controlling it -- in part because the memory of a similar virus in 2003 prompted a public outcry early on.

#外媒 #BBC 肺炎疫情:香港人面臨精神健康危機?
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肺炎疫情:香港人面臨精神健康危機?- BBC News 中文

在過去十年,香港因長期處於社會動蕩,2013年的「佔領中環」,已持續數月之久的「反送中」,還有新冠肺炎疫情,香港民眾的心理健康也面臨「動蕩」。 BBC News 中文:

訂閱BBC News 中文 YouTube:

#外媒 #BBC 肺炎疫情微紀錄片 受訪醫護家屬指出「十二月中旬相同癥狀入院的人愈來愈多」
إظهار الكل...
肺炎疫情微紀錄片:武漢「封城」之後- BBC News 中文

湖北武漢是新冠疫情的爆發地。為了遏制疫情擴散,這座擁有超過1000萬人口的城市從1月23日以來,已經被封鎖整整50天。期間有近5萬人感染,2400人死亡。 兩名本地居民在「封城」後,不約而同地決定用鏡頭記錄自己的生活。對他們來說,最壞的情況似乎已經過去,但新冠病毒開始在全球範圍內蔓延。他們的經歷告訴我們該如何度過...

繼華盛頓郵報後,多家外媒有「向香港學習」相關報導(2) #NYTimes
إظهار الكل...
They’ve Contained the Coronavirus. Here’s How.

Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong have brought outbreaks under control — and without resorting to China’s draconian measures.

اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.