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2022 AP7 Why in news? A team of astronomers has discovered three massive near-Earth asteroids hiding in the glare of the Sun. Of these, one called 2022 AP7 is believed to be the largest planet killer-sized asteroid to be spotted in nearly a decade, and is “potentially hazardous” to Earth. According to a study published in The Astronomical Journal, the three asteroids are from a group that is found within the orbits of Earth and Venus. However, they are tough to spot as the brightness of the Sun shields them from telescope observations. What about the 2022 AP7 asteroid? Among the three asteroids, one in particular stands out — the 1.5-kilometre-wide 2022 AP7 asteroid has an orbit that may someday put it on a collision course with our planet. At present, researchers have little information about the asteroid, including further details on its possible trajectory and its composition. Is there an immediate threat to Earth? At present, the asteroid only crosses the Earth’s orbit while it is on the opposite side of the Sun i.e., when the Sun comes between the Earth and the asteroid. This will continue for several centuries as it takes the asteroid about five years to orbit the sun, according to a CNN report. An asteroid of this size could have a “devastating impact”, Sheppard said, as the Earth’s atmosphere would be inundated with dust and pollutants for years, preventing sunlight from entering. Over time, its orbital movement will slowly evolve to be more in sync with Earth’s. As of now, however, Sheppard has said it will “stay well away from Earth”, according to CNN
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