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The Irish Inquiry

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How exactly did a FG councillor and regional newspaper sabotage Stephen's campaign in the final days before the public went out to vote? What else was that councillor doing in the weeks leading up to the election? Is it possible he got 600 extra votes from IPAS residents and refugees? Why exactly was the The Irish Inquiry under blatant attack by the desperate main stream media propaganda machine this week? And how did both of us do in the election itself? We discuss all this and show how the election result was manufactured and manipulated and how this was openly bragged about afterward. What are your thoughts, share below.
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How exactly did a FG councillor and regional newspaper sabotage Stephen's campaign in the final days before the public went out to vote? What else was that councillor doing in the weeks leading up to the election? Is it possible he got 600 extra votes from IPAS residents and refugees? Why exactly was the The Irish Inquiry under blatant attack by the desperate main stream media propaganda machine this week? And how did both of us do in the election itself? We discuss all this and show how the election result was manufactured and manipulated and how this was openly bragged about afterward. What are your thoughts, share below.

THE FOLLOWING IRISH POLITICIANS SUPPORT AN ORGANISATION WITH PREVIOUS ESTABLISHED LINKS TO PAEDOPHILE GROUPS (...and these politicians have also pledged to "keep their work out of the public eye whenever necessary") Regina Doherty Fine Gael @ReginaDo Maria Walsh Fine Gael @MariaWalshEU Barry Andrews Fianna Fail @BarryAndrewsMEP Billy Kelleher, Fianna Fail @BillyKelleherEU Bríd Smith, PB4P @bridsmithTD Brian O’Boyle, PP4P @Brian_OBoyle1 Cian Prendiville, PB4P @cianplk Pauline O’Reilly, Green Party @paulinegalway Ciaran Cuffe, Green Party @CiaranCuffe Grace O' Sullivan, Green Party @GraceOSllvn Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Labour Party @AodhanORiordain Niamh Hourigan, Labour Party @niamhhourigan1 Rory Hearne, Social Democrats @RoryHearneGaffs Sinead Gibney, Social Democrats @sineadgibney Fergal Landy, Labour Party @Fergal_landy Luke Ming Flanagan. Independent @lukeming Those above list are (as reported by Gript) "signatories of a pledge from the European arm of an organisation which previously lost consultative status with a UN body after it became known that it counted paedophile groups, including NAMBLA, amongst its members." In 2021 Gript reported the group in question (ILGA,International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) had signed a declaration calling for: 1. The abolition of legislation that limits the right of children as young as 10 to consent to sex, to ensure to “respect the rights of all individuals to exercise autonomy over their lives.” 2. To “eliminate all laws and policies… that limit the exercise of bodily autonomy, including laws limiting legal capacity of adolescents… to provide consent to sex.” 3. Calls governments to “end the criminalisation and stigmatisation of adolescents’ sexuality" and ensure and promote a positive approach” to the “sexuality” of adolescents that “enables, recognises, and respects their agency to make informed and independent decisions” about decisions related to their “bodily autonomy” and “pleasure.” The authors of the declaration insisted at the time that the term “adolescent” is ambiguous but as Gript pointed out expert groups such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) define “adolescents” as “individuals in the 10-19 years age group.” One document hosted on the website of the IWHC, titled ‘The Girl Declaration: A Call to Action for the Post-2015 Development Agenda’, confirms that definition, stating – “adolescence (ages 10-19).” The ILGA subsequently denied supporting the lowering of consent following Gript's article in 2021. However, what they signed (the aforementioned) does seem contradictory to that claim and one of the founders Ian Dunn was also one of the founders of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) (Ian Dunn “among” the founding members of the ILGA ( The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), one of the largest paedophile advocacy groups in the world, was also previously a member of the ILGA and as a consequence the UN revoked the ILGA's consultative status in 1994. The ILGA subsequently expelled NAMBLA and “two other paedophile groups" AFTER the UN's decision. The ILGA appealed to the UN but were rejected due to their previous links to the paedophile groups. Please contact the politicians on the list (some of whom are now elected MEPs) and INSIST they answer why they support the ILGA given their pledge outlined above and their past links to paedophile groups. And ask why they have pledged to do "their work" in secrecy "wherever necessary." Finally, inform your family and friends also of exactly who they voted for. It's time the Irish electorate wised up and stopped voting for people based on who had the most media coverage (and money behind their campaigns for photoshopped glossy celeb like posters).
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Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) founder “among the founders of ILGA” - Gript

Note: The ILGA has now released a statement which states that “ILGA World categorically, and in no uncertain terms, does not advocate to eliminate or lower the general age of consent, nor supports paedophilia in any way, shape or form – and never has.” We have requested clarification from the ILGA as to why they […]

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Wow!! Matt Le Tissier is coming to Dublin on June 27th, where he'll be interviewed about all things cancel culture by my good friend, Aidan Killian. And... the audience will be invited to ask questions as well. This will be a great event. Can't wait to meet @mattletiss7! Please share! FULL DETAILS HERE...
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Repost from N/a
V TELEGRAM CHANNEL (URL victoryireland) OPINION PIECE: Fine Gael TD Regina Doherty is all set to represent Dublin at the European Parliament in Brussels having managed to get elected on the 19th count. That much is transparent. What was less transparent is her membership of the European Centre Right LGBT+ Alliance, a group of parliamentarians mainly from the European Peoples grouping which was set up in 2013. This group has the predictable aim of advancing the LGBQT agenda into the very centre of European politics. If you voted for Mrs Doherty, you probably didn’t vote for this. It would have been nice to have been told. But ‘professional’ politicians don’t work like that. I am sure if you scrolled through the small print of the European Parliament or indeed ‘googled’ the homosexual advocacy groups membership list as I did you will find Mrs Doherty’s membership statement. Most people don’t do that. You expect to be engaged with truthfully and by that I mean being given full transparent disclosure of memberships of all controversial interests groups. Perhaps in the political world some things are considered to be best hidden. Fine Gael TD Maria Walsh is also a member of the European Centre Right LGBT+ Alliance. You could have guessed that if you knew that her business interests included a wedding planning company that specialises in homosexual ‘weddings’. In fairness Ms Walsh has never hidden her homosexuality. On her election campaign she repeatedly spoke about supporting farming but her EU utterances tended to be about sexual and reproductive ‘rights’ as well as supporting legal actions against Poland and Hungary for their perceived ‘discrimination’ against homosexual people. Maybe the message is once you get to Europe you can say what you like and you won’t have to explain yourself for another five years. But there are other homosexuals advocacy groups amongst parliamentarian in the EU Parliament including which encourages members to sign a pledge to promote the LGBQT agenda at the highest level of government. This pledge carries a secrecy clause in which your LGBQT advocacy will not be highlighted if it could interfere with your effectiveness as an LGBQT advocate. So much for transparency. Luke Ming Flannagan, Billy Keleher and Maria Walsh have signed up to promote the LGBQT agenda with secrecy if necessary. Ciaran Cuff and Grace O Sullivan who signed won’t have to worry about it any more for obvious reasons. But again a bit of transparency would be appreciated. The purpose of this opinion piece is to highlight what we probably already know, what happens on your doorstep during the canvass and what happens in Europe are two different things. You job as a voter is just to vote, to accept platitudes and not to ask awkward questions. There is no seriousness in the engagement, the candidate knows best. While the EU election is gone for another five years the general election is due and we must be prepared to expose all hidden and undeclared agendas and loyalties that candidates might have. We need to be ready to challenge and expose candidates especially those who operate under a fake persona, saying one thing and supporting a position that is quite different. We must demand truth, full disclosure and honesty. Democracy should not be opaque, let’s have transparency.
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RTE PRIMETIME MAKES SLANDEROUS ALLEGATIONS AGAINST THE IRISH INQUIRY SINCE MISSING CHILDREN QUERY Since the #election RTE's PrimeTime has made more than one slanderous allegation against us at The Irish Inquiry. Is it because we both took over 6% of first preference votes despite short campaigns? And they anticipate we will run in the general election? Or is it because of the nature of the issues we've raised in recent times? RTE's PrimeTime will quite rightly report on the shocking cruelty unwanted Irish horses experience in abattoirs. Yet they won't report on migrant children going missing and being sex trafficked? Why not? What do you think? Please Retweet this video to @RTE_PrimeTime and their journalists @JackMcCarronKK & @Mark_Coughlan and ask them why they're making false allegations.
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It would appear that highly trained specialists British security forces (soldiers or the like) have been brought in to Irish towns to go against the Irish people, using force if necessary. If you didn't already appreciate just how much of an agenda is at play and is being carried out, then perhaps you might now.
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RTE show The Irish inquiry logo on primetime this evening, calling them racists as they went about their lawful business questioning a traitor and child-trafficking enabler. Surely that's slander and worthy of a legal action? Aside from that, the entire program had an eerie backing track, with colour codes for the counties with the worst (i.e. highest) independent voter percentages. Almost like establishment Ireland feels it is being invaded by a fast spreading insidious virus... which is EXACTLY how they view us. RTE, and the rest of the state-funded media are the number 1 enemy of the people of this country. They enable everything, and do their best to occult all truth.
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This is on tomorrow. Please support...
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A chat with Ireland South EU Parliament election candidate, Una McGurk

Tonight I was chatting with Ireland South EU Parliament election candidate, @Una_McGurk. Una is a barrister and Senior Counsel, and has been very outspoken on Ireland's open borders mass immigration policy. You can also learn more about her five point solution to the immigration crisis at this link here...

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Residents in Blanchardstown / Mulhuddart constituency are raising issues about this type of dangerous criminality in Tyrrelstown . These young lads were running after a car with a machete. Vote number 1 for Independent candidate, Susanne Delaney, and other preferences to nationalist candidates only.
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