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Temple of the Immovable (Dampa Zangpo)

Dedicated to the Shugendo / Vajrayana path of Acala worship. Knowing that Lord Acala is an integration of Lord Shiva-Rudra who can guide one to true wisdom and the Dharmakaya

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This may be cheesy or cringe to some in how it is presented. But this is concise and spot on.
إظهار الكل...
Repost from Maitridatta
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👏 4
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"Clay images of Amoghapasha Lokesvara flanked by Arya Tara and Bhrikuti Tara enshrined at the side wing of Vasuccha Shil Mahavihar, Guita Bahi, Patan: This set of images is popular in traditional monasteries of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal."
إظهار الكل...
🔥 5
Repost from Hammer and Vajra
Composite Deities, Incarnations, and Personifications In Indo-European base faiths, be it European Ethnic or Dharmic faiths, it is common for an attribute or aspect of a deity to be focused upon and personified. Often it will take on a form of its own and lore, stories, interactions, prayers rituals, and depictions of it will be singularly expressed. To an outside, or often Abrahamic, perspective this may seem like a separate deity in its own right, which in some way it is, and the result is the intepretation of hundred of Gods (which is not the case). This is not saying all Gods are one, but no one who truly understands these religions, and/or is initiated into their traditions, sees these Gods as wholly separate from their originating deity. Instead the general core deities may manifest themselves as many others via specified aspects being admired and revered. Sometimes these aspect may even be that deity during a certain emanation, incarnation, or time period. Krishna as a Child, Avatars of Vishnu, the incarnations of the Buddha, wrathful variants of Bodhisattvas, as well as composite deities like Durga or Avalokiteśvara, and the disguises and/shape shifting of Odin or Zeus are all great examples. 2/2
إظهار الكل...
🔥 4
Repost from Hammer and Vajra
Composite Deities, Incarnations, and Personifications 1/2
إظهار الكل...
🔥 2
Repost from Hammer and Vajra
I mediated for a bit before quoting this. I am very much against the iconoclastic, hyper minimalism, and sometimes atheism that will be promoted from the extreme wabi-sabi (侘び寂び) approach to emptiness (Sunyata) that accompanies ideas of Zen (especially in Western academic influenced Buddhism) However, when you are without shelter, without temple, without sutra, without imagery, all you have is mantra and names. The names of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and the Gods. Invoking the names alone brings the attributes, inner presence, and external organization of Order from Chaos of the world around you and its connection to Dharmakāya via interdependence, non-inherent existence, and ultimate emptiness. This is how one should use mantra. This is how one should view true Zen / Chan, Pureland, Vaishnavism Krishan chants, Vajrayana Mantra and seed symbolism, and even Odinic Runic Galdr.
إظهار الكل...
👍 2 1🤯 1
Saitō Musashibō Benkei (西塔武蔵坊弁慶) A sōhei / warrior monk who lived in the Heian period. His birth was said to have been divine according to folklore. Some say he his father was a God. He was called Oniwaka (鬼若 "demon/ogre child" and grew up to being 6 ft 6 inch. He fought alongside Minamoto no Yoshitsune, and to defend Koromogawa no tate castle, he was said to have defested 300 men on his own on a bridge. Benkei is, though, by some in Esoteric Buddhism to he an Dharmapala (protector of the dharma) even after his death, as he was on his life, and thereby a Saint. Personally, he is a figure I have always looked up to as a Buddhist and as one who practices martial arts.
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🔥 5 1
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Repost from Maitridatta
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The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent and easy is the way.
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إظهار الكل...
孔雀明王心咒 15分鐘 oṃ mayūrā-krānte svāhā

#孔雀明王心咒 - 台湾宜兰县开成别院僧团唱诵版(訂閱孔雀明王寺 @mayura234 ) oṃ mayūrā-krānte svāhā #孔雀明王(梵名Maha Mayuri vidya-rajñi)为毗卢遮那佛的等流身,密号为佛母金刚、护世金刚。在胎藏界曼荼罗内,住在苏悉地院。他是密教本尊之一,形象优雅,慈蔼可亲,以孔雀为坐骑。孔雀明王的形象一般为白色,头向东方,身穿白缯轻衣。头冠、璎珞、耳珰、臂钏,相貌庄严。乘坐金色孔雀王,结跏趺坐于白莲座或青莲座上,现慈悲相。有四个手臂,右边第一手持开敷莲华,代表敬爱;第二手托俱缘果,代表调伏;左边第一手拿吉祥果,代表增益;第二手持孔雀尾,代表息灾。密法中以修孔雀明王为本尊,称为孔雀明王经法,为密教四大法之一。根据《孔雀明王经》记载,佛陀在世时,有一位莎底比丘遭到毒蛇咬螫,不胜其苦,当阿难向佛陀禀告之后,佛陀教导一个可以消除鬼魅、毒害、恶疾的修持法门,这就是《孔雀明王经》的缘起和内容。 《孔雀明王经》是七佛八菩萨都在传播的一部大经,从七佛开始,到弥勒菩萨下生娑婆世界,娑婆世界变成净土,这个期间每一尊佛都在传播这部大经。在唐朝,汉地密宗的大成就者——不空大师经常使用这部经,举办冥阳两利的大型超度普度法会,为国家和万民祈福消灾,每次都得到殊胜的人天感应之效果。那个时候,只有皇宫贵族才有能力举办孔雀明王大法会,普通老百姓是难以现场参与的。 《孔雀明王经》中记载,所有的圣者:佛、菩萨、声闻、缘觉四圣众,天、人、阿修罗、畜生、饿鬼、地狱六道众生,共同签订了一份契约:凡修孔雀明王经者,持孔雀明王咒者,法界所有众生不得对其进行扰害,否则将受“头作七分裂”之苦。因此,只要持念孔雀明王经或者持念孔雀明王心咒者,在任何地方、任何时间都会得到十法界所有众生的恭敬和护持。 修习孔雀明王经和神咒,能除一切毒害,平息一切灾难怖畏,诸病消除,避免非时而死,得以日夜吉祥,益寿延年。孔雀明王法会期间十法界一切众生,包括四圣法界、六道众生、天龙八部等七百八十六种诸神明会同处一个空间,同修共证。大众会在法会期间和六道各界的冤亲债主达成谅解,彼此和睦,不再相互仇恨。我们和六道众生生活在一个共生体内,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。和睦相处的一个和谐共生体,将有利于我们一生成佛,不再堕落六道轮回。当我们置身于这个无比强大的场中,与之同频共振的时候,一切妖魔鬼怪,冤亲债主将不再侵扰我们,会和我们达成谅解,和谐共生。身体里的业障也就会加倍地化解,进而完成清因消业的工程。 举办孔雀明王法会,就是要化解各种不顺,让身体变得更健康,财路更通畅,家庭更和睦,功德无量。 -- OOSS国际中心: 是一个结合古圣者智慧与新生命科学,传播真正有效的身心灵理论和实修技术方法,提供文化教育课程、书籍、DVD、产品、五术服务的教育中心。 🔴新加坡 电话 ▸+65 9388 1439 脸书 ▸

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