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Wise Academy LC 🔥⚡️🌎🏫📚

• 📚Wise Academy LC - English / Russian •🏢Venue - Khiva Academic Lyceum • 👨‍💼Tutor - Atadjanov Farrukh • ⏳️Working Time - Everyday [09.00 - 19.00] • Telegram: @wise_admin • Admin; +99890 430 30 39 • Tutor; +99890 649 03 72

إظهار المزيد
Uzbekistan45 470الإنكليزية191 910التعليم98 263
مشاركات الإعلانات
لا توجد بيانات24 ساعات
لا توجد بيانات7 أيام
-1930 أيام

جاري تحميل البيانات...

معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

Some people think most crimes are the result of circumstances like poverty and other social problems. Others believe that they are caused by people who are bad in nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Committing a crime can be the result of various reasons but there is an ongoing debate on what most common factors are. Some believe that social inequality such as poverty is the main root of most crimes, while others insist it is genetic influence that makes people commit crimes. Although some kinds of crimes happen due to moral deficiency, I believe the major portions of crimes take place because of socioeconomic factors. Numerous people who committed a crime are from unequal society. They come from economic deprived areas where unemployment and desperation is growing swiftly which lead most individuals to some serious or petty crimes. In other words, make a living is crucial for most, as a result, they try to search some suitable jobs to feed their family yet they cannot get what they want, meaning there is no way but crime. Afterwards, without job or some income, it causes one feel desperate that often causes to rash or extreme behavior in their society. Urbanization is another big issue in creating more crimes annually all over the world. This causes most individuals feel unequal and an unemployed person to earn money by committing different petty crimes for the start but it is a continuous trend which ends in prison. However, one`s innate traits are also given a core reason for being an offender, some examples of notorious killers have criminal mindset which they get accidentally from some situations, such as films or real life events but these personality disorders occur only a few times in comparison with socioeconomic factors cited above. To summarize, even though some crimes happen due to psychopathy or moral deficiency of some people, while most individuals are reluctantly made to commit a crime as a result of badly-organized conditions, for instance, unemployment or marginalization people face to in current society. 305 words
إظهار الكل...
👍 5🆒 1
Some people think most crimes are the result of circumstances like poverty and other social problems. Others believe that they are caused by people who are bad in nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
إظهار الكل...
👍 3 1🆒 1
Garchi ko`pchilik yuqoridagi postlarni inobatga olishmasa ham, biz yo`limizdan qaytmaymiz, mana bugun uchun yana bir Insho
إظهار الكل...
👍 4 1🤣 1🆒 1
The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader Do you agree or disagree? Leadership is an important quality in managing big companies or organizations and some say that this position can be suitable only for older generation while others believe that the youth have also capacity to become a good leader. I totally agree with the statement above since young people have tendency of being creative and innovative as well as having a strong energy and enthusiasm. First of all, we are living in digital era currently, thus giving some knowledge or proficiency for young people who are good at and every time they come up with new ideas which are highly valued to control workers at companies, in other words, modern youth have these kinds of qualities to be engaged in co-working with colleagues and give them motivation to run business when needed but some still say older leaders have wisdom and extensive experience which are valuable skills for management yet the time is fast changing and business also updates itself with creative notions and being innovative to tackle serious issues which may arise during management. Secondly, the youth may have strong enthusiasm which cannot be found in older generation who are easily tired of working a few hours, additionally, adults need to maximize their profits and improve their career ladders to become successful in business life, thereby they devote their most of valuable time and energy to carry out unattainable tasks within limited period with the helping of good managing skills and having a strong team dynamics as they do not think only about their careers but they also assist their peers to come true their dreams, as a result, companies improve their profits by having youth leaders or directors for managing positions. To summarize, long-established way of being a leader is still necessary in companies, I believe that young people should be given an opportunity to test themselves as a leader owing to having unlimited energy and lots of creative ideas. 321 words
إظهار الكل...
👍 10 3🆒 2🏆 1
odatdagidek, kechqurungacha vaqtlaringiz bor, qani kim yaxshiroq Essay yoza oladi ekan!
إظهار الكل...
👌 5👍 2🆒 1
The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader Do you agree or disagree?
إظهار الكل...
👍 7🆒 1
It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Humanitarian assistance is a growing trend throughout the world and helping every person in need in the globe seems unattainable and people think that governments should have a concentration only on national priorities instead of giving a hand to other nations. However, I totally disagree to this given trend because there are lots of international organizations to support nations in famine or poverty as well as this help can be returned to the country itself in case they face to some serious threats in the forthcoming future. Although most governments think their resources are made up only limited, it can be true but there are some international organizations, namely United Nations, International Food Program and so on which are always ready to assist to governments when they are in danger, such as, recent Turkey floods damaged most parts of this country, and other nations immediately sent international relief efforts when these organizations urged them to do so by giving food products and necessary items to people who had lost their all properties or even their family members in this difficult natural threat. Apparently, the UN has always its budget or food supplies for countries that are facing these problematic issues, even so some countries avoid giving a foreign aid. Additionally, there is a growing global interdependence which government are likely to depend on their resources, goods, and services which the government gives a support to the other nation if there is a demand on it, this helpful situation could get come back in other ways to the country itself while having some famine or natural problems which cannot be dealt with the helping of only a single country, to illustrate, the Aral Sea in Central Asia is not only Uzbekistan`s big threat currently but others should pay attention to this arising problem at once otherwise, it will form dangerous salts or minerals to the neighbor countries, meaning it leads serious infectious diseases, such as asthma or nasal illnesses yet it might be solved by co-working among nations in this risky moments and by doing so, countries can prevent upcoming problems from a good collaboration. To summarize, global support is an essential part of countries to assist other nations with food, clothes or other urgent stuffs in these moments though some nations think it is hopeless to help all people all over the world and assume only to concentrate on their national development but I am of the opine that governments should try to collaborate with other countries to tackle this issue. 421 words
إظهار الكل...
👍 12 2👌 2🆒 2🏆 1
One popular question for you ❗️❗️ What would you do If you knew you couldn't fail? Tarjimasi:Agar har bir ishda muvaffaqiyatga erishishni bilganingizda nima qilgan bo'lar edingiz ? Please write in the comments 👇
إظهار الكل...
9👍 1🆒 1
It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
إظهار الكل...
👍 10🆒 3
garchi reaksiyalar kam bo`lishiga qaramasdan va faqatgina 3 ta odam insho yozib tashlagan bo`lishiga qaramasdan, Challenge mizni davom qildiramiz, yana shu qoida, tahminan 5 soatdan keyin o`zimning Sample imni yuboraman shungacha sizlar yozib yuboringlar
إظهار الكل...
👍 13🆒 2