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Salaah Reminder

إظهار المزيد
لم يتم تحديد البلدالإنكليزية234 483الدين والقيم الروحية116 070
مشاركات الإعلانات
لا توجد بيانات24 ساعات
لا توجد بيانات7 أيام
-430 أيام

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جاري تحميل البيانات...

Assalamu alaikum 08 Muharram 1446 15 July 2024 Yawm Al- 'ithnayn الإثنين‎ يوم Monday Prayer is better than sleep FAJR SALAAH Dua when waking up "الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَ مَا أَمَاتَنَا وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ" Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'ahyaanaa ba'da maa 'amaatanaa wa'ilayhin-nushoor F)5:44 S)7:08-Bloemfontein F)6:21 S)7:49-Cape Town F)5:26 S)6:50-Durban F)5:33 S)6:54-Johannesburg F)5:50 S)7:13-Kimberley F)5:42 S)7:03-Mafikeng F)5:27 S)6:48-Middelburg F)5:21 S)6:41-Nelspruit F)5:27 S)6:50-Newcastle F)5:28 S)6:52-Pietermaritzburg F)5:25 S)6:44-Polokwane F)5:53 S)7:21-Port Elizabeth F)5:29 S)6:54-Port Shepstone F)5:32 S)6:53-Pretoria F)5:36 S)6:57-Rustenburg F = Fajr Begins S = Sunrise Sehri Ends 5 min before Fajr Begins, Ishraak Begins 15 min after Sunrise إن شاء الله Fajr Salaah: 2 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Muakidah 2 Rakaats Fardh For a full list of towns in South Africa, please click the link below
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

Almost Time for Esha Salaah إن شاء الله E)6:57 S)5:39-Bloemfontein E)7:08 S)6:16-Cape Town E)6:37 S)5:21-Durban E)6:54 S)5:28-Johannesburg E)7:04 S)5:45-Kimberley E)7:04 S)5:37-Mafikeng E)6:49 S)5:22-Middelburg E)6:43 S)5:16-Nelspruit E)6:44 S)5:22-Newcastle E)6:40 S)5:23-Pietermaritzburg E)6:51 S)5:20-Polokwane E)6:54 S)5:48-Port Elizabeth E)6:39 S)5:24-Port Shepstone E)6:54 S)5:27-Pretoria E)6:58 S)5:31-Rustenburg E = Esha Begins S = Sehri & Tahajjud Ends Note Fajr Begins 5min after Sehri Ends, make intention for Fajr & set your alarm إن شاء الله Esha: 4 Rakaats Sunaat-e-Ghair Muakidah 4 Rakaats Fardh 2 Rakaats Sunaat-e-Muakidah 2 Rakaats Nafil 2 Rakaats Nafil 3 Rakaats Witr For a full list of towns in South Africa please click the link below Evening Duas *THE DAY OF 'ĀSHŪRĀ (10TH OF MUḤARRAM) THROUGHOUT HISTORY* 'A'ishah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) narrated, *"The Day of 'Ashūrā was fasted by the Quraysh in the period before Islām and ALLAH'S Messenger (ﷺ) used to fast it before Islām. When he came to Madīnah he fasted it and ordered it to be fasted. When Ramadān was obligated he gave up the Day of 'Āshūrā, so whoever wanted fasted it and whoever wanted left it."* {Al-Bukhārī #2002 and Muslim #1125}. This hadith is evidence that the people of jāhiliiyah used to know about 'Āshūrā, it was a famous day among them, and they used to fast it. The Prophet (ﷺ) used to fast it also and continued fasting it before migrating. He (ﷺ) did not command the people to fast it (after Ramadān was legislated). This is evidence for the sacredness of this day and the greatness of its status among the Arabs in the period before Islām, before the sending of the Prophet (ﷺ). Due to this they used to cover the Ka'bah on this day as is found in the hadith of 'A'ishah (may ALLĀH be pleased with her) who said, *"They used to fast 'Āshūrā before Ramadān was obligated and it was the day they covered the Ka'bah..."* {Al-Bukhārī #1952} Al-Qurtubi said, "The hadith of 'A'ishah shows that the legislation and status of fasting this day was known to them. Perhaps they based fasting it on the legislation of Ibrāhīm and Ismā'īl  (peace be upon them) because they used to ascribe themselves to these Prophets and based many of their rulings for Hajj and other than that on them..." {Al-Mufhim, 3/190} What is derived from the gathering of evidences is that fasting 'Āshūrā was obligatory in the beginning after the migration of the Prophet (ﷺ) to al-Madīnah according to the correct opinion of the people of knowledge. The command to fast it is established by the hadith of Salamah ibn al-Akwa' (may ALLĀH be pleased with him). He said, *"The Prophet (ﷺ) ordered a man from the tribe of Aslam to announce to the people: 'Whoever was eating then let him fast the rest of the day and whoever did not eat then let him fast for today is the Day of 'Ashūrā."* {al-Bukhārī #2007 and Muslim #1135} When Ramadān was made obligatory in the second year of the hijrah, the obligation to fast 'Āshūrā was abrogated but it remained recommended. The command to fast the Day of 'Ashūrā was only for one year and that was the second year of hijrah when it was obligated in the beginning of that year. Then Ramadān was obligated after half of that year passed. At the end of his life in the tenth year, the Prophet (ﷺ )determined not to fast it by itself but to fast the 9th day before it as will be shown later if ALLĀH wills. This is an instance of differing with the People of the Book in the way that they fast. *{Taken from: Ahadith about the Tens Days of Dhul-Hijjah and the Days of Tashriq, Rulings and Manners || Page 66-68}* *Please join my WhatsApp Channel:*
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

Almost Time for Maghrib Salaah إن شاء الله  5:37-Bloemfontein 5:57-Cape Town 5:16-Durban 5:36-Johannesburg 5:43-Kimberley 5:46-Mafikeng 5:31-Middelburg 5:25-Nelspruit 5:25-Newcastle 5:19-Pietermaritzburg 5:34-Polokwane 5:29-Port Elizabeth 5:17-Port Shepstone 5:36-Pretoria 5:40-Rustenburg Maghrib: 3 Rakaats Fardh 2 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Muakidah 2 Rakaats Nafil For a full list of towns in South Africa, please click the link below
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

Almost Time for Asr Salaah إن شاء الله  S)3:14 H)3:57-Bloemfontein S)3:36 H)4:16-Cape Town S)2:54 H)3:36-Durban S)3:13 H)3:57-Johannesburg S)3:21 H)4:04-Kimberley S)3:23 H)4:07-Mafikeng S)3:08 H)3:52-Middelburg S)3:02 H)3:46-Nelspruit S)3:02 H)3:45-Newcastle S)2:57 H)3:40-Pietermaritzburg S)3:11 H)3:56-Polokwane S)3:07 H)3:48-Port Elizabeth S)2:55 H)3:37-Port Shepstone S)3:13 H)3:57-Pretoria S)3:17 H)4:01-Rustenburg S = Shafee Earliest Time for Asr H = Hanifi Earliest Time for Asr Asr Salaah: 4 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakidah 4 Rakaats Fardh For a full list of towns in South Africa, please click the link below
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

Zohr Begins 5 min after Zawaal Begins إن شاء الله  Zawaal 12:21-Bloemfontein 12:52-Cape Town 12:02-Durban 12:14-Johannesburg 12:27-Kimberley 12:23-Mafikeng 12:08-Middelburg 12:02-Nelspruit 12:06-Newcastle 12:04-Pietermaritzburg 12:08-Polokwane 12:24-Port Elizabeth 12:04-Port Shepstone 12:13-Pretoria 12:17-Rustenburg Zohr Salaah: 4 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Muakidah 4 Rakaats Fardh 2 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Muakidah 2 Rakaats Nafil For a full list of towns in South Africa, please click the link below
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

As Salaamu Alaikum 07 Muharram 1446 14 July 2024 Yawm Al-Ahad الأحد‎ يوم Sunday Prayer is better than sleep FAJR SALAAH Dua when waking up "الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَ مَا أَمَاتَنَا وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ" Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'ahyaanaa ba'da maa 'amaatanaa wa'ilayhin-nushoor F)5:44 S)7:08-Bloemfontein F)6:21 S)7:50-Cape Town F)5:26 S)6:51-Durban F)5:33 S)6:55-Johannesburg F)5:50 S)7:13-Kimberley F)5:42 S)7:04-Mafikeng F)5:27 S)6:48-Middelburg F)5:21 S)6:42-Nelspruit F)5:28 S)6:50-Newcastle F)5:28 S)6:52-Pietermaritzburg F)5:25 S)6:45-Polokwane F)5:53 S)7:21-Port Elizabeth F)5:29 S)6:55-Port Shepstone F)5:32 S)6:53-Pretoria F)5:36 S)6:57-Rustenburg F = Fajr Begins S = Sunrise Sehri Ends 5min before Fajr Begins, Ishraak Begins 15min after Sunrise إن شاء الله Fajr Salaah: 2 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Muakidah 2 Rakaats Fardh For a full list of towns in South Africa please click the link below *Morning Duas:* *Tahajjud Dua* Narrated Ibn Abbas: When the Prophet (ﷺ) got up at night to offer the Tahajjud prayer, he used to say: ALLAHUMMA lakal-hamd. Anta qaiyyimus-samawati wal-ard wa man fihinna. Walakal-hamd, Laka mulkus-samawati wal-ard wa man fihinna. Walakal-hamd, anta nurus-samawati wal-ard. Wa lakal-hamd, anta-l-haq wa wa'duka-lhaq, wa liqa'uka Haq, wa qauluka Haq, wal-jannatu Haq wan-naru Haq wannabiyuna Haq. Wa Muhammadun, sallal-lahu'alaihi wasallam, Haq, was-sa'atu Haq. ALLAHUMMA aslamtu Laka wabika amantu, wa 'Alaika tawakkaltu, wa ilaika anabtu wa bika khasamtu, wa ilaika hakamtu faghfir li ma qaddamtu wama akh-khartu wama as-rartu wama'a lantu, anta-l-muqaddim wa anta-l-mu akh-khir, la ilaha illa anta (or la ilaha ghairuka). (O ALLAH! ALL the praises are for YOU, YOU are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. All the praises are for YOU; YOU have the possession of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. All the praises are for YOU; YOU are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth And all the praises are for YOU; YOU are the KING of the Heavens and the Earth; And all the praises are for YOU; YOU are the Truth and YOUR Promise is the truth, And to meet YOU is true, YOUR Word is the truth And Paradise is true And Hell is true And all the Prophets (Peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad (SALALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALAAM) is true, And the Day of Resurrection is true. O ALLAH! I surrender (my will) to YOU; I believe in YOU and depend on YOU. And repent to YOU, And with YOUR help I argue (with my opponents, the non-believers) And I take YOU as a judge (to judge between us). Please forgive me my previous And future sins; And whatever I concealed or revealed And YOU are the ONE who make (some people) forward And (some) backward. There is none to be worshipped but you. *(Bukhari)* Sufyan said that Abdul Karim Abu Umaiya added to the above, 'WALA HAULA WALA QUWATA ILLA BILLAH' (There is neither might nor power except with ALLAH). *Dua to be recited in the morning:* بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ أَصْبَـحْـنا وَأَصْبَـحْ المُـلكُ للهِ رَبِّ العـالَمـين ، اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أسْـأَلُـكَ خَـيْرَ هـذا الـيَوْم ، فَـتْحَهُ ، وَنَصْـرَهُ ، وَنـورَهُ وَبَـرَكَتَـهُ ، وَهُـداهُ ، وَأَعـوذُ بِـكَ مِـنْ شَـرِّ ما فـيهِ وَشَـرِّ ما بَعْـدَه Asbahna Wa Asbahal Mulku Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen. Allahumma Innee As'aluka Khaira Hadhal Yaum Fathahu Wa Nasrahu Wa Nurahu Wa Barakatahu Wa Hudahu. Wa A'udhubika min Sharri Ma Feehi Wa Sharri Ma Ba'dahu The morning has come to me and the whole universe belongs to ALLAH, the Lord of the worlds, O ALLAH, I ask of YOU the good of the day, it's success and aid and it's nur (celestial light) and barakaat (blessings) and seek hidayah (guidance) and seek refuge from the evil in it (this day) and from the evil of that which is to come later. (Hisn from Abu Dawood)
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الْعَظِيمَ الَّذِي لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْْقَيُّومُ وَ أَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ Astaghfirullah al-’Azeem al-lazi la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum wa atubu ilaih 3x times every morning رَضِيتُ بِاللَّهِ رَبَّاً وَبِالْإِسْلَامِ دِينَاً وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم نَبِيَّاً َ Radee-tu bil-lahi Rab-baaa, Wa bil-islami-deenaaa, Wa bi-muhammadin sal-lal-lahu alai-hi Wa-sal-lama Nabiy-yaaa wa Rasoola I am pleased with ALLAH as my Lord, Islam as my religion, and Prophet Muhammad صَلَّى (اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) my Nabi. اللهُمَّ اكْفِنِي بِحَلالِكَ عَنْ حَرامكْ، وَأَغْنِني بِفَضْلِكَ عَمَّنْ سِواك ‘ALLAHUmmak finee bi halalika an haramik wa aghninee bi fadhlika amman siwak.’ O ALLAH! Let the Halal things you provide suffice me from haram, and by YOUR Grace, keep me independent from all besides YOU. اللهمَّ إنِّي أعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ جَهْدِ الْبَلَاءِ، وَدَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ، وَسُوءِ الْقَضَاءِ، وَشَمَاتَةِ الْأَعْدَاءِ ALLAHUMA Inni A'oozu bika min jahdil balaai wa darkiShaqaai wa sooilQadhai wa shamatatilA'adai O ALLAH! I seek refuge in YOU from severe trials and hardships, to be overtaken by wretchedness and bad fate and rejoicing of enemies All Praises are due to ALLAH (SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALAH), The Forgiver and Concealer of Faults, The Guide to Repentance, The ONE who Responds to duas Salaat, Salaam and Salutations Upon The Most Perfect of Creation, Sayyedena Rasulullah صلّى اللّـه عليه و سلّم اللهم كن لنا واجعلنا لك "O ALLAH! Become ours and make us YOURS" O OUR MOST COMPASSIONATE اللّـه, bless those who have no children, with pious and righteous children O OUR MOST BELOVED اللّـه, those who have children, make their children the coolness of their eyes O OUR CHERISHER, make their children obedient to them, and make their children obedient to YOU and YOUR Nabi صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ O OUR BELOVED اللّـه, remove the problems of all those who are suffering any difficulty and grant them aafiyat (goodness) O OUR اللّـه, bless those brothers and sisters who are looking for marriage partners, with good and righteous marriage partners, who will be an assistance to their Deen O اللّـه, put love between husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters and, unite the hearts of brothers and sisters, parents and children, husbands and wives, and of the entire Ummah O اللّـه, keep us steadfast on Siraatul Mustaqeem and accept this dua of ours, آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينْ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ Subhaanarabika Rabbil Izzati Amma Yassifoon Wassalaamun Alal Mursaleen Walhumdulillahir Rabbil Aalameen Read 3 times after Fajr سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ: عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ، وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ، وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ Subhan-ALLAHI wa bihamdihi,adada khalqihi, wa rida nafsihi, wa zinataharshihi, wa midada kalimatihi ALLAH, is free from imperfection & I begin with HIS praise, as many times as the number of HIS creatures, in accordance with HIS Good Pleasure, equal to the weight of HIS Throne & equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words [for HIS Praise] (Muslim)
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*Please join my WhatsApp Channel:* Almost Time for Esha Salaah إن شاء الله E)6:57 S)5:39-Bloemfontein E)7:07 S)6:16-Cape Town E)6:37 S)5:21-Durban E)6:54 S)5:28-Johannesburg E)7:03 S)5:45-Kimberley E)7:04 S)5:37-Mafikeng E)6:48 S)5:22-Middelburg E)6:43 S)5:16-Nelspruit E)6:44 S)5:23-Newcastle E)6:40 S)5:23-Pietermaritzburg E)6:51 S)5:20-Polokwane E)6:54 S)5:48-Port Elizabeth E)6:38 S)5:24-Port Shepstone E)6:53 S)5:27-Pretoria E)6:57 S)5:31-Rustenburg E = Esha Begins S = Sehri & Tahajjud Ends Note Fajr Begins 5min after Sehri Ends, make intention for Fajr & set your alarm إن شاء الله Esha: 4 Rakaats Sunaat-e-Ghair Muakidah 4 Rakaats Fardh 2 Rakaats Sunaat-e-Muakidah 2 Rakaats Nafil 2 Rakaats Nafil 3 Rakaats Witr For a full list of towns in South Africa please click the link below Evening Duas *Thought For This Evening* Verily the life of man is in the life of his heart and his soul. And there is no life in the heart except by knowing its creator, having love for HIM, worshipping HIM solely, turning to HIM in times of need, and seeking tranquillity with HIS remembrance. And he who loses this life has lost all good. Even if he attempts to substitute (this loss) with all that is in the world. For verily not even all of the world together would be able to replace this life. And verily for everything that a slave loses there is a substitute, but the one who loses ALLAH (سبحانه وتعالى) will never find anything to replace HIM. *- Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (رحمه الله)* *[Ad-Da'a wad-Dawa'a, pg. 49]* *Please perform your Esha Salaah early, the later it gets the more difficult it is to perform and please perform ALL your Sunnats*
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Salaah Reminder | WhatsApp Channel

Salaah Reminder WhatsApp Channel. As Salaamu Alaikum this is SA Salaah Reminder and I will be posting inspirational messages and duas. To be added to a group, please message me on +27823456793, also by adding my number and providing me with your number you will be able to view my statuses. 162 followers

Almost Time for Maghrib Salaah إن شاء الله 5:36-Bloemfontein 5:57-Cape Town 5:16-Durban 5:35-Johannesburg 5:43-Kimberley 5:45-Mafikeng 5:30-Middelburg 5:25-Nelspruit 5:24-Newcastle 5:19-Pietermaritzburg 5:34-Polokwane 5:28-Port Elizabeth 5:16-Port Shepstone 5:35-Pretoria 5:39-Rustenburg Maghrib: 3 Rakaats Fardh 2 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Muakidah 2 Rakaats Nafil For a full list of towns in South Africa please click the link below Evening Duas *ENCOURAGEMENT TO HASTEN TO PERFORM GOOD DEEDS* ALLĀH says, *فَاسْتَبِقُوا الخَيْرَاتِ* *So hasten to do good deeds.* that is, hasten to do them properly. *"Good deeds"* include every deed that is obligatory or recommended, whether it pertains to the rights of ALLĀH or those of HIS slaves. The one who does them is not regarded as being ahead of others unless he does two things: hastening to do the good deed, making the most of the opportunity when the time for it comes and it is due, and striving hard to do it properly as enjoined. This verse indicates that the individual should hasten to offer the prayer and do other deeds when the time for them begins, and that he should not limit himself only to that which makes the deed acceptable in the case of prayer and other obligatory acts of worship; rather he should strive to do whatever he is able to of all actions that are recommended, so as to complete and perfect his deeds and attain the position of being ahead of others. *{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}* Abu Hurairah (May ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH said, *"Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions."* *Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion, or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or a disease which will disable you, or senility which will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death which will take you all of a sudden, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected, or the Hour; and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter.''* *{Sunan at-Tirmidhī #2306}* Umar ibn al-Khattab (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: *The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) ordered us to give charity and at the time I had some wealth. I said to myself, “Today I will outdo Abu Bakr (may ALLĀH be pleased with him), if ever there were a day to outdo him.” I went with half of my wealth to the Prophet and he said, “What have you left for your family?” I said, “The same amount.” Then, Abu Bakr came with everything he had. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “O Abu Bakr, what have you left for your family?” Abu Bakr said, “ALLĀH and his messenger.” I said, “By ALLĀH, I will never do better than Abu Bakr.”* *{Sunan al-Tirmidhī #3675}* The former hadith indicates hastening to do good deed before one becomes incapacitated, while the later indicates hastening to surpass others in doing good. Both meanings are indicated by the verse.
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

Almost Time for Asr Salaah إن شاء الله S)3:14 H)3:57-Bloemfontein S)3:35 H)4:16-Cape Town S)2:53 H)3:36-Durban S)3:12 H)3:56-Johannesburg S)3:21 H)4:03-Kimberley S)3:22 H)4:06-Mafikeng S)3:07 H)3:51-Middelburg S)3:02 H)3:46-Nelspruit S)3:02 H)3:45-Newcastle S)2:57 H)3:39-Pietermaritzburg S)3:11 H)3:55-Polokwane S)3:07 H)3:47-Port Elizabeth S)2:54 H)3:36-Port Shepstone S)3:12 H)3:56-Pretoria S)3:16 H)4:00-Rustenburg S = Shafee Earliest Time for Asr H = Hanifi Earliest Time for Asr Asr Salaah: 4 Rakaats Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakidah 4 Rakaats Fardh For a full list of towns in South Africa please click the link below Evening Duas If your love for someone makes you far from ALLAH....Leave him If your love for someone makes you neglect your obligations as a human being....Let go forever Because, true love will not make you forget your obligations as a human. Because true love always brings us closer to the Creator ALLAH the Almighty.
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SA Salaah Reminder

Salaah Times | Prayer Times for South Africa..Ensuring the Ummah is on time & informed.

اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.