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Tapping the sign.
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Repost from AFL Solicitors
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During the course of the last 4years Meta together with anonymous and faceless paid opinion writers have sought to deny, restrict, censor vital public health information from being published to the community. Doctors, lawyers, politicians and scientists were censored so they could conspire to push mRNA experimental drugs on the population leading to gross violations of civil and human rights! Of particular concern is the censorship of science, medicine, politics and law (to name a few). Many citizens have been injured, died or permanently disabled as a result of social media companies engaging in a course of conduct to conceal evidence and stifle scientific evidence reaching the community. Please like, share and comment if you agree. #holdtheline This is about objective truth not a censored altered and manipulated narrative to support the dissemination of misleading claims about safety and efficacy of a vaccine in clinical trial to boost sales.
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Seeing the spiritual war in real time is truely amazing. If you’re someone who has always found it difficult to believe in the spiritual things and it’s prevent you from believing let me show you one instance here that makes it really easy to “see” the invisible. I posted the open letter above, on the 22nd June Aus time, that was in condemnation of the false teaching that Christian’s are under the law of Moses. On the 22nd June US time it was revealed Louisiana would require the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools. Below is my response to someone celebrating the event and condemning a Jewish take over that they claim took Christianity out of our culture. So, in effect they’re putting us under Jewish law while condemning Jews for doing the same thing. ~~~~~~~~~ And it’s sin for us to put ourselves under Jewish law, the law of Moses, which the Ten Commandments are a part. As Christian’s the law is meant to be written into our hearts when we’re born again and baptised by the Holy Spirit in faith, otherwise we risk condemning ourselves to be put back under the entire 613 laws of the Torah which for sinners like every man walking in reliance on flesh not faith is to death. Jesus said: Matthew 11:30 (KJV 1900): 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. And here is our entire burden of written law from the New Testament : Acts 15:28–29 (KJV 1900): 28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; 29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. It would do Christian’s well to read and understand the bible, especially those who wish to teach the world, so as not to make false teachers of themselves and dead souls of their followers. The entire passage in Acts 15 explains everything I’ve just said in great detail. Do I agree that Christianity should be part of education in the schools of nations formed of the basis of Christian roots, like the US? Yes. But let’s get it right. ~~~~~ And so we see, I put forward the truth about people falling from grace, and in the spiritual battle, Satan used ignorant people to magnify the fall using exactly the way I had highlighted with the truth.
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Seeing the spiritual war in real time is truely amazing. If you’re someone who has always found it difficult to believe in the spiritual things and it’s prevent you from believing let me show you one instance here that makes it really easy to “see” the invisible. I posted the open letter above, on the 22nd June Aus time, that was in condemnation of the false teaching that Christian’s are under the law of Moses. On the 22nd June US time it was revealed Louisiana would require the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools. Below is my response to someone celebrating the event and condemning a Jewish take over that they claim took Christianity out of our culture. So, in effect they’re putting us under Jewish law while condemning Jews for doing the same thing. ~~~~~~~~~ And it’s sin for us to put ourselves under Jewish law, the law of Moses, which the Ten Commandments are a part. As Christian’s the law is meant to be written into our hearts when we’re born again and baptised by the Holy Spirit in faith, otherwise we risk condemning ourselves to be put back under the entire 613 laws of the Torah which for sinners like every man walking in reliance on flesh not faith is to death. Jesus said: Matthew 11:30 (KJV 1900): 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. And here is our entire burden of written law from the New Testament : Acts 15:28–29 (KJV 1900): 28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; 29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. It would do Christian’s well to read and understand the bible, especially those who wish to teach the world, so as not to make false teachers of themselves and dead souls of their followers. The entire passage in Acts 15 explains everything I’ve just said in great detail. Do I agree that Christianity should be part of education in the schools of nations formed of the basis of Christian roots, like the US? Yes. But let’s get it right. ~~~~~~~~~ And so we see, I put forward the truth about people falling from grace, and in the spiritual battle, Satan used ignorant people to magnify the fall using exactly the way I had highlighted with the truth.
إظهار الكل...
This is what’s considered loving your brother, being selfless, and causes freedom from sin and a way that denies fear of death because by faith we believe the promise of eternal life in the new body of the Spirit. It’s the same state of mind the diggers embraced when they went to war to give their lives so we would be free from the tyranny of evil rulers, and in order to secure our God given freedoms. The way of brotherly love uses the body of flesh, that is already under the curse of death and decay because of sin, to do good, by denying the selfish desire of the flesh to cling to life in its corrupted, condemned and cursed state of sin and death in exchange for a perfect, incorruptible body of the Spirit because it’s given and empowered by the ultimate authority and it lives on forever. It’s not your fault you don’t understand any of this, the Pharisees or the religious leaders of today have hidden knowledge of the truth for the most part and this is why Jesus never taught a doctrine of religion or law. Jesus came to free us, the gentile nations (any nation that’s not Israel) and any Jew who wants to believe, from sin in a different way, in a way that asks us to believe the Spirit of Truth will change us to become good people and acceptable before God by simply loving him. Because, when you love someone you want to please them, make them smile when they see you and have them love you in kind. Which is another confusion the churches have created using the words “repent or repentance” which they use in the same way as the accuser, or Satan, to make people feel guilt and shame. If the truth were known, repent in translation from its original meaning simply means “return”, return from where you have walked away from God, into the the shadows of guilt and shame in sin, turn around and start walking back toward the light, walk along the path following Gods light, following His way to do what’s selfless and good. Finally, when you spoke, you talked about our nation, Australia as though you had some authority to speak for all of us. If you knew anything about the word of God you would also understand that the Lords judgment is against nations not individuals. Being a believer, means I believe this statement from The Word, so your declaration of the Australian nation as secularists, in my mind, would condemn us to the worst type of wrath from God in anger at our betrayal, anger at the rejection of Him and insult of not accepting His offer of kindness, mercy and eternal life. A judgment that again condemns us to the eternal death. So, to you I say no. No you don’t get to speak for me as a Christian woman first. No, you don’t get to speak for me as an Australian. And no, you don’t get to dictate to this nation about the greatness of morality using simple ethics because you simply don’t want spend time getting to know the goodness of God. No, you don’t get to condemn me or my nation with your accusation that stems from a now defunct law, which, like dictators, uses force to have people love God when all I have to do to be free from condemnation, free from doing evil and free to have eternal goodness is to believe in a God that loves us. 2/2
إظهار الكل...
An open letter to Amanda Keller of Jonesy and Amanda on Sydney’s WSFM 101.7 radio broadcast. Yesterday I heard you, @JonesyandAmanda (Amanda specifically) discussing the concept of spiritual morality versus ethics. I was disturbed by the false teachings you referenced when you addressed the doctrines and beliefs of Christianity. First, I just want to say as a 62 year old and my senior it should be you, teaching me not the other way around. But having said that, its blatantly obvious, my spiritual maturity far exceeds your own so you can consider this an opportunity to be guided in godly things by your female elder even though in years of life on the earth I am your junior… You suggested Australia is for the majority a secular nation based on a recent poll. I’m not sure how well educated you are on determining weight to give to truth in statistics but having studied the topic of statistics myself I can tell you that your information is coming from an unreliable source. Polls are rarely representative of the population at large and more likely to be results that don’t offer information which can be widely generalised or to determine the truth. So, here are some more reliable stats for you - according to the latest census Christian’s make up 44% of the Australian population while atheists or secularists make up 39% of the population with the remaining 17% believing “other”, various, faith denominations. Immediately we see that your assumption based on a poll that the majority of Australians are secularists is incorrect having a total of 61% of Australians believing in divinity or the spiritual. Next you stated that Christian’s base their morality on the Ten Commandments. At this point I’m certain I can make the assumption that you have very little knowledge of the truth, in particular as it relates to Christianity. For, if you are a follower of Christ, you are not under the law of Moses, which the 10 commandments are, and which you referenced as the tool of Christian morality. Jesus was crucified to put an end to Jewish law, by fulfilling it, by living in perfect obedience to it. However, I’m pretty sure I could also assume you’ve never been a Jew. The reason for ending the law is because under the law, which is 613 laws btw, not just 10 commandments, all of us would be condemned to death because if you break one law it’s considered you should die for being a “sinner”. Instead, we Christian’s, rely on the Grace of God, the Holy Spirit that became available to us with the resurrection of Christ, to enter our hearts to teach us how to be obedient to what’s good and reject what’s evil by believing in Christ and following in his way. I certainly don’t want to put myself back under Jewish law, as a sinner, like everyone else, I’d definitely be condemned to death. Even more offensively to Christian’s, you used the law of “have no other God before me” as an example of why we don’t need to follow God for morality. However, Gods morality, is the highest standard, for, Gods morality is unchanging and stable, being written and securely recorded, it can never fall down a slippery slope to chaos and confusion as it’s not relying on nothing other than the whim of a humans current want or desire. For example, human ethics might say it’s ethical to steal or commit a crime if it’s to save a dying persons life. While Gods moral ethic would say it’s better for the dying person to give their life to save someone’s soul than it is to have them steal or commit a crime that corrupts the soul and puts them in jeopardy of being accused and made to feel guilt and shame and this would, in effect, save two souls. 1/2
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👍 1
The way of brotherly love uses the body of flesh, that is already under the curse of death and decay because of sin, to do good, by denying the selfish desire of the flesh to cling to life in its corrupted, condemned and cursed state of sin and death in exchange for a perfect, incorruptible body of the Spirit because it’s given and empowered by the ultimate authority and it lives on forever. It’s not your fault you don’t understand any of this, the Pharisees or the religious leaders of today have hidden knowledge of the truth for the most part and this is why Jesus never taught a doctrine of religion or law. Jesus came to free us, the gentile nations (any nation that’s not Israel) and any Jew who wants to believe, from sin in a different way, in a way that asks us to believe the Spirit of Truth will change us to become good people and acceptable before God by simply loving him. Because, when you love someone you want to please them, make them smile when they see you and have them love you in kind. Which is another confusion the churches have created using the words “repent or repentance” which they use in the same way as the accuser, or Satan, to make people feel guilt and shame. If the truth were known, repent in translation from its original meaning simply means “return”, return from where you have walked away from God, into the the shadows of guilt and shame in sin, turn around and start walking back toward the light, walk along the path following Gods light, following His way to do what’s selfless and good. Finally, when you spoke, you talked about our nation, Australia as though you had some authority to speak for all of us. If you knew anything about the word of God you would also understand that the Lords judgment is against nations not individuals. Being a believer, means I believe this statement from The Word, so your declaration of the Australian nation as secularists, in my mind, would condemn us to the worst type of wrath from God in anger at our betrayal, anger at the rejection of Him and insult of not accepting His offer of kindness, mercy and eternal life. A judgment that again condemns us to the eternal death. So, to you I say no. No you don’t get to speak for me as a Christian woman first. No, you don’t get to speak for me as an Australian. And no, you don’t get to dictate to this nation about the greatness of morality using simple ethics because you simply don’t want spend time getting to know the goodness of God. No, you don’t get to condemn me or my nation with your accusation that stems from a now defunct law, which, like dictators, uses force to have people love God when all I have to do to be free from condemnation, free from doing evil and free to have eternal goodness is to believe in a God that loves us.
إظهار الكل...
An open letter to Amanda Keller of Jonesy and Amanda on Sydney’s WSFM 101.7 radio broadcast. Yesterday morning I heard you, @JonesyandAmanda (Amanda specifically) discussing the concept of spiritual morality versus ethics. I was particularly disturbed by the false teachings you referenced when you addressed the doctrines and beliefs of Christianity. First, I just want to say as a 62 year old and my senior it should be you, Amanda, teaching me not the other way around. But having said that, its blatantly obvious, my spiritual maturity far exceeds your own so you can consider this an opportunity to be guided in godly things by your female elder even though in years of life on the earth I am your junior… You suggested Australia is for the majority a secular nation based on a recent poll. I’m not sure how well educated you are on determining how much weight to give to statistics but having studied the topic of statistics myself I can tell you that your information is coming from an unreliable source. Polls are rarely representative of the population at large and more likely to be results that don’t offer information which can be widely generalised or to determine the truth. So, here are some more reliable stats for you - according to the latest census results Christian’s make up 44% of the Australian population while atheists or secularists make up 39% of the population with the remaining 17% coming from “other”, various, religious denominations. Immediately we see that your assumption based on a poll that the majority of Australians are secularists is incorrect having a total of 61% believing in divinity or the spiritual. Next you stated that Christian’s base their morality on the Ten Commandments. At this point I’m fairly certain I can make the assumption about you, that you have very little knowledge of the truth, in particular as it relates to Christianity. For, if you are a follower of Christ, there is no law of Moses, which the 10 commandments are, and that you referenced as the tool for Christian morality. Jesus was crucified to put an end to Jewish law, by fulfilling it, by living in perfect obedience to it. However, I’m pretty sure I could also assume you’ve never been a Jew. The reason for ending the law is because under the law, which is 613 laws by the way, not just 10 commandments of Moses, all of us would be condemned to death because if you break one law it’s considered you should die for being a “sinner”. Instead, we Christian’s rely on the Grace of God, the Holy Spirit that became available to us with the resurrection of Christ, to enter our hearts to teach us how to be obedient to what’s good and reject what’s evil by believing in Christ and following in his way. I certainly don’t want to put myself back under Jewish law, as a sinner, like everyone else, I’d definitely be condemned to death. Even more offensively to Christian’s is the fact that you used the law of “have no other God before me” as an example of why we don’t need to follow God for morality. However, Gods morality, is the highest standard humanity could wish for as Gods morality is unchanging and stable, being written and secure, never falling down a slippery slope to chaos and confusion by reference to nothing other than the whim of a humans current want or desire. For example, human ethics might say it’s ethical to steal or commit a crime if it’s to save a dying persons life. While Gods moral ethic would say it’s better for the dying person to give their life to save someone’s soul than it is to have them steal or commit a crime that corrupts the soul and puts them in jeopardy of being accused and made to feel guilt and shame. This is what’s considered loving your brother, being selfless, and causes freedom from sin and a way that denies fear of death because by faith we believe the promise of eternal life in the new body of the Spirit. It’s the same state of mind the diggers embraced when they went to war to give their lives so we would be free from the tyranny of evil rulers, and in order to secure our God given freedoms.
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Repost from GEORGENEWS
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Senior VP at Disney: "There's no way we're hiring a white male" STOP supporting these companies that HATE you! #BoycottDisney
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تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.