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+117 أيام
+3130 أيام

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This week on the New World Next Week: the Big Tech technocrats conspire to throw themselves and their AI godhood into the government brier patch; some rough Bilderberg beast slouches toward Madrid to be born; and the lamest show on earth hypes up the least important (s)election of your lifetime. via The Corbett Report
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👍 6🔥 5
Everyone has heard of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. But everything you have heard about the so-called "hundred days" is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie. via The Corbett Report
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👍 13💯 4👏 3😱 2 1🤔 1
So, what is the Fed's "Doomsday Book," how do you read it, and what does it tell us about the nature of the Fed's self-declared emergency powers? via The Corbett Report
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👍 9🔥 5👎 1
This week on the New World Next Week: questions swirl after the downing of the Iranian president's helicopter; the World Health Organization prepare to meet in Geneva to vote on the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments; and Schwab steps down as WEF executive director. via The Corbett Report
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👍 14 5
Joining us today is Aaron Day, a liberty activist who hasn't used fiat currency since 2019. via The Corbett Report
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👍 8 5
Corbett Report member pkadams contributes a Question For Corbett to the May Open Thread: Did Larry Fink save the dollar? via The Corbett Report
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👍 11👏 1
The idea of an international rule of law appeals to our innate sense of justice, but the most horrific plans are often cloaked in the most beautiful lies. . . . via The Corbett Report
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👍 21💯 4
This week on the New World Next Week: Macron pushes EU banking mergers . . . when it benefits France; AI blames HAARP for the aurora display last week; and a woman lives in a supermarket sign for a year. via The Corbett Report
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👍 15
The International Criminal Court is supposedly mulling war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking Israeli political and military officials. But what reason could they possibly have for charging Netanyahu with war crimes? via The Corbett Report
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👍 18🤔 10🔥 1👏 1
Whatever happened to the World Economic Forum? One minute they were everywhere in the media and now they have all but disappeared from public discourse. via The Corbett Report
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👍 30🔥 4👏 1