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The Bruce is Loose

Israel? Sounds like an ugly girl. Martin Heidegger was a character I played on TV. TV is over

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مشاركات الإعلانات
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لا توجد بيانات7 أيام
-1230 أيام

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معدل نمو المشترك

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Had a chat recently with some normies about the migrant hotels going up in my area. They brought it up. One of them had her car totaled by an illegal alien. They were mad as hell about it. What was heartening about it, was that none of them said the solution was Trump, GOP or conservatives. But they did want them sent back. Also kinda funny was that there was Jew there he looked really uncomfortable the whole time they talked. It looked like at one point he was going to say something, but he held his tongue. Needless to say, it’s a very good sign.
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So people demanded that Elon keep his promise about free speech on Twitter. So he decided to rename it to X like SpaceX and tweets to X’s. See guys, that’s winning. There is no Twitter anymore! Sarcasm of course. It still has the same Jewish infinite scroll like button dopamine hits and censorship of REAL inconvenient voices. I’ll bet we’ll see conservatives ardently defending X now. Maybe they’ll even mock liberals for “deadnaming Twitter” and the whole thing will probably turn into a Finklefight. I say probably because I don’t care enough to check. The whole reason I heard of the name change was some sports drivebys complaining about it on the radio.
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(((Barbie))) played a big role in the post WW2 conversion of America into a consumer republic.
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The Jewish Story of Barbie’s Inventor, Ruth Handler

Ruth Handler, the Jewish inventor of Barbie, was watching her daughter Barbara one day. Like so many little girls across the world, Barbara was using paper dolls to play an elaborate game of pretending to be a grown up. It was that moment — and an encounter with a gag doll of a prostitute on […]

LMAO found out Tory Deputy leader is Melissa Lantsman—a Jewish lesbian. Conservatism is soooo dead.
إظهار الكل... Naturally this program is being carried out under Doug Ford’s Conservative government! We heard so much about the persecution of truckers during Covid and their justified protests. But where are the protests for this? You won’t find them. In case anyone thought this was just a renegade thing, Pierre Poilievre is Federal Tory Opposition leader. Where is he opposing this? Not happening. They have pivoted to appealing to “visible minorities” in the 905 just as the GOP has to Mexicans and Indians in Sun Belt suburbs. That’s because this is the official position of Conservatism in Canada. Canadian social policy is often thought of as a more accelerated, degenerated form of American policy. White Canadians often feel the worst effects of Judeo American ideology prior to many heartland Americans. As such it’s only a matter of time before Republicans in America will be just as open and explicit about their implicit anti-Whiteness as the PCs in Ontario are currently. Right now, they stick to denying Whites welfare and rhetorical attacks on “White liberals” (along with unabashed philosemitism). But it won’t be long until replacement diversity is their expressed stated policy as well despite the milquetoast Harvard ruling delaying things for a little. When their Jew donors force conservatives to openly declare war on Whites, I think it’s over for them. They wouldn’t win.
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I find myself just as at home chanting “Death to America!” as I would “USA! USA!” That is the true duality of American nationalism. There is something to be said for both. On the one hand we seek to desperately rescue a nation in crisis to bring it back to glorious past. And yet we also have reason to be skeptical of the “glorious” past and thus must look forward—letting go of before. Some say we ought to merely think of ourselves as transplanted Europeans and ignore the paradox of American nationalism. It seems to me we ought to be all three at once. America positive, America negative and unapologetically European. Our unique history has produced a pragmatic minded in people as D’Tocqueville and John Dewey saw and so we see from experience. Perhaps that paradox cannot be solved, but maybe it doesn’t need to be. It can lie as it is—part of each of us to one degree or another in our orientation on the American question. I think we ought to respect those differences.
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Repost from Stonetoss
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
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Kai Winn was basically the Hillary Clinton of Deep Space 9 if you think about it.
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Currently listening to the James Lindsay podcast. If I never post again, you can assume I’ve died of boredom. I’m only halfway through the episode but I’m taking a break to watch some grass grow. I figured I needed some excitement. I am currently listening to an explanation for how Antonio Gramsci and Hegel are responsible for “wokeness” but Jews bear absolutely no blame. 🥱
إظهار الكل... Internet retards: bUt njP iS aNti-cAtHoLiC Actual Catholics don’t see it that way. Internet retards once again take an L. IRL people once again take a W.
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New York NJP 🗽

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