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Comment if you can see my channel. Getting reports that my channel is banned
إظهار الكل...
Leave a comment if you can see this post. Testing to see if my channel is banned.
إظهار الكل...
I guess it was just niggers being niggers on the subway near the Pentagon.
إظهار الكل...
🚨 Hearing reports of a shooting at the Pentagon. 🚨
إظهار الكل...
Always push to make yourself more interesting. Being a predictable person is unattractive. Don't be so open about everything and try to leave an air of mystery about your persona. Speak only when it matters. Sometimes silence IS louder than words.
إظهار الكل...
Always push to make yourself more interesting. Being a predictable person is unattractive. Don't be so open about everything and try to leave an air of mystery about your persona. Speak only when it matters. Sometimes silence IS louder than words.
إظهار الكل...
Say what you want about the Olympics but whites are absolutely dominating blacks this year.
إظهار الكل...
Say what you want about the Olympics but whites are dominating blacks this year.
إظهار الكل...