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Complex Systems Studies

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Science Communication in Network Science, Abbas K. Rizi I’m a Network Epidemiologist who moonlights as a science writer for the public. I mainly contribute to science communication as the editor-in-chief of (FA). Using my experiences, both in science writing and as a TA of different courses, I will reflect on the situation of science communication in the network science community. I’ll discuss the opportunities and materials severely lacking at all levels, such as the educational material for grad students and laypeople. 🎞 ---------------------------------------------- @sitpor | #سیتپـــــور به خاطر روایتگری در علم
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Science Communication in Network Science Community, Abbas K. Rizi

I’m a Network Epidemiologist who moonlights as a science writer for the public. I mainly contribute to science communication as the editor-in-chief of (FA). Using my experiences, both in science writing and as a TA of different courses, I will reflect on the situation of science communication in the network science community. I’ll discuss the opportunities and materials severely lacking at all levels, such as the educational material for grad students and laypeople.

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The Enduring Mystery of How Water Freezes Making ice requires more than subzero temperatures. The unpredictable process takes microscopic scaffolding, random jiggling and often a little bit of bacteria.
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The Enduring Mystery of How Water Freezes | Quanta Magazine

Making ice requires more than subzero temperatures. The unpredictable process takes microscopic scaffolding, random jiggling and often a little bit of bacteria.

👍 3
Second Chance: Unorthodox but Personally Effective Explanations in Probability and Physics (Advanced undergraduate/early graduate level thermodynamics/statistical/quantum physics, with supplements on the mathematics required.) Blake C. Stacey
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إظهار الكل...
PhD position on Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning Theory - Looking for a job that matters?

Current statistical methodology still reflects the use-context of its first development in the 1920s: methods assume that researchers make all important analysis choices before gathering the data. In modern data science age, however, data-driven paradigms…

إظهار الكل...
Peter Latham: Introduction to Neuroscience

Lecture from the summer school on mathematical methods in computational neuroscience at the Fred Kavli Science Center, Eresfjord. Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim.

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Matteo Marsili: Beyond pairwise models in statistical inference
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Matteo Marsili: Beyond pairwise models in statistical inference

Lecture from the summer school on mathematical methods in computational neuroscience at the Fred Kavli Science Center, Eresfjord. Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim.

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#postdoc in the Department of Biostatistics at Harvard! This position involves developing statistical methods, data analytic tools, and mathematical models for analyzing smartphone data collected in biomedical research cohorts.
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A First Course in Monte Carlo Methods This is a concise mathematical introduction to Monte Carlo methods, a rich family of algorithms with far-reaching applications in science and engineering. Monte Carlo methods are an exciting subject for mathematical statisticians and computational and applied mathematicians: the design and analysis of modern algorithms are rooted in a broad mathematical toolbox that includes ergodic theory of Markov chains, Hamiltonian dynamical systems, transport maps, stochastic differential equations, information theory, optimization, Riemannian geometry, and gradient flows, among many others. These lecture notes celebrate the breadth of mathematical ideas that have led to tangible advancements in Monte Carlo methods and their applications. To accommodate a diverse audience, the level of mathematical rigor varies from chapter to chapter, giving only an intuitive treatment to the most technically demanding subjects. The aim is not to be comprehensive or encyclopedic, but rather to illustrate some key principles in the design and analysis of Monte Carlo methods through a carefully-crafted choice of topics that emphasizes timeless over timely ideas. Algorithms are presented in a way that is conducive to conceptual understanding and mathematical analysis -- clarity and intuition are favored over state-of-the-art implementations that are harder to comprehend or rely on ad-hoc heuristics. To help readers navigate the expansive landscape of Monte Carlo methods, each algorithm is accompanied by a summary of its pros and cons, and by a discussion of the type of problems for which they are most useful. The presentation is self-contained, and therefore adequate for self-guided learning or as a teaching resource. Each chapter contains a section with bibliographic remarks that will be useful for those interested in conducting research on Monte Carlo methods and their applications.
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A First Course in Monte Carlo Methods

This is a concise mathematical introduction to Monte Carlo methods, a rich family of algorithms with far-reaching applications in science and engineering. Monte Carlo methods are an exciting...

👍 8
The Future of Scientific Computing: A Global Perspective Leading scientists, policymakers, and industry experts from around the world will gather at ICTP's International Symposium to discuss the opportunities offered by scientific computing in tackling key scientific challenges, with a global perspective. The symposium will explore how artificial intelligence, high-performance computing and recent advancements in quantum computing will impact the scientific discovery process across scientific fields, including climate science, molecular chemistry, and materials science. Reflecting ICTP's core mission, the symposium will emphasize a global and inclusive approach that can address the needs of scientific communities working in the world's less developed regions. The symposium is part of ICTP's 60th anniversary celebrations taking place throughout 2024, culminating in a high-level event in November 2024. Outcomes of the symposium will be presented and discussed during a panel session at this November event.
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The Future of Scientific Computing: A Global Perspective | (smr 4028)

Leading scientists, policymakers, and industry experts from around the world will gather at ICTP's International Symposium to discuss the opportunities offered by scientific computing in tackling key scientific challenges, with a global perspective. The symposium will explore how artificial intelligence, high-performance computing and recent advancements in quantum computing will impact the scientific discovery process across scientific fields, including climate science, molecular chemistry, and materials science. Reflecting ICTP's core mission, the symposium will emphasize a global and inclusive approach that can address the needs of scientific communities working in the world's less developed regions. The symposium is part of ICTP's 60th anniversary celebrations taking place throughout 2024, culminating in a high-level event in November 2024. Outcomes of the symposium will be presented and discussed during a panel session at this November event.

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#PhD TA position in algorithms for complex networks at Eindhoven University of Technology. The position is for 5 years with 25% in teaching. Application dead-line June 16.
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PhD TA on Algorithms for complex networks

The TU/e is constantly looking for scientific and non-scientific staff further its ambitions. View here our current vacancies.

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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.