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Praying Medic

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Email Testimony Thank you Lord! Dave prayed for my shoulder 6 months ago. After he prayed for me, I went and had another test done and the Dr. said there was considerable healing that took place in 10 days! and that I only had a partial tear when the previous test showed a complete tear in my supraspinatus. They wanted to do shoulder surgery, 4 anchors and wire! 6-8 month painful recovery.... I opted for prayers and prp... I just had my 6 mo check up and the ultrasound imaging showed a completely in tact supraspinatus!! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Dave for your faith and all you do in the name of our savior! Best Regards and many blessings, and a heart-felt thanks for your prayers πŸ™ Karen Reda
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Email Testimony First of all, I want to thank you and tell you what a gift you are to the body of Christ, and to me personally. You are deeply appreciated! Now for the testimony.... A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night to my fire alarm telling me that it needed new batteries. I was pretty disoriented, but after I dealt with the problem, I had noted that I was having a very heated, emotional dream about my late husband. He has been gone for some fifteen years and I remarried for many years ago. This is not a normal part of my life now. In the dream, he was being very emotionally abusive and twisting scripture to excuse his behavior, just like he did in life. As I thought about it, I could feel the abandonment, and though I have done a ton of work already, I thought the timing of this dream was probably no accident. I sat down and tried to go to the root of those feelings, but couldn't, so I just brought that feeling to Jesus and went through the steps you teach. soon, I could identify deeper layers. Afterward, the feelings were more like I could go to them, but they were on the outside, not in my soul. Thank you Dave and most of all thank you Jesus for the freedom you so freely offer to us! Blessings! Kathy
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Email Testimony From: Sean Thank you for your telegram channel. I have followed you on rumble since 2019, I have been healed of not being able to sleep for over 10 years without melatonin and other supplements. God has done it! I have answered his call and am writing a book he has asked me to write as a testimony about so much healing ( emotional/physical) I have received. I read your book on emotional healing and it is happening. I have joy instead of heaviness and bitterness. Thank you for your prayers for my book and whatever job God has for me going forward. Thank you
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I had a torn rotator cuff in both shoulders and a torn ligament in one shoulder The lord healed me through Dave’s healing prayers. I also was healed from herniated discs in my back. I had a very bad car wreck in my 20’s. I was healed recently in my 60’s. Thank you Abba father and thank you Dave.
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Praise report!!! Several years ago I injured my right rotator cuff. As I am aging, I am getting arthritis. Yesterday, I had to clean a piece of furniture and the constant motion from the steamer, in conjunction with the incoming storm, I had some serious pain last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and listened to Praying Medic's prayer for women. I believe several issues were healed last night. I woke up this morning with only an isolated pain (about an 8 on the pain scale), I was talking to my husband and placed my hand over the injured part and commanded the arthritis to leave ... AND IT DID!!!! The pain was immediately gone, full range of motion, no pain! My husband is 70 and has bad knees, especially his right one. I immediately prayed over that knee to be healed, calling out the joint, muscles and tendons. My palms were on fire. It was truly amazing. I made him promise to let me know if ANY type of pain occurs. We serve an awesome God and thank you Praying Medic for showing us the path. Thank you!
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Email Testimony Hi Dave, Back in 2021, my dog Munroe had an oral malignant melanoma and I asked you to pray for him. I just got the results of his bloodwork and he’s looking to be in very good health! (He’s now 12 years old!) I asked my vet if this was usual and she said it was definitely not. Most dogs begin to decline after a year. I give all credit to Father God and to you for following your calling. With all my heart, I thank you so much. Jackie
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In this interview with Up Front in The Prophetic, I discuss how to trust God's plan in a time of chaos.
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Email Testimony Dear Dave On April 13, I had a really bad fall and fractured my femur just below the hip, and had to have emergency surgery to put 3 screws in. I also fractured my elbow. While in the hospital, I listened to your nervous system healing video many times, as it brought me a profound state of calmness. When you say in the Video; I command the fracture on the femur to heal. I imagined 2 bars of white light on either side of the fracture coming together and fusing the fracture shut, I did this with deep gratitude knowing it would be done. A week and a half later when I went in to see the Dr. and have the stitches removed, he took X-rays. When he came into the exam room he looked at my husband and I and said in disbelief that he couldn't find the fracture anywhere on the X-ray, it wasn't there! So deepest gratitude to you as your healing tape helped me in so many ways. I also was just diagnosed with early stage Glaucoma and notice you also commanded the glaucoma to leave in the same video. I am asking you for prayers for a total cure. Thank you Debbie
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Supernatural Saturday - June 8, 2024
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Join us for Supernatural Saturday at 1 pm eastern in the main channel. Today, I'll answer questions from listeners.
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Email Testimony Dear Praying Medic First I must thank you for praying for me and all others that you so kindly help. I wanted to let you know that over the past two weeks, I have gone from intense pain and hardly able to walk, eat or sleep to now having much less pain and more of an ache than the dreadful stabbing pain and am able to eat normally also walking and sleeping are improving. I have an appointment on Tuesday to see the surgeon who operated on me eight years ago and am praying that all will be well and I will not need another operation. Please keep me in your prayers and I promise to keep you updated. Thank you for being such a kind, caring man and for helping so many people and may God guide and help you in all you do. Thank you Caroline
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Email Testimony Iβ€˜ve listened to your Prayer videos every night for a few months when I go to sleep and occasionally during the day when I take a power nap. I am listening to Prayer for Women and Prayer for Nervous System Healing. I have listened to all and they give much more than how you label them. The issues it has made a major impact on healing are; Healing Prayer for Tinnitus- A One-time Miracle. Left side Sinus Infection and Cold in the Left eye; There was no reason I should have gotten sick. It felt more like an energetic attack to stop me from preparing for a 4-day workshop I was co-facilitating. I used the Prayer for Tinnitus. Dealing with the ears was the closest thing to my list of symptoms plus a headache on my left temple and my left eyeball hurting. After lying down when I realized I was in a battle I listened to Your Prayer for Tinnitus. I listened twice and was down in deep sleep for two hours. When I woke all of the symptoms were completely gone! They stayed gone till the next evening. I was out and about and expended more energy than I should have. This opened a window for the demon sickness to revisit. I immediately listened to your Prayer for Tinnitus and once again all the demons that tried to invade me were banished once and for all. I had a healthy time to prepare and the workshop was great. Herbes outbreak on my derriere. Your prayers began stopping the blistering reaction to reducing a blister to a minor irritation vs an uncontrollable itch and healing within a day or two versus a week. A healthy diet plus staying away from white sugar also helped me. But it was your Praying videos that gave my body the directive to command the demon Herbes out of my sacred temple of self. Neuropathy A Neurologist verified both feet tested for neuropathy. My left foot, top and bottom, was progressively getting very numb, and painful. It was impossible to wear closed shoes versus sandals. My right foot was less affected. Listening to your healing videos for Nerve Repair and Reversing Nerves back to health, I felt my left foot start to have a more natural feeling, way less numbness and pain. What a relief. It was amazing to get out of bed and feel my feet without noting they hurt. I can wear my workout-closed shoes. I am continuing until I am 100% good to go. I am not buying into the AMA that only pharmaceuticals are the answer or there is no answer. In God’s world, we are to live healthy, happy, and vibrant. Rosacea on the Left side of my Face came out of nowhere. It started as a small red irritation over a few weeks. I did not think much about it until it got larger with dry skin peeling in the same spots. I realized this was a problem. That is when I started listening to your Prayers for women. Almost immediately, the next morning after listening that night, my face was not as irritated. Over the weeks the redness almost totally disappeared. And now it is gone altogether! Deep Dark Spots for years I’ve been developing them on both sides along my jawline and lower cheeks. I have used a good cream product for years to lessen the dark spots on my face. This helped to my relief. But my dark spots are very deep and darker than God intended my medium-light skin to be. Makeup did not cover the deep shadows of my skin. Dave, Your prayers lightened my whole face making my skin tone even and younger looking. Your prayers especially reduced the deep layers under the surface epidermal layer. I am continuing to listen to your Healing Prayers until it is 100%. As you say in every video, God wants us to receive His love. In Beauty & Strength Ina
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Email Testimony I emailed you recently to ask for prayer for my CPTSD and my nervous system (stuck in freeze/flight). Within a few minutes of you responding to me I felt a difference in my body. A sort of stirring ceased in my brain. It was very subtle, but definitely noticeable. The way I carry myself and interact with people has improved. I know that the bulk of the work I need is through EH and I continue peeling back that onion daily. But, your prayer gave me a boost that was much needed! Your EH method has become an essential part of my life. I cannot express how helpful it has been. Thank you and Denise for being obedient to the Lord and being so accessible! Blessings to you,
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Prophetic Thread If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
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Email Testimony Hi Dave, Yesterday I took the time to listen to your interview with Julie Ann Smith on Elijah Force. At the end, you did an exercise to ask the Holy Spirit to connect with us and give us a message. I closed my eyes and immediately saw a bag of flour. I thought, β€œWhat? That’s odd.” The image didn’t change so I knew it wasn’t my own mind. So I asked Holy Spirit what is that for? He instructed me to stop eating flour. Back story – I’ve been β€˜half trying’ to lose 40 pounds for 30 years. After I had my last child I gained weight through menopause and just never was super motivated to lose the weight. Over the past year or so, I did make an effort and lost about 15 pounds without too much discomfort. This past month I decided to really give it a go and after being in a calorie deficit for a month lost 1 pound. Frustrating – which is why I think I never stick with it. Anyway, I believe Holy Spirit wants me to give up flour to practice my self discipline muscle. (The other day I was reading something and the author said β€œdon’t grieve the Holy Spirit”. I thought, I’ve heard that a lot but I’m not sure I know exactly what that means. So I searched it on the internet and because of that reading, I understand now why I need to follow this word about flour.) Then you asked us to do it again – a second time. And this time the Holy Spirit showed me a tiny little cartoon mouse. Immediately I thought – that’s a new baby. Someone will be telling me about a new baby today. Fast forward a few hours later, my best friend sends me a sonogram of her son’s twins. I knew they were expecting but the twin was a big surprise to everyone. AMAZING!!!! THANK YOU for your teachings. I cannot even tell you how much it has helped me and my family/friends because I practice on them.
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Email Testimony From: Marty I was sitting in church this morning, May 12, and suddenly a very bad, embarrassing, humiliating memory from my past came to me. It's happened a few times before. As I sat quietly in my seat with unbelievable feelings of guilt and shame, it was brought to my remembrance of your videos that I have watched many times of healing of emotional wounds in our souls. So I started giving all of the feelings to God, asked Him to take them from me and heal the wounds in my soul. When I did that it literally felt like a weight lifted off of me. Praying the right way in the right time for the right things absolutely works! Praise God!
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Email Testimony Hi Praying Medic! Just wanted to update you about my friend, Rob, who needed a liver and you had prayed for him to receive a β€œnew” liver in 2022. We also prayed that Rob would supernaturally receive a β€œnew” liver from God’s warehouse in heaven or God would completely heal his existing liver. Three days after you prayed for Rob, his liver doctor told him that he needed a liver transplant soon because his liver was deteriorating quickly. Within 10 days Rob was notified that a β€œnew” liver (one that was appropriately sized for Rob’s body and was from a young man) was available for him! The fact that a liver was provided by God so quickly was a miracle in itself according to the liver doctor. And God provided Rob with an essentially β€œnew” liver! Rob is doing well in his recovery and is very grateful for his β€œnew” liver and gives all the glory to God. Thank you for praying for him!
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Going live with @MaryGrace to discuss the Trump Verdict
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Email Testimony Dear Dave, Several months ago I wrote you asking for prayer for a skin infection that I had for 2 + years. I listen to your videos every night and through the night as I sleep. One night during prayer God told me what to do for the infection. He told me to ask my doctor to prescribe a certain medicine, which she did. He instructed me to take 3 doses (1 and 2 refills), and l did. I also had a dermatologist appointment yesterday scheduled back in January, so I kept the appointment to make sure it had gone. She looked me over and said I had no more infection and wanted to know what kind of medicines I had taken. I told her all of the standard ones prescribed, but the one I had recently taken seemed to work, so she made a note of it. She scheduled me to come back for a checkup in 30 days to make sure it hadn't returned. I was so excited and thanked God profusely yesterday due to my gratitude and I want to thank you for your prayers and your praying videos! Patrice P.s.--God told me the miracle wasn't that particular medicine, but my obedience and my faith to trust Him that is the cure.
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Healing testimony: My husband injured his foot a couple of years ago when he jumped in the pool holding his legs together and splashing hard into it, like a human cannonball, while I watched in disbelief as he was doing this….lol…as he is no spring chicken, his foot hit the bottom and he injured it. At the ER all they did was give him crutches, didn’t even notice the bones were out of place. The bones healed funny where two bones were sticking out from under the skin, like bumps, making it painful to walk, one on the top part of the foot, the other on the side of it. You could see the bulges too. A few weeks ago he told me he might need to go to the doctor where they will need to reset the bones again so they will heal properly. I looked at him and asked if I could pray for him so that God could fix it without having to go through this painful process. He said yes. I held his foot in my hand and prayed healing over it. We also pray daily about healing and other things . Well yesterday, while I was in the kitchen, he called me… he said he felt the bones move into place and we also noticed the two bulges were gone. He was sitting in his recliner with his feet up when this happened. The pain is also gone and he can walk normal now. The Lord hears our prayers and acts on his own timeline. Praise the Lord!
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On May 1st I sent an email to PM asking for prayers for my son who has had MD since he was 17 yrs old. There is so much more to this story but PM responded he was praying for him. Here it is May 31st and even though I know this will take a while as he’s had this for 34 years, he is starting to show improvement in little ways. He is more active and alert now, coming out of his room more often and has a better relationship with God and Jesus. It’s these little things that are very encouraging after watching him for many years as he was falling into a pit of despair. Thank you PM for your steadfastness in the Lord, as I see his improvements. ❀️
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Email Testimony Hi Dave n prayer team! I'm happy to report that the Lord has answered our prayers. My left shoulder (rotator cuff) has been healing, and I'm about 90% better. My treatments continue (via my chiropractor), but through your healing prayers I'm declaring victory. Dave, thank you for praying for me. Blessings to you and family. Praise God!
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The other night I dreamed Donald Trump came in to a cathedral style church. Walked to the front and laid himself down on his stomach, face down, arms outstretched mirroring Jesus on the cross. He wasn't defeated. He did it purposefully. It was as if he was receiving strength from the cross.
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Please keep President Trump and his family in prayer.
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Email Testimony I just wanted to update you and thank you with all my heart for your powerful prayers. My blood sugar has been consistently going down!!! I haven’t seen numbers this good in a very long time! I feel so good both physically and emotionally. I’m overjoyed and believing the Lord will complete the good work He has started. Thank you! With gratitude, Maria Anderson
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The jury of Manhattanites have been dismissed from the courtroom to begin deliberations on the innocence or guilt of the leading candidate for President of the United States and the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump..
Judge Merchan tells the jury they will deliberate today until 4:30pm, on other days they may work later but it won’t be later than 6pm. The β€œHonorable Judge” is done with his instructions and he asks the lawyers to approach his bench.
Email Testimony From: Lynn I have a testimony about praying against bad weather. We were informed we were going to have tornadoes here in Tennessee. I began to decree and declare that nothing could happen near my property or my city and I continued to do that. I also prayed that the lightning would stop, and the thunder would not be allowed to not scared children. All of that happened and I was protected. I am attaching a visual of when there were tornadoes all around me but not in my area. If you look at the picture I am in the middles, Smack dab in the middle of one of those green areas and there was no damage in the area where I lived. But I learned to lesson. I didn't pray for the area South of me, and they were hit. It did not occur to me to pray for ALL of the towns around Nashville. I will change that from now on! I praise the Lord that I learned this lesson and that I and my property stayed safe. Thank you day for teaching us this!
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Emil Testimony From: Susan Wow Dave!!, 🀩Thank you for praying! I didn't expect to hear from you so quickly!! My lumbar spine already feels 95% better! I also feel emotionally lighter and more optimistic. πŸ¦‹
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Praise report: my cousin (age 18) experienced hair loss as a side effect of a medication. The dermatologist said it was permanent. So she bought hair pieces to fill in etc. I think I put it in the chat to pray for her but hairloss is too common for me to search... Anyways -- it is growing back in!!!! Thank you for your prayers :-)
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I want to share a testimony about thinking fast and using our authority in a scary situation. My husband, five kids (ages 11 down to 1) and I were visiting a new city out of state. We parked downtown by a playground and were set to walk to some of the popular sites, but before we even got out of the parking lot, I could hear a vagrant approaching from an underpass nearby. He was roaring maniacally at the top of his lungs. We could hear him plainly before we ever saw him. I said, β€œKids! Follow daddy. Let’s get out of here.” But the man was approaching fast and coming straight towards us. I thought in my mind, β€œI rebuke you! Go another way.” Instantly, the man stopped roaring and turned and walked in another direction. I told the kids and my husband what had happened, and I said next time, I’d try to remember to say it out loud so they’d get to see it in real time.
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Email Testimony From: Marie I want to issue a praise report. Last night I had a slight fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Instead of taking a NSAID I listened two times to your nervous system healing prayers. Today, perfect temperature. Thank you.
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Prophetic Thread If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
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Email Testimony From: Caroline Thank you so very much dear Praying Medic. I have had a stoma for 8 years with no problems and then 11 days ago I twisted awkwardly and have had such pain just above my hip and round the left of the stoma also felt as though it was blocked in some way and I may have herniated when I twisted and have been unable to eat much at all or lay down, I have been so worried. Last night I listened to your prayers, I laid down with pain and after a while a lot of the pain had gone and I managed to sleep. I still have pain but it is so much better and I wanted to thank you for your help in healing. Please pray for me. With love to you and all xx
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Hello. Without detail, I would like to thank all here who have been praying for me over the last several weeks. It worked. I'm free. Praise God. Thank you.
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Email Testimony Paul said, β€œ Thanks for praying yesterday. My day greatly improved and my thoughts stopped being negative. ” Peace be with you. Cindy
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I did some weather warfare again last night. My phone began to alert about 1 am, then the weather alert radio we have went off several more times. I got out of bed to check how bad it was. I commanded that there be no tornadoes, no hail and no destructive wind. I welcomed rain though. I commanded the storm to lose intensity. And it did! It lost intensity right after I prayed! I watched it on the radar! No tornadoes, no hail, and the wind calmed. We just got a lovely rain! The storm soon split and we were in the small slit between two bad storms and we got the rain we need, but not the violent weather! πŸŽ‰
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Email Testimony Hi Dave. Blessings to you and Denise! I attended a conference at my former church and one of the speakers was Pastor Tom Loud (street ministry also). Several of us took him out for dinner prior to the conference, where we had time for questions with him. I was talking (raving) about the emotional healing process I had been using and gave numerous testimonies, including the deliverance of a Somalian Muslim at the Gospel Mission. Tom asked "what is the process? I would like to learn this." I told him it was Praying Medic's emotional healing process and his response was "He has a lot of good books out.". The following day, I gave him the book Emotional Healing in 3 Easy Steps. So now he has the book and can use the process in his ministry. Here is the testimony: I was leaving the conference right after the speaker and before the prayer time. As I was walking out, nearly by myself, I was stopped by someone I knew that asked me to pray for this woman that was with her. I had her sit down in a quiet corner and asked her what the issue was. She burst into tears and was really hysterical. I could see she needed some emotional healing. She also said she had fibromyalgia and back pain. I told her that we would work on the emotional stuff before I prayed for her physical issues. I worked on her current situation and she calmed down and was at peace. I was then moving onto her fibromyalgia. I had learned from several teachers/ministers ( Joan Hunter, Curry Blake) that fibromyalgia was typically a spirit and Joan Hunter also teaches that it is a result of trauma. This woman had gotten fibromyalgia when she was 15. I asked her what was going on right before she had gotten it. She again burst into tears and became hysterical. She had been abused by her stepfather at 15. So I did the emotional healing process with her again about this situation and she experienced peace. Now I could start praying for he fibromyalgia. I started by speaking against the spirit of fibromyalgia and commanded the spirit of pain to leave and never return. The women yelled in a loud voice "oww my neck hurts so bad!". "I have never had neck pain". "what's happening?". I definitely knew this was a demon. I continued in this type of prayer and didn't see the neck pain to be removed. After several attempts, I was starting to doubt myself that I had enough faith to get the job done (Patty, you do have authority over all demons). I was afraid that this woman was getting so concerned about the new neck pain, that she was going to leave. So I decided to bring her to Tom Loud, who was praying for a line of people in the sanctuary, mentioning to him that she had demons. Tom started commanding all spirits to come out of her, including the spirit of fibromyalgia. His prayer "every one of you get out now!" He did this for 15 minutes and finally the pain was all gone, in her back and in her neck. He told her that she had to keep herself free and had authority to tell any pain to go. Tom told me later that this women had many demons. I learned something from this situation. The demon was testing me (and Tom) to see if we knew who we were in Christ and if we would give up (like I did). That I needed to be persistent. The question I have is "How do we know all of the demons are gone?" "How does the Holy Spirit tell us this?" I don't think this woman would have been delivered if I had not first done the emotional healing process. Thank you for all you do Dave! Your impact is world wide, to many, many people. Blessings! Patty
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So. I'll share! I prayed over my van. It died. I prayed with passion. It started. (Past) I prayed over my skin issue. It cleared up as I kept commanding it over a time and if it starts to come back I pray over it again. (A little but painful issue on my hand- past). I've recently been praying over my grass to grow and turn green (I also made a change to the time of morning I water it as per recommendation) but it's starting to grow back- less bare and brown). And just today my 8 yr old said "Mommy God is not answering my nosebleed won't stop- it was dripping pretty well out both sides. I commanded blood vessels and capillaries to heal, white blood cells to show up and work... one side stopped... other side dripping... so I did it again. And it stopped. I need to practice praying over them more often. My daughter is starting to imitate as we pray against her uncle's cancer. (Praying with authority here, thats new) But they need to hear and see it practiced consistently with little and big things. Those is an area I've struggled with... but these are the baby steps I've taken. I want to grow more confident in esp praying out loud over others. But. I also heard you PM that I can't be effective without growing in walking with and hearing the Lord. Thank you for the encouragement!
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I just remembered this testimony. Our kitchen faucet that has a touch less sensor was going wacky. I would adjust the temp, or water volume and it would run, leak, drip or turn off when you shut it off manually. You never knew what would happen. My husband was super busy and planned to let it run until he could get to it. I probably prayed over it 30 plus times and deployed angels. One day I noticed it wasn't leaking. It has been over a month now. Thank you God!
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Email Testimony Thank you Lord! Dave prayed for my shoulder 6 months ago. After he prayed for me, I went and had another test done and the Dr. said there was considerable healing that took place in 10 days! and that I only had a partial tear when the previous test showed a complete tear in my supraspinatus. They wanted to do shoulder surgery, 4 anchors and wire! 6-8 month painful recovery.... I opted for prayers and prp... I just had my 6 mo check up and the ultrasound imaging showed a completely in tact supraspinatus!! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Dave for your faith and all you do in the name of our savior! Best Regards and many blessings, and a heart-felt thanks for your prayers πŸ™ Karen Reda
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❀ 250πŸ™ 74πŸ‘ 19πŸ”₯ 13πŸŽ‰ 11⚑ 1
Email Testimony First of all, I want to thank you and tell you what a gift you are to the body of Christ, and to me personally. You are deeply appreciated! Now for the testimony.... A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night to my fire alarm telling me that it needed new batteries. I was pretty disoriented, but after I dealt with the problem, I had noted that I was having a very heated, emotional dream about my late husband. He has been gone for some fifteen years and I remarried for many years ago. This is not a normal part of my life now. In the dream, he was being very emotionally abusive and twisting scripture to excuse his behavior, just like he did in life. As I thought about it, I could feel the abandonment, and though I have done a ton of work already, I thought the timing of this dream was probably no accident. I sat down and tried to go to the root of those feelings, but couldn't, so I just brought that feeling to Jesus and went through the steps you teach. soon, I could identify deeper layers. Afterward, the feelings were more like I could go to them, but they were on the outside, not in my soul. Thank you Dave and most of all thank you Jesus for the freedom you so freely offer to us! Blessings! Kathy
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❀ 309πŸ™ 99πŸŽ‰ 21πŸ‘ 14πŸ”₯ 10😁 1
Email Testimony From: Sean Thank you for your telegram channel. I have followed you on rumble since 2019, I have been healed of not being able to sleep for over 10 years without melatonin and other supplements. God has done it! I have answered his call and am writing a book he has asked me to write as a testimony about so much healing ( emotional/physical) I have received. I read your book on emotional healing and it is happening. I have joy instead of heaviness and bitterness. Thank you for your prayers for my book and whatever job God has for me going forward. Thank you
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❀ 306πŸ™ 103πŸ‘ 23πŸ”₯ 11πŸŽ‰ 6🀩 2
I had a torn rotator cuff in both shoulders and a torn ligament in one shoulder The lord healed me through Dave’s healing prayers. I also was healed from herniated discs in my back. I had a very bad car wreck in my 20’s. I was healed recently in my 60’s. Thank you Abba father and thank you Dave.
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Praise report!!! Several years ago I injured my right rotator cuff. As I am aging, I am getting arthritis. Yesterday, I had to clean a piece of furniture and the constant motion from the steamer, in conjunction with the incoming storm, I had some serious pain last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and listened to Praying Medic's prayer for women. I believe several issues were healed last night. I woke up this morning with only an isolated pain (about an 8 on the pain scale), I was talking to my husband and placed my hand over the injured part and commanded the arthritis to leave ... AND IT DID!!!! The pain was immediately gone, full range of motion, no pain! My husband is 70 and has bad knees, especially his right one. I immediately prayed over that knee to be healed, calling out the joint, muscles and tendons. My palms were on fire. It was truly amazing. I made him promise to let me know if ANY type of pain occurs. We serve an awesome God and thank you Praying Medic for showing us the path. Thank you!
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❀ 337πŸ™ 119πŸ”₯ 39πŸŽ‰ 19πŸ‘ 13❀‍πŸ”₯ 12
Email Testimony Hi Dave, Back in 2021, my dog Munroe had an oral malignant melanoma and I asked you to pray for him. I just got the results of his bloodwork and he’s looking to be in very good health! (He’s now 12 years old!) I asked my vet if this was usual and she said it was definitely not. Most dogs begin to decline after a year. I give all credit to Father God and to you for following your calling. With all my heart, I thank you so much. Jackie
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❀ 354πŸ™ 120❀‍πŸ”₯ 28πŸ‘ 19πŸŽ‰ 14πŸ”₯ 9😱 1
In this interview with Up Front in The Prophetic, I discuss how to trust God's plan in a time of chaos.
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Trusting In God's Plan in A Time of Chaos; Endgame ~ Praying Medic

Trusting In God's Plan in A Time of Chaos; Endgame ~ Praying Medic Trusting In God's Plan in A Time of Chaos; Endgame ~ Praying Medic

X: @prayingmedic

πŸ”₯ 127πŸ™ 93❀ 42πŸ‘ 14
Email Testimony Dear Dave On April 13, I had a really bad fall and fractured my femur just below the hip, and had to have emergency surgery to put 3 screws in. I also fractured my elbow. While in the hospital, I listened to your nervous system healing video many times, as it brought me a profound state of calmness. When you say in the Video; I command the fracture on the femur to heal. I imagined 2 bars of white light on either side of the fracture coming together and fusing the fracture shut, I did this with deep gratitude knowing it would be done. A week and a half later when I went in to see the Dr. and have the stitches removed, he took X-rays. When he came into the exam room he looked at my husband and I and said in disbelief that he couldn't find the fracture anywhere on the X-ray, it wasn't there! So deepest gratitude to you as your healing tape helped me in so many ways. I also was just diagnosed with early stage Glaucoma and notice you also commanded the glaucoma to leave in the same video. I am asking you for prayers for a total cure. Thank you Debbie
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Nervous System Healing Prayer

In this video, I pray for the healing of a variety of medical conditions with a focus on diseases and injuries to the brain and nervous system.

❀ 384πŸ™ 163πŸ‘ 27⚑ 14πŸ”₯ 14πŸŽ‰ 11
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Supernatural Saturday - June 8, 2024
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Supernatural Saturday June 8 2024 360.m4v248.80 MB
πŸ‘ 107❀ 59πŸ™ 42❀‍πŸ”₯ 3πŸ•Š 1
Join us for Supernatural Saturday at 1 pm eastern in the main channel. Today, I'll answer questions from listeners.
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❀ 119πŸ‘ 32πŸ™ 23πŸ”₯ 5