
Sizning foydalanuvchi tajribangizni yaxshilash uchun cookie-lardan foydalanamiz. Barchasini qabul qilingΒ», bosing, cookie-lardan foydalanilishiga rozilik bildirishingiz talab qilinadi.


Hrum Family πŸ₯ 

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Hrum Halloween Results πŸŽƒ We are excited to announce the winners of the Halloween contest, chosen by your votes! 1️⃣ place β€” @Ruslaninho ($300) 2️⃣ place β€” @InKo_GniiTo ($200) 3️⃣ place β€” @alexey_men ($100) 4️⃣ place β€” @Krhistancho ($70) 5️⃣ place β€” @alex555av ($50) Congratulations to the winners! Prizes will be distributed within three days. While you await the next contest, don’t forget to check the Hrum app, open a new fortune cookie, and claim your daily reward! πŸ₯ 
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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6πŸ‘ 602❀ 191😁 73πŸ¦„ 24⚑ 15πŸ† 15πŸ₯° 2
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Hrum Challenge 🚩 Frens, we’re excited to announce the winners of the final day of the Hrum Challenge! The Cleaning Day prize of $50 goes to @frncsmrqz10 β€” congratulations! We want to thank everyone for participating in our week of challenges! It’s been an active week for many of us, and together we accomplished a lot of positive and meaningful things 😘 Keep up the good work by maintaining an active and helpful lifestyle, supporting those around you, and fostering a positive atmosphere! And don’t forget to open the fortune cookies in the Hrum app! πŸ₯ 
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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2πŸ‘ 472❀ 257πŸ”₯ 71πŸ¦„ 42😁 16πŸŽ‰ 14⚑ 13πŸ₯° 13
Which video did you like the most? πŸŽƒAnonymous voting
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7πŸ‘ 1532❀ 657⚑ 155πŸ¦„ 109😁 78πŸ”₯ 61πŸŽ‰ 56πŸ† 52πŸ₯° 51
Hrum Halloween Results? πŸŽƒ Frens, our Halloween celebration at Hrum was a huge hit, and we received a fantastic array of creative and high-quality submissions from all of you. We’re actually having a tough time deciding on the best entries and would love your help! We’ve selected the 10 most creative submissions. Check out all the videos attached to this post and vote for your favorite in the poll below. Tomorrow, we’ll announce the results and reveal the 5 winners based on your votes! πŸ‘» We believe this will lead to a fair decision. Do you agree?
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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1πŸ‘ 433❀ 127πŸ”₯ 104😁 32⚑ 22πŸ¦„ 20πŸ† 14πŸ₯° 3
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Day 5. Hrum Challenge 🚩 We randomly selected a winner in yesterday's challenge β€” @Matte_don2, who takes $50! πŸ€‘ Today marks the final day of our challenge series! We’re declaring it Cleaning Day! To participate in the giveaway: β€” Snap a photo or video of yourself cleaning. β€” Post it on your Telegram Story with the hashtag #HrumChallenge5 and tag @hrummebot. Tomorrow, we’ll randomly choose a winner and announce them!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 840❀ 534πŸ”₯ 213😁 113⚑ 38πŸ¦„ 38πŸŽ‰ 37πŸ₯° 5
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Philosophical Fridays 🧐 Frens, Friday is the perfect time to dive into some philosophical discussions! Today, we’d like to pose a question: What does it truly mean to be happy? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! Let’s chat and get to know each other better! And don’t forget to open your fortune cookies to earn your daily reward in the Hrum app! πŸ₯ 
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 965❀ 674πŸ”₯ 244πŸ₯° 103πŸ¦„ 48😁 43⚑ 40πŸ† 35πŸŽ‰ 12
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Day 4. Hrum Challenge 🚩 Congratulations to @Moji_Breazy for winning $50 for participating in yesterday’s cooking day! Today, we’re declaring a volunteer day. Your mission is to help those around you. You can feed animals, assist people, or do anything that makes your environment a better place ✨ To enter the giveaway: β€” Take a photo or video of yourself volunteering. β€” Share it on your Telegram Story with the hashtag #HrumChallenge4 and tag @hrummebot. Tomorrow, we’ll randomly choose a winner and reveal the next challenge.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
πŸ‘ 905❀ 544πŸ”₯ 192πŸ¦„ 92😁 37πŸ₯° 33πŸ† 31⚑ 30πŸŽ‰ 30
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Halloween at Hrum πŸŽƒ The spooky (yet fun) holiday has come to Hrum! We’re excited to launch a contest for our most creative family members! Here’s what you need to do: β€” Create a Halloween atmosphere with Hrum elements. This could be anything: a cookie costume, a pumpkin shaped like a cookie with a fortune, etc. β€” Record a video showcasing your creation, making sure to show your phone with the Hrum app open. β€” Fill out the Google form: πŸ€‘ Prizes: 1️⃣ place β€” $300 2️⃣ place β€” $200 3️⃣ place β€” $100 4️⃣ place β€” $70 5️⃣ place β€” $50 In two days, we’ll announce the winners and share the most creative and spooky entries! πŸ‘»
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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12πŸ‘ 1375❀ 470πŸ”₯ 155😁 55πŸ¦„ 54⚑ 53πŸŽ‰ 44πŸ† 38πŸ₯° 19
Hrum & Celebrities πŸ₯³ Frens, we're excited to announce the remaining winners of our celebrity contest! @Lokean β€” over 3 million subscribers on YouTube. @StasK_K β€” over 2 million subscribers on YouTube. @grace_macam β€” over 2.7 million followers on Facebook and 1.8 million followers on TikTok. @GoryoKi β€” over 1 million followers on Facebook. Each of them will soon receive their well-deserved $300 πŸ€‘ We're thrilled to have you as part of our family! With this, the celebrity contest officially comes to a close. Thank you all for participating!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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9πŸ‘ 1009❀ 380πŸ¦„ 103😁 72⚑ 37πŸ”₯ 36πŸŽ‰ 28πŸ₯° 6πŸ† 5
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Day 3. Hrum Challenge 🚩 Sports Day was a success β€” great job, frens! We randomly selected a winner who will receive $50: @arstim5. Congratulations! πŸ€‘ Today, we’re declaring Culinary Day! To enter the giveaway: β€” Take a photo or video of yourself cooking something and showcase the final result! β€” Share it on your Telegram Story with the hashtag #HrumChallenge3 and tag @hrummebot. Tomorrow, we'll randomly select a winner and reveal the next challenge.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
7πŸ‘ 997❀ 321πŸ₯° 81πŸ”₯ 43😁 37πŸ¦„ 36⚑ 29πŸ† 24πŸŽ‰ 9
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.