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Russian Embassy in Nigeria

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🇺🇳 #OTD in 1945, a conference at which the United Nations was established and its Charter approved started in San Francisco. It was attended by 850 delegates from 50 states.   The idea to create an efficient universal security organisation emerged at the early stages of World War II. Its discussion intensified in 1943 against the backdrop of the Red Army’s victories over the Nazis near Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge.   The leading members of the anti-Hitler coalition drafted the foundations and structure of the future UN. The final decision to convene a conference in San Francisco was made at the Yalta meeting of the heads of the Big Three (the USSR, the US and Great Britain). ✍️ Proceeding from the proposals formulated at the Dumbarton Oaks conference in 1944, the delegates agreed on procedural matters and endorsed the main bodies of the UN and the principles of their operation. They also discussed the formation of the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court and the UN Secretariat.   The Soviet delegation took a most active part in the work of the conference. It was first headed by People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov and later by Soviet Ambassador to the US Andrey Gromyko. Here are the key achievements of Soviet diplomacy in San Francisco:   ✔️ Inclusion into the UN Charter of the provisions on the need to settle and resolve international disputes by peaceful means;   ✔️ The sealing in the Charter of the Security Council voting procedure that was agreed upon at the Yalta conference;   ✔️ The inclusion of the Byelorussian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics into the UN founding fathers.   ☝️ The conference in San Francisco demonstrated the unity of the international community after the hard trials of World War II. The decisions adopted at that time laid a foundation for the postwar world order and created an effective mechanism for mutual international deterrence, which has allowed the world to avoid global conflicts for many decades.   #HistoryOfDiplomacy
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🌐 April 24 marks the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace. Established by the UN General Assembly resolution 73/127 of December 12, 2018, it seeks to promote the values of the United Nations and reaffirm the faith of our peoples in the purposes and principles enshrined in its Charter. 🇺🇳 #UNCharterIsOurRules From Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the UN Security Council’s open debates “Effective multilateralism through the Defence of the Principles of the UN Charter” (New York, April 24, 2023): 💬 For a little less than 80 years of its existence, the UN has been carrying out the important mission entrusted to it by its founders. For several decades, a basic understanding by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council as regards the supremacy of the charter’s goals and principles guaranteed global security. • Today, our UN-centric system is going through a deep crisis. The main reason is a striving by some UN members to replace international law and the UN Charter with a certain “rules-based” order. • Our Western colleagues have been inconvenienced by holding talks based on universal formats, such as the UN, for a long time now. In order to provide an ideological substantiation for the course on undermining multilateralism, they initiated a concept of united “democracies” as opposed to “autocracies.” • Summits for Democracy, the Alliance for Multilateralism <...> – all these and other non-inclusive projects were designed to thwart talks on the corresponding matters under the auspices of the UN. ❗️ Let's call it what it is: no one authorised the Western minority to speak on behalf of all humankind. Please act decently and respect all members of the international community. 👉 It is our common duty to preserve the United Nations as the hard-won epitome of multilateralism and coordination of international politics. The key to success lies in working together, renouncing claims to anyone's exceptionalism and showing respect for the sovereign equality of states.
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s address to the participants in the 3rd international youth forum Russia-Africa: What Next? (Moscow, April 24, 2024) 💬 Over the past years, this forum has established itself as one of the key platforms for promoting the youth dimension in our cooperation with African countries. I believe that your mission involves supporting efforts to implement the agreements resulting from last year’s Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg. This meeting at the highest level laid a solid foundation for generating steady momentum in promoting multifaceted ties between Russia and Africa in the near future. The summit’s outcome documents – the Declaration and the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Action Plan 2023–2026 – set forth our converging approaches on these matters. According to the updated Foreign Policy Concept as approved by President Vladimir Putin on March 31, 2023, one of the unquestionable priorities for us today is to forge lasting strategic partnerships with African countries. 🌍 Russia views the African continent as a global centre with its own unique identity in the emerging multipolar global architecture. The fact that our African friends have made great strides in their national development is a source of great satisfaction for us. This is largely attributable to proactive youth engagement in political, economic and humanitarian processes. ❗️ Russia reaffirms its commitment to helping African countries strengthen their sovereignty and security in all aspects and dimensions. We will keep up our proactive efforts to promote capacity building in African countries, including by increasing the number of scholarships we award, as well as by opening branches of Russian universities and schools across the continent, and developing a network of open education centres. 📄 Full transcript
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Repost from Russia Beyond
How Soviet and U.S. troops met on the Elbe River The historic meeting took place on April 25, 1945, in northwestern Saxony. The first to arrive at the Elbe were units of General Courtney Hodges' 1st American Army. The troops halted at the line and began to wait for the approach of the Soviet allies. Meanwhile, several U.S. reconnaissance groups crossed to the opposite bank. At about 11:30 am, in one of the villages, Lieutenant Albert Kotzebue's group noticed a rider in a Soviet military uniform. However, he did not make contact and disappeared. Two hours later, near the town of Riza, Kotzebue came upon a group of Soviet soldiers, led by Senior Lieutenant Grigory Goloborodko of the 58th Guards Rifle Division. The American went to the location of the Soviet troops and stayed there until evening. On the same day, the groups of Guards Lieutenant Alexander Silvashko and Lieutenant William Robertson met near the town of Torgau. The Soviet soldiers saw a uniformed soldier on the bell tower and wanted to open fire, but he began waving his arms and shouting, "Moscow-America!" It was one of Robertson's scouts. Soon, the officer himself appeared and invited Silvashko to the location of the U.S. troops. On April 26, a full-fledged ceremonial meeting was organized in Torgau with the participation of soldiers and command staff, which included photo sessions, feasts and the exchange of gifts. It was then that the famous joint photograph of Robertson and Silvashko, which traveled around the world, was taken against the backdrop of a poster reading "East meets West". Credit: Allan Jackson/Hulton Archive/Getty Images/Alexander Ustinov/Georgy Khomzor/Sputnik/William E. Poulson 🔔 Russia Beyond
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👍 1
⚡️В связи с распространяемыми в сети Интернет публикациями о якобы планируемой приостановке в 2024 году оказания в российских загранучреждениях ряда консульских услуг и подготовке в этой связи некоего «приказа» МИД России сообщаем, что данная информация абсолютно не соответствует действительности и носит откровенно провокационный характер. В своей работе по защите прав и законных интересов российских граждан МИД России и входящие в его систему дипломатические представительства и консульские учреждения традиционно проводят политику информационной открытости, насколько возможно заблаговременно и полно доводя до граждан о планируемых изменениях в действующем законодательстве и правоприменительной практике в консульской и смежных сферах. Намерены придерживаться подобной линии и впредь. ☝️Напоминаем также, что разрабатываемые федеральными органами исполнительной власти проекты нормативных правовых актов, в том числе ведомственных приказов, согласно действующему законодательству подлежат опубликованию на федеральном портале и, таким образом, сведения о них общедоступны.
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‼️‼️‼️ В рубрике «отчаянные фейки» вынуждены дать ссылку на абсолютно не соответствующий действительности материал «Новой газеты». Откровенное враньё и ложь. Развёрнутый комментарий Министерства по этому вопиющему факту дезинформации последует чуть позже.
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Новая газета

❗️ В МИДе России обсуждают запрет на выдачу и замену документов за границей Согласно проекту приказа, который имеется в распоряжении «Новой», возможна «временная приостановка оформления паспортов, оказания нотариальных услуг, услуг по легализации и истребованию документов, решения вопросов гражданства» консульскими учреждениями МИД РФ за рубежом. В проекте документа запрет предлагается ввести уже c 2024 года. На запрос «Новой» относительно его подлинности и в целом реальности таких перспектив пресс-служба МИД пока не ответила. В случае подписания этого приказа россияне, находящиеся за границей, буду вынуждены возвращаться в Россию для смены документов, срок действия которых истек. При этом, по данным ООН, в 2021 году за пределами РФ проживало около 10 млн выходцев из нее. На фоне СВО и частичной мобилизации страну покинуло еще не менее 700 тысяч человек. Лишь около 155 тысяч из них получили временные виды на жительство в странах Европы, Турции и СНГ. Из 15 тысяч россиян, запросивших в 2022 году политическое убежище в ЕС, его получило только 2 тысячи. Для остальных российский паспорт остается единственным удостоверением личности. Аналогичный запрет на обмен документов за границей с 7 сентября 2023 года ввели белорусские дипмиссии. В связи с этим значительное число белорусских эмигрантов, которые из-за политических преследований не могут вернуться на родину, вынуждены жить с просроченными документами и просят ООН признать их в качестве действующих или предоставить аналог по типу паспортов Нансена, в 20-е годы ХХ века выдававшихся беженцам из советской России. 📰 Эта новость на сайте «Новой» | Другие новости

#BRICS2024 🤝 On April 22-23, Moscow hosted a meeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-sherpas, chaired by Deputy Foreign Minister, Russia’s Sherpa in BRICS Sergey Ryabkov. The participants of the meeting discussed current issues on the agenda of the Russian year in BRICS, including the implementation of decisions adopted at the Johannesburg Summit on August 22-24, 2023. Russia’s representatives also informed the participants regarding the ongoing preparations for the upcoming BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, scheduled to take place in Nizhny Novgorod on June 10-11, 2024.
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Repost from Russia Beyond
May the sounds of the waves blend with the songs of the sea lions, reminding us of the eternal dance of life on this beautiful planet. Let's contemplate their arrival with reverence and gratitude for this great gift of nature! Video by: Ruptly 🔔 Russia Beyond
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📹 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s video address to participants in the Moscow Nonproliferation Conference Key talking points: • The arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation system crisis reflects unprecedented degradation in the sphere of international security. • The West is balancing on the dangerous edge of a direct military confrontation between nuclear powers, which could have catastrophic consequences. • The US-led collective West is cynically complementing the deliberate destruction of balanced and equal agreements that do not suit Washington with the promotion of apparently dishonest schemes that would create advantages for the United States. • Striving to attain decisive military superiority, Washington and its allies are enlarging the network of alliances directed against other countries. They are working energetically to implement a number of highly destabilising military-technical programmes. • There is no basis whatsoever for an arms control and strategic stability dialogue with the United States in the face of a total hybrid war being waged against our country. • Moves to undermine the existing arms control and non-proliferation system are affecting the stability of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. <...> The Western countries have used the treaty for years to address political agendas unrelated to nuclear non-proliferation. • The attempts of the Western countries to tailor the OPCW to their vested interests are a source of serious concern. The Western states have already turned this prestigious and strictly technical international agency into an instrument for implementing their geopolitical interests in the Middle East and beyond by privatising the OPCW Secretariat. • We are convinced that to prevent further degradation of the world situation <...> all countries should pool their efforts to upgrade the international security system relying on the principles of multilateralism, equality and indivisibility. Read in full
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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 42nd meeting of the Council of the Heads of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Moscow, April 22, 2024) 💬 Today’s agenda focuses on promoting inter-regional cooperation between constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. 🔹Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction continue developing in a dynamic and all-round manner and demonstrate high durability and an ability to adapt to the changing international realities. 🔹A highly important part of strategic partnership, hinges on coinciding or largely similar positions of our countries on key issues of the international agenda. Work is underway to merge the integration potentials of the EAEU and China’s Belt and Road Initiative, including in the context of implementing the initiative of President Vladimir Putin to forge a Greater Eurasian Partnership. 🔹 Russia-China trade and economic cooperation is developing actively, despite persistent attempts by the collective West states to hamper this process. Bilateral economic ties have become virtually de-dollarised. Today, national currencies account for over 90 percent of mutual payments and settlements. 🔹 Interregional cooperation traditionally remains an important component of consolidating the diverse complex of our relations. Following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions in 2023, the Russian Federation’s territories and China’s provinces greatly expanded the volume of their exchanges. 🔹 Forty-three Russian regions and Chinese provinces and autonomous regions have signed 117 cooperation agreements in various fields. Russian municipalities have signed 313 twin city agreements with their Chinese partners. 🔹 We believe the potential of the interregional interaction is far from being exhausted. Broad opportunities for its further development open up in new international realities. Read in full #RussiaChina 🇷🇺🇨🇳
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