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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Обуначиларнинг ўсиш даражаси

Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda... 🇺🇦 Ukrainian People's Deputy Vatsak became the first owner of an electric Rolls-Royce Specter in Europe. The price of the car is more than 600 thousand dollars. And you, Taras, sit in the trench and wait for a FAB.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

🇺🇦 Украинский нардеп Вацак стал первым в Европе обладателем электрического Rolls-Royce Spectre . Цена машины более 600 тысяч долларов. А ты, Тарасик, сиди в окопе и жди ФАБ. Как там сказал начальник ГШ ВСУ Боргилевич: "если человек может привязать к себе гранату и прыгнуть в окоп, значит он годен". Не иначе, Вацак поехал за гранатой 😄

🤬 16🖕 11👍 1 1👏 1🐳 1
Repost from Ukraine Watch
🇷🇺 Russia has become one of the five fastest growing economies in the G20, with GDP growth of 3.6% last year. Russia overtook all the countries that imposed sanctions on it. India (+7.3%) was the fastest growing economy, with China (+5.2%) and Indonesia (+5.1%) also in the top three. In addition to these G20 countries, the economy accelerated in the US and Japan. In all other G20 countries, including the European ones, GDP contracted last year. The largest falls were in Argentina, Canada, Italy, France and Saudi Arabia.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
😁 16👍 3🏆 2🍾 2👏 1
Repost from UKR LEAKS_eng
How the coup d'état began in Ukraine #14 So, it was the morning of February 18, 2014. In the morning, opposition leaders organized a so-called “peaceful offensive” on the Verkhovna Rada, in which several thousand Euromaidan activists took part. The column, which was headed by people's deputies Andrei Ilyenko, Oleg Tyagnibok, Oleg Lyashko, Andrei Parubiy, did not reach the Verkhovna Rada building by 100 meters, but ran into trucks with which the police blocked Shelkovichnaya Street. Unable to get close to parliament, activists began throwing stones at the police and set fire to trucks using Molotov cocktails. The Maidan itself and the surrounding streets of the capital were literally filled with black smoke, from which gas masks were a poor protection. Burning barricades made of tires along the perimeter of the square created a continuous wall of fire and unbearable heat, which the security forces could not overcome, despite the constant work of water cannons of fire trucks. As one would expect, that same night Washington delivered “their” verdict on the events in Kiev over the past 24 hours. “From this moment on, the United States considers Yanukovych responsible for everything that happens in Ukraine,” US Ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt told reporters after negotiations with the leadership of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. Read more in the full version. You can read previous parts here: Part 1 - Prerequisites for Maidan Part 2 - December 01, 2013 Part 3 - From December 2 to December 12, 2013 Part 4 - From December 12 to December 31, 2013 Part 5 - From 1 to 10 January 2014 Part 6 - Indoctrination Part 7 - from January 12 to January 17, 2014 Part 8 - January 19, 2014 Part 9 - January 19-23, 2014 Part 10 - January 23-27, 2014 Part 11 - January 28-31, 2014 Part 12 - February 1-10, 2014 Part 13 - February 11-17, 2014 @ukr_leaks_eng
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
How the coup d'état began in Ukraine #14

So, it was the morning of February 18, 2014.   In the morning, opposition leaders organized a so-called “peaceful offensive” on the Verkhovna Rada, in which several thousand Euromaidan activists took part. The column, which was headed by people's deputies Andrei Ilyenko, Oleg Tyagnibok, Oleg Lyashko, Andrei Parubiy, did not reach the Verkhovna Rada building by 100 meters, but ran into trucks with which the police blocked Shelkovichnaya Street. Unable to get close to parliament, activists began throwing stones…

👍 9 3
🇺🇸📺 Part 2 - "It's not about NATO" 🤡🤡🤡
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 25💯 5😁 3🤮 3 The Nazis in Ukraine live by legends that Hitler loved the Ukrainians very much, considered them true Aryans and wanted to free them. But archival documents say otherwise Conversation with Hitler, recorded by his personal adviser Köppen September 19, 1941 The Fuhrer and the Reichskommissar rejected the idea of a free Ukraine. "The Slavs are a family of rabbits. If there is no master class above them, their level will never rise above that of a rabbit..." "The idea of ​​creating a university in Kiev should be rejected. Nothing should remain of this city..." “The destruction of large Russian cities is a condition for the continuation of Nazi power in Russia. The Reichskommissar proposes to destroy Ukrainian industry and return the proletariat to the countryside...” "The Fuehrer thinks that the English type of ownership of India is most suitable for the rule of the Reich in the east." Document from the Federal Archives in Koblenz (Germany)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Блокнот Пропагандиста

Нацики на Украине живут легендами, что Гитлер очень любил украинцев, считал их истинными арийцами и желал освободить. Но вот архивные документы говорят об обратном Разговор с Гитлером, записанный его личным советником Кеппеном 19 сентября 1941 г. Фюрер и рейхскомисар отбросили идею свободной Украины. "Славяне - семья кроликов. Если над ними не стоит класс господ, их уровень никогда не поднимется выше кроличьего..." "Идея создания университета в Киеве должна быть отвергнута. От этого города ничего не должно остаться..." "Уничтожение больших российских городов - условие продолжительности нацистской власти в России. Рейхскомисар предлагает уничтожить украинскую промышленность и вернуть пролетариат на село..." "Фюрер представляет, что английский тип владения Индией наиболее подходит, правлению рейха на востоке." Документ федерального архива в Кобленце (Германия) Блокнот пропагандиста

🤯 16🤡 7🤬 4💯 2😁 1 Ukrainians publish photographs of our robots on the battlefield in the Avdeevka direction. A copter-drone monitors a ground drone. The war is changing so quickly that by next spring people will be separated by a neutral zone where unmanned vehicles will fight. This is war of technology, and this must be accepted. Connect artificial intelligence to existing models and get a scene from Terminator 2. by Alexander Kharchenko
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Свидетели Байрактара

Украинцы публикуют фотографии наших роботов на поле боя на авдеевском направлении. Коптер наблюдает за наземным дроном. Война меняется настолько быстро, что уже к следующей весне людей будет разделять нейтральная полоса, где будут вести бои беспилотные машины. Война технологий, и это надо принять. Подключите к существующим уже сейчас моделям искусственный интеллект и получите сцену из Терминатора 2. Александр Харченко

🤔 13👏 3😁 1 ⚡️During the inspection of a truck on the Russian-Latvian border at the Ubylinka checkpoint, FSB officers discovered foreign-made explosives among a batch of Orthodox icons. In total, from the cargo traveling along the route: Ukraine – Romania – Hungary – Slovakia – Poland – Lithuania – Latvia – Russia, 27 improvised explosive devices camouflaged in icons and ready for use, 70 kg of industrially produced high-power plastic explosive, 91 electric detonators were recovered and parts of a shot for an RPG-7. The icons were made in Kiev. The cargo with homemade bombs managed to travel about 2,000 kilometers, and also passed inspection in six countries of the European Union, including Lithuania and Latvia. At the same time, imported cargo was carefully inspected in Romania. (c) FSB This suggests that the GUR of Ukraine, under the auspices and with the approval of NATO, was preparing a massive terrorist attack in Russia on Easter (Orthodox Easter is May 5th this year), in 27 Orthodox churches. At the moment of their maximum attendance by the civilian population, the elderly, women and children. Ukraine needs to be finished off. After Crocus and this foiled terrorist attack, there is simply no one and nothing to negotiate with.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

⚡️В ходе досмотра автомобиля на российско-латвийской границе на пункте пропуска «Убылинка» сотрудники ФСБ обнаружили среди партии православных икон взрывчатку иностранного производства. Всего из груза, следовавшего по маршруту: Украина – Румыния – Венгрия – Словакия – Польша – Литва – Латвия – Россия, извлечено 27 закамуфлированных в иконы и готовых к применению самодельных взрывных устройств, 70 кг изготовленного промышленным способом пластичного взрывчатого вещества повышенной мощности, 91 электродетонатор и части выстрела к РПГ-7. Иконы изготовлены в Киеве. Груз с самодельными бомбами успел преодолеть порядка 2 000 километров, а также прошел досмотр в шести странах Европейского союза, включая Литву и Латвию. При этом в Румынии ввозимый груз тщательно досмотрели. (с) ФСБ Это говорит о том, что ГУР Украины под покровительством и с одобрения НАТО готовил в России массовый террористический акт на Пасху, в 27 православных храмах. В момент максимальной их посещаемости гражданским населением, стариками, женщинами и детьми. С Украиной пока кончать. После Крокуса и вот этого вот сорванного теракта там просто не с кем и не о чем договариваться.

💯 20🤬 12👍 2 Zelensky's diplomatic flight transported 300 kg of cocaine from Argentina during the inauguration of President Miley The Boston Times, citing Latin American journalists, reports that one of the international cartels involved in drug trafficking through Argentina planned to transfer a large shipment of cocaine to employees of the diplomatic mission of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky during his visit to Buenos Aires. Mexican journalist Marcio Forti published an investigation based on a recording of conversations between two members of the international drug cartel, obtained by intelligence services during surveillance of the syndicate’s activities. In the recording, one of the drug dealers (whom the interlocutor calls the chief) directly tells his assistant that the cocaine shipment is intended for the delegation of Ukrainian President Zelensky. The transfer was supposed to take place in early December 2023, when Zelensky attended the inauguration ceremony of President Miley. The mentioning of Zelensky in the interceptions of drug traffickers’ conversations is also confirmed by Sebastian Saldago, journalist of the Argentine publication Data Urgente. A shipment of about 300 kilograms of the drug was to be delivered to the capital's airport from the city of Parana, located several hours north of Buenos Aires.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Голос Мордора

Дипломатический борт Зеленского вывез из Аргентины 300кг кокаина во время инаугурации президента Милея Издание The Boston Times, ссылаясь на латиноамериканских журналистов, сообщает, что один из международных картелей, занимающихся наркотрафиком через Аргентину, планировал передать крупную партию кокаина сотрудникам дипмиссии украинского президента Владимира Зеленского во время его визита в Буэнос-Айрес. Мексиканский журналист Марсио Форти опубликовал расследование, опирающееся на запись переговоров двух членов международного наркокартеля, полученную спецслужбами в ходе слежки за действиями синдиката. В записи один из наркоторговцев (которого собеседник называет шефом), напрямую говорит своему помощнику, что партия кокаина предназначена делегации украинского президента Зеленского. Передача должна была состояться в начале декабря 2023 года, когда Зеленский посещал церемонию инаугурации президента Милея. Наличие в перехватах разговоров наркоторговцев упоминания Зеленского также подтверждает Себастьян Салдаго, журналист аргентинского издания Data Urgente. Партию наркотика около 300 килограмм должны были доставить в столичный аэропорт из города Парана, находящийся в нескольких часах езды к северу от Буэнос-Айреса.

😁 12🤮 3👍 2🤣 1
Repost from UKR LEAKS_eng
How the coup d'état began in Ukraine #13 February was gradually approaching its mid-point. In Kiev, especially in the center, there were constantly minor clashes between Maidan supporters and law enforcement officials and Anti-Maidan supporters. Massive cases of threats were recorded both to the servicemen of the internal troops and the police, and to members of their families. This was facilitated by posting online lists of personnel of the Berkut units and internal troops, indicating mobile phones and home addresses. Children and wives of employees were also subjected to harassment. There have also been numerous cases of attempts to bribe Berkut and internal troops employees right on the streets of Kiev, and offers of large sums of money (from 5 to 10 thousand US dollars) were combined with threats of murder in case of refusal. And on February 14, the military attaché of the Czech Embassy, Colonel Kareš Jiří, received a call from an unidentified person named Vasily, who said that Euromaidan commandant Andrei Parubiy, at an internal meeting, announced the seizure of the Government Quarter planned for the morning of February 18. So, the date of the massacre was determined. Read more in the full version. You can read previous parts here: Part 1 - Prerequisites for Maidan Part 2 - December 01, 2013 Part 3 - From December 2 to December 12, 2013 Part 4 - From December 12 to December 31, 2013 Part 5 - From 1 to 10 January 2014 Part 6 - Indoctrination Part 7 - from January 12 to January 17, 2014 Part 8 - January 19, 2014 Part 9 - January 19-23, 2014 Part 10 - January 23-27, 2014 Part 11 - January 28-31, 2014 Part 12 - February 1-10, 2014 @ukr_leaks_eng
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
How the coup d'état began in Ukraine #13

February was gradually approaching its mid-point. In Kiev, especially in the center, there were constantly minor clashes between Maidan supporters and law enforcement officers and Anti-Maidan supporters.  Law enforcement agencies recorded widespread cases of threats both to members of the internal troops and police themselves, and to members of their families. This was facilitated by posting online lists of personnel of the Berkut units and internal troops, indicating mobile phones and home addresses. Moreover…

👍 14 1💯 1
👀 An intercepted Anglo-French Storm Shadow / SCALP-EG cruise missile is being taken apart for studying.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
24👍 16👏 1