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Prisión / Tribunal / Ley / Datos sobre los presos - Gefängnis / Gericht / Gesetz / Gefangenen Fakten - Prison Tribunal Loi Faits

It's time that human rights for those who don't respect human rights get listed and the death sentence get discussed not like a tabu or with bullshit! @WomenRightsTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @RapeTelegram @EuthanasiaTelegram

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Not happy with the previous graph? Let we check another graph and correlate that to death penalty! AGAIN; WE FIND CORRELATION JUST SHIT! and people doing such correlation much more shit! To better understand the graph, you can check even the last Amnesty propaganda leak Not only this "death penalty is causing more crimes" is just bullshit! by ignoring all third factors that have an influence to such crimes! Not only they put all crimes as just one single crime! Without making ANY DIFFERENCE! Like if we can just classify people by sex, ignoring the difference between the same sex! We don't support similar shit at all! No matter about which topic! DON'T PUT DIFFERENT THINGS INSIDE THE SAME CATEGORY! Like ignoring much more serious crimes than homicide! because murder is for sure NOT THE WORST CRIME EVER! So again: a) less bullshit correlation b) more priority to other crimes that deserve more attention! c) more science and real stats d) less propaganda e) no difference between women, elderly, men, kids, religion, country or whatever! f) no difference if you were able to kill or not! 0 deaths = 100 deaths! g) no difference between humans and animals! 🖇🌍 h) no one is saying we need to implement death penalty 100% (related to which crime?!), but we need to talk about such topic with honesty! not mafia! i) the graph is showing less homicides but an increase or serious homicides! = mass shooting ... Again homicide is not the most important crime! if we ignore the story behind such homicide!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Amnesty, what is now your excuses to this fact about death penalty and homicides in America / USA that you are not showing at all! Plus this show again your bullshit about Canada too! No matter if done by Amnesty or Carolyn Hoyle (University of Oxford / Death Penalty Project) Like said, we cover all hidden facts that such mafious researchers ARE NOT SHARING AT ALL! Which is just a shame for Europe! No only a mafia related to lethal dosis sell ban! and obviously a full 💤 about related topics! Again we don't stand with corrupted @DeathPenaltyMafia and bullshit facts by @AmnestyFacts We are science. THE TRUE SCIENCE! and with neutrality!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
In Europe? 3 life sentences in 3 years or maybe even never ... 🤦‍♂️ when we prefer to give 💴 sentences ... If such dudes deserve life is another question ... she is talking about single murders (like killing the mother) ... We need to be honest too, homicides where ALWAYS lower in Europe in the last time! If America had a bit less than 10 in 1900, Europe was ⅓ or so! So don't take the excuse "but America has more because of death penalty!" when all (= last executions and bans) in Europe happened after 1940 ... So already before that homicides where higher in USA!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Our laws / governments / politicians are shit! Part 3 Part 1 April 2003, Borgarting lagmannsrett: En 39 år gammel mann, som i 1999 ble dømt til sikring for seksuelle overgrep mot barn under 14 år, får saken behandlet på nytt på grunn av det nye regelverket. Lagmannsretten kommer fram til at mannen slipper tvungent psykisk helsevern da de mener faren for gjentakelse ikke er nærliggende. Retten legger også vekt på at mannen, som er paranoid schizofren, går til frivillig behandling April 2003, Borgarting Court of Appeal: A 39-year-old man, who in 1999 was sentenced to custody for sexual abuse of children under the age of 14, has the case re-heard due to the new regulations. The Court of Appeal concludes that the man will be released from compulsory mental health care as they believe that the risk of recurrence is not imminent. The court also emphasizes that the man, who is paranoid schizophrenic, goes to voluntary treatment 🤦‍♂️ NO DIFFERENCE! YOU HAVE THE BRAIN WORKING OR NOT; SAME SENTENCE! Considering that psychologists are the first IGNORANT on this planet, believe every bullshit you say them ... and talking a lot of bullshit! Saying "sorry" doesn't mean SORRY, if you say that just to make people happy! to Saying a story doesn't mean the story is really real! if you are good in manipulating people! or people prefer to believe such bullshit story! Doesn't matter if you kill someone or not too! Doesn't matter if over or under 18! SAME SENTENCES! If you are a woman or man! Or your nationality!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
2014 anmäldes totalt 3 150 va ldtäkter mot barn i a ldern 0 till 17 a r, i 92 % av fallen var offren flickor. A r 2013 förklarades 134 personer skyldiga för va ldtäkt mot barn. Gällande a terfall i brott har personer lagförda för sexualbrott jämförelsevis lägst a terfallsfrekvens om 24 % In 2014, a total of 3,150 rapes against children aged 0 to 17 were reported, in 92% of the cases the victims were girls. In 2013, 134 people were declared guilty of rape against children. Regarding recidivism, people prosecuted for sexual offenses have comparatively the lowest recidivism rate of 24% Here we go again, NOT 8% ... and still don't forget b2! По заявлению криминологов рецидив по- ловых преступлений, составляет 40–60 %10. Материалы практики экспертов института им. В.П. Сербского показали, что 72 % лиц, про- шедших стационарную судебную экспертизу в связи с совершением сексуальных посяга- тельств на детей, ранее привлекались к ответ- ственности за аналогичные преступления According to criminologists, recidivism of sexual crimes is 40–60%. Materials from the practice of experts from the Institute named after. V.P. Serbsky showed that 72% of persons who underwent an inpatient forensic examination in connection with sexual assault on children had previously been prosecuted for similar crimes ... Just to show again HOW STATS ARE DIFFERENT based on which region, which language, who made that, study method, etc. are you consider. Does this mean 60% rape again?! NOPE, because stats are shit! and we read the original cited studies, BUT don't come here with this bullshit only 7% rape again, IF YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SUCH DUDES! and you are so IDIOT TO ASK SUCH INFOS TO CRIMINALS LIKE RESEARCHERS ARE DOING 🤦‍♂️! Again, STATS ARE SHIT!!!! Would be time that no scientists will learn that once at all! (or idiot scientists with 🙈) Related
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Over 200,000 Americans are serving some form of life imprisonment. Approximately 19% of this population, over 38,000 people, have been convicted of a sexual offense. Life sentences for crimes of a sexual nature are more common in certain states. Colorado (48%), Utah (54%), and Washington (69%) have some of the highest pro- portions of CSN lifers in their life-sentenced population 👌 Colorado 🙅‍♂️ death penalty Utah ✅ Washington 🙅‍♂️ death penalty Utah passed a version of Jessica’s Law in 2008. It stipulates a mandatory prison term of 25 years to life without parole for certain CSN offenses committed against youth 👌 Utah rape rates after 2008? STABLE/DECREASED! from 0.38 to 0.32 2020? 0.40 To the dude saying "During the nine year follow-up, over 92% of individuals released with rape/sexual assault convictions were not rearrested for another rape or sexual assault" our answer: a) STATS ARE SHIT! b) RECIDIVISM STATS ARE SHIT! b2) MANY RAPE CRIMES ARE NOT REPORTED AT ALL! c) what about other crimes by the same dude??! d) STATS CHANGE A LOT BASED ON YOUR SOURCE! e) The overall recidivism rates (14% after 5 years, 20% after 10 years and 24% after 15 years) were similar for rapists (14%, 21% and 24%) and the combined group of child molesters (13%, 18%, and 23%) just as example against your bullshit! With the highest rates observed among the extrafamilial boy-victim child molesters (35% after 15 years). Offenders with a prior sexual offence conviction had recidivism rates about double the rate observed for first-time sexual offenders (19% versus 37% after 15 years). plus remember b2)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Pene alternative 🤣 NO GRAZIE! Alternative way to sentence people? NO THANKS! Our laws are already shit, people who deserve 20 years get 3 years, people who deserve life get 10 years and we need to implement the same shit like Switzerland, where such dudes can get back to society immediately or pay just money??! Matteo? 0 YEARS OF PRISON! Which is ridiculous! If all dude get the same shit like Matteo, where is the rehabilitation??! Living the life in prison, even just few years, is important to make reflect people what they did! Again, it depends from the crime, but for serious crimes THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE! Rehabilitation is ok for dudes who steal things, are corrupted, do drug traffic, car accidents and similar "no serious crimes" that you can even fix that, by removing the possibility to drive a car, to do politics again. So they can go back to society, but without that (obviously in case of serious crimes ...) Too many prisoners? We already said that ... One way is 💉 💩 prisoners that cannot be recovered anymore Suicide are not based on the amount of prisoners in prison! Remember, prisoners have the right of dying with dignity! So 🙅‍♂️ vip suicide or suicide immediately, but if after 10-20 years they want to get assisted suicide (knowing they need to remain in prison 30-100 years ...) ✅ yes, allow such assisted suicide! 10-20 years of prison are enough! Suicide not applied just to save money! This is a decision by prisoners. First we need to work on rehabilitation or whatever (in case of no serious crimes) and obviously suicide is not the point at all for such cases ... EVEN HOMELESS!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Death Penalty Bullshit about India - Death penalty = Rape + Killing? NOPE! Part 2 Part 1 2023-08-11: पुरुषों को यौन उत्पीड़न से बचाने वाला कानून खत्म, नाबालिग से गैंगरेप पर सजा-ए-मौत... IPC में होंगे ये 13 बड़े बदलाव Law protecting men from sexual harassment abolished, death penalty for gang rape of a minor... These 13 major changes will be made in IPC हालांकि भारत में मौजूदा कानून के तहत गैंग रेप में अधिकतम उम्रकैद का प्रावधान है, लेकिन इस मामले में एक तरफ जहां कई लोगों का मानना है कि ऐसे मामले में फांसी की सजा का प्रावधान होना चाहिए। 20 Dec 2012: Although under the current law in India, there is a provision of maximum life imprisonment in gang rape, but in this case, on one hand, many people believe that there should be a provision of death penalty in such a case क़रीब 30 साल पहले दिल्ली में एक वैज्ञानिक ने झगड़े के बाद अपनी पत्नी की हत्या करके शरीर को क्षत विक्षत कर उन्हें एक ट्रंक में भर दिया. About 30 years ago, a scientist in Delhi murdered his wife after a fight, mutilated her body and stuffed her in a trunk. पिछले दिनों इसी तरह की हत्याएं भारतीय मीडिया की सुर्खियां बनीं, जिसने उन कयासों को हवा दी कि कहीं ये मर्डर कॉपीकैट (हूबहू नकल) का नतीजा तो नहीं. Recently, similar murders made headlines in the Indian media, which gave rise to speculations whether these murders were the result of copycat अधिकांश क़त्ल के पीछे 'निजी बदले की मंशा या दुश्मनी और पैसे के लेनदेन' को लेकर हुए 'विवाद' कारण थे The reasons behind most of the murders were 'personal vendetta or enmity and disputes' over money transactions. Conclusion? LIKE SAID INDIA IS 💩!!!! and this story is BULLSHIT! 🇮🇳 kill people even WITHOUT death penalty after raping them!!! REMEMBER: USING ACID AGAINST A WOMEN IS DEATH PENALTY! NO DISCUSSION! See more in the next post
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Death Penalty Bullshit about India - Death penalty = Rape + Killing? NOPE! Part 1 Back to India ... and what the dude is saying "that after the violence the rapists began to kill the victims", just for saying "hey look, i said a bullshit but i want to look cool" or "hey, this is science and facts". Our answer? NO idea if this is true or bullshit, BUT SEEMS A LOT OF BULLSHIT! What we know? GIRLS DOING SUICIDE AFTER RAPE! and this is NOT BULLSHIT! Like prisoners who escape! 3 वर्षीय बच्ची से बलात्कार के बाद हत्या, 6 साल बाद दरिंदे को मिली सजा-ए-मौत 3 year old girl raped and murdered, after 6 years the rapist got death sentence IS THIS RELATED TO DEATH PENALTY??? NOPE! You can kill kid even without death penalty!!! AFTER 6 YEARS SENTENCED TO DEATH = Rape happened 11.11.2018 आपराधिक कानून (संशोधन) विधेयक 2018 लोकसभा से पारित हो गया है. इस कानून में 12 साल से कम उम्र की बच्चियों से रेप के दोषियों को मौत की सजा का प्रावधान ह... 31.7.2018 = BEFORE THE RAPE: The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2018 has been passed by the Lok Sabha. This law has a provision for death penalty for those guilty of raping girls below 12 years of age. = BULLSHIT! because death penalty was applied much time later ... but let we check more, so what happened BEFORE the death penalty law 20 Feb 2013: बलात्कार के बाद हत्या, चेहरा तेजाब से जलाया Rape followed by murder, face burnt with acid 2016-06-24: बच्ची से बलात्कार के बाद हत्या, प्राइवेट पार्ट पर गंभीर जख्म Girl raped and murdered, serious injuries on private parts 2014-05-29: दो नाबालिग बहनों का रेप कर फांसी पर लटकाया, परिजन बोले, नरेंद्र मोदी आएंगे, तब उतारेंगे लाश Two minor sisters were raped and hanged, family members said, when Narendra Modi will come, they will remove the dead body. See next post
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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