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Oliy matematikaga oid // О высшей математике

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Oliy matematikaga oid // О высшей математике

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Open AI O‘zbekiston uchun Chat GPT’ga ruxsat berdi Sun’iy intellektga asoslangan so‘rovlar bo‘yicha ma’lumot beruvchi ChatGPT xizmati o‘zbekistonlik foydalanuvchilar uchun ochildi. Bundan avval mazkur xizmatdan faqat VPN vositasida chet el raqamlari orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tish mumkin edi. Endilikda O‘zbekistondagi aloqa operatorlari raqamlari orqali ham ro‘yxatdan o‘tish mumkin bo‘ldi. @masofatalim
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Open AI Ўзбекистон учун Chat GPT’га рухсат берди Сунъий интеллектга асосланган сўровлар бўйича маълумот берувчи ChatGPT хизмати ўзбекистонлик фойдаланувчилар учун очилди. Бундан аввал мазкур хизматдан фақат VPN воситасида чет эл рақамлари орқали рўйхатдан ўтиш мумкин эди. Эндиликда Ўзбекистондаги алоқа операторлари рақамлари орқали ҳам рўйхатдан ўтиш мумкин бўлди. @pressuzb

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.2: Field automorphisms

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.2: Field automorphisms A field automorphism is a structure preserving map from a field F to itself. This means that it must be both a homomorphism of both the addtive group (F,+) and the multiplicative group (F-{0},*). We show that any automorphism of an extension of the rationals Q must fix Q element-wise. The set of automorphisms of a field F forms a group called the Galois group, denoted Gal(F). We see several examples of this, and look into an intriguing connection between the subfield lattice of F and the subgroup lattice of Gal(F). Course webpage (with lecture notes, HW, etc.):

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