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Heirs of the Promise

Christian Identity Praise Yahweh, The Holy One of Israel The God of the White Race Heirs through Abraham, Issac, and Jacob

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Covenant Theology is the basis of Christian Identity. The center point of why CI is True Nine Covenants with Adamic Man The first covenants were with Adamic man... Covenants since Abraham have been with Israel, nobody else. ¹ ² ³ Yahweh, The Father is the bridegroom in the OT, He divorced Israel and Judah, promising to remarry them after their punishment. It is unlawful for a man to take back a divorced wife, so He came down in the flesh to die as a man; releasing the wife from the punishments of the Law and making it possible for Him to take His people back. His tabernacle would be among us. He would save us, Himself. ¹ ² Yahweh is One. He is a single person who came down to fulfill His own promises. Yahweh, The Father, The Invisible God; is Yahshua Christ, our only bridegroom. ¹ ² ³ Yahweh promised Israel would never die. (Jer 31:35-37) ¹ ² The Covenants will never leave us or be for others. The Prophecy of God is true, everything else is for fools.
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What is Christian Identity? Christian Identity is the belief that the White Europeans of today are the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel, and that Jesus Christ of Nazareth only came for Israel. Although there are disagreements between various CI believers, that is the main belief that defines what Christian Identity is. Other core beliefs to CI are: - Covenant Theology - Belief in Dual-Seedline - Fathership and Sonship is always genetic - The prohibition against race mixing was established in the Garden of Eden - The father, son and holy spirit are distinct, but one God, not multiple persons. - Adam was the father of all white people. - Although the Israelites were white people, not all white people are Israelites, therefore, Christ did not have a universal Covenant; He only came for Israel. - The jews of today are not Israelites, but instead descended from the Edomites - God promised that Israel would never go away, but be preserved forever. - All pure sons of Adam will receive eternal life, but that doesn't save any of us from the judgment we may receive from God, for as it says in Revelation, the Saints will be judged from the book of life.
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To do good we must keep the Law of Yahweh as He said, "if you love me, keep my commandments". Love is in the Law Without the Law, we cannot know what is good and bad or how when we do sin, we must, "concede to the law that it is virtuous." (Rom 7) Exemplary prayer from Christ says, "Our Father who is in the heavens: Your name must be sanctified; Your kingdom must come; Your will must be done, as in heaven also upon the earth! Give to us our bread sufficient for today, and remit for us our debts, as we also have remitted for our debtors. And do not bring us into trial, but deliver us from the Evil One." We must do His will [Follow the Law] and He shall help us in trial and protect from the enemies of God, Satans. (Psa 25,34,140) ☩ Proverbs 3:1-12 ☩ ¹My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; ²For length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. ³Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart, ⁴And so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man. ⁵Trust in Yahweh with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; ⁶In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. ⁷Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear Yahweh and depart from evil. ⁸It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. ⁹Honor Yahweh with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; ¹⁰so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine. ¹¹My son, do not despise the chastening of Yahweh, nor detest His correction; ¹²For whom Yahweh loves, He corrects. Just as a father to the son in whom he delights. ☩ 1 Corinthians 10:13 ☩ Temptation has not seized you, except from manhood; but trustworthy is Yahweh, who will not permit you to be tempted beyond where you are able, but with the temptation He will also bring about the way out, for which to be able to bear it. Paul understood this prayer from Christ and Paul knew the Old Testament has the same conclusion, if the nation is deeply sinning, it is punished by our Father. When the nation follows Yahweh, it is healed and protected from its enemies. (Isaiah 41) He also understood that Yahweh would protect us from our evil kin as it was in the OT (2 Thes 1:6-10, Psa 55,57,64) ☩ James 4:3-7 ☩ ³You request and do not receive for reason that you request evil, in order that you may be consumed in your pleasures! ⁴Adulterers! Do you not know that the love of Society is hatred for Yahweh? He therefore who would desire to be a friend of Society establishes himself as an enemy of Yahweh! ⁵Or do you suppose that vainly the Scripture says: “With envy yearns the spirit which dwells in us”? ⁶But more greatly He gives favor, on which account it says: “Yahweh opposes the arrogant, but He gives favor to the humble.” ⁷Therefore subject yourselves to Yahweh, but stand against the False Accuser and he shall flee from you. Hypocrites who do not follow the Law are not protected, they may fall to temporal trials and destruction, Gehenna. Those sinners and church preachers against the Law shall be Least in the Kingdom (Mat 5:17-19, James 1:12-15) His sons shall be chastised! ¹ Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up (Mat 15:13) To those on the Left hand Yahweh shall say "Go from me, accursed, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the False Accuser [Devil] and his messengers [Angels]! (Mat 25) He would do away with the works of the False Accuser. (1 John 3) Those works being in the creation of the bastard races ¹ ² ³ Seduction of Eve and Death's reign His enemies shall be annihilated! ¹ The Judgement shall not be pleasant for most with the amount of awful kin our history has had to deal with. However, we look forward to the eternal destruction of the wicked races and our righteous examples of light who will be Great in the Kingdom ☩ Psalm 18:30 ☩ As for my God, His way is perfect: the oracles of Yahweh are tried in the fire; He is a protector of all them that hope in Him.
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The Eternal Spirit is predestined for eternal life. ¹ ² ³ Protection by Yahweh and our Eternal Rewards shall be up to us. The conduct of every Israelite shall be the measure of his protection (2 Pet 2:9) and Eternal Treasures, waking to eternal life or their works burned up (1 Cor 3:15) coupled with temporal chastisement (Rev 3:19); all to wake up to eternal contempt and shame (Dan 12:2, Psa 62, Prov 24). There shall be many who hear the Gospel in the next life and find that Yahweh is true and they were fools. Cont.
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