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Miercuri 24 aprilie la ora 14 la Suceava
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Urmăriți o înregistrare cu conferința Părintelui Pimen Vlad de la sfântul munte Athos. CONFERINȚA PĂRINTELUI PIMEN VLAD LA SUCEAVA

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Istoria obligatorie a evreilor. Holocaustul ca doctrină O emisiune Starea de Libertate:
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Repost from VOLNICI
Vehicule electrice... Nu a fost NICIODATĂ vorbe despre a fi verde și a salva mediul...🙈🤭😁
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👍 6
Repost from Inessa S ️️
Is the West killing off its weakest citizens? A Dutch 28-year-old chooses legal euthanasia. 🇳🇱 Zoraya ter Beek is physically healthy but suffers from depression, is on the autism spectrum & the Borderline Personality Disorder spectrum. She is scheduled to end her life in May. Ter Beek lives in a nice house with her boyfriend and 2 cats - things most people aspire to. But, she's unable to finish school to become a psychiatrist due to her mental health - is that enough to legally be killed? The Dutch government says yes.
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😢 13
Joe Rogan Guest Exposes the Disturbing Truth About Gender Ideology “This is child sacrifice.”
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😢 8
Repost from Just a Dude 😎
The Frankfurt School | James Jaeger In "The Frankfurt School" by James Jaeger, the author exposes a secretive group of Marxists who sought to destroy Christian influence in the West. This exposé uncovers how cultural (((Marxism))) made its way into the United States, starting with the Institute for Social Research at Frankfurt University in 1923, which later became known as the Frankfurt School. Under the direction of (((Max Horkheimer))), these new Marxists realized the failure of the old (((Lenin)))-Marxists and recognized the importance of changing Western culture to achieve their goal. They believed that by introducing values and concepts that would break down the family unit, they could create a society where individuals would be left without support, ultimately turning to the government. When Adolf Hitler rose to power, the Frankfurt School fled to America, settling in New York City with the support of Columbia University. The group's influence can be seen in the works of their graduates, such as (((György Lukács))), Antonio Gramsci, Charles A. Reich, (((Herbert Marcuse))), and (((Theodor W. Adorno))). Jaeger's exposé sheds light on the impact of cultural (((Marxism))) on American society and the values that have been eroded by "the long march through the institutions". The author challenges viewers to question the influence of this hidden force and to consider its impact on our culture and way of life. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: Follow @JustDudeChannel 😎 Rumble | Gab | Minds | Telegram |
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👍 8 1😢 1
Medic elvețian cu multiple specializări (cardiologie, doctorat în imunologie) propune desființarea OMS și interzicerea tehnologiei mARN.
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👍 89👏 12 9🔥 2