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Медицина в руках политиков и БигФарм, разоблачения, новости, "конспирологические" реальности. Мой канал по Здоровью- Doclana.mornatural, Магазин США тщательно отобранных брендов: Mornatural_rus

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Obunachilar o'sish tezligi

Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

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22🔥 5🙏 2👏 1💯 1
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Абсолютно больные люди.......захватили мир и общество. Ярый представитель дем партии, учитель, арестован за мастурбацию перед студентами.
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😱 48🤯 14👀 4
Repost from mRNA DEATH TOLL
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‼️ Elon Musk unveiled the robotaxi "Cybercab" and the driverless passenger transport "Robovan" Tesla CEO Musk outlined his vision of an “exciting future” where self-driving taxis and his company’s robots will become commonplace during a presentation in California. Musk said the “Cybercab” is an electric car with no steering wheel or pedals, will cost less than $30,000, will charge wirelessly and will be “10 to 20 times safer” than human-driven cars. "You can think of a car in an autonomous world as a small living room. You just sit in a small room and can do whatever you want. And when you get out, you'll be at your destination," Musk described his experience in a robotaxi. He also said Tesla already has 50 of the vehicles. The company hopes to begin “fully autonomous, unsupervised” driving in Texas and California next year using existing models, and then move into mass production by 2027. A passenger vehicle called “Robovan” was also shown off — a minibus-like vehicle with no steering wheel, pedals or driver. It can seat up to 20 people and can be converted to carry cargo. He also showed off humanoid robots called Optimus, which can do shopping, watch over children, and do any task the owner wants (even be a friend). The robot's retail price, he said, will be between $20,000 and $30,000, but there's no timeline at this point.
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🤬 12🤮 6🤯 3
Шоу Илона Маск
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🙈 7🤮 2
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Чего и требовалось ожидать!
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😱 25🖕 8🙈 8🤡 4🤮 2🌚 2
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🤡 40💯 19
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Появилась "на свет". После "химио". Точно после "химии"?
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🤔 42😁 19🤡 5🗿 5👎 3 1😱 1
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🙈 17👀 7😱 3💩 2
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.