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[ { "channel":"rxd_txd", "info":"my bookmarks", "feedback":"@flsixtyfour", "topics":[ "devops", "linux", "sci", "music", "go", "/dev/null" ] } ]

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Repost from linkmeup
Безбожники запихали Doom в htop. Кому мерзость, но покажите ещё, можно посмотреть самому
Hammasini ko'rsatish... #k8s #kubernetes #conditions
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
What the heck are Conditions in Kubernetes controllers?

Although progress is being made, Kubernetes controllers and operators still require prior knowledge about Kubernetes internals. Information on how to set the status is scattered across comments, issues, PRs and the Kubernetes code itself. Conditions may be a good solution for your controller, but for what?

Repost from linkmeup
На случай если вам скучно и вдруг захочется почитать про организацию в линуксе замудрённого page cache.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Linux Page Cache for SRE

SRE deep dive into Linux Page Cache # In this series of articles, I would like to talk about Linux Page Cache. I believe that the following knowledge of the theory and tools is essential and crucial for every SRE. This understanding can help both in usual and routine everyday DevOps-like tasks and in emergency debugging and firefighting. Page Cache is often left unattended, and its better understanding leads to the following:

Челик проходил интервью в Google на позицию Senior Site Reliability Engineer, SE (System Engineering) и любезно записал все вопросы и ответы на них с рассуждениями Там есть и другие интервью на другие позиции
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Site Reliability Engineer, System Eng. @ Google

Hammasini ko'rsatish...

Извините, но мы продолжаем 🌝 Ссылка на запрос для получения списка действий пользователя на GitHub Там возвращается не всё, потому что были собраны данные об активности и выяснилось, что первые странные действия этого пользователя появились ещё в 2021 году
The first commits they make are not to xz, but they are deeply suspicious. Specifically, they open a PR in libarchive: Added error text to warning when untaring with bsdtar. This commit does a little more than it says. It replaces safe_fprint with an unsafe variant, potentially introducing another vulnerability. The code was merged without any discussion, and lives on to this day (patched). 
Everything I Know About the Xz Backdoor
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Hammasini ko'rsatish...
DOOM Captcha

🔥 1
Repost from linkmeup
Некоторые ханипоты это произведение искусства.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...