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Pericles Law Center

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We are proud to recognize Natalia Yurshina as our Student of the Month because she's a great role model for us all. Congratulations, Natalia.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
8👍 4🔥 1
Is it "me"? I was shocked to hear from my students yesterday that a law school near my home in Moscow was closed for live classes the next few weeks due to an attack of missiles! (ракеты) Coming so soon after the Crocus attack, I was really panicked. Only after a few moments of very confused discussion (OMG, was anyone killed? Was the building destroyed? etc.) did I find out they had mispronounced "measles." (корь) The school was quarantined due to some students with attacks--ie, an "outbreak"--of measles. To pronounce "mi" your mouth is rounded. To change it to "me" you must widen the sides of your mouth almost into a smile. Maybe the reason Americans are known to smile a lot is that they are thinking of "me"!😃 Take Pericles' Approaching Legal English course this summer, and learn to avoid pronunciation mistakes that could cause panic! Marian Dent, Dean
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
24👍 4😁 2
🤔 1
International Women’s Day Event Honoring Sandra Day O’Connor In celebration of the remarkable achievements of women in the legal field, Pericles Law Center, and our event sponsors KIAP, Attorneys at Law, D&A Partners and PETROL CHILIKOV law offices had a free screening of the movie "First Monday in October" March 6, 19:00-22:00 Before the main event and during a brief break, guests had the opportunity to connect and get to know one another. It was great to meet our alumni, new students, friends, and first-time guests, form relationships, and have so many interesting conversations. We are delighted to have attracted such a diverse and fascinating audience, and we hope to keep in touch. And again we want to thank KIAP, Attorneys at Law, D&A Partners and PETROL CHILIKOV law offices for their sponsorship, and all our attendees who were able to be a part of making this into a great annual Women’s Day event.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🔥 6👍 3🎉 2 1
We chose Sergey Gurin as our student of the month for his amazing perseverance, hard work, and ultimate amazing success! When Sergey first started in Pericles LL.M. program, in Fall 2012, he was really challenged by the English level and difficulty of the courses. His first semester grades were awful, so Professor Dent and Professor Mendelssohn actually advised him that he was unlikely to succeed and encouraged him to drop the program. But Sergey didn't believe that he couldn't master it. He took a step back and took several years to improve his English, figuring out how American law school programs worked, and then rejoining the LL.M. program in summer 2021, getting an A- in Legal Writing just for starters. Since then he has been building on that success with consistent high grades, until this fall, in International Asset Recovery, he got the top grade in the class! What an amazing improvement, Sergey, and we are so glad you proved our professors wrong!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🔥 15👍 10 3
Dear friends! If you ever wanted to learn about International Negotiations for Lawyers & Business People and how it works, but didn't know where to start, then look no further! “In negotiations never get angry. Convince people. Preferably with a gun.’ Don Corleone. The Godfather. Mario Puzo. This course is a joint program with law students from Pericles Law Center and business students from the Higher School of Economics, Masters of International Business Program. Students are from various countries. The major course goals are to: 1-Provide a framework to help students understand a wide range of negotiations in cross-cultural context;2-Build the strategic and tactical skills to negotiate more effectively in cross-cultural context. 3-Develop the emotional intelligence competencies to enlarge a skilful negotiator's toolbox. Don't delay, start now!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 2 1
International Negotiation Competition for Law Students Russian National Rounds Call for Participants INC-Russia 2024 Moscow, Russia 27-30 March 2024 The INC-Russia Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 Russian National Rounds of the International Negotiation Competition for Law Students. Under the Overall Purposes of the Competition stated in the INC Rules the competition aims to:  promote greater interest among law students in legal negotiations; and  qualify a team for INC-2024 Who can participate: The INC National Rounds are open to teams representing law schools and law faculties and consisting of current law students, post-graduate law students and immediate graduates. A registration form, INC Rules and Evaluation criteria are available at: How to participate: Teams are expected to submit their registration forms at [email protected]. The 10th INC National Rounds in Russia will be held for 12 teams with the consent of the INC Executive Committee. Teams without coaches are not eligible. Deadline for registration form submission: The registration form must be received at the latest by: 11 March 2024, 23:59 MSK (UTC+3) Location: Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Str., 9, Moscow Language: All activities within the event are held in English Funding: Participants are encouraged to cover their own costs for participation Organizing Committee: Elena Vyushkina – Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Saratov State Law Academy; [email protected] Natalia Golovina – LL.M. (International Law & Business Law), Senior Lecturer, International Law Competitions Department, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) [email protected] +7(926)836 23 01 Contact us: INC-Russia Organizing Committee: [email protected] Elena Vyushkina [email protected] Natalia Golovina [email protected] INC-Russia web-site: INC-Russia on VK:
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Free Women's Day Movie Screening and Reception It’s tough to be first! In celebration of the remarkable achievements of women in the legal field, Pericles Law Center, and our event sponsors KIAP, Attorneys at Law and D&A Partners invite you to a free screening of the movie "First Monday in October." This 1981 fictional comedy follows the journey of the first woman justice on the US Supreme Court, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs she faced, and painting an enlightening portrait of attitudes towards women in the law in the 1970s and 80s. Life imitates art as the first real woman on the Supreme Court was nominated that same year, and as the fictional justices wrangle with the limits of free speech versus pornography in a case that actually took place in the Supreme Court a full seven years after this movie was produced. Following the screening, we will enjoy refreshments, and engage in a heartfelt discussion and memorialization of the life and legacy of the recently deceased Sandra Day O’Connor, the trailblazing woman who made history as the first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Her groundbreaking contributions to the legal profession continue to inspire generations of women. The event is entirely in English, providing a rare and valuable opportunity to practice your English language listening and conversational skills. A limited Russian/English vocabulary will be available. Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 Time: 19:00-22:00 Location: Pericles Law Center, 34 Marxistkaya Ulitsa, Building 7, Moscow This event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women in law, honor the legacy of Sandra Day O’Connor, and engage in meaningful conversations about gender equality and representation in the legal field. Limited to the first 150 registrants. Registration closes on Tuesday, March 5 at 19:00 or when the event fills, whichever comes first. Register here:
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 8
Уважаемые коллеги! Арбитражная Ассоциация (РАА) и РАА25 проводят IX Конкурс РАА по Арбитражу Онлайн для студентов юридических факультетов России и стран СНГ! IX Конкурс РАА проходит при поддержке Генеральных Партнёров, которыми в этому году выступают следующие фирмы: VERBA LEGAL, АБ «ЕПАМ», ELWI Конкурс РАА уникален тем, что: 1. Команды и арбитры могут принимать участие из любой точки земного шара; 2. Ежегодно мы собираем порядка 50 команд не только из России, но и стран СНГ; 3. Фабулы всегда освещают актуальные правовые проблемы, а основываются они на реальных событиях; 4. В рамках Конкурса мы организовываем мастер-классы и круглые столы, в которых принимают в которых ведущие специалисты в отрасли помогают студентам прокачать свои профессиональные навыки; 5. Каждая команда, успешно загрузившая Исковое Заявление, получает бесплатный доступ к расширенной версии "Консультант+" для усиления своих процессуальных документов; 6. Лучшим спикерам Конкурса предоставляется возможность пройти стажировку в топовых российских и международных юридических фирмах. В этом году стажировки предоставляют фирмы: Nikolskaya Consulting, «Кульков, Колотилов и Партнёры», MANSORS, BETTER CHANCE, АБ «КИАП», «ВОСХОД»; 7. Яркое закрытие Конкурса проводится в просторном лофте с фуршетом и торжественным награждением; 8. В качестве Партнёров проведения заключительных раундов в этом году Конкурс поддерживают фирмы Lidings и «Кульков, Колотилов и Партнёры». 9. В этом году Конкурс проводится по арбитражному регламенту SIAC, что позволит участникам изучить процессуальные особенности ведения арбитража по правилам одного из наиболее востребованных арбитражных институтов! Конкурс РАА традиционно проводится в два этапа: I. Подготовка искового заявления и отзыва на исковое заявление и проведение онлайн-раундов посредством видеоконференцсвязи: 1. 1 февраля 2024 года была опубликована полная фабула с приложениями; 2. До 7 апреля 2024 года команды направляют исковые заявления; 3. До 12 мая 2024 года команды направляют отзывы на исковые заявления; 4. С 19 мая по 16 июня 2024 года - проведение онлайн-раундов; 5. До 20 июня 2024 года - опубликование результатов онлайн-раундов. II. Проведение Конференции Конкурса РАА и устных слушаний в офисах ведущих юридических фирм Москвы: 23 августа 2024 года - проведение Конференции РАА для участников Конкурса, тренеров команд, арбитров и всех интересующихся международным арбитражем; 23-25 августа 2024 года - проведение устных слушаний, в которых примут участие 24 команды, набравшие наибольшее количество баллов на этапе онлайн-раундов. Фабула Конкурса и другие подробности о Конкурсе - По всем вопросам можно обращаться к Координатору Конкурса Карпычеву Борису ([email protected]). До скорой встречи на мероприятиях IX Конкурса РАА!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🔥 1